Eternal Existence

Chapter 5286 Potential Crisis

"Now that we have the stuff, should we leave this area? Are there any other mutant lives?" Thunder Lord suddenly said at this time,

As for the specific situation of the dozen adventurers, no one took them seriously, and Chen Feng and his friends were not worried that they would cause any trouble.

"Since we have even scraped off the core, I think we can leave this special area now." The Second World said.

"But I still feel something is not right. The energy we got is just some mutant properties. Although it is very strong, it just derives some special lives. This special space with no exit seems to have other tricks."

"Can we get out? Let's try and we'll know."

Chen Feng and his friends discussed and felt that there was no change around them, but the dozen adventurers before had disappeared, and no one knew where they went.

Chen Feng and his friends walked together, and then came to a special space node. The four of them were affected differently, and suddenly they separated, and everyone lost the perception of the others.

"Sure enough, there is still a problem." Chen Feng stood still and did not move, but carefully observed the situation here.

The most important thing is to find the root cause.

I thought that after solving the problem here, I would leave this area, but the development of the matter was somewhat different from what I thought before.

Chen Feng wondered if it was because he had just solved the problem, and it would take time for the problem to spread.

But after careful observation, he found that it was not the case.

There is a third force, and it is the other party who created this special area with no way in and no way out.

But it is possible that the other party is not here.

"I just don't know if this mysterious person who may exist has discovered the changes here? If he found out, he would not watch us take away this mutant energy, right? But there is something wrong. If the other party has this strength, then there is no need to leave the mutant energy here, and he must take it away and digest it himself." Chen Feng felt that there were some contradictions in his guess.

But since he didn't understand these, he still tried to find a way to leave here. After all, the benefits here have fallen into his hands. If he stayed to study, even if he understood this weird situation, what would happen.

"In fact, I want to stay here and digest what I have gained before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After trying it out, Chen Feng still did not leave, but found the Thunder Lord.

The reason why he could find the Thunder Lord was because Chen Feng had known him for a long time, and the cause and effect between them was deeper. Chen Feng used the cause and effect technique to quickly reunite with the Thunder Lord.

Not long after the two reunited, the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman also appeared.

The four of them gathered together.

It was obvious that no one had gone out.

The two sides exchanged information.

"It's still a bit troublesome. I thought it was a bit simple before. I thought I could break a passage with my means. After all, no matter what the situation was, I could just break it with violence. Now it seems that this is not the case." The Thunder Lord said.

"I also hate this kind of confusing existence, but now I can't find any clues. Do you have any ideas?" The White Mirror Swordsman said.

Chen Feng naturally didn't believe this. Whether it was the Second World or the White Mirror Swordsman, in Chen Feng's opinion, the two of them were involved in a wide range of things and had many means. If they said that they couldn't leave this area, Chen Feng didn't believe it either. They were just trapped temporarily.

If this area could really trap him and others here, how strong was the existence behind it?

Chen Feng believed that even if it was the origin of one side, it would be difficult to trap the four of them. So there might be some special points in this area that he had not discovered, and it was not that he could crush them with a strong force.

"Don't worry, since this place is so interesting, we can look for it carefully." Chen Feng said.

"Okay, that's the only way." Thunder Lord nodded, and then the lightning flashed and disappeared instantly.

After the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman left, Chen Feng did not use his own means.

Chen Feng communicated with the Long River of Time. Instead of working hard himself, it would be easier to use other means.

Moreover, the Long River of Time has been here for a while. Chen Feng believes that with the all-pervasive ability of the power of time, even if the problem here cannot be solved, some clues will definitely be seen.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's guess is correct. The Long River of Time has indeed studied this area inside and out.

Moreover, Chen Feng and others can only enter but not leave this area, but the power of time can come and go freely.

That is to say, the River of Time can enter and exit at will. If Chen Feng wants to leave, he can also come out of the area with the help of the power of time.

It's just that Chen Feng didn't do this before. It's not that Chen Feng didn't think of it, but Chen Feng also wants to figure out this area and see what else is behind it?

