Eternal Existence

Chapter 5234: Unexpected Changes

The situation of the God of Nothingness was similar to that of Chen Feng, and he did not encounter any new means.

Then the power of time also spread.

It must be said that the power of time is indeed amazing, and it can be transmitted even in such a war.

And the Gate of Time and Space appeared together with the power of time.

As soon as the Gate of Time and Space appeared, it took in a star that hit Chen Feng.

This scene made Chen Feng nervous, fearing that doing so would break the Gate of Time and Space.

As a result, the Gate of Time and Space only rippled violently, and there was some shaking inside, but there was no other situation.

This made Chen Feng relieved, and at the same time a little surprised, has the Gate of Time and Space become so powerful?

But when the power of good fortune and the evil swamp emanated from it, Chen Feng understood.

It turned out that the Gate of Time and Space did not come from him.

"Is it specially here to help me?" Chen Feng believed that these origins existed, although they had a good relationship with him, but they still had to obey the orders of the Gate of Origin.

"We are too far away from the Gate of Origin, and the other party cannot force us to restrain us. Besides, the Gate of Origin has now tacitly agreed to our actions." The Gate of Time and Space said so.

Although Chen Feng can get some information through the long river of time, he does not know much about the real situation of the Gate of Origin.

Now that the Gate of Time and Space has appeared, it also shows that the situation of the Gate of Origin should not be as bad as imagined, otherwise, it will definitely not divide its strength to help itself.

Don't think too much for now. Since there are helpers coming, Chen Feng will certainly be more relaxed. The Gate of Time and Space has gone all out and actually collected two more stars that fell.

This made Chen Feng very envious. Each star is condensed from a huge origin, and there are also some will blessings of this origin.

If it falls into his hands, he can create a Zerg army, and the Gate of Time and Space will greatly enhance his strength after they change.

Although Chen Feng envied them, he would not rob them with them, because Chen Feng also locked a star.

After the other party smashed it, he immediately used one side of the origin to cover it, so the impact of the origin shook violently, almost collapsing, but it was still successfully suppressed by Chen Feng.

"This time I got a lot of benefits." Chen Feng was somewhat satisfied, and he wished that the other party would continue to use this method.

This is simply a benefit that comes to the door.

But when the next star appeared, Chen Feng suddenly felt a tremor in his heart.

Just one collision, cracks appeared in the gate of time and space.

Chen Feng hurriedly stepped forward to block it with the strongest means of kinetic energy, and then Chen Feng felt an irresistible force.

The sword formation was broken.

The origin collapsed.

Even Chen Feng himself rolled out.

This time, a star appeared, and the impact force was ten times stronger than before.

Think about it, I could barely collect one star before, and now ten came out at once.

Fortunately, Chen Feng's move saved the gate of time and space, otherwise the gate of time and space would collapse, and the benefits obtained before would also be spit out.

But the trouble Chen Feng encountered now has to be solved by himself.

During the tumbling process, Chen Feng was hit by the Zerg master's mind again.

At this time, Chen Feng could only believe that his defense could escape this disaster.

These situations were still not good. Chen Feng's body had wounds. He relied on his strong vitality to resist all of this, but it was really not good to be beaten passively like this.

Fortunately, the power of time washed back and forth, giving Chen Feng time to catch his breath.

Chen Feng finally stabilized his body, and then the gate of time and space appeared, wrapping Chen Feng in it.

Wanted to escape from the original place.

In the end, he still failed, and was blocked by the light curtain formed by the rich starlight.

"I have gained something, but it's not big. If I leave now, I will be a little unwilling, but if I continue, I'm afraid I won't get too much benefit." Chen Feng had the heart to retreat at this time.

Although he also got some origin stars, his own efforts were also great, and the Zerg's power was indeed strong, masters emerged in an endless stream, and there were also vast origin stars.

Chen Feng was very worried that he would not be able to bear it if he continued.

Moreover, the powerful Void God did not gain much advantage. The Gate of Origin seemed to be a little easy before, but the Gate of Time and Space was almost smashed just now, and Chen Feng changed his mind again.

Once the Gate of Time and Space was broken by the opponent, it means that other origins cannot withstand this level of attack.

Another point is that when the Gate of Time and Space was injured, it did not receive the blessing of the Gate of Origin.

Just when Chen Feng was considering whether to leave, the stars in the sky suddenly became dim.

It was as if countless lights suddenly went out.

All the pressure disappeared out of thin air, and the huge star that was originally hit also disappeared.

And the huge insects that condensed also disappeared.

