Eternal Existence

Chapter 5235: Cooperation in the War

"It is possible. After all, the three of them joined forces to fight against Guixu. No one would believe that it doesn't matter." Chen Feng said.

"But before things change, the Zerg Origin is still at a disadvantage. Another point is that now that things have changed, Guixu should take this opportunity to mobilize its forces. Why has Guixu not reacted much so far? Does Guixu have no extra forces?"

Although some news has been obtained and some speculations have been made, some choices must still be made.

Whether to leave this line of origin or to look for the possible benefits in the Zerg Origin.

In short, we cannot stagnate here.

"Maybe we can take this opportunity to go to other origins to have a look. Since the Zerg Origin can no longer get any benefits, it is better to go to those few origins to get some money. Maybe after these origins have mobilized enough forces, they are already empty inside." Void God said so.

"This is a good idea." Chen Feng continued to communicate with the Long River of Time, wanting to see if the Gate of Origin had any suggestions.

As a result, the Gate of Origin was willing to cooperate with Chen Feng's actions, which also meant that it was willing to let Chen Feng take the lead and investigate the specific situation first.

However, under the wrapping of the power of time, Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness had just left the Zerg Origin, and then discovered a new army.

The first feeling that this army gave Chen Feng was that this was a real war army. Wherever it passed, there was a rolling aura of disaster, which seemed to bring real extinction to all civilizations.

"This is a helper from the Origin of Disaster. It seems that they are really here to help the Zerg Qi Source. I wonder if the Origin of Life has any action? It's really a bit strange to say that these three origins, according to their attributes, will definitely fight each other, especially the Origin of Life, which is the object of everyone's plunder. I didn't expect them to cooperate with each other very well and form an alliance." Chen Feng felt a little incredible.

However, the dispatch of the Origin of Disaster now shows that the Zerg Origin is not so easy to be defeated.

Next, the power of time flashed, and Extinction and Slaughter also appeared in front of Chen Feng.

These two obviously experienced extremely tragic battles, and the aura of death on their bodies has not been restrained, and some wounds have not recovered.

After seeing Chen Feng, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

It was not that the River of Time took the initiative to bring them here, but the situation had just changed dramatically. The two of them also felt a strong crisis and had to ask the River of Time to take them away.

"What happened?" Before Miejue and Slaughter could figure out the situation, they saw the army of the Origin of Disaster clearly, and they were shocked again.

"Are you still interested in participating?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

The Alliance of Miejue and Slaughter shook their heads. Now that things were unclear, it was better to keep a low profile. The previous fight was already very fierce. Although it was more in line with the two people's cultivation methods, they would not risk their lives.

"These three origins should not be too close to here, otherwise, they would have been involved in the war of Guixu long ago. However, even if the distance is far, it will only take a little time for one origin." Chen Feng said.

Just when Chen Feng and Guixu wanted to leave, they suddenly received the will from the Zerg Origin.

It was just like the recruitment of the local will in the local origin, but this time the Zerg Origin was not recruiting, but was willing to offer benefits to the invaders such as Chen Feng.

"This is quite interesting." Void God said.

"It seems that the situation of the Zerg Origin is indeed a bit tense, and they have begun to look for outsiders like us to act as mercenaries, but I would like to ask what kind of benefits they are willing to offer, and if they let us join the war, they are not afraid that we will turn against them at the last minute." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After receiving Chen Feng's inquiry, the Zerg Origin naturally responded quickly and stated its conditions.

This condition also shocked Chen Feng.

The Zerg Origin is willing to offer a certain number of origin stars, as well as the law patterns required by the Void God, and the origin area required by the Origin Gate.

"This price is a bit high! I wonder what conspiracy the Zerg Origin has?" Although Chen Feng thought that he and others were worth the price, after all, the purpose of coming here before was to get these resources, because they would only get them after fighting with the Zerg Origin. Unexpectedly, the Zerg Origin took the initiative to offer these benefits, and he and others just wanted to participate in a war.

It doesn't matter who the opponent is. Besides, if you really can't do anything to the opponent and encounter danger, you can leave at any time.

This condition is completely worth it for his side.

So Chen Feng was a little tempted, but he would not make a decision on his own, but discussed it with everyone.

"I don't care. If I can get the benefits first, then I will naturally be willing." The God of Nothingness said this quickly.

Extinction and Slaughter naturally agreed. For the two of them, as long as there is a powerful life as an opponent, it is enough.

