Eternal Existence

Chapter 5240: Other Long Rivers of Time

Suddenly, Chen Feng caught a huge black shadow, and after careful investigation, he found that it was a sacred mountain.

"Origin sacred mountain?" Chen Feng finally felt something familiar.

This is an origin-level existence, which also shows that this is indeed the core area of ​​this origin.

However, there should be more than one origin sacred mountain. Sure enough, Chen Feng caught the existence of origin-level sacred mountains in other corners.

"Are you trying to block it? You want to seal us all here." Chen Feng guessed the other party's thoughts.

However, this has a strong attraction for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng will naturally not let go of such a good thing, even if Chen Feng himself controls this type of sacred mountain.

That is a treasure, the more the better.

Chen Feng even thought that if he had enough origin sacred mountains in his hands, he could make the origin he controlled more stable and powerful, and maybe he could restore it to the real origin in the future.

So Chen Feng locked on to a sacred mountain and directly activated the power of the origin to start washing.

According to Chen Feng's thinking, even if he paid some price, it would be worth it as long as he could grab the origin sacred mountain.

However, the opponent's attack was getting more and more fierce. The pressure from all directions and the impact from the Hunyuan slowed down Chen Feng's pace.

However, Chen Feng still successfully contacted the origin mountain and directly activated the origin of the corrosive energy to cover the opponent.

As a result, the opponent was extremely stable and could block the scouring from the origin of the corrosive energy.

Not only that, the opponent also discovered Chen Feng's intention, and other origin mountains began to emit the power to suppress everything.

Chen Feng suddenly felt that the origin of the corrosive energy was not working properly. The power of these origin mountains was indeed very strong. With the help of this origin, Chen Feng felt that if he continued, he might be trapped here.

Extinction and slaughter, rushing madly, severely injuring one opponent after another.

The combat effectiveness shown by these two exceeded Chen Feng's imagination, which also showed that some previous adventures had made them have a breakthrough in strength.

Although those who followed him also broke out some combat effectiveness and had some special means, no one could reach the level of extinction and slaughter.

This also disappointed Chen Feng. Although he had seen these things before, who knew that at such a critical moment, these practitioners still had no backup plan. They seemed to be abandoned by the origin behind them.

"There is no reason for us to die here, and it is not good for the origin behind us. Even if we delay this origin, it is not worth it, and everyone is ordinary, so there is nothing special about it." Chen Feng has not figured out whether the Gate of Origin is really in trouble.

But in the absence of a reason, everything depends on oneself.

Chen Feng tried his best to control the origin of the corrosive energy. When he felt that he could not hold on, Chen Feng burned a piece of the origin fragment. The powerful power was not integrated into the origin, but was given to the Hunyuan present.

At this moment, Chen Feng seemed to have transformed into the will of one side of the origin, and the extinction of them could obtain a continuous fighting power after the power blessing.

In this way, everyone saw hope, and the two sides fought more fiercely. Although there were casualties on both sides, it was obvious that the casualties of this side of the origin were more serious.

"It's a pity that I don't have the ability of that origin to quickly revive people, otherwise, I can keep fighting." Chen Feng thought with some regret.

Then Chen Feng slightly relaxed his control over the origin of corrosive energy, and at the center of this origin, Chen Feng released the vortex origin again.

In addition to absorbing some chaotic and uncontrolled energy, Chen Feng was also secretly plundering the special power of this origin.

Although this power is very dangerous and requires Chen Feng to spend time to suppress it, Chen Feng has many broken origins and some powerful origin-level treasures.

Chen Feng wants to give it a try. Although it is a bit risky, there is no better way for the time being.

Moreover, Chen Feng believes that eating the food in his stomach, even if it is difficult to digest, it belongs to him, and it can also weaken the opponent's power.

At least he has so many means. Even if this origin is hidden very deeply, it is in the core area of ​​the opponent after all. After plundering enough energy, the opponent can't bear it.

Chen Feng's idea is indeed good. The opponent didn't notice this at first, but as Chen Feng continued to increase his strength, this origin finally felt something was wrong.

His power was lost too quickly, which did affect the operation of the entire origin. Although the impact was not too great, it was not a good sign if it continued like this.

However, even if Chen Feng was found to have used this special method, this origin had no good way to deal with it.

After all, the two sides were at war. If there were any means, they would not have been besieging Chen Feng like this.

However, this origin still made some attempts, which was to increase the power of the origin mountain to continue to block the four directions.

