Eternal Existence

Chapter 5258 The Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Daos

At this time, Chen Feng no longer cared about the shaking sea of ​​consciousness. He only thought that even if the opponent could hurt him, he would give the opponent a good show.

In the violent collision, the unknown cultivator took a few steps back in surprise. He did not expect that Chen Feng's strength was beyond his expectations.

Although Chen Feng looked calm, a storm of power was generated in his sea of ​​consciousness, which could not be calmed down in a short time.

This is the gap between the strengths of the two sides.

There is no need for any special means. The opponent can suppress Chen Feng openly.

"It is indeed an existence at the same level as the God of Nothingness." Chen Feng determined the strength of the other party, but he did not feel the crisis he had felt before, or did the other party not exert his full strength yet?

"Origin Gate, I have dealt with the life of your Origin Gate, but I didn't expect that your Origin Gate would run so far." The unknown cultivator said.

"I didn't expect that you would cooperate with the Death Clan, so you are not afraid of being targeted by other lives." Chen Feng laughed.

"If you have strength, you can only not care about these things. If you don't have strength, you will only be invaded by others." This cultivator naturally didn't care about Chen Feng's statement.

"What's more, I am the best at killing, and I have some relationship with the Death Clan."

"I didn't expect that there would be so many lives waiting for my slaughter. This time I really came at the right time." After saying this, the Killing Emperor continued to attack Chen Feng.

"Killing Emperor, although I have never heard of his name, since he has the title of Emperor, he is worthy of his strength. I just don't know if he is the master of this origin. Could it be that this origin is called the Killing Origin?" Chen Feng thought so in his heart. The two sacred mountains that were released before had turned into Chen Feng's clones, cooperating with Chen Feng himself to attack the opponent.

It is really hard to say whether Chen Feng can stop the opponent with all his might, so Chen Feng no longer has extra strength to deal with other practitioners.

"It's not bad enough to be out of control." After Chen Feng fought with the opponent for several rounds, he felt that the opponent was really powerful. He was not his opponent, but he could delay it.

"Something is wrong. The crisis I felt before has not disappeared." At this time, the God of Nothingness secretly communicated with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's spiritual sense was blinded by the fierce fight with the opponent, and Chen Feng's own strength was not as good as that of the God of Nothingness, so he did not feel the crisis that the God of Nothingness said.

But Chen Feng naturally believed in the God of Nothingness, thinking that it was possible that the opponent did not exert his full strength, but was waiting to give him a fatal blow at the critical moment.

But there was no need for this. Since he had the strength, he could completely solve himself. In this case, there was no need to hide.

"Or is it someone else?"


Chen Feng burst out with all his strength, but was still beaten back by the opponent.

"You are quite strong and have great potential. If you grow up, you may threaten me. Then I will take this opportunity to solve you. It is your honor to die in my hands." The Killing Emperor said.

"If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability, but I don't think you can do this." Chen Feng was not afraid at all, and what Chen Feng said was the truth. If the strength shown by the opponent was just like this, then he could not do anything to him. Even if he could not resist, he could withdraw.

Just after Chen Feng blocked the opponent's attack again, he finally caught a glimpse of danger.

Another cultivator appeared, but the opponent did not kill Chen Feng, nor did he attack the God of Nothingness, but killed the Hunyuan on the side of the Gate of Origin.

The two sides just collided, and several Hunyuans were torn into pieces.

Another master of the God of Nothingness level, but the opponent chose the most ordinary Hunyuan to slaughter.

"The danger comes from the other side." The God of Nothingness confirmed this.

"I didn't expect there would be another existence of such a level. This is really troublesome." Chen Feng was a little anxious.

At first, facing the dead life, Chen Feng's side would of course leave if they wanted to.

Later, there was the Killing Emperor. In fact, the situation was out of control. Now there was another master. Chen Feng knew that his side would definitely suffer heavy losses.

In this situation, there must be a trace of luck. The opponent's strength is there. Even if these Hunyuans work together, they can't stop the opponent's attack.

Chen Feng also noticed that the long river of time drew out some power to resist, but the power of time was easily dispersed by the opponent.

The Gate of Time and Space stepped forward to block some Primordial Beings, but was hit by the opponent and cracked. If the Gate of Time and Space had not escaped immediately, it would have been broken by the opponent.

Fortunately, the Gate of Origin and others supported them from behind. These Primordial Beings continued to burst out with the strongest strength, and they were able to fight together.

"I don't know who this person is? The successive appearance of masters of this level reminds me of the siege of the Real Emperor."