Next, wait for the response from the Gate of Origin. Speaking of it, the Gate of Origin is the most powerful force, and they said that they have discovered more information. If the Gate of Origin does not agree, Chen Feng will naturally not agree.

But fortunately, the Gate of Origin also chose to agree. Although the response was a little slow, Chen Feng also knew that it should be exploring something.

Seeing that the Gate of Origin agreed, Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

So the two sides negotiated properly, and without signing any contract, the Zerg Origin took out the conditions it had offered before.

It was exactly the origin star, law pattern, and a large piece of origin that Chen Feng and others needed.

What's interesting is that this large piece of origin does not belong to the Zerg Origin, but other origin fragments that the Zerg Origin invaded in the past, which have not been completely absorbed and are now taken out as a transaction.

For the Gate of Origin, no matter where the origin fragments are, it doesn't matter. As long as the level can be reached, it can enhance its own strength.

As for whether Chen Feng's side will contribute next, it is not what the Zerg Origin is worried about.

At this level, it is difficult to do such a tasteless thing.

If Chen Feng and his team have the opportunity, they will take the opportunity to divide the Zerg Origin, but Chen Feng himself can't do it if the deal is not executed.

Then the power of time wrapped up the few people, and when they appeared again, they had already arrived on the battlefield.

This army has hundreds of Hunyuan, some of whom are very powerful, reaching the level of extinction and slaughter, and there is also the continuous support of the power of origin. There are several origins sitting in all directions.

It seems that this force should not be underestimated. It comes from one origin, killing the Zerg army continuously.

Chen Feng's side appeared and directly blocked the opponent's way.

"Don't worry about where the opponent comes from. Since we have already got the benefits, we just need to block the opponent next." Chen Feng said so, and directly released the sword formation to suppress forward.

In fact, there is nothing to calculate too much in this kind of war. In the final analysis, it still depends on real strength to fight.

Extinction and slaughter have also joined forces to rush up. The two of them like this situation the most, not to mention that once again with Chen Feng and others around, they can start a killing without scruples.

The long river of time, the gate of time and space, and the sword of the end, they all appeared.

It is still no problem to block this force. Chen Feng thinks that the only thing to do is to do his best to get rid of these opponents.

It can be said that this is a good opportunity.

Maybe the strength of this side of the origin is very strong, but the power in front of them is not too strong for Chen Feng and his team.

Moreover, the appearance of Chen Feng and others may have disrupted the opponent's steps and rhythm.

Logically speaking, although Chen Feng and others have achieved the benefits, they have a lot of flexibility in what they have to do. They can fight desperately or retain their strength to just delay the opponent.

Before Chen Feng's sword formation was opened, Extinction and Slaughter had each solved an opponent.

Chen Feng realized that he had thought too much. How could he hold back in the war?

So if he could solve the opponent, he would still use the killer. Besides, after killing these opponents, he could also get great benefits.

This is what the Void God thought. For these veteran practitioners, killing some lives and destroying some life areas is simply a matter of not blinking an eye.

Besides, the origin weapons on the side of the Gate of Origin are also best at killing.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, more than a dozen people above the Hunyuan were slaughtered, which was also a surprise to the other side.

The opponent's reaction was a little slower, but those powerful origins still took action immediately to block the attack, and then the origins behind the opponent also quickly mobilized their forces to support.

"The opponent is a little weak." Chen Feng thought, and the sword formation easily covered several Hunyuans.

Some of them were quite strong, but they could not break Chen Feng's sword formation in a short time.

"They have no problem killing some Zerg armies, but they are definitely not good against those Zerg masters. In this way, the strength of the opponents in this area we came from is not strong." Chen Feng came to this conclusion.

But soon Chen Feng didn't think so, because with a bright light flashing in the opponent's camp, the Hunyuans who were killed before were resurrected.

"Are they all clones?" Chen Feng shook his head. Through the previous confrontation, he could also judge that these opponents were not clones, which means that the opponent had the means to resurrect.

In fact, for some lives in the Gate of Origin, this is not a particularly difficult thing. Many practitioners will place life imprints in the free space or in the name of origin. If they die, they can also be resurrected through life imprints, but this also requires some time and some preparation.

Unlike the opponents in front of him who resurrected so quickly, Chen Feng knew that the opponent must have some special means of resurrection.

"This is a bit difficult." Since the opponent can be resurrected, it is not as simple as slaughtering as previously thought.

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