Eternal Existence

Chapter 527: Entering the Spirit Stone Mine

"This is a more advanced existence than the Baojing. Could it be the Saint Crystal? Could it be the Saint Crystal Spirit Mine below?" Chen Feng stretched out his hand to grab it, and a stream of spiritual energy fell into his hand. Chen Feng was a little surprised when he felt the quality of the spiritual energy. said.

"Yes, there is indeed a holy crystal underneath this spiritual stone mine. Otherwise, no matter how big this spiritual stone mine is, it will not be able to benefit all the creatures within tens of thousands of miles around us." The flame eagle said proudly.

"Holy Crystal, this should be the highest-level spiritual stone mine in our eternal world, and the higher level is the Immortal Crystal." Lei Feng said and took out a space magic weapon and began to absorb it crazily. If he uses this By cultivating spiritual energy, the time to become a human immortal will be shortened again.

Mu Qingfeng and Zhang Xuanjin were not idle either. Mu Qingfeng took out a purple gold bottle, and Zhang Xuanjin took out a round bracelet. Like Mu Qingfeng, the two of them were trying their best to absorb the spiritual energy in the space. .

Soon there were three more tornadoes above the three people's heads, but these three tornadoes were not even a hair compared to the overall aura spewing out of the mine mouth.

Among the four, only Chen Feng did not move, because Chen Feng was communicating quickly with the tower. Besides, if Chen Feng took action, it would not be that simple. Instead, he was thinking about how to take over the entire spirit stone mine.

"Ta, is this the Holy Crystal Mine?"

"Yes, it's the Holy Crystal." Ta was also a little excited.

"If you devour this spiritual stone mine, will you be able to return to the level of a Taoist weapon?"

"This is a bit difficult, but if we add another immortal weapon, even a damaged one, it will be almost the same."

"What will happen later?"

"As usual, just devour it, but I will leave some for you. After all, you need it very much now."

"Okay, now that the Lingshi Mine has seen it, it's time for us to leave before those demon kings find out." At this time, the Flame Eagle suddenly said.

"What's the rush? We'll collect more later. How could we miss such a good opportunity?" Zhang Xuanjin said without raising his head.

After a stick of incense, the flame eagle couldn't bear it any longer. Although these humans didn't collect much spiritual energy, they probably wouldn't alarm the demon kings around them, but what if something happened? If the demon kings were alarmed, Even if he could escape, he would have to pay some price. At this time, the flame eagle even began to regret that he had found these humans.

"If my feeling is wrong, then I will be at a huge loss. If my feeling is correct, as long as I can get my freedom, then everything will be worth it." The Flame Eagle thought in his heart.

"Okay, it's almost done." The flame eagle swung its body and was about to leave here.

"Wait a minute, this spirit stone mine is so big, we are as big as ants, how could those demon kings notice it?"

"Yes, there are so many elixirs growing around this spirit stone mine. I just saw a few elixirs that are over ten thousand years old. It won't be too late for me to collect a few before I leave."

"I've never seen even one of these elixirs that are thousands of years old."

Later, the three Lei Feng people were so excited that they no longer collected spiritual energy. Instead, they flew out from the flame eagle's back and rushed towards the elixirs around the Lingshi Mine. This was the closest place to the Lingshi Mine, where the spiritual energy grew. Medicine is naturally the best.

"Hey, aren't you looking for death? I won't care about you then." The Flame Eagle shook his head, but seeing that Chen Feng didn't move, the Flame Eagle breathed a sigh of relief. The only one who could take him away was this young man, and the others would die. I don't care.

"It's our turn." Chen Feng said and jumped directly from the Flame Eagle. Unlike Lei Feng and the others, Chen Feng rushed directly towards the mine entrance.

Seeing this scene, the flame eagle was stunned for a moment, and then its huge body moved slightly and stood in front of Chen Feng: "The entrance to this spiritual stone mine is prohibited, and even the demon king can't rush in. You still need to collect a few spiritual medicines." Leave now."

You must know that the Flame Eagle usually relies on its speed to come here, only to collect a few elixirs, and it is still cautious. This time, bringing Chen Feng and the four here has gone beyond what he usually does.

From the perspective of the Flame Eagle, it was normal for Lei Feng and the others to pick the elixir, but Chen Feng's actions were a bit outrageous.

"The Demon King can't get in, how do you know I can't get in." Chen Feng smiled and swayed, bypassing the flame eagle and rushing towards the mine entrance again.

"Boy, don't die, come back quickly, I have to rely on you to get out of this hellish place." The face of the flame eagle changed, and it stretched out its huge claws to grab Chen Feng. Of course, this flame eagle was not for The purpose of attacking Chen Feng was just to bring Chen Feng back.

"Get back!"

