Eternal Existence

Chapter 5237: Trap?

According to the information given by the Gate of Origin, the origin we are going to this time is not actually strong, but there are quite a lot of above Hunyuan.

However, for Chen Feng, such a battlefield is not too stressful, so the Gate of Origin chose to let Chen Feng come.

Although the Void God did not come, this is more in line with the idea of ​​the Gate of Origin.

After all, the fight between the same level is more reasonable.

Use Chen Feng to fight against above Hunyuan, plus these two masters of the Death Clan, and Chen Feng has some powerful means.

Even if you can't solve this origin, you can still make some trouble here.

At least in the eyes of the Gate of Origin, Chen Feng is more suitable for making trouble.

"I don't want to say anything extra. This time we are going to fight against one origin. You still have to cooperate with each other and communicate in advance. But I think everyone has the experience of fighting against Guixu, so this should not be a problem. If someone thinks he is actually strong, he can act alone. But there is one thing you come here not for fun, if you really die here, you can't blame others." Chen Feng said.

"Although you are very powerful, you talk too much. Let's be more realistic. I feel that our action this time is a bit risky. After all, there is no powerful master to support us." One of the above Hunyuan said.

Chen Feng glanced at the other party. This was a Hunyuan above from the Gate of Origin. He had never seen him before, but his strength was not bad, and he had some vision, and what he said was reasonable.

"This is not what you have to worry about. The universes behind us will naturally have some arrangements. Besides, I have some special means in my hands, so it is no problem to disrupt the origin of one side." Chen Feng said.

"In this case, let's do it." The above Hunyuan wanted to say more, but he endured it when he saw Chen Feng's attitude.

"I will lead the way, and you just follow me in." Chen Feng said and took out the long sword. With one sword, a passage was opened.

Then Chen Feng entered this unknown origin, while Extinction and Slaughter were excited and murderous.

The two of them had already felt the vitality of this origin, and they just had to go in and kill and kill.

Seeing these three so straightforward, the remaining Hunyuans discussed with each other quickly and followed.

Some of the Hunyuans who rushed to the front knew Chen Feng better. On the one hand, they believed in Chen Feng's strength, and on the other hand, they wanted to follow closer. If there was really danger, it would be safer to follow Chen Feng.

The battle came unexpectedly fast. As soon as he entered this origin, a force blocked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng also resolved the will attack of this origin alone. Although there was some pressure, Chen Feng still endured it.

"It is indeed not a very strong origin, and more power is needed to protect the operation of this origin." Chen Feng was relieved.

This was also the aspect that Chen Feng was most worried about, but then the space in front of him was distorted, and countless space cracks appeared. Rich energy was emitted, and there were also practitioners.

"This seems to be the original energy." Extinction said so.

"The other party is quite straightforward. He used such quality energy right at the beginning, but the other party also knew that we were coming, so it seems that we can't launch a sneak attack." Chen Feng said.

"It's actually possible. Let them entangle these forces. It's best to attract more and more of them, so that we can take this opportunity to come to the core area of ​​this origin." Although Miejue and Tu Lu wanted to go forward and kill, they were still giving Chen Feng advice.

Chen Feng had to admit that this approach was indeed great, but he would not do it for the time being. It was not for the sake of those above Hunyuan behind him, but at least he had to see the situation first.

After all, it's better to understand this origin first.

"Attack immediately." Chen Feng waved his long sword, and sword lights shot out, almost covering all opponents.

Miejue and Tu Lu also released a strong power of death.

Chen Feng and the other two were so fierce that the practitioners who followed them were not idle either, but suddenly dispersed and formed a circle of magic.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't need to say much. In a battle of this scale, they would not fight alone.

In addition, they had experience in fighting against Guixu before, and some partners also joined forces.

Although this origin reacted quickly, it still suffered under the attack of Chen Feng's side.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, practitioners were constantly seriously injured, and the powerful force generated even collapsed this piece of void.

The cracks naturally disappeared in the chaos, but this is the opponent's territory, and it is still no problem to mobilize the force.

Chen Feng was considering the suggestions of Extinction and Slaughter, but found that several people took advantage of the chaos to leave.

"Sure enough, some people left." Chen Feng was not surprised.

Those who can practice to this point naturally have their own ideas. Even if they know that they are powerful, they will not really obey.

