Eternal Existence

Chapter 5229: Heart Storm

Before, when everyone entered the origin of life, they thought that it would be easier because of the double war.

At the beginning, they did gain some benefits in the origin of life, but they didn't expect the opponent's power to return so quickly.

Or there were already many practitioners in the origin of life.

So this time, although they saw a large number of Zerg troops entering the Guixu area before, everyone still did not take it lightly.

And the energy of this origin is so abundant, so there must be more Zerg.

In fact, what Chen Feng and others worried about soon happened.

A piece of colorful light appeared, which looked like a rainbow at first. Who knew that this piece of colorful light was coming towards everyone.

Only to see that the area covered by the colorful light was getting bigger and bigger, and there was a sign of covering all time and space.

"It's the power of the mind." Chen Feng was still experienced and immediately recognized what it was. Then he understood that it was a trick created by the Zerg.

You must know that the Zerg is best at the power of the mind, especially the queen wants to control hundreds of billions of insects, of course, it needs extremely powerful mental power.

It's just that it's impossible to be sure that the colorful light in front of him is emitted by the queen. Or was it emitted by other insects, or by other beings.

"It is the will of this origin. The other party has discovered our invasion." Tu Lu said.

Sure enough, at the beginning, these seven-color forces only locked the position of everyone. After determining the location of Chen Feng and others, they immediately turned into a mental storm to attack.

In an instant, the power increased by more than a hundred times.

The previous seven-color light looked very magnificent, but in fact it had no attack power, but it was different now.

Chen Feng had a feeling of facing the Emperor of the Mind.

"I think the Emperor of the Mind must be interested in this origin." Under this circumstance, Chen Feng also had such an idea.

So Chen Feng naturally had to mobilize all his strength to resist. Chen Feng also knew that the main force to stop the opponent's attack was still the Gate of Origin and the God of Nothingness.

Although he also practiced the Great Way of the Mind, he could not compete with the Origin of the other party. Even some of the powerful mother queens here might not be able to resist him.

Moreover, this kind of attack from the mind is different from other types of attacks. It can be said to be pervasive and difficult to resist.

Fortunately, Chen Feng had experience in this area. Even so, he felt that the overwhelming impact made him breathless.

In the end, he relied on some treasures to suppress himself and stabilize his mind, but he was also shocked and almost lost his mind.

"Fortunately, I came here with everyone. If I came here alone, I would definitely encounter big trouble." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng looked at the status of Extinction and Slaughter, and found that their status was better than his.

The spirit has a strong power of death, which can actually dissolve the impact of the power of the mind.

"Sure enough, being good at a power and practicing it to a very high level can burst out unimaginable results." Chen Feng naturally understood this.

To put it bluntly, it is because these two members of the Death Clan are actually really powerful. During this period, they are only compared with the Void God and others. In addition, the opponents they encountered are very powerful, so Extinction and Slaughter seem a little weak.

In the realm above Hunyuan, these two are the top existences. No matter where they go, they will also set off bloody storms and kill.

So after seeing the mental storm reappear, Chen Feng also changed his response method. He selected several avenues, extracted power from them, and arranged them according to the way of reincarnation power.

The power generated formed a good defense and could really consume the power of the mind.

Chen Feng practiced many avenues. It doesn't mean that any avenue he randomly selected could produce such a result. If he selected some suitable avenues, at least the avenues that could have some effect on the power of the mind, so that after mutual fusion and then using power changes, it could have some unexpected effects.

The will from this origin erupted three mental storms before it stopped.

It seemed that Chen Feng and others had resolved the opponent's attack, but it was not easy. In addition to suppressing himself with magic weapons, Chen Feng also used the power of the avenue to continuously merge.

"The power of the mind is indeed very strong, but it can't do anything to us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

This is also because everyone blocked the opponent. If they can't stop it, then I have to find a way to escape from this origin.

Even if someone is seriously injured, they can't continue.

"It seems that although this origin is powerful, the will it can mobilize is only this strong. Even if it is stronger, it doesn't matter." Chen Feng has experienced this situation many times. Even the Soul Emperor couldn't do anything to him at the time, not to mention that the origin in front of him has not evolved into a life like the Soul Emperor.

"Do you want to continue moving forward?" asked Miejue.

"We just came in, how can we leave? We have to keep moving forward. If there is danger, it won't be too late to leave then. Although this origin is powerful, most of the forces are fighting against Guixu. So many armies have walked out before. I think as long as we don't make too big a move, I don't think the other party will take the initiative to provoke us." Chen Feng said.

