Eternal Existence

Chapter 5282: Crush Everything

"But we still have to be careful. I think this weak area is not as weak as the other party said."

"We'll know after we try it."

The three of them quickly followed up, with Thunder Lord leading the charge. The lightning hair tore a path, and the light rushing up was constantly defeated.

"It does look a little weaker. It didn't attract countless silk nets like before."

The three of them were ready for a fight, but the situation was completely different after they came in. Chen Feng and the Second Generation didn't even have to make a move.

Soon they met the White Mirror Swordsman.

"The plan was wrong. The power of the array eye is gathering towards other array eyes." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"It doesn't matter. Didn't we fight against all the power before?" Chen Feng said indifferently.

"It's not like that. The power this time will be stronger. So many array eyes before were just cooperation. This time it is a real fusion. The power that erupts will be stronger than before. After all, this is also the other party's desperate means." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"It looks quite troublesome." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Even so, I have to collect the array eye here first." Chen Feng said, still like before, stretching out his palm to grab the mountain.

Although there were still counterattacks and fusion lights, they were far less than before. The few people joined forces to solve the mountain.

Then they collected other array eyes one after another.

What Bai Jingjianke said before was correct. These array eyes did concentrate the power together.

"Otherwise, we can try to find the most important array eye directly?" Chen Feng suddenly suggested.

After all, doing so can save some time, but the other party may also take this opportunity to make some changes.

Bai Jingjianke shook his head and said, "I know this place better. If we go to find the most important array eye, the other party will definitely make some changes. I still suggest that we collect these easier array eyes first, at least get the benefits first, and then concentrate on solving the most important array eye. Even if we can't succeed at that time, it won't be in vain. At least there will be some gains."

"That does make sense. In that case, let's collect the remaining array eyes." Chen Feng nodded, thinking that what the other party said made sense.

However, when the few people were about to solve the last few array eyes, a third force suddenly participated.

If it was this special area that erupted with powerful force, then Chen Feng and others could understand it, and this was also expected by everyone.

Who knew that a very powerful adventurer came, and after the other party came, they actually went straight to the old nest.

This is a bit unbearable.

When Chen Feng and others thought that this thing originally belonged to them, someone took the opportunity to take advantage of it, which was simply courting death.

However, Chen Feng still said to the White Mirror Swordsman: "If we don't come, then Daoyou may face this force, which is not easy to mess with."

"No matter what the other party's origin is, since they dare to snatch the benefits from us, then they must teach them a lesson." Thunder True Lord said murderously, lightning flashed, and only saw Thunder True Lord disappear on the spot.

Soon Thunder True Lord fought with the third force.

"You go first, I will collect the remaining peaks first." Chen Feng noticed that the power contained in the remaining peaks was very little, and he could easily collect it, but it would take some time.

Hearing what Chen Feng said, the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman did not object, and the two rushed in the direction of the battle.

Chen Feng did not encounter any trouble and quickly took over the remaining peaks. When Chen Feng arrived, the two sides had already fought fiercely.

There were five opponents, who joined forces to form a battle formation similar to the five elements. The power of the five people was integrated, but it produced infinite changes.

Although the three of Lei Ting Zhenjun were powerful, they were suppressed for a while.

"Although these three did not exert their full strength, the opponents did not necessarily fight desperately." Chen Feng muttered.

After arriving, Chen Feng did not act immediately, and observed the surrounding situation as usual.

Not sure if the opponent still had hidden hands.

Moreover, since the two sides clashed, the last array eye has become quiet.

Under normal circumstances, this last array eye gathers the power of other array eyes, which must be extremely powerful. Even if he and others are well prepared, it is not necessarily possible to successfully defeat the opponent.

Chen Feng was also prepared for a fierce fight, but the square eye was silent, as if it had left the place, and seemed to be hiding and preparing a strong attack.

Chen Feng's perception was rippled around, but he found nothing. The noise caused by the battle between the two sides was too loud, which blinded Chen Feng's perception. In addition, the situation in the special area here made it difficult for Chen Feng to see something.

"I have collected all the array eyes, how can you hide it from me?" Chen Feng said lightly.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to use his means to find the last array eye, he felt an extremely strong crisis, and then a force hit him.

"There are still people hiding in the dark!"

Chen Feng was startled and quickly used his means to fight back, but it was still a little too late, and the armor on his body was shattered.

It was all thanks to Chen Feng wearing this layer of defense, otherwise it would definitely lose a layer of skin if it acted directly on the flesh.

