Eternal Existence

Chapter 5219: Massacre

The name of the same clan of Extinction is Slaughter. You can tell what they do on weekdays by hearing the name, but their strength is indeed very strong. Even though they are stronger than Extinction, they did not hold back after they arrived, and fought with their opponents with all their strength.

"I didn't expect the Death Clan to appear again." Wanjie Emperor was surprised to know the Death Clan. He was already under the siege of Chen Feng's many clones, and he couldn't get away. Now there are two more powerful death lives, and he feels the pressure is increasing. He burst out some powerful means in succession but couldn't rush out.

After the rage, Wanjie Emperor calmed down a little and began to calculate according to the middle, looking for opportunities.

In the eyes of Wanjie Emperor, Chen Feng's realm is not enough after all. This time, he has split so many clones, which must have consumed a lot of himself, and he can't hold on for so long.

So it's better to wait and see the situation first.

Seeing that the opponent used defensive means, Chen Feng naturally understood the opponent's plan, but he was not in a hurry.

Anyway, it was unexpected that Chen Feng could entangle the opponent.

The direction of the next battle depends on the Gate of Origin and the God of Nothingness.

As for the huge consumption, now is not the time to think about it. Anyway, Chen Feng has enough resources to consume. Even if he fights for ten thousand years, Chen Feng can afford it.

So the plan of the Wanjie Emperor is impossible to achieve.

On the contrary, the Void God is getting braver and braver. With the cooperation of the Gate of Origin, the Void God seized the opportunity and used the strongest explosion to hurt the Emperor of Karma.

This made the Emperor of Karma begin to re-understand the situation in front of him.

Obviously, everything that was calculated before did not develop as planned, and the people in front of him were not so easy to mess with.

The strongest Void God can leave whenever he wants. If you want to deal with the existence of the level of Void God, you must have an equally powerful helper.

Similarly, the Void God cannot deal with the Emperor of Karma.

On the contrary, the strength of the Real Emperor is very impressive. Even if it is covered by the power mobilized by the Gate of Origin, the real power continues to erode wherever it passes.

After all, this is not in the Gate of Origin, and the power transmitted from afar will also be discounted.

Fortunately, there were other origins who joined in, and for a while, neither side could tell the winner.

But the Moral Saint still had to look for opportunities to deal with Chen Feng, and he was blocked by the Time River several times.

Later, two more origins came to the battlefield through the channel.

These two origins came from the Yuanjie and the Abyss Valley respectively. The reason why they came to the battle so desperately was that on the one hand, the origin behind them gave the order, on the other hand, they also wanted to participate, and on the other hand, they could get some benefits from the war in front of them.

"It's only a matter of time before we win this way." Although Chen Feng was constantly splitting out clones, he was also observing the situation of the entire battle. When he felt the Gate of Origin constantly mobilizing power, Chen Feng knew more and more in his heart.

"If my clone can become stronger again, maybe I can surround and kill the opponent." Chen Feng also knew that his methods were a bit clumsy and limited by his own strength. He could burst out such a powerful force thanks to the replication law and the fragments of origin he had.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng also mastered some very powerful magic weapons, but now Chen Feng's power is all used to control the clones, and the magic weapons are not fully refined, so they are unable to participate in the battle.

For example, although the origin furnace mastered by Chen Feng cannot participate in the battle, it can extract some of the opponent's power for refining.

Even if the opponent's power is very strong, it is not a problem to extract a little bit.

After refining the power, part of it is fed back to Chen Feng, and it can also be used to replenish Chen Feng's consumption.

In this way, Chen Feng can last longer.

"I didn't expect you to have so many magic weapons on you."

The Wanjie Emperor also felt Chen Feng's means, and was a little surprised in his heart.

"Just some small means, not worth mentioning." Although Chen Feng said this, he still drew a lot of power from the origin furnace, and after his own transformation, he blessed the major clones.

Moreover, as time went on, these clones cooperated with each other more and more skillfully, and various wonderful magic arrays were constantly changing, and the combat power that burst out became more and more powerful.

After the Origin Fragment that Chen Feng had burned before was exhausted, Chen Feng took out another Origin Fragment. In this way, the power was endless, and the Wanjie Emperor also felt a little bad.

Chen Feng's side became a stalemate, and the God of Nothingness was also entangled with the Emperor of Karma.

But the most intense battlefield was still on the side of the Real Emperor.

Two Real Emperors, plus the Moral Bible, fought with multiple Origin Beings of the Gate of Origin.

The will of the Gate of Origin blocked a Real Emperor. In addition to multiple Origin Beings, there were also hundreds of Hunyuan Above who joined forces to suppress the Moral Saint.

There were several times when they wanted to move the Moral Saint to the outside of Guixu. The Moral Saint also knew how powerful it was, and understood that once he was moved away, he would probably not be able to get away.

"I didn't expect this Origin to be so powerful, and there were other Origins to help. It was really a mistake before." The Moral Saint was also unsure.

