Eternal Existence

Chapter 5283 The finale

Although they said so, everyone was not slow to attack, and even if they wanted to retreat, these bloodthirsty people were unwilling to do so.

At least now it seems that these bloodthirsty people have the upper hand. Even if some tentacles were cut off, the other party did not seem to care.

At this time, Chen Feng received news from the Time River. During this period, the Time River has been very low-key. Chen Feng knows that in fact, the Time River has been using its power to explore everything here. The reason why there is no movement is that nothing special has been found.

This time, the Time River discovered a special energy here. It is because of the existence of these special energies that these powerful tentacle monsters appeared.

As for what kind of energy it is, the Time River has never seen it, but this energy is quite special. The Time River said that it released some time power to contact it, and then some mutations occurred.

According to the speculation of the Time River, these bloodthirsty people are the result of mutation.

"Even the power of time can have an impact, but these bloodthirsty people look exactly the same, and they are very bloodthirsty. Could it be that they were the same life before? Otherwise, why would they mutate into the same result?" Chen Feng guessed.

Of course, Chen Feng had not come into contact with that kind of energy, and he was just making some guesses based on what the river of time said.

The specific situation would not be known until he came into contact with it.

But the bloodthirsty person in front of him was so powerful that he had mutated. If he was infected, would there be some changes?

Although Chen Feng believed in himself very much, some powers were too strange and he still needed to be careful.

For example, the blinding power of the old man in the spiritual realm that he had encountered before, Chen Feng had not been able to solve it until now. Even if his strength was stronger, he could not stop the opponent's blinding power, unless his true avenue could be improved again, and it was still improved to a very high level to resist.

And the special energy encountered this time was obviously also that kind of powerful and special attribute power, and there might be some will of the strong in it.

There were too many things involved, and Chen Feng, no matter how arrogant he was, did not dare to contact it rashly.

But his curiosity was extremely strong, and there were several helpers around him, so he had to go and see it.

Chen Feng informed others of the news he had received, and the three Lei Ting Zhenjun also began to analyze it.

But the result of the analysis was to find this special energy as soon as possible.

In any case, this kind of power must have a certain research value. If it is used well, it can also make one's own strength break through.

But the premise is to deal with so many bloodthirsty people in front of us.

And this kind of energy is in the bloodthirsty people's nest.

"This is a bit troublesome. It is difficult for us to deal with the opponent, mainly because there are too many of them." Thunder Master said with some concern.

"It is difficult to destroy the opponent if we only deal with the opponent's tentacles, because the opponent's power is endless. Even if we can cut off the opponent's attack ten times, it is hard to guarantee that we will not be seriously injured in the process, so we still need to find the opponent's core point, so that we can severely damage the opponent in one fell swoop." The second said.

"Do you have a way?" Thunder Master asked.

"I am more or less confident, but it is still a bit troublesome to have so many tentacles blocking the way." The second said.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If we can get close to the opponent, we can naturally deal with this monster." Thunder Master said with some dissatisfaction.

"What I mean is that we should not think about cutting off these tentacles, but have the power to erode the opponent's body, so that it is possible to succeed." The second generation said that a ball of light that had been prepared long ago directly hit one of the tentacles.

This tentacle was originally intended to entangle the second generation, but it was hit by the power. According to the previous situation, this tentacle was supposed to be shattered, but this power invaded the tentacle. The tentacles were intact, but the bloodthirsty body suddenly blew a big hole.

Although this big hole is healing quickly, it is not as fast as everyone imagined.

This shows that killing the opponent's body is indeed effective, but this time the second generation's attack did not accurately find the opponent's core point.

However, the second generation continued to output power, and the bloodthirsty continued to blast out big holes, and finally became torn apart.

Although it is still recovering, the process of reshaping the body has become slower. And in this case, even if the opponent recovers quickly, it also shows that it has indeed worked.

So needless to say, Chen Feng and his friends have naturally used this method.

This method of power transmission is not complicated, and Chen Feng and his friends can do it.

The first to work was the method from the Thunder Lord, because the lightning power he exerted had a wider coverage and stronger attack power, and finally found the opponent's core point.

Then this bloodthirsty fell on the spot, leaving only a broken body, which could not be healed again.