"They all think that they can get greater benefits. Haha, at this time, I hope you are arranged by the Gate of Origin, otherwise running around at this time relying on your own strength is simply looking for death." Chen Feng sneered.

"Maybe they took the opportunity to find the core area." Extinction said.

"The other party has the power of time, and nothing can be hidden from me." Chen Feng said with a smile.


The space was broken, and another group of practitioners appeared. The number of both sides was almost equal.

The opponent also blocked Chen Feng's offensive momentum.

"The reaction is really fast. Let's not walk around here for a while." Chen Feng stomped his feet and more than a dozen avenues rushed out, turning into clones, blocking more than a dozen opponents in one breath.

Chen Feng's move shocked many people.

If Chen Feng used magic weapons, no matter how powerful he was, he would only use external objects, but the strength Chen Feng showed was different.

Moreover, Chen Feng blocked so many opponents with his own strength, which was enough to show his attitude in this action.

Even if some people still had some small thoughts, they dared not show them for the time being.

There were also Miejue and Tu Lu, who also showed strong combat power, but the Death Clan itself was extremely powerful. These Hunyuan above thought it was natural, and no one was surprised.

"Dare to cooperate with the Death Clan, and it seems to be in a dominant position, it's incredible." Someone thought so in his heart.

Because of the strength of Chen Feng and the other three, even if the number of both sides was equal, Chen Feng's side gradually gained the upper hand.

If this goes on, it won't take long to defeat the opponent.

"The opponent must have some tricks." Chen Feng has been on guard. This is the opponent's territory. He won't be defeated right away.

As a result, the progress of the matter is different from what he expected. As time goes by, the opponent is injured one after another, and finally he scatters.


Lin Feng was a little surprised. The opponent was defeated just like that? No other tricks?

"Everyone, follow me." Although he didn't know why it was like this, Chen Feng would not retreat at all.

Most people chose to follow Chen Feng, and a few people left quietly.

"I think it won't take long before they all leave." Miejue secretly said to Chen Feng.

"It doesn't matter. The goal has been achieved after entering this origin." Chen Feng didn't care at all.

"Daoyou, what are we going to do next? Should we go find some places of life to plunder some resources?" Someone asked.

"What kind of resources can compare to killing a Hunyuan." Chen Feng said.

"But that level of life is not so easy to kill. Daoyou is so strong, but he didn't leave the opponent behind." The man said.

"You mean I deliberately didn't leave them behind." Chen Feng said lightly.

"I didn't mean that."

"I saw that some people had their own thoughts after coming in. It's up to you, as long as you don't regret it." Chen Feng said.

Sure enough, two or three more people left.

"Idiot, I really hope you can attract some attention to me." Chen Feng sneered.

Through the feedback of the long river of time, the practitioners who left first had already fought with local life.

And they did go to find the origin area, and another point is that the combat power they showed was much stronger than before.

"Sure enough, there is something hidden." Chen Feng said secretly.

At the same time, the core location of this origin was also determined.

However, Chen Feng did not plan to go there immediately, but planned to wait.

Sure enough, people kept leaving one after another, and later there were only forty or fifty Hunyuan behind Chen Feng, which surprised Chen Feng.

I wanted them all to leave, but who knew there were still so many people left.

"Daoyou, you should have some ideas. If you really want to get rid of us, just say it." Everyone is not stupid, so they naturally see Chen Feng's thoughts.

"It's a bit embarrassing. In this case, let's act." Chen Feng did not explain, and directly communicated with the Long River of Time. Then the power of time surged and enveloped everyone present.

"This time we are going to the core area of ​​this origin. It may be dangerous, but there are enough gains. Everyone, be prepared. If there is really danger, you can use means to leave or get close to me if you are sure." Chen Feng said.

Under the shuttle of the power of time, they quickly arrived at the core area of ​​this origin, and went straight into it.

During this period of time, the Long River of Time did not participate in the battle, and it was also prepared for these things.

"Such a rich energy, it is indeed the core area."

"It's not in vain."

Everyone felt it and knew that they did not come to the wrong place. Some people even used means to plunder at the first time to make up for the consumption of the previous battle.

"Something is wrong."

"There is danger."

At this time, Chen Feng received news from Extinction and Slaughter respectively.

After all, these two are good at killing and are more sensitive to danger. In addition, they are strong, so they felt something was wrong at the first time.

"I also feel like I have entered a trap." Chen Feng said.

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