The previous fights between the few people had all suffered losses. I thought that this time I would be able to get back the ground after making sufficient preparations, but who knew that the opponent was not easy to mess with.

Both sides have paid a heavy price in the fight so far, but neither has the upper hand.

It's hard to say who will win and who will lose if they continue to entangle, and what kind of situation it will lead to.

To put it bluntly, this is Guixu, not anyone’s territory.

They may be targeted by the rules at the Gate of Origin, but existences like the Real Earth will also be suppressed by the rules.

Once there is a chance, Guixu will definitely take action.

Now Guixu has mobilized its forces and is watching from a distance. Once there is a winner or both sides suffer, and there is a good opportunity, they will get involved and wipe out both sides.

So after fighting for a while, both sides started to retreat.

The crisis predicted by the Gate of Origin has been passed. The real emperor knows that the main body will not come, and there is nothing he can do about the Gate of Origin.

After all, both sides are old rivals.

It's just that when the fight reaches this point, no one wants to be the first to stop, because once they stop, it may affect themselves.

Chen Feng also understood this and didn't care. Up until now, the situation caused by the two sides had a great impact. Maybe Guixu had intervened, but it had no effect.

Besides, the Gate of Origin has mobilized so much power and doesn’t want to end the search in an anticlimactic manner.

Sure enough, as time went by, more forces were mobilized from the Gate of Origin.

This time was different from before. Hundreds of Hunyuan came along the passage, arrived at the battlefield, formed a large formation, and directly surrounded the moral saint.

Although the moral sage is powerful, he can never hope to deal with so many opponents.

Moreover, these Hunyuan came from various sources, and used various methods that the moral sage has never seen before. They suffered a lot of losses for a while, and were finally overwhelmed by attacks. If this continues, the moral sage may really Will turn into ashes.

Seeing his apprentice suffer a loss, the Emperor of Karma would not stand idly by, but he was so entangled by the God of Nothingness that he broke out one after another, and even failed to get rid of the God of Nothingness. Some people were a little anxious.

"The two fellow Taoists still find an opportunity to deal with the moral saint." Seeing this scene, Chen Feng notified Extermination and Massacre.

Miejie was pleasantly surprised. He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. After listening to Chen Feng's words, he and Tucha quickly came to the presence of the Moral Saint Lord.

The power of death was so dense that the Moral Bible could no longer resist being invaded by the power of death. Its combat effectiveness was affected, and then it was hit one after another by other opponents.

His body was about to collapse.

At this time, the Emperor of Karma finally used his special move. The power in his body increased steadily, forcing the God of Nothingness to retreat. He wanted to rescue his apprentice. Who knew that an energy ball exploded next to him, and the powerful force actually blew up the Emperor of Karma. A somersault.

By the time he regained his balance, it was already too late. The moral saint was torn into pieces.

Emperor Karma broke out and wanted to go forward and kill everyone. However, he was blocked layer by layer by the power coming from the Gate of Origin. After finally smashing these obstacles, he was entangled by the God of Nothingness who caught up.

In desperation, Emperor Karma released two more puppets. These two puppets burned with blazing fire, and their powerful power actually blocked the God of Nothingness.

Then the Emperor of Karma stepped forward and used a method similar to going back in time, and the previously collapsed moral saint actually began to unite again.

But then the power of the river of time appeared out of thin air, and the body of the moral saint collapsed again.

This time, Emperor Karma had no time to use his methods, but instead grabbed part of the body of the Moral Saint King and quickly clashed out.

Of course, the many Hunyuans coming from the Gate of Origin couldn't stop them. Instead, Extinction and Slaughter stepped forward to fight, barely entangled with the Emperor of Karma.

But there is still no complete elimination of the moral Bible.

"It's really a pity." Miejie was unwilling to give up. With such a good opportunity in front of him, he almost killed the moral Bible into ashes. Who knew that some of the true souls were snatched away by the other party.

Although the moral Bible was seriously injured and might not be able to recover as easily as before, but since there was no death and Emperor Karma's methods were so good, he could still recover in the future.

But no matter what, our side has the upper hand in dealing with the opponent of the Moral Saint King this time. It is a good time to take advantage of this opportunity to take action.

Therefore, Extermination and Slaughter did not flinch at all, but joined forces to deal with Emperor Karma.

Sure enough, after only a few rounds of fighting between the two sides, the God of Nothingness had already eliminated the two puppets and came back to kill them again.

"It seems that you have failed this time." Chen Feng sneered at the Emperor of All Tribulations.

"We had no grievances and could have become friends. The current situation is caused by Taoist fellow Taoist himself."

Hearing Chen Feng's ridicule, the Emperor of Myriad Tribulations remained silent and just kept fighting. There is nothing to say until now. If he had known that there would be such an ending, then the Emperor of Myriad Tribulations might have joined forces with Chen Feng and the others to deal with it. The Emperor of Cause and Effect.

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