Eternal Existence

Chapter 5241 Active and Passive

"But since the other party has used the power of time, will they use other powers?" Since there is an origin like the Gate of Space on his side, maybe the other party will do the same.

So far, Chen Feng has been pushing the origin of corrosive energy with all his strength, and he has no extra energy to push other means.

It's not that Chen Feng can't use other origins anymore, but if he does so, Chen Feng's mana cultivation can't keep up, and then there will be problems in controlling the origins of each party.

However, the appearance of the long river of time and the previous confrontation still made Chen Feng think about his life.

The other party is calculating himself, so why don't I calculate the other party again?

Chen Feng also wants to find an opportunity to get some wool from this long river of time.

So the two sides fought again for a while, and Chen Feng felt that the other party did not use any special means, so he directly used the law of replication.

The next moment Chen Feng entered the inner area of ​​this long river of time.

It is indeed a bit risky to do this, and the other party should not have thought that he would do this, so it can be regarded as catching the opponent off guard.

After entering the interior of the long river of time, Chen Feng still released the law of replication. At this time, Chen Feng had temporarily lost control of the origin of the corrosive energy, so he could fully deal with the current situation.

Chen Feng did not intend to stay here for too long, as long as he could get a little benefit, he would leave.

Under Chen Feng's full push, the law of replication extended countless tentacles and began to cover everything around.

Even if the power of time is very strong, the law of replication that Chen Feng mastered is not vegetarian.

It can surpass the origins of each side. At this time, the explosion will transform the internal area of ​​the long river of time into an area that he can control.

This is not over yet. Chen Feng used the power imprint again and began to cut randomly.

Even if there is a complete law of time here, Chen Feng will not extract it bit by bit, but think about getting the things in his hands first, and then slowly recovering.

The long river of time also reacted quickly, and the area cut by Chen Feng recovered quickly.

This does not mean that the other party's recovery speed is very fast, but that the method of time retracing is used.

Even the area invaded by the law of replication has to retreat little by little.

"I've thought of this a long time ago." Chen Feng burned a piece of origin fragment, forming a ball of energy that was thrown around, and the explosion produced an extremely powerful force.

It seems that this long river of time can be disintegrated from the inside.

Although the opponent is still using the method of time travel, the effect is far worse than before.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's heart moved, thinking that it was impossible for him to get rid of the opponent in this way.

But then Chen Feng felt that he was affected by the power of time again, and began to be sluggish, and his every move was not controlled by himself.

Chen Feng hurriedly used the power of the Great Dao of Creation, but it was a pity that his power of creation was not as good as the source of creation. Although there was some effect, it was not very good.

"I want to see if I can really compete with you with so much power." Chen Feng also had the idea of ​​fighting hard, and constantly used various great ways to compete with the opponent.

Later, Chen Feng even took out the power of reality, and this time Chen Feng was truly free from the influence of the power of time.

At this time, the invasion momentum of the copy law had to be accelerated. Chen Feng mainly took the opportunity to condense the power imprint into a long sword and swept back and forth.

Just when Chen Feng was wreaking havoc inside the long river of time, he received news from the origin of corrosive energy.

Chen Feng sighed and urged the copy law to leave here instantly.

Then Chen Feng returned to the origin of corrosive energy.

At this time, the origin was rioting, and there were balls of fire burning inside the origin. Not only that, but there was also the power of time constantly raging, and even the gate of time and space could not suppress it.

If Chen Feng continued to stay in the long river of time to cause damage, he might be able to gain more benefits, but once the origin of corrosive energy changed, it would be a bit of a loss for Chen Feng.

Although helpless, Chen Feng still decisively returned and regained control of the origin of corrosive energy.

"The opponent's power has become stronger, and there may be an origin existence intervening." The gate of time and space said to Chen Feng.

Although the origin existence has not appeared, it does not mean that they have not made a move behind the scenes.

In a confrontation of this scale, small-scale origins generally cannot withstand it.

Up to now, this core area has not collapsed, and Chen Feng feels that the other party is not in a hurry.

"Does he want to keep us all here? This is unrealistic." Chen Feng stabilized the origin of the corrosive energy, and with some benefits from the long river of time just now, Chen Feng's confidence rose again.

But then Chen Feng found that the long river did not seem to be affected much, and continued to deploy troops and move those practitioners.

"Could it be that the state has been in the best state after using time retracing? In this case, there must be some side effects." Chen Feng said.


