Eternal Existence

Chapter 5257: Another expert arrives

Since the other party has rushed back, they must have made some preparations. However, the forces that appeared in front of them alone may still not be able to do anything to their side. Perhaps both sides will suffer casualties in the next fight, but there is no need for the other party to do so in the current situation.

The most correct choice should be to work together to solve the nearby origin first.

"The death puppet is actually very powerful. Fellow Taoists, be careful. If anyone is injured, communicate with the long river of time immediately and leave this place." In order to be cautious, Chen Feng still passed the message to everyone.

After the other party came, he didn't say much and directly attacked Chen Feng's side.

After the two sides fought, Chen Feng saw the power of the death puppet.

Although there are many people on his side, the strength of these death lives is stronger.

Each death life can fight against multiple or even dozens of ordinary Hunyuan alone, and can bring huge bloody storms wherever they go.

This time there are several death lives, and they are led by top existences, and there are death puppets that are not afraid of life and death, which makes Chen Feng feel some pressure.

So Chen Feng immediately stopped invading and concentrated his strength to fight these death lives first.

It was still the Void God who stepped forward to entangle the strongest one, while Chen Feng stepped forward to block the other death lives.

Chen Feng still did not dare to be careless when fighting with death lives of this level, but it was much easier than the previous fight.

Relying on his own strength alone, Chen Feng was able to fight back and forth with the opponent. Later, Chen Feng directly burst out the power of the avenue and directly injured a death life.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to use the killer, one of the death puppets appeared out of thin air.

The opponent came in front of Chen Feng and chose to self-destruct directly.

The opponent's self-destruction was not like a random self-destruction under desperate efforts, but was targeted. The power generated by the self-destruction was concentrated together and hit Chen Feng back repeatedly.

After Chen Feng stood firm, the power of the self-destruction was actually condensed into the state of the death puppet again.

The death life that was injured by Chen Feng before took the opportunity to recover from his injuries.

"There is such a method." Chen Feng was also surprised. Generally speaking, it is impossible to re-condense after self-destruction.

Now the opponent has broken this common sense, but Chen Feng believes that the opponent's self-explosion must have paid something, but it should still be within the range of the opponent's tolerance.

"Be a little careful, this kind of death puppet can self-explode." Chen Feng had just finished speaking when another death puppet exploded not far away.

A Hunyuan was torn into pieces by the opponent's death energy. Although he finally survived, his injuries were very serious, and he was eroded by the opponent's death energy, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Chen Feng paid attention to the entire battle situation, and his side had the upper hand.

First of all, the Void God could only barely entangle the opponent, and he could not severely damage these powerful death lives in a short time.

And those death puppets, to put it bluntly, are just puppets. Even if the opponent is killed, then his side will definitely pay some price.

Of course, his side is not only these forces, but also the Sword of the End and others. These origins from the Gate of Origin are still very powerful.

Not long after the two sides fought, the Sword of the End tore a death puppet apart.

The Wheel of Destruction also smashed a death puppet into pieces. In addition, the Gate of Time and Space also achieved results.

Although many people on his side were injured, they could still kill these opponents completely.

"The other party should not choose to come back and die like this. If so, these death tribes would not have developed to this point." Chen Feng still felt a little curious. After all, in the previous battle between the two sides, the other party should have understood the strength of his side and must have made sufficient preparations before fighting again. There was no need to choose to give up the origin of the spiritual realm and turn around to deal with himself and others.

"Or is there another means?"

Chen Feng also doubted whether these death tribes had reached an agreement with the old man in the spiritual realm, but the fight from afar did not seem to be like this.

If the two sides reached an agreement, then the old man in the spiritual realm would definitely take action again.

At least until now, the old man in the spiritual realm has not shown any signs of taking action.

"It's really a bit strange." Just as Chen Feng was thinking, he suddenly received news from the long river of time.

It turned out that another new force was approaching quickly. Chen Feng's first feeling was that it was the helper of the death tribe.

But according to the investigation of the long river of time, it was not the death life that came.

"Or were they other adventurers attracted by the movement here?" Chen Feng could only hope it was the latter.

In that case, no matter where these adventurers came from, they would attack the death life.

But we still have to prepare for the worst.

As a result, the worst situation still occurred. A force came and directly chose to attack Chen Feng's side.

Dozens of Hunyuan are also a considerable force, and there is an origin behind the other side to bless them.

"An origin joined the war, and it is the helper of the death clan. The key is that they are coming for us." Chen Feng felt a little incredible.