The old man in the Spirit Realm, two dead lives, the God of Nothingness, the Emperor of Killing, and now there is another existence with an unknown name.

If so many masters fight each other, it is normal to tear apart one origin.

Chen Feng finally felt that the situation was really out of control. He couldn't rashly participate in this level of fighting, so the life and death of other ordinary Primordial Beings were simply out of his control.

Although the Hunyuan on the Origin Gate side continues to erupt, some people are still injured from time to time.

No one could stop the practitioner's attack.

"This person is Tianlun Zhenjun, who is good friends with the Killing Emperor. They do not belong to the same origin." At this time, Chen Feng received a wave of will.

"Who is your Excellency?" Chen Feng was surprised. He didn't expect another person to come, and he hid his opponent so well that he didn't even notice that his opponent was so powerful.

This means that the strength of the person coming is no less than that of the Killing Emperor.

"I am the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Daos, and my opponent is the Great Emperor of Killing." The person said.

"An enemy of an enemy is a friend, so we are friends." Chen Feng asked with a thought in his heart.

Although the other party came a bit strangely, Chen Feng still chose to believe the other party. If the other party really came with bad intentions, then he could attack him directly. There was no need to tell him so much.

"Yes, we are friends. Come and entangle the Killing Emperor and create opportunities for me." Wandao Emperor said.

"You really believe me." Chen Feng responded.

"As a practitioner of Wan Dao, I naturally believe in you." said the Wan Dao Emperor.

"Wandao?" Chen Feng understood, but at the same time he was still looking forward to it.




Although Chen Feng was still exploding with all his strength, he began to think of a way. The situation was originally not good. Now that a helper has appeared, it is worth trying regardless of whether it is true or not.

As a result, Chen Feng was injured by the opponent and kept being suppressed and beaten. Chen Feng's situation became worse and worse.

"There is still a gap between the two sides, and it is good to be able to persist until now." Chen Feng said.

But he needs to entangle the other party further to buy some opportunities for the secret existence.

Two avatars transformed from the original sacred mountain rushed towards them, one from the left and the other from the right. Instead of running rampant like before, they chose to block and suppress them.

However, this was not enough. Chen Feng activated the power of the Copy Law, directly turning it into a dragnet to block the surrounding void, and nibbling towards the middle bit by bit.

Under multiple pressures, the Killing Emperor was finally affected and slowed down his attack on Chen Feng, who finally began to counterattack.


The continuous blessing of the power of the avenue is entirely due to Chen Feng's chaotic body being able to withstand the explosion of this power.

But even so, Chen Feng also felt the pressure after a long period of outburst.

Consumption is one aspect. No matter how strong Chen Feng's Chaos Body is, there will still be some damage if he continuously uses power beyond his own.

"Aren't you going to take action yet?" Chen Feng was a little anxious. His attack was just a quick attack. If the other party didn't take action, he would be counterattacked by the other party.

Fortunately, the existence in the dark took action.

The next scene shocked Chen Feng.

A practitioner walked out of the void, and then a second practitioner appeared from another direction.

Third place, tenth place.

A total of thirty-three practitioners came out from different directions and time and space.

And this is all one person.

The process of emergence is sequential, but in the end they come out together, which gives people an illusion.

This was not a simple clone, Chen Feng saw something more.

This is the same as my own avatar, a different avatar with different attributes.

But they are all so powerful.

"So strong!"

Before the other party made a move, Chen Feng felt shocked.

Sure enough, the opponent took action, and the power of different attributes burst out, but then gathered together, and finally hit the killing emperor.

"Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Daos, you dare to take action." The Killing Emperor roared, and then his body collapsed.

Chen Feng was shocked that such a powerful being was beaten to collapse, but Chen Feng's reaction was very fast. The copying law quickly enveloped it, directly entangled part of the opponent's body, and then pulled and suppressed it.

The two original clones also joined forces to suppress part of the body, but Chen Feng himself did not. Instead, he punched out and shattered part of the opponent's body.

"What can the Emperor do? He hasn't ended up like this." Chen Feng sneered.


Emperor Wandao did not expect such a result this time, so he made a prompt decision and launched a second attack. He still used the previous method, but his opponent resisted even more.

"Ruthless enough!" Chen Feng was also a little excited when he saw this scene, and wanted to see what it would be like for a master of this level to die in front of him.

As a result, the Tianlun Zhenjun who was fighting with Hunyuan took action. The opponent himself did not come over, but he used a magic weapon.

The huge wheel broke into the time and space where Chen Feng was fighting. While protecting the injured Slaughter Emperor, it rotated. The upside-down power it emitted affected many clones of Chen Feng and Wandao Emperor.

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