Chen Feng was ruthless enough. He directly took out a part of the time power he had just collected, and then ignited it with his own method. With Chen Feng as the center, circles of halos rippled out.

The power of the origin of the corrosive energy was stimulated wherever he passed, becoming more powerful, and even those above the Hunyuan seemed to be blessed, and the whole person entered the peak state.

Chen Feng's method was considered a show of skill in front of the River of Time, but at this time Chen Feng used the opponent's power to launch this method, and also wanted to see how the opponent would deal with it.

Even if the opponent could deal with it, at least for now it could improve the strength of his side.

Sure enough, Chen Feng's method was quickly cracked by the River of Time, but it was only defeated, and did not affect Chen Feng's previous and subsequent methods.

Just when Chen Feng didn't know how long this fight would last, an external force got involved.

Or it could be said that an external force was invading this origin, and the other party did not come to the core area at the first time.

"I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend." Chen Feng learned some information from the news from the Gate of Time and Space.

Dozens of Hunyuan are also a considerable force, and they are definitely not just adventurers.

The other party gathered together, and there are some masters among them, so they must be well prepared.

Chen Feng was worried that it was the helper of this origin, but when he learned that the other party was plundering the resources of this origin, he knew that this was a group of forces taking advantage of the fire.

"Is this a good thing?" Regardless of the other party's origin, since they chose to attack this origin, they are allies. Even if they are not allies, they can still entangle the opponent's power.

Sure enough, Chen Feng felt the pressure was weakening.

The original source energy that was originally burning very fiercely was also drawn away. Although the other party did it very secretly, Chen Feng still noticed it.

So Chen Feng took the opportunity to expand the origin of the corrosive energy. Unexpectedly, this origin was defeated step by step, and Chen Feng expanded a large area in one breath.

When the situation reversed, there was an unstoppable momentum.

Seeing that the corrosive energy was about to expand continuously and eventually burst the origin core, this origin finally dispatched a stronger force.

At this moment, Chen Feng saw a phantom appear in the distant time and space, and rolling energy was projected from the phantom.

"There is actually another origin location." Chen Feng understood that this origin had more than one core area.

But since the other party had this method, why didn't it expose it all the time, or did it need to maintain the operation of this origin.

Regardless of the reason, the core areas of both sides launched an attack on Chen Feng at this time. Chen Feng only felt that the pressure increased exponentially and he could not resist it.

He was fine, but if he continued, other practitioners would definitely suffer losses.

The territory that had just expanded with great difficulty was compressed again.

"Or try again." Chen Feng had some concerns at this time, that is, to gain benefits from entering the long river of time.

But the other party must be prepared, but Chen Feng was sure to force his way in, but he was worried that the origin of the corrosive energy would change uncontrollably.

Just when Chen Feng was hesitating, the long river of time actually took the initiative to attack Chen Feng.

The power of time was extremely fierce, and the offensive was also extremely tricky. Suddenly, it concentrated its strength to break the blockade of the origin of the corrosive energy and rushed straight to Chen Feng.

Even though Chen Feng was prepared, he was still a little careless. He was washed by the power of time, and when he came back to his senses, he was already in the long river of time.

Chen Feng wanted to enter the long river of time to plunder the benefits, but who knew that he was actively pulled in by the other party.

One is active, the other is passive, which will lead to different outcomes.

However, since he has entered the long river of time, Chen Feng naturally wants to see the opponent's means, but Chen Feng will not wait for the opponent's attack, but first release a road to suppress the four directions. When he saw the road suddenly collapse, Chen Feng hurriedly gathered the power of the road and carried out various fusions to stimulate the explosive power of the road.

Even so, the road released by Chen Feng is still turbulent.

You must know that Chen Feng's road is already very strong now. As long as Chen Feng is willing, he can release dozens of clones. These clones can even fight against a group of armies formed above the Hunyuan. Before, they entangled masters like the Wanjie Emperor.

But now, I don’t know what mysterious power can easily disintegrate Chen Feng’s road power.

If I rashly release the copy law just now, I might be targeted by the opponent.

However, since the opponent’s means have been used, Chen Feng’s copy law will also change.

But Chen Feng still didn’t rush to use this method, but concentrated his energy and fully controlled the power of the road to deal with it.

Although he was still losing ground, Chen Feng seemed to be tireless and not worried about consumption. Suddenly, the avenue was mixed with the imprint of power.

The strongest power condensed into a spearhead, directly killing a passage, and the power of the avenue followed behind, pouring out like a flood that broke the dam.

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