"What happened?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, and thought that the opponent would have some means next, but he did not notice any danger.

Moreover, Chen Feng and the Void God also successfully merged together.

"The opponent is collecting power." At this time, the Void God said.

"It seems that something has changed." Chen Feng released his perception and wanted to explore something, but he received news from the long river of time.

"It turns out that this origin was invaded by foreign enemies. It seems that the invaders are very powerful, and they have made these Zerg withdraw their power to deal with us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This shows that the threat from the other side is greater than ours. Could it be that the power of Guixu has invaded? But even if so, we are now in the core area of ​​the origin of this origin, and we are also a big threat. We can't be ignored no matter what." Void God said.

"Then this is a good opportunity for us." Chen Feng held a long sword and cut around.

Although the power of these origin stars was drawn away, some lines and silk threads were still left.

These are also good things.

The next moment, Chen Feng found that these lines covering the entire core area began to wither.

It was like a tree trunk losing its vitality.

"In this case, this origin will collapse." Void God said.

"I don't care about these. What's most depressing now is that we can't get any benefits." Chen Feng said.

The power of the origin stars was drawn away, and these frames began to wither, so he and others had nothing to gain here.

"It's impossible for so many origin stars to disappear completely. Let's look for them again." Void God was a little unwilling.

Chen Feng shook his head. It was true according to the news from the long river of time.

The energy in this origin was so rich, and the origin power in the core area of ​​the origin was even more powerful.

It was impossible for it to disappear completely in such a short time.

Chen Feng and Void God kept shuttling in the surrounding areas. Not only did the resources disappear completely, but even the previous opponents disappeared completely.

"It seems that we can only leave here and go to other places to have a look. If we really have to mobilize a large amount of power to invade, we must leave here quickly." Chen Feng thought that if such a powerful reorganized origin could not resist, then the newcomer must be very powerful.

Besides, if the benefits of the core area are gone, then this place is not considered a core area.

The power of time appeared and took Chen Feng and Void God away from here.

In fact, it didn't take long to find the root cause of this incident.

There is indeed a powerful force attacking the entire Zerg Origin.

When it was not shocking, in addition to the Guixu party, there were three more forces.

Moreover, the power of Guixu did not become stronger, and remained the same as before.

On the contrary, the power of the three additional families was very powerful, and the power of each family was no less than the power of the origin of life seen before.

"No wonder the power was withdrawn, and the three additional families were enough to change the entire battle situation. If the Zerg Origin could not resist, it would soon collapse." Chen Feng saw that the Zerg army was being slaughtered continuously.

The invaders were unstoppable, and it was obvious that they were well prepared. Moreover, the three families seemed to attack from different directions, but in fact they cooperated with each other very well, and the attack direction they chose was also carefully selected.

"I have never seen these three origins before, and I don't know which one is which? It seems that the other party has been thinking about this for a long time, but they did not unite to fight against Guixu, but instead dealt with the Zerg Origin. Although the Zerg is also a disaster, it is still inappropriate to do so." Chen Feng said so.

Chen Feng was too lazy to spend time to explore, but waited for the Long River of Time to deliver the message.

After all, his exploration skills were far inferior to the Long River of Time.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the long river of time to bring the news that Chen Feng wanted to know.

The origin of life and the origin of disaster didn't seem to encounter this situation. They were still fighting against Guixu.

Including the Zerg army in Guixu was retreating.

"Will the origin of the Zerg be divided up if this goes on?" said the God of Nothingness.

"It seems that it may be divided up. Speaking of the existence of the Zerg, most of the lives are thinking about their fall. Even I don't want to see this type of race reproduce on a large scale, but now we can't get any benefits, which makes me a little unwilling." Chen Feng said.

Next, Chen Feng also saw the true strength of the Zerg. Countless Zerg armies came out from various places and joined the war.

Naturally, there were many powerful masters, and Chen Feng also saw the big bugs that had fought before.

But even so, it still couldn't stop the invaders' offensive pace.

So in a very short time, the entire origin of the Zerg was fully involved in the war.

Chen Feng also noticed that the rich energy in the origin was also constantly decreasing. This was being drawn away by the Zerg Queen, and then more Zerg armies were created.

"It seems that the Zerg Origin is not without the ability to fight. It has to be said that even if sufficient origins can be taken, it will cost a lot." Chen Feng analyzed this way.

"I feel that things are not that simple." Void God suddenly said.

"What did Daoyou find?" Chen Feng was also a little curious.

"This is just a hunch of mine. I feel that the Zerg Origin should not be defeated like this. Maybe the other two will choose to come to help." Void God said.

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