Eternal Existence

Chapter 5285: Stable and boring

Mirrors can reflect light, which is common sense for ordinary people. These energies are not simple. Under normal circumstances, even the most magical mirrors are difficult to resist.

The mirror released by the White Mirror Swordsman seems to be the opponent's nemesis.

"It turns out that the White Mirror Swordsman's body is a mirror. I caught the mirror light before and thought it was the opponent's magic weapon. I didn't expect it to be himself. It is not simple for a magic weapon to be cultivated to this level." The second generation said.

"It is indeed a bit surprising. It seems to be an origin-level mirror." Chen Feng also said so.

Although surprised, the White Mirror Swordsman did block the opponent's way. Chen Feng and the other two rushed up and used the sealing technique to seal the energy ball in it.

No matter how strange the opponent's power is, there is always a limit, and it cannot be invincible.

Otherwise, the opponent would not choose to escape, which also shows that the opponent has no confidence in affecting Chen Feng and others.

Facts have proved that this guess is correct.

Although the seal power released by Chen Feng is constantly rioting, countless changes have also occurred in this process, and Chen Feng soon lost control.

But before it is completely out of control, Chen Feng can arrange more seals, especially after Chen Feng uses the power of reincarnation, this riot and mutation can also be well controlled.

Lei Ting Zhenjun and others also have their own methods.

But such layers of seals seem to have trapped this energy ball, but the mutant power emitted by this energy ball is also constantly affecting the surrounding seals.

There are seals that are constantly mutating.

After the mutation, they either dissipate directly, or the formed power explodes directly, causing greater damage to other seals.

According to the momentum of this energy ball, it is like a continuous infection. Once Chen Feng and others stop, then these layers of seals may completely mutate in a chain.

Originally, Chen Feng still wanted to suppress this energy ball in his origin, but this time after seeing the opponent's power, he gave up this idea, because this energy ball may really affect his origin.

Once the origin is out of control, it will be too late to regret it.

Although this energy ball is very precious, Chen Feng does not want to take out one side of the origin to exchange.

Besides, if the origin collapses by then and the energy ball is not successfully collected, then it will be a real loss.

So Chen Feng chose to attack directly, directly opened a channel on the seal, and then the burst of sword energy was compressed together and pierced the energy ball.

Although the two sides collided, Chen Feng also noticed that the sword energy he released also mutated and lost control in a very short time, but soon this beam of sword energy could return to the original path and shoot towards Chen Feng fiercely.

"The opponent did not have this ability before, otherwise, it could easily break these seals, which means that this scene is just a coincidence." Chen Feng waved the long sword in his hand and tore this uncontrolled sword energy into pieces.

Next, Chen Feng still used the previous means. Although the sword energy mutated this time, it did not return to the original path like before, but rolled and exploded directly. Although it exploded layers of seals, Chen Feng also noticed that it also caused some impact on this energy ball.

"It really works. How long can we last if we passively take the beating like this?" Chen Feng had a clue in his mind.

Chen Feng's actions also inspired the True Lord Lei Ting and the others. They also broke through the channel and output their own power.

Under the continuous attacks of several people, the energy ball finally cracked.

The opponent was a little anxious. Just like life, he emitted some power fluctuations similar to screams, and was also frantically launching will attacks, trying to make a gap and then rush out.

The more violent and fierce the opponent was, the more serious the situation was. Chen Feng and his friends would naturally not take it lightly.

Even if they really suffered some injuries under the opponent's attack, they had to grit their teeth and persist.

Finally, under the crazy attack of several people, the energy ball was finally shattered, and a very powerful force swept around.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that any energy he had encountered in the past was not as evil as the one in front of him.

But Chen Feng and his friends still took action to grab this power.

The energy burst out of the energy ball was finally divided up by Chen Feng and his friends, and then Chen Feng and his friends each showed some mutations.

In this situation, he could only use his own means to suppress it.

"If anyone can't suppress it, you can leave it to me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng had used the seal he released before to compress these mutant energies together and re-formed a small capacity ball. Although his seal collapsed severely during this process, even he was a little bit contaminated.