As an origin, the correct choice should be to deal with this spiritual origin.

"Let's go. There's no need to get entangled with the other party. Let's leave here and watch them fight. However, since the other party has chosen to join the battle, then remember the other party's breath and try to find the direction of the origin behind it."

"We usually take the initiative to invade. Since the other party provokes us, we must not let it go." Chen Feng said.

Under Chen Feng's order, some of the Hunyuan took the initiative to attack and joined forces to block the new force. The rest of the Hunyuan did not leave in a hurry, but chose to retreat step by step.


Seeing the reinforcements, the death life became more ferocious and entangled tightly without letting anyone leave.


At this time, the blinding power appeared again and attacked Chen Feng directly, but was resisted by Chen Feng, but was still affected and suppressed by the death formation of two death lives and two death puppets.

Although there were not many forces participating in the battle, it was really chaotic. Sometimes they joined forces and sometimes fought each other. It would be difficult to determine the winner in a short time.

Even with these helpers, it was still the same.

Dozens of Hunyuan above joined the battle, but it couldn't change the battlefield situation significantly.

Of course, this was just the beginning. It was hard to say whether the opponent would have more forces to participate in the battle.

After all, it was also the origin of one side. If some more origins and dozens of Hunyuan above appeared, it was possible.

"The formation formed by the power of death looks good." Chen Feng's eyes were solemn, and the shadows of the avenues flashed by.

Each avenue gave Chen Feng a force. With the blessing of dozens of forces, Chen Feng's strength was improved to the extreme.

Just one punch, blood exploded, energy was annihilated, and all attacks disappeared under Chen Feng's boxing.

This was Chen Feng's own power, which was completely controllable, and he didn't suffer too much recoil, so Chen Feng went all out again.

Since this method is useful, use it a few more times. The method of losing both sides is the best.

Finally, a dead life was hit by Chen Feng. This was a being of the same level as Extinction, and was directly blown up by Chen Feng. Chen Feng's fist contained the power of destruction, and the speed of this dead life to reshape its body was very slow.

During this process, there were also attacks that hit Chen Feng, but Chen Feng didn't care at all, and resisted it with his powerful chaotic body.

And Chen Feng punched again and smashed another dead puppet.

"Change the battlefield!" Chen Feng's divine wings spread out behind him, and Chen Feng disappeared from the spot with just a violent vibration.

For this kind of close-range change, Chen Feng didn't need the power of time at all, and he was more flexible and fast with his own divine movement technique.

Chen Feng didn't continue to fight with the dead life, but rushed to the new group of Hunyuan Above.

The reason why Chen Feng did this was not that these Hunyuan Above were more threatening, but that he wanted to use the strongest means to hit the opponent's morale and let the opponent know that his side was not so easy to mess with.



After Chen Feng arrived, he first released two origin mountains, which brought great pressure and trouble to these Hunyuan Above.

Just as these Hunyuan Above were trying to resist, Chen Feng punched like lightning, and one of them was shattered to pieces.

"This is my method for dealing with top masters. It's your honor to use it on you." Chen Feng said, smashing another person to pieces.

Seeing that Chen Feng could sweep this group of Hunyuan Above, a beam of light penetrated time and space and came in front of Chen Feng.

An overwhelming pressure made Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness shake.

"The will of origin?" In Chen Feng's opinion, only the will of origin could bring such a threat to him, but when Chen Feng resolved this beam of light, he knew that his initial guess was wrong.

"Another master of the Void God level." Chen Feng sighed.

How come there are more and more masters of this level? When I was wandering in the free space and the Gate of Origin before, I couldn't even meet Hunyuan Above.

Now Hunyuan Above has become cannon fodder.

In Chen Feng's view, even if the opponent has dozens more Hunyuan Above, it is nothing. He can kill them all with his full strength, but it is different with one more opponent of the Void God level.

The other party was able to kill his way in and out of his own camp.

"I don't know who this person is, and what special power he has." Chen Feng was also a little curious.

"Under this situation, we need stronger power, let's communicate with the Gate of Origin quickly." Chen Feng said to the River of Time.

"I feel threatened." The God of Nothingness suddenly said.

"It seems that the situation is not good." Chen Feng smiled, but secretly mobilized his strength frantically.

The God of Nothingness and the Death Life were not so uneasy in the confrontation. Was it because the other party wanted to join forces, or was it simply a threat brought by the newcomer?

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