Eternal Existence

Chapter 5230: Each one takes his own actions

Seeing that Miejue and Tu Lu were still fighting, and the situation was relatively stable, Chen Feng said hello and left.

Seeing Chen Feng and others leave, Miejue and Tu Lu were a little anxious, but the killing was fierce, and they didn't want to leave, so they didn't chase Chen Feng and others, but stayed to fight with Guixu.

"Under this situation, the mother queens who dared to show up must be above the level of Hunyuan. If they were in other places, they could still find a way to suppress them. Even if they met here, it might not be so easy. After all, there is a powerful origin behind them, and they might be besieged." Chen Feng said this, but he still wanted to meet a powerful mother queen, not to fight with the other party, but to see the other party's strength.

After all, Chen Feng also controlled some Zerg mother queens, and the two sides also had something in common.

Chen Feng even transformed a Zerg mother queen into his own clone, so everyone was still one of us.

The power of time has been released silently, and other origins are also releasing their own power to a greater or lesser extent.

Even if they don't plunder the energy here in a big way, they still need to understand the power attributes and some law structures in the new origin.

Not for the Gate of Origin, but for their own great benefits.

Although they are still following the Gate of Origin, these beings will definitely want to become stronger if they seize the opportunity.

Simply getting rid of the control of the Gate of Origin is not the best choice. Only by evolving into real life like fate can they get out of it.

However, reaching this point is not just because of the stronger strength. Although the stronger strength is also an important reason, sometimes opportunities and luck are more important.

This is also one of the important reasons why these origins are willing to contact Chen Feng, because they see great luck and infinite possibilities from Chen Feng.

In fact, after following Chen Feng out of the origin, the origins of Time Changhe and others have indeed gained more knowledge and become much stronger.

After entering so many strange origins, as long as they have been precipitated for years, Time Changhe and others will become stronger step by step.

"The void here is quite stable." The God of Nothingness is also understanding what he is concerned about.

If we talk about the origin of life before, we can say that everyone still has the ability of life energy and business avenue.

However, although the energy here is also very rich, the energy properties here are somewhat chaotic. This is because the plunder has been integrated into other origins.

It is not that these energies cannot be absorbed, but it is a little more troublesome. Moreover, although these energies are very rich, they are still relatively ordinary compared to the core area of ​​one origin.

Even if you want to make a move, you will not choose to make a move here, unless you can cut off pieces of origin with great fanfare.

"I wonder if there is something similar to the avenue of life here? If there is, I would like to see it." Chen Feng said so.

In Chen Feng's opinion, even if there is no existence similar to the avenue of life, there is always a framework that can support the origin of one side. His vision has become higher now, and he can see more things.

And Chen Feng also believes that there must be many good things in the core area of ​​this origin.

After all, these chaotic energies can indeed create countless Zerg armies, but they cannot reach a higher level.

So since there are so many Zerg armies at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian here, there must be a specific core.

Chen Feng also thought that if he could plunder some, he would be able to have more high-level Zerg armies under his command.

In the past, in order to create a more powerful Zerg army, Chen Feng needed to use more corresponding law runes in addition to providing higher-level energy.

According to Chen Feng's speculation, there are probably similar Zerg Avenues in this origin. The power emitted by the Zerg Avenue can allow the Zerg army to evolve continuously, or directly create high-level Zerg.

"So we still have to find the core area of ​​the other party." The God of Nothingness said.

"It has been found." While Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness were still communicating, the news came from the River of Time.

"It is worthy of being the River of Time. It really did not disappoint me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The all-pervasive power of time can indeed discover all hidden things, which is much better than searching for them bit by bit.

"But there are some powerful beings sitting there, and there is also a powerful queen mother who you are interested in." The River of Time continued.

"If you put it that way, I'm really interested. I also have Zerg queens of different categories under my command. I hope they can bring me some gains this time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Since the direction has been determined, everyone is not idle and heads directly to the core area of ​​the Zerg origin.

As a result, they didn't go far before they were attacked again from this origin, and the mental storm was still as strong as before.

"The other party has noticed our intention and is here to stop us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I'm worried that some powerful beings will be triggered to block our way directly, so that we can't go to the core to learn more." Void God said so.

There were still three mental storms, and Chen Feng's side naturally resisted them again.

Just as Void God said, a huge insect appeared, tearing the void as soon as it came up, and slashed at Chen Feng fiercely.

"This is a fighter." Chen Feng saw where the opponent was coming from and blocked the opponent's blade with a long sword.