As a result, Chen Feng's speed of plundering energy slowed down, but at the same time, because the blockade of the origin mountain was too strong, the power flowing in this origin was affected.

"It seems that the opponent's power is also limited, and they can only use this method of blockade and suppression. But why is there no movement at the Gate of Origin?" Chen Feng still felt that something was wrong. He couldn't contact the Long River of Time, so he didn't know what happened outside.

Although there is no danger now, after all, he was blocked in the core area of ​​the origin of one side, and he always felt that he was trapped and suppressed.

"Without the power of time, the power of the Gate of Time and Space can't penetrate." Chen Feng found that the power of the Long River of Time was getting stronger and stronger, and it had left the Gate of Time and Space far behind.

"It seems that I have to find a way to improve the Avenue of Time." Chen Feng thought so.

The two sides were deadlocked again, and they still suffered damage to each other, but the degree of damage was far less than before.

Chen Feng was also mobilizing forces for defense. This side of the origin was not absolutely sure, and he didn't want to touch more people and enter the origin of corrosive energy.

Chen Feng roughly understood the level of the other party, and at the same time he had a feeling that the other party seemed to be waiting for more power.

"It's not good for us to go on like this, after all, this is the opponent's territory." Chen Feng thought about whether to release some clones.

Pay some price, consume some resources, and you can get dozens of clones, which may change the situation.

Just when Chen Feng was hesitating, the power of the Gate of Time and Space was transmitted.

This surprised Chen Feng, but then he got some news from the Gate of Time and Space.

The Gate of Origin encountered an opponent, and the two sides calculated each other. At this time, it was unknown who had the upper hand.

The reason why the River of Time did not appear was that it encountered an opponent of the same type.

In addition to the Gate of Time and Space, there were also origins such as Good Fortune who had a good relationship with Chen Feng.

The killing weapons such as the Sword of the End did not come, and they still stayed in the Zerg Origin to fight.

Chen Feng learned from the news from the Gate of Time and Space that the Gate of Origin had dispatched a lot of forces this time, and the Yuanjie and other families also dispatched a lot of manpower.

Most of these forces are helping the Zerg Origin.

"What agreement did they reach?" Chen Feng was a little curious. At first, the Zerg Origin was attacked and seemed to be at a disadvantage, but then reinforcements came, and now several Origin Gates have also joined the battle.

Under this situation, the Zerg Origin should be able to counterattack.

"Then what is the situation here?" Chen Feng was curious.

And the Gate of Time and Space couldn't explain it clearly, after all, the Gate of Origin would not tell the Gate of Time and Space many things.

Although there are more helpers, it seems that Chen Feng has little impact on the overall situation, because there are more opponents.

"Do you want to leave here?" In fact, if Chen Feng wants to leave, it is still no problem. He dare not use his own means or the means of the Gate of Time and Space to rush out of this Origin.

"According to the calculation of the Gate of Origin, you still have to stay and contain this Origin. The bigger the noise, the better." The Gate of Time and Space said.

"You think highly of this origin." Chen Feng had previously speculated that this origin was not simple, but the ones who had appeared in the fight until now were still above the Hunyuan, at most there were more of them, and the origin energy here was a little more peculiar, and there was nothing else special about it.

"Then let's see the situation first, all of you come in and take charge." Chen Feng said.

Compared with those above the Hunyuan, Chen Feng naturally believed in the Gate of Time and Space more. With the Gate of Time and Space and the origins sitting in charge, the origin of corrosive energy could exert a stronger power.

In this way, Chen Feng felt more confident.

"If the River of Time also came, coupled with the continuous power blessing of the Gate of Origin, it would be possible to tear this origin apart. In the current situation, everything requires my own efforts, and the consumption is too great."

With the addition of the Gate of Time and Space, Chen Feng continued to expand the origin of corrosive energy, and the several origin mountains that were impacted were also shaking constantly, and it seemed that some of them could not block Chen Feng's power.

Chen Feng took the opportunity to absorb the power of the origin here, and the Gate of Time and Space assisted in the attack, hitting opponents one after another.

Seeing that everything was developing in a good direction, Chen Feng even grasped the specific scale of this core area and could sense the fluctuations in other areas of the origin.

Who knew that a long river would suddenly appear, running through ancient and modern times, spanning the entire origin.

"The Long River of Time!" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"It's not our Long River of Time, it's the Long River of Time in this origin. That's not right. Isn't the other party entangled with our Long River of Time? How come they have freed up their hands now? Could it be that our side has lost?" The Gate of Time and Space said in disbelief.

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