"That's right, the other party's attack before was just a test. Now that they know we are not easy to mess with, they definitely don't want to be our enemy." Void God also said so.

As he said this, a strong power fluctuation suddenly came from the front. At first, everyone thought that a big bug appeared, but when they got closer, they found that a group of native creatures from Guixu were fighting against the Zerg.

"It's a big scene." Chen Feng said with a smile.

There are hundreds of creatures from Guixu, all of whom are above the fighting power of Hunyuan.

This is a very powerful force, which can fully participate in the battle of origin.

The Zerg Origin mobilized a large army to besiege.

Chen Feng looked at the Zerg army participating in this war, which was as many as tens of billions.

The large number is shocking, although it is nothing compared to the hundreds of millions of Zerg armies.

After all, the number of opponents is small.

The powerful Zerg rushed to the front, and the weaker ones joined forces to launch an attack from a distance.

Some Zerg that cannot even reach the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, under normal circumstances, no matter how many of them there are, they will not play a role against the above Hunyuan, after all, the level difference between the two sides is too large, even if they stand still and let you attack, you can't break his defense.

However, these Zerg armies can communicate and mobilize their power with each other. Hundreds of millions of Zerg armies will concentrate their power and pass it to thousands of more powerful Zergs, letting them fight the opponent. If their power is not enough, they will pass the power to a smaller number of Zergs again.

Finally, they can fight the opponent head-on, and those Zergs have endless power, as if they have been blessed by the origin behind them.

Chen Feng noticed that not only that, but also fighting those powerful Zergs in the front can share the attack power.

"It's quite interesting." Void God also saw the doorway.

It seems that the Zerg army is besieging Hunyuan in Guixu, but the Zerg army is now constantly losing.

"In this case, do we choose to leave or go forward to participate in it." Extinction asked.

"For the two of you, participating in it is a good thing, but I don't know which side you will choose to help?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

There are a lot of lives in front of them, which is a good opportunity for these two death clans to practice.

Extinction and Slaughter hesitated after hearing what Chen Feng said.

That's true.

If they participate, they will definitely not kill both sides. Although they think so in their hearts, the situation does not allow them to do so.

If they deal with these Zerg armies, they may be suppressed by the origin.

If they deal with these Hunyuan Above from Guixu, then these Zerg will not appreciate it and may still attack them in the end.

In any case, both sides are opponents.

In fact, as a death clan, they would not consider this problem in the past, but the situation is different now. They have experienced extremely powerful masters, and both sides of the war are not easy to mess with, so for the sake of their own lives, they still have to think about it carefully.

Besides, if they really do it recklessly, Chen Feng and others will not agree.

"Why not try it, but deal with these Hunyuan Above from Guixu. Although these Zerg armies do not have much reason, they are controlled by the Queen Mother after all." Solution thought about it and said so.

"Then give it a try." Chen Feng didn't care.

After seeing everyone's attitude, Miejue and Tu Lu rushed up immediately.

Although these Hunyuans from Guixu were surrounded, it was nothing for Miejue and Tu Lu. The two rushed into the core of the battlefield easily.

At first glance, they thought they were going to rescue the Hunyuans from Guixu, and they were even locked by the Zerg.

But before they were locked, Miejue and Tu Lu had already launched an attack on the forces from Guixu.

Sure enough, as expected, after seeing the position of the two, the Zerg army avoided Miejue and Tu Lu, and continued to deal with the Hunyuans who returned.

In this way, Miejue and Tu Lu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not so easy to deal with these Hunyuans from Guixu. Maybe they have helpers behind them." Chen Feng did not plan to participate.

In fact, if Chen Feng and Xuwushen took action together, they could deal with all the hundreds of Hunyuans from Guixu in a very short time.

But neither Chen Feng nor Guixu had this plan. Maybe the Gate of Origin wanted to devour these Hunyuan, but there was no sign of action for the time being.

So Extinction and Slaughter were just participating in the training.

"I think we should leave here." Void God was also looking around and found that apart from this group of troops, there was no other discovery for the time being.

"Strange." Chen Feng muttered. In fact, Chen Feng was looking for the Queen Mother who was sitting in secret, but he didn't find her.

"I don't know if it's hidden deep, or there is no Queen Mother nearby. These Zerg armies are completely controlled by this side of the origin." Chen Feng was a little curious.

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