Eternal Existence

Chapter 5238: Burning of the Origin

Sure enough, people continued to leave one after another, and eventually there were only forty or fifty Hunyuan or above behind Chen Feng, which actually surprised Chen Feng.

I wanted them all to leave, but who knew there were so many people left.

"Fellow Taoist, you should have some ideas. If you really want to get rid of us, just say so." Everyone was not a fool, so they naturally saw what Chen Feng was thinking.

"It's a bit embarrassing. In that case, let's take action." Chen Feng did not explain, but directly communicated with the river of time, and then the power of time surged and enveloped everyone present.

"This time we are going to the core area of ​​​​the origin. It may be dangerous, but there will be enough gains. Everyone, be prepared. If there is really danger, if you are sure, you can use your means to leave or get close to me." Chen Feng said.

Under the shuttle of the power of time, we quickly arrived at the core area of ​​​​the origin, and went straight into it.

During this period of time, Shi Changhe has not participated in the war, and he has already prepared for these things.

"What a rich energy, it's really the core area."

"It's not in vain."

After everyone felt it, they knew that they were indeed in the wrong place. Some people immediately used means to plunder to make up for the consumption of the previous battle.

"Something's wrong."


At this time, Chen Feng received news from Extinction and Slaughter respectively.

After all, these two were good at killing and more sensitive to danger. In addition, they were powerful, so they felt something was wrong immediately.

"I also feel like I'm in a trap." Chen Feng said.

"Has the Gate of Origin anticipated this?" Chen Feng immediately suspected the Gate of Origin.

After all, it was a bit sudden for the Gate of Origin to let him come here, and now there is a trap waiting for him.

However, Chen Feng thought about it and felt that it was unlikely.

The Gate of Origin has no reason to do this, and if it really wants to deal with itself, it will not use this method.

"Then it is possible that Origin has already sensed the crisis and prepared a trap in advance. If this is the case, then it will be nothing more than soldiers coming to block it and water coming. If the Origin Gate is plotting behind it, this matter It’s really troublesome, and it will be difficult to cooperate with us in the future.”

Chen Feng and the two masters of the death clan only had a premonition of danger, but the danger did not appear immediately.

Chen Feng was also observing other Hunyuan above. Chen Feng noticed that he could cultivate to this point, so he was naturally very alert and could sense something was wrong in advance. However, even if these Hunyuan above felt the threat, they did not stop. Make the move in your hand.

In fact, it is normal to do this. You should seize the benefits first and face the dangers. And now that everyone is together, it is possible that because they feel the danger, they choose to escape from here.

And since we are involved in a war of this scale, danger will definitely be looming all the time.

If there is no danger, then an invasion by one party with an advantage would be unrealistic at all with this little power.

"Collect as much personal energy as possible here and be ready to fight at any time." Chen Feng said, and then released a huge vortex to start plundering.

Chen Feng was ready to fight, but in the end, not to mention feeling the danger, he was unable to even resist in the simplest way.

After all, it is also the core area of ​​​​the origin of one party, but there is no powerful master sitting in it. Chen Feng feels a little incredible.

There is something weird about this kind of thing.

"Something is wrong. Everyone, please stop quickly and don't collect these powers." Chen Feng suddenly said.

Although they didn't understand why Chen Feng was so crazy, some people still stopped what they were doing, while others didn't take it seriously.

At that moment, a change occurred, and a blazing flame burned on the body of a Hunyuan superior.

The source energy collected before is constantly raging in it. The energy that seemed normal before has now directly turned into another state, burning and corroding crazily. This is all the vitality of a cultivator.

In a short period of time, this Hunyuan Shang was seriously injured. Although he was still alive, if he could not get rid of the situation in front of him, he would be reduced to ashes.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, and some even took out the energy they had just collected.

But it's still too late.

Such changes began to appear one after another, and some people even collapsed directly.

Chen Feng quickly went to check the situation in the origin of the vortex. The source energy he had collected before was also rioting, and flames began to appear, and it was about to explode into a raging sea of ​​fire.

Fortunately, Chen Feng can still suppress it for the time being, because Chen Feng controls the origin of one party.

So Chen Feng reacted quickly, and quickly pushed the power of the vortex origin, and the burning flames were immediately extinguished. Although they were still rioting, they were still suppressed by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng can do this, but others don't want to control the origin like Chen Feng.