But before the sharp claws of the flame eagle could catch Chen Feng, a sound like thunder exploded in the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the flame eagle, which made the flame eagle feel dizzy, shook for a while and almost fell to the ground.

"What's going on? What happened just now?" The flame eagle finally managed to stabilize his body, but he was so frightened that the breath of the voice just now made him feel breathless.

At this time, Chen Feng had arrived in front of the mine entrance, and layers of restrictive arrays immediately emerged. These arrays dazzled Chen Feng and made him feel frightened.

"Are these restrictions natural?" Chen Feng asked in surprise. No wonder the Flame Eagle said that even the Demon King could not enter. Indeed, Chen Feng almost lost it after just one glance.

"It's not natural, it's man-made."

"Can I enter?"

"It's a small thing."

Then the Flame Eagle was surprised to find that Chen Feng was emitting a soft light, and then drilled towards the restriction at the mine entrance. The restriction that could block the demon king seemed to be useless at this time, and did not play the corresponding role at all. Chen Feng slowly passed through layers of restrictions and began to move deeper into the mine entrance.

"How is it possible? Am I dazzled?" The Flame Eagle exclaimed.

The Flame Eagle knew clearly what realm Chen Feng was in, and the power of the restriction in front of him, so he couldn't believe it when he saw all this.

Seeing Chen Feng disappear into the mine entrance, the Flame Eagle could no longer bear it, and followed carefully.


A lightning as thick as a water tank shot out, and the Flame Eagle was heavily whipped out. With the strong body of the Flame Eagle, it almost fainted. This lightning was almost equivalent to the thunder that had to be faced when promoted to the demon king.

"What's going on? Why was he fine when he went in, but I had problems when I went in?" The Flame Eagle was surprised, but he quickly realized that Chen Feng must have a magic weapon that could break the forbidden magic array.

After entering the mine, the Longevity Tower immediately flew out impatiently, and then began to absorb the spiritual energy around without saying a word. Soon a huge vortex appeared in the middle of the spiritual stone mine. Soon the huge spiritual stone mine stopped erupting spiritual energy, and a large black hole appeared on the ground. If someone watched from a high altitude, they would feel terrified, as if this huge black hole could swallow themselves.

"Hey, the spiritual energy is no longer erupting, what's going on." The Flame Eagle was a little strange and didn't understand what happened. You know, this spiritual stone mine has been erupting for many years, and it seems that it has never stopped. Why did something unexpected happen after a small human entered today?

"No, this will definitely alarm the demon kings. We're doomed."

Sure enough, seven powerful auras rose from around the spirit stone mine, each of which made the flame eagle feel frightened, and the seven auras made the flame eagle's consciousness begin to confuse.

The flame eagle flapped its wings, and a gust of wind swept out, immediately grabbing Lei Feng and the other two and landing on its back.

"You really don't know how to live or die. Now that the demon kings have been alarmed, we will all die here." The flame eagle said anxiously.

After the flame eagle finished speaking, it stretched out its body and was about to leave this place. Since these demon kings had been alarmed, if it didn't leave, it would lose its life.

However, before the flame eagle had time to leave, a red light suddenly rushed into the sky and fell on the flame eagle, and then this ball of red light burned violently, and it turned out to be a ball of fire.

It is said that the flame eagle is also a fire-type monster, and ordinary flames can directly swallow it, but now it suddenly screamed, and a burnt smell emanated from its body. The flame eagle was actually burned by the flame.

"It's bad, it was the Nine-Tailed Fox who did it." The Flame Eagle was extremely frightened, knowing that he was doomed today. Although he was also a fire-type monster, and with the identity of a flying bird, his speed was considered the top among the monsters of the same level, but now he was not in the same league as the Monster King. Not to mention anything else, just the flames on his body were enough for him to bear.

"Flame Eagle, since you are of the same kind, I will not kill you this time, but these humans must die." A deep voice came from afar.

After hearing this, the Flame Eagle struggled in his heart, then sighed and was about to attack Lei Feng and the other two, because the Flame Eagle clearly felt that he was locked by seven breaths. Not to mention that he was a half-step monster king, even if he really promoted to the realm of the monster king, he could not escape.

Just when the Flame Eagle was about to attack Lei Feng and the other two, suddenly a strong suction force was transmitted from the spirit stone mine below, directly acting on the Flame Eagle. The Flame Eagle already felt that he was imprisoned, and then a flower appeared in front of him and he found another place.

"Where is this?" Although the Flame Eagle had escaped the lock of the seven demon kings' auras, it felt even more terrified because the power that it could not resist just now was too strong.


Chen Feng appeared in front of the Flame Eagle and stretched out his hand to grab it. The blazing flames on the Flame Eagle were immediately pulled out and dissipated into the air after spinning a few times in Chen Feng's palm.

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