Eternal Existence

Chapter 528 Seven Demon Kings

"This, this, what is going on?" The flame eagle was so excited that he couldn't say anything. However, the flames on his body that seriously injured him had dissipated, which was a surprise to him.

"You are now in my magic weapon. If you want to leave here in the future, you will need the power of my magic weapon. Okay, there is no need to say more. You can just stay here with peace of mind." Chen Feng said and ignored him. The flame eagle then stretched out its hand and pointed, and the rich spiritual energy rolled down from the sky, quickly engulfing Chen Feng. The spiritual energy was so rich that Chen Feng's figure could not be seen.

In the eyes of Lei Feng and others, it was like a long river of spiritual energy crashing down, and soon everyone was in a fairyland.

"Oh, the spiritual energy here is purer than the spiritual energy we absorbed just now."

"Of course, we just absorbed it outside. Now we can absorb it in the spirit stone mine. Of course, what we absorb is the purest and richest spiritual energy."

"Okay, don't say any more. This is a good opportunity. Such pure spiritual energy has already surpassed our Taiyi Immortal Mountain several times. It's better to practice quickly. Maybe you can go further."

Seeing Chen Feng practicing, Lei Feng and the others were not idle. They couldn't miss such a good opportunity. As for the flame eagle, he also recovered from the shock. After feeling it carefully for a while, he started to practice. The flame eagle practiced. In the process, he did not turn into a human form, but used his body to absorb the spiritual energy around him. The flame eagle swallowed the spiritual energy and saw the wind surging. Every time he exhaled, the clouds rolled, and every time he absorbed it, a vortex was formed.

The amount of spiritual energy absorbed by the Flame Eagle alone far exceeded the amount of spiritual energy absorbed by Lei Feng and the others.

Although Chen Feng is also absorbing the spiritual energy around him, the amount absorbed is very small. Even Mu Qingfeng and the two are far behind. At this time, Chen Feng is concentrating on integrating the sea of ​​consciousness. Only the nine seas of consciousness are completely integrated, reaching the level of consciousness. Only those who have perfected the sea can be promoted to the realm of heaven and human beings.

Chen Feng has longed for the Heavenly Realm for a long time.


Chen Feng snorted, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose. At this time, Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was in chaos, and his whole head was buzzing. The power of his soul was constantly moving, making Chen Feng feel uncomfortable and wanted to shout loudly. shouted.

"Hey, how do you feel?" Ta laughed.

"Why is it so difficult to integrate the sea of ​​consciousness?" After a long time, Chen Feng managed to suppress the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness.

"You think it's easy, hehe, boy, just practice slowly." Ta said proudly, as if he was happy to see Chen Feng deflated.

Only then did Chen Feng realize that he had thought of things too simply at first. He originally thought that he was very close to the realm of heaven and human beings, but he did not expect that it would be so difficult to cultivate to the perfection of the Sea of ​​Consciousness. He was just beginning, and even the first step was not enough. He hit a wall before taking a step forward, but Chen Feng was not disappointed. Instead, he shook his head, calmed down and continued to practice. However, this time Chen Feng did not forcibly merge the sea of ​​consciousness again, but instead practiced the opened acupoints. The orifice is gone.

During the entire secret realm, Chen Feng opened forty-five large acupoints. Some of these acupoints suppressed some magic weapons. The lowest level of these magic weapons were treasures, and the highest level was the Taoist artifact of the Blood Gathering Bead. Of course, the Eternal Life Tower is Chen Feng's natal magic weapon, and it is a special existence, so it does not count.

Although these magic weapons have brought Chen Feng great power, Chen Feng also knows that there are still some hidden drawbacks, and once these drawbacks are exposed, Chen Feng will be doomed. The reason for the hidden drawbacks is that Chen Feng did not put these drawbacks into practice. The magic weapons are completely refined, and some of these magic weapons are suppressed by the Eternal Life Tower. Chen Feng knows that once these magic weapons cannot be suppressed and burst out, Chen Feng will be shattered into pieces and his soul will dissipate.

Therefore, Chen Feng is not in a hurry to integrate the sea of ​​consciousness at this time. Instead, he first stabilizes the magic weapons in these acupoints and rationalizes them clearly.

"It seems that it still needs some power of heavenly calamity. This boy's physical body is still not strong enough." Ta shook his head, sat on a spiritual tree, stretched out his hand to pick a spiritual fruit, but before putting it in his mouth, he Throw it out again.

"Hey, I don't know when my strength will be restored. I can't even eat now. It's really depressing." Ta said, reaching out and pinching a few spells. The Tower of Eternal Life shook violently, absorbing spiritual energy even faster.


Just when Ta was depressed. A middle-aged man with a slender figure and a handsome and resolute face suddenly appeared in front of Ta. Seeing this middle-aged man, Ta was immediately startled: "Why are you coming out again? Don't you know that it is very scary to appear suddenly like this?" ”

"Haha, are you a human?" Ya said with a smile.

"Hmph, look how I am no longer a human being like this?" Ta sneered.