It can be said that almost all practitioners who have collected the original energy have been injured to varying degrees.

The situation of Extermination and Slaughter was slightly better, and there were flames burning on the two of them from time to time, but it was not as exaggerated as the others. This was because the fighting power of the two was still affected.

If this state cannot be resolved, then if you encounter an opponent next, if you fight on the one hand and spend energy to suppress this state on the other, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

Chen Feng made a quick move and directly used the Devouring Technique to cover everyone present.

So the energy that these practitioners did not collect was plundered by Chen Feng.

In this way, the pressure was transferred to Chen Feng, and the vortex origin began to shake, and the energy that was finally extinguished burned again.

So Chen Feng had to mobilize a stronger force to suppress it, and at the same time transferred some energy to other origins.

However, Chen Feng noticed that he could not extract all the energy in these practitioners' bodies, and there was always a little left. However, under this situation, the strength of these Hunyuan above could still be suppressed.

Extinction and Slaughter were the first to return to normal, and some powerful practitioners gradually stabilized.

But after what happened just now, it can be said that everyone's combat effectiveness has been weakened a lot.

Sure enough, the opponent appeared.

Dozens of Hunyuan above rushed out with murderous intent, deployed troops, performed magical powers, and mobilized the surrounding origins to suppress.

It is obvious that the opponent has been prepared for a long time, and bad traps are waiting for everyone.

It must be said that the opponent's means are indeed amazing, but I didn't expect the existence of Chen Feng.

Otherwise, the method just used would have killed or injured most of the practitioners present.

"Don't panic, everyone. Since the opponent has appeared, kill them all." Chen Feng said as he released the sword array and the fortune array diagram, and directly pulled several practitioners around him in.

On the one hand, it was to protect them, and on the other hand, it could also burst out stronger combat power.

As for Extinction and Slaughter, they had already killed them at the first time.

In the eyes of the two of them, although they fell into the opponent's trap, these newly appeared practitioners were just some realms above Hunyuan, and they were slaughtered by themselves in the past. Even if there were some masters among them, they could be dealt with with Chen Feng by their side.

If it was just a simple Hunyuan, then Chen Feng would not be worried, but this place was in the opponent's territory after all, and the surrounding original energy began to riot. Thinking about what happened before, Chen Feng felt that the opponent must have some means.

Sure enough, a practitioner from the Yuanjie was wrapped in a ball of energy without paying attention, and then moved away without knowing where to go.

Chen Feng knew that the other party was probably in danger, but now was not the time to talk about this, because under the opponent's attack and cutting, another Hunyuan was almost moved away.

Even if everyone had experience, formed a large formation, and practiced magic power, they were still unsure.

After all, there were still opponents. If they didn't fight to their heart's content, it would be easier to just defend.


A cultivator from the Abyss Valley suddenly broke into pieces, and Chen Feng didn't even see how the other party was attacked.

A cry for help came, this time it was a Hunyuan from the Gate of Origin, and the other party was burning with flames. The fire was so strong that it couldn't be controlled. Chen Feng wanted to go forward to help, but he felt a chill, and he was being stared at by something.

With such a delay, the half of the body of this Hunyuan was gone.

If it weren't for the special method of using a substitute, the whole body might have been burned clean.


A space crack appeared in the chaos, and another person on the Primordial Above was moved away, but this time Chen Feng took action and directly grabbed the other person back with a big hand condensed by the power of the Great Dao.

There was another thing that made Chen Feng secretly cry out that something was wrong. The Long River of Time was silent.

Chen Feng was not sure whether he was attacked by this origin, but he could not contact the Long River of Time, and naturally he could not contact other existences.

In other words, everything that follows can only rely on himself and the companions around him.

"The means are indeed a bit weird, but it also shows that the upper limit of this origin is not too strong, otherwise it would not use these fancy means." Chen Feng analyzed.

If this is a powerful origin similar to the real origin, it will definitely have powerful enough means to face the invaders.

What's more, Chen Feng's power is not actually strong. Maybe he can make a fuss in one origin, but he can't really invade one origin.

After all, some powerful origins can suppress hundreds of Primordial Above.

Seeing that the situation is getting out of control, although some people did not exert their full strength, if they continue, there will definitely be people who will be seriously injured or fall.

Chen Feng sighed, retracted all his strength, and then suddenly released the origin of corrosive energy.

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