Although the broken flesh and blood still contained energy, the life mark of this bloodthirsty had been erased, which was also considered a real death.

In this way, the situation began to deviate. Although there were still many tentacles, and Chen Feng and others were hit from time to time, and they were also slightly injured, during the battle, a bloodthirsty fell every once in a while.

As the number of bloodthirsty people decreased, the mysterious will that had been attacking everyone before disappeared.

The other party seemed to be scared and hid away and dared not attack again.

The remaining few bloodthirsty people also chose to flee. Chen Feng and his friends did not want to chase them, but they could not catch up at all.

In any case, the strength of these bloodthirsty people is still very strong.

However, after solving these problems, Chen Feng and his friends also began to look for that special mutant energy.

After Chen Feng and his friends disappeared, the adventurers who were watching the battle in the distance were shocked beyond words.

They originally wanted to escape from this place, but they did not expect that the situation changed before they had time to leave.

And this change was unexpected.

They knew that Chen Feng and his friends were powerful, but they did not expect that they were so powerful that they could slaughter the bloodthirsty people who could not resist.

You know, everyone couldn't deal with a bloodthirsty person before, but this time more than a dozen bloodthirsty people ended up like this.

The strength comparison between the two sides is simply far apart.

In other words, if Chen Feng and his friends wanted to take action, they could completely kill these dozen adventurers.

So these people did not dare to follow them anymore.

"Unfortunately, there must be something good behind this."

"Don't even think about it, otherwise you'll be angry and want to die."

So these adventurers left one after another. Even if a few of them thought they had some means, they chose to leave after hesitating for a while.

The gap between the two sides was too big, and he was still not qualified to follow.

"It's here." Chen Feng followed the instructions of the long river of time and came to a sea of ​​energy.

"This sea of ​​energy looks good, but it is far from the quality we estimated. So the mutant energy is in the sea, and there will be some powerful mutant life." Thunder Master said.

"Even if there is, what can we do? The previous bloodthirsty people have been dealt with." The second generation didn't care.

And Chen Feng has accurately locked the specific location of the mutant energy, which is in the center of this sea of ​​power.

"Although this sea of ​​power cannot be compared with the special paint I'm looking for this time, it can also expand my origin." Chen Feng said and directly activated the vortex origin. The huge vortex began to swallow everything. The sea of ​​power in front of him couldn't resist it at all. As time went by, this seemingly boundless sea was constantly shrinking.

Seeing Chen Feng's actions, several people who were originally thinking about rushing in also stopped where they were and waited for the battle.

Sure enough, when the ocean in front of them was about to disappear, a ball of light suddenly rose up and broke through the space to escape from here.

Lei Ting Zhenjun and his men were well prepared and directly blocked the four directions of the void to prevent the light ball from rushing out.

But then the light ball emitted a strange power that affected the four directions, and even the void mutated.

"There is such a thing. I thought it only affected life, but I didn't expect that even power and laws have mutated." Lei Ting Zhenjun said in disbelief.

Since the space has mutated, the light ball took the opportunity to break a passage, but then the sword formation of the White Mirror Swordsman suppressed it.

"Even if my sword formation can mutate, it will take some time." The White Mirror Swordsman said with a smile.

"I hope this power is stronger than I imagined." The Second World said that he also used means to block the four directions.

Chen Feng's ambition was a little bigger. He thought about putting this light ball directly into the origin to increase it. Although he was a little worried about whether it would affect his square origin, Chen Feng still wanted to gamble and give it a try. If it didn't work, he would release the other party.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to try, a wave of will suddenly rushed straight to Chen Feng.

Although Chen Feng tried his best to block and resist, his sea of ​​consciousness was still churning.

The opponent's will attack actually contained the power of mutation. Although the result of mutation brought strength, the power that was not under his control was the same as a puppet.

Just think about the bloodthirsty people before.

Chen Feng hurriedly used all means to suppress his abnormality, so that he could no longer target this light ball better.

"Did the other party feel the danger? Otherwise, how could they attack me by passing them?" Chen Feng told the three people of Thunder Master while washing himself.

"This power is indeed a bit strange, but if we want to run away, wouldn't it make us look incompetent?" The White Mirror Swordsman finally used his final skill.

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