However, since this insect is a fighter, the direction of evolution is naturally for fighting.

The six foot swords connected together and slashed towards Chen Feng, forming a round blade curtain.

Chen Feng held a long sword and was unable to resist. If the long sword was not of extremely high quality and extremely sharp, it could cut the opponent's attack. If it was replaced by other Hunyuan, it would have been torn into pieces in this round of attack by the opponent.

However, the God of Nothingness did not help Chen Feng, but encountered the same situation as Chen Feng.

Another fighter appeared, and he was even stronger than Chen Feng's opponent. This also shows that the opponent can see who is stronger between the God of Nothingness and Chen Feng.

However, the opponent is still not the opponent of the God of Nothingness. Although the attack power is very strong, it soon fell into the illusion of nothingness. Even with a strong mental power, it was unable to break out for a while.

The Void God wanted to help Chen Feng, but who knew that Chen Feng's opponent was shrouded by the power of time and was trapped in the turbulence of time.

"Very strong." Chen Feng admitted that the opponent was very strong, but it was still a bit unexpected that he was trapped so quickly.

"Maybe it's just that the attack power is strong, and other attributes are a little weak, but since the origin has taken action, it shouldn't be just this level, and there must be more means next." Chen Feng said.

Sure enough, more big bugs appeared, most of them were queens, most of them were fighters, and the weakest ones had the power of extinction, and some could even compete with the Void God.

Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat. He had guessed that the Zerg was very strong before, but this was too strong, wasn't most of the power withdrawn to fight against Guixu?

"From this point of view, it is stronger than the origin of life." Chen Feng said.

Back then, Chen Feng and others rushed directly to the life space, and after gaining some benefits, they were gradually attacked by the power transferred by the origin.

Now they haven't found the core of the origin yet, and they are stopped by a powerful force.

"Is the Zerg so powerful?" Void God also felt a little incredible. He had thought that the Zerg was simply numerous, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"They are very invasive. They plunder all resources wherever they go to strengthen themselves. Of course, they will become stronger." Chen Feng said.




As he was speaking, these Zerg masters had already launched a mental attack together.

The mental power intertwined together and quickly formed a mental storm, and then these masters followed closely and launched an attack.


A knife light slashed like a thread, mixed with the mental storm, and Chen Feng suddenly felt that he could not resist it.

All the Zerg masters attacked together, and even the spreading power of time was torn into pieces.

Void God used a big move, and the power of nothingness fluctuated violently, trying to stop the opponent, but was also torn into pieces by the opponent's attack.

Chen Feng also released the origin, and Chen Feng knew that most of his origin would be severely damaged.

But now is not the time to think about these things. If he can't resist the opponent's attack momentum, his side will definitely be severely damaged.

But at this time, Chen Feng was not alone, and there were other origins on the side of the Gate of Origin.

The sword of the end and other killing weapons appeared all at once and began to clash wildly.

The origin used by Chen Feng did collapse constantly due to the collision between the two sides.

But after all, it was the power of the origin, and it also blocked the opponent's attack. However, these Zerg masters were murderous and full of momentum, and it seemed that they would be able to kill them soon.

"If the battle continues like this, we can't get to the core area at all." Chen Feng was a little depressed.

But fortunately, the Gate of Origin made an effort and directly released hundreds of Hunyuan Above. Even Chen Feng was a little surprised to release so many in one breath.

This doesn't seem to be the style of the Gate of Origin.

But take a look again, these Hunyuan Above Origin Gate accounted for a part, and the rest came from other origins.

"No wonder, this is to take the opportunity to hone and gain benefits." Chen Feng understood.

However, these hundreds of Hunyuan Above are indeed a very strong force, and they can completely deal with these Zerg masters when they join forces.

Of course, the premise is that they can cooperate well. If the situation is disrupted by these Zerg masters, then it will be a massacre to deal with these Hunyuan.

Although Chen Feng saw some masters among them, most of them were ordinary combat power. Facing Zerg masters one-on-one, they would be severely injured or killed in one encounter.

Since the Gate of Origin did this, it means that they have thought of this a long time ago. In addition, with the blessing of Origin behind, the danger is reduced a lot.

Chen Feng felt that the pressure was greatly reduced, so he took the opportunity to counterattack, and the God of Nothingness also created the Great Array of Nothingness.

The power of time also began to flow again.

After a little stabilization, the power of time enveloped Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness, and took everyone away from the spot.

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