But Chen Feng was still able to suppress it.

After all, this is not all the power, and he only got a part of it.

Even so, Chen Feng has actually used a lot of means and dare not take it lightly.

And Chen Feng needs to solve these mutant energies as soon as possible, either suppressing the seal perfectly or refining and absorbing it himself, otherwise it may really affect his origin.

Lei Ting Zhenjun and the others naturally have various means, and they just smiled when they heard Chen Feng's words.

This kind of energy can still be suppressed.

Besides, even if they couldn't, they wouldn't give up such a benefit. Even if they could delay a little bit, they could come up with a solution.

And they also understood that Chen Feng was joking just now.

Because in the division process just now, although it seemed that everyone was grabbing, in fact, no one took the initiative to take more energy. Everyone took what they deserved, so there was no dispute.

"Now that we have the things, should we leave this area? I wonder if there are other mutant lives?" At this time, Thunder Lord suddenly said,

As for the specific situation of the dozen adventurers, no one took it seriously. Chen Feng and his friends were not worried that they would cause any trouble.

"Since we have scraped off even the core, I think we can leave this special area now." The Second said.

"But I still feel something is not right. The energy we get is just some mutant properties. Although it is very strong, it can only derive some special life forms. This special space with no exit seems to have other tricks."

"Can we get out? Let's try and find out."

Chen Feng and his friends discussed and felt that there was no change around them, but the dozen adventurers before had disappeared, and they didn't know where they went.

Chen Feng and his friends walked together, and then came to a special space node. The four of them were affected differently, and suddenly they separated, and everyone lost the perception of the others.

"Sure enough, there is still a problem." Chen Feng stood there without moving, but carefully observed the situation here.

The most important thing is to find the root cause.

I thought that after solving the existence here, I would leave this area, but the development of things was somewhat different from the previous idea.

Chen Feng wondered if it was because he had just solved the other party, and it would take time to spread.

But after careful observation, he found that it was not the case.

There is a third force, and it is the other party who created this special area with no exit.

But it is possible that the other party is not here.

"I just don't know if this mysterious person who may exist has discovered the changes here? If he has discovered it, he won't watch us take away this mutant energy, right? But there is something wrong. If the other party has this strength, there is no need to leave the mutant energy here. He must take it away and digest it himself." Chen Feng felt that there were some contradictions in his guess.

However, since he didn't understand these, he still wanted to find a way to leave here. After all, the benefits here have fallen into his hands. If he stayed to study, even if he understood this weird situation, what would happen.

"In fact, I want to stay here and digest what I have gained before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After trying it, Chen Feng still didn't leave, but found Thunder Lord.

The reason why he could find Thunder Lord was because Chen Feng and the other party had known each other for a long time, and the cause and effect between the two sides was deeper. Chen Feng used the cause and effect technique to quickly reunite with Thunder Lord.

Not long after the two reunited, the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman also appeared.

The four gathered together.

It was obvious that no one went out.

The two sides exchanged information.

"It's still a bit troublesome. I thought it was a bit simple before. I thought I could break a passage with my means. After all, no matter what the situation is, I can just break it with violence. Now it seems that this is not the case." Thunder Master said.

"I also hate this kind of confusing existence, but now I can't find any clues. Do you have any ideas?" White Mirror Swordsman said.

Chen Feng naturally didn't believe this. Whether it was the Second World or the White Mirror Swordsman, in Chen Feng's opinion, the two of them were involved in a wide range of things and had many means. If they said that they couldn't leave this area, Chen Feng didn't believe it either. They were just trapped temporarily.

If this area can really trap him and others here, how strong is the existence behind it?

Chen Feng believed that even if it was the origin of one side, it would be difficult to trap the four of them. Then this area might have some special points that he had not discovered, and it was not that it could be crushed by relying on powerful forces.

"Don't worry, since this place is so interesting, we can look for it carefully." Chen Feng said.

"Okay, this is the only way." Thunder Lord nodded, then flashed with lightning and disappeared instantly.

After the Second World and White Mirror Swordsman left, Chen Feng did not use his own methods.

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