Eternal Existence

Chapter 5218 New Methods

This clone is even more powerful than the one that was defeated before, and it exudes a pure aura of power of a single attribute.

It is sharp and sharp, as if it can cut through everything.

This is a clone condensed from the Great Dao of Sword.

As the copy law turns, the second clone appears again.

This clone contains the power of time, as if it is condensed from the core power of the long river of time.

This is condensed from Chen Feng's Great Dao of Time.

Then the third clone appeared, this time from the Great Dao of Void.

As the power of the copy law surges, coupled with the continuous infusion of power from the Gate of Origin behind it, and Chen Feng himself drives various great roads.

More clones came out.

These clones are several times stronger than those condensed by Chen Feng himself, because this is not just Chen Feng's own power.

Instead, it uses the power of the copy law and the Gate of Origin.

In other words, condensation is the foundation and copying is the means. This is also a technique that Chen Feng has recently comprehended when he suddenly thought of practicing the copy law.

This is also the first time it has been used.

Chen Feng didn't know what the effect would be, but he was very happy to see the power of these clones. Regardless of whether he could stop the opponent this time, at least this method could be considered as honed.

And this method must be very useful. Chen Feng also had some confidence that he could entangle the Wanjie Emperor.

This was originally the point mentioned in the communication with the Gate of Origin.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of clones appeared. These clones did not rush up all at once, but formed a formation. Some clones could also merge with each other and burst out with stronger combat power.

When seeing Chen Feng release several clones, the Wanjie Emperor was still a little unconvinced.

But when the number of Chen Feng reached a certain level, the Wanjie Emperor began to feel the pressure.

Especially when he saw that the shattered clones could appear again quickly, the Wanjie Emperor began to worry.

Moreover, the clones that Chen Feng had just appeared did not seem to consume much of Chen Feng's power. It was just that a new clone appeared under the rotation of