Even so, this force continued to destroy Chen Feng's body, but Chen Feng had completely reacted.

A volcanic force erupted from Chen Feng, colliding with the force that attacked him.


This was the sound of a beating heart. Chen Feng's power suddenly became stronger than ever before. Chen Feng grabbed everything in front of him with both hands, and everything was torn into pieces.

"Can you dodge?" Chen Feng punched at the void, but a huge claw also appeared.

The two sides collided, and the resulting power fluctuations swept across the four directions.

"Good guy, good opponent, you have such strength, but you are hiding and dare not show up. Isn't it too embarrassing?" Chen Feng laughed.

Although it is impossible to determine the opponent's true combat power, it can be seen from the opponent's hiding and the collision just now that the opponent's strength is not simple.

At least the physical body is not inferior to Chen Feng, which is enough to make people afraid, but then Chen Feng's eyes flashed with a flame.

"Since the physical body is strong, then swallow the opponent."

After thinking of this, without waiting for the opponent to fully expose his body, Chen Feng's heart beat vigorously, and a powerful force burst out again in the shortest time.

Not only output, Chen Feng's heart kept beating, and the origin furnace in it kept melting the resources Chen Feng had obtained before, and then transferred the refined power to Chen Feng, which could be absorbed by Chen Feng very well.

Moreover, the origin furnace could even help Chen Feng resolve a lot of the impact brought by the battle, which could be regarded as reducing Chen Feng's burden and allowing Chen Feng to burst out with stronger combat power.

Chen Feng himself was strong, and he had various types of treasures, as well as some special means. In Chen Feng's opinion, even if the opponent's physical body was equivalent to his own, he was not his opponent.

But in this way, Chen Feng could not help Lei Ting Zhenjun and others for the time being, and he wanted to solve the opponent quickly.

Now a powerful opponent suddenly appeared, and I don't know if there are companions in secret, and I have to guard against the opponent's array eye.

In this way, the last array eye became a mountain watching the tiger fight, and if it is not good, it will really take advantage in the end.

"Forget it, don't think so much for now, Lei Ting Zhenjun and others still have means." Although it seems that the three are at a disadvantage now, Chen Feng knows that these three are not simple, especially the second generation and the white mirror swordsman are unfathomable.

"Deal with this opponent first." Chen Feng was interested in this opponent at this time, so he stimulated his strength to fight with him.

Besides, this kind of battle is more interesting than before. In addition to tempering oneself, it can also digest some of the previous gains.

The opponent finally appeared. He was a violent ape-like existence. He looked domineering. It was hard to believe that the opponent was so cunning and had such a good hidden means.

"Let me see what you can do." Chen Feng made a series of moves, first forcing the opponent to show his figure, and then being suppressed by Chen Feng. Even if the two were equally strong, Chen Feng was bursting out with all his strength at this time.


Finally, this life was hit by Chen Feng, and it was furious. The whole body suddenly swelled again, and the hair on the body turned into long hair-like spikes, and the claws that collided with Chen Feng were sharper.

The blood and qi bursting out of the body were extremely rich, and even the ordinary Hunyuan could not resist it.

"The combat power has become stronger again. Is it just a melee? There are no magic weapons and weapons?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Facing the opponent's attack, Chen Feng felt a little pressure, and the opponent's offensive was indeed continuous and full of stamina, as if he had endless power.

The two sides fought many times in succession, but there was no winner.

Seeing the situation here, Thunder Lord was a little anxious.

Before, they were worried whether there were other opponents in the dark, and they really appeared. Although there was only one, the fighting power they burst out made them feel frightened.

The battle formation formed by the five opponents was getting stronger and stronger, which made the three of them breathless. They thought that Chen Feng could quickly solve the opponent and change the situation after he came, but who knew that such a situation would happen.

In this case, they could only fight desperately.


Thunder Lord was the first to burst out, and the powerful means made the scene more intense, and then the second generation and the white mirror swordsman burst out, and these two burst out more fiercely.

In particular, the white mirror swordsman actually seriously injured an opponent with a sword when he was at a disadvantage, causing the operation of the opponent's battle formation to be affected.

The Second Emperor saw this good opportunity, and the fusion light burst out crazily, directly piercing the battle formation into thousands of holes.

In the blink of an eye, the situation was reversed. Although the battle formation had not been truly defeated, the three Lei Ting Zhenjun had already begun to gain the upper hand.

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