Even such a strange mutant energy has been divided up, Chen Feng is full of confidence. Besides, if there is something more special, it will be a huge attraction to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't communicate with the River of Time before, and he didn't want Lei Ting Zhenjun and others to feel the existence of the power of time.

At this time, everyone separated, and Chen Feng naturally had to communicate well with the River of Time.

And Chen Feng believed that the Gate of Origin actually sent the Long River of Time to come here, and they were planning to take over this origin, so it was impossible that they didn't know about this origin at all, or it was impossible that they didn't have any preparation.

Rather than believing in the Long River of Time, for example, Chen Feng believed in the Gate of Origin more.

Sure enough, the response of the Long River of Time did not disappoint Chen Feng. The power of time had indeed explored this area carefully for a period of time before.

In terms of understanding this area, Chen Feng and his team were far less than the Long River of Time.

Soon he received all the news from the Long River of Time, and then Chen Feng also went from not understanding it at the beginning to having confidence in his heart now.

"It turns out that this place is not just about space, but also about other things. The most important thing is that this is not just a special area. It may be a means arranged by the Thunder Emperor himself. If so, it would be interesting." Combined with the news from the Long River of Time, Chen Feng also had various speculations in his heart.

You know, after Chen Feng came to this origin, he came to so many special areas, and these special areas were more powerful than each other. At first, Chen Feng was still wondering if the Thunder Emperor was being emptied? He chose to leave because he couldn't control his own territory.

But later Chen Feng thought that this was not the case. Perhaps it was because the Thunder Emperor was stronger and could suppress so many special areas.

Even if it was not suppression, the peaceful coexistence between the two sides also showed the power of the Thunder Emperor.

If this guess is correct, then everything makes sense.

But next, Chen Feng still wants to find some things that may still exist here. If he just leaves, it will be meaningless.

Chen Feng hopes to find some of the works left by the Thunder Emperor, even if it is just some array eyes.

"I still need some time. I can only take you out of this area now." Time River said.

"Then let's look for it here again. The special areas before, the array eyes and arrays can be seen, but the Thunder Emperor's methods are unnoticeable. Even now, I haven't found anything special. This alone is enough to prove that the Thunder Emperor is more powerful than the masters of those special areas. Of course, it's just some guesses now. After all, the special areas we went to are indeed very powerful, and there are many places that have not been explored yet." Chen Feng said as he disappeared from the spot under the wrapping of the power of time.

It seems that the long river of time has made some discoveries, so Chen Feng plans to go and see it himself, which can also save his time.

After arriving at the place, with the help of the long river of time, Chen Feng discovered more things this time, and saw the places that were hidden in the past that he could not see.

"It turns out that it's just some arrays running, and there are some special prohibitions, but these things are hidden very well, and integrated into this origin, which makes it impossible to detect. It turns out that the direction of search is wrong." Chen Feng finally understood.

Although Chen Feng figured out what happened here, he was a little disappointed. Because he did not gain any benefit, if there was any benefit, it would be to copy the hidden array and the system that merged with the origin. However, even so, he could only understand part of it. Because of the fusion with this origin, if Chen Feng really acted rashly, it would alarm this origin and he would be targeted by the origin.

"In this case, I can only choose to leave." Although he was a little disappointed, Chen Feng quickly adjusted his mentality.

Solving those bloodthirsty people and dividing the mutant energy was already a great gain, and there was no need to force it.

These special energies alone could allow Chen Feng to study for a long time. If he was not worried about the situation here, Chen Feng really wanted to stay here and practice with peace of mind.

Chen Feng quickly found Lei Ting Zhenjun and others and told them that he had found a way to leave.

Although Lei Ting Zhenjun and others were a little surprised, they did not ask too much. After all, if Chen Feng wanted to say something, he would naturally say it on his own initiative.

"In that case, let's leave. I always feel a little unsafe staying here. Maybe the Thunder Emperor is always watching us." Thunder Master said.

"I feel the same way. Just now I felt something and wanted to explore it carefully, but I felt a hint of danger. It seems that there is someone watching me." The Second Emperor also said so.

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