Ya smiled, waved his hand, and a fruit condensed with water power fell into his hand, and then ate it up in a few bites: "I didn't expect that this little guy was lucky enough to find Zhou Tianshu."

"How about it? You're surprised. Although this kid's cultivation talent is not very good, he is better than hard work and he is really lucky. By the way, you suddenly showed up just to say a few words to me, right?" Ta said with his eyes wide open. .

"Of course not, but seeing that one of you is practicing slowly and the other doesn't know when you can recover your strength, I feel a little impatient, so I came out to help you." Ya said as he stretched out his broad and powerful palm and grabbed it fiercely. The space fluctuated slightly, and Ta immediately felt that Ya had communicated with a strange space. Then, the power of water, fire, thunder, earth, wind, blue, gold, black, and purple appeared in his palm, but they were all compressed into a ball and did not burst out. Feeling these power of heavenly tribulation, Ta's eyes immediately brightened: "Tsk tsk, it seems that you still love your son."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Ya waved his hand, and these power of heavenly tribulation fell to the ground one after another. Soon, thunder pools, fire pools, water pools and other places for Chen Feng to practice were formed on the ground.

"Okay, with these power of tribulation, I think the speed of this little guy's practice will soon come up." Ya said with a smile.

"Aren't you worried that this kid can't hold on?"

"Haha, if he can't even bear this little bit of training, he doesn't deserve to own the Longevity Tower, nor does he deserve to be my son Wu Ya." When he said this, Ya suddenly exuded a domineering aura.

"Hey, if it weren't for the war that year, the spiritual roots in this kid wouldn't have dissipated. If the spiritual roots hadn't dissipated, his cultivation speed would have advanced by leaps and bounds. Who knows what he has cultivated to now." Ta laughed.

"This is his fate."

"Okay, don't say these useless things. If you have the time, you might as well collect some world origin fragments. If this kid can melt it into a chaotic body, then he will have a bright future in the future."

"Chaotic body, you dare to think about it. Let's not talk about the fact that my thought doesn't have this means. Even if I find the world origin fragments, do you think you can melt it into a chaotic body? Even if you recover to your strongest state, you don't have this confidence, right?" Ya laughed.

"Others can't, but maybe this kid can. Don't you believe in your son?" Although Ta spoke loudly, he was obviously a little guilty.

"Okay, I won't say more to you. I didn't expect that after being knocked down, even you started to think about unrealistic things." Ya waved his hand, and then suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to talk to me, I will cultivate a chaotic body for you to see." Ta said dissatisfiedly.

Chen Feng naturally didn't know about the conversation between Ta and Wu Ya, not to mention that Chen Feng was now completely immersed in cultivation, starting with the Yiyuan acupoint. At this time, the magic weapon in the Yiyuan acupoint was the Demon Sealing Sword, a sixth-grade holy weapon. Chen Feng knew that this magic weapon was not something he could completely refine in a short time, and even if he was promoted to the Heavenly Man Realm, he could not exert the full power of this sword unless he used the power of the Longevity Tower.

"Huh!" A long airflow spurted out of Chen Feng's mouth, and the airflow contained some impurities, which were condensed from Chen Feng's body.

"It's a long road to fully master the use of this Demon Sealing Sword by one's own strength." Chen Feng sighed.

Chen Feng and others practiced peacefully in the Longevity Tower, while the Longevity Tower absorbed the spiritual energy in the mine pit autonomously, and the absorption speed was getting faster and faster. Outside the mine pit, seven demon kings with demonic auras were flying.

These seven demon kings were the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, the Dark Night Demon Horned Beast, the King Kong Tyrant Bear, the Jade Eyed Crazy Lion, the Purple Lightning Marten, the Flame Fantasy Bird, and the Powerful Explosive Ape.

At this time, the seven demon kings were observing the spirit stone mine below while communicating quickly, but before that, the seven demon kings had already attacked the restrictions on the spirit stone mine pit, but in the end there was no effect.

"Everyone, what do you think?" The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox spoke first: "It can save the Flame Eagle from my hands, and it can also penetrate the restrictions to enter the spirit stone mine. This ability is much stronger than ours."

"I don't think so. Maybe the other party just knows how to break the formation." The powerful explosive ape shook his head.

"This is a bit strange. I think the cultivators coming in from outside should not be able to do this."

"Yes, the cultivators in the Heavenly Realm can't walk here at all."

"Hehe, don't forget the humans on the Flame Eagle."

"This is the Flame Eagle betraying its own people."

"Everyone listen to me, I think this may not be a bad thing?" At this time, the Flame Phantom Bird spoke.

"You still say it's not a bad thing. The spiritual energy in the mine is decreasing rapidly. I think we don't need to practice in the future."

"Okay, stop arguing, or listen to what the Flame Phantom Bird says."

The other demon kings all stopped talking. This Flame Phantom Bird still has some Taoism. In terms of spiritual intelligence, the Flame Phantom Bird is the highest among them.

"Think about it, first of all, why does this Flame Eagle help those humans?" The Flame Phantom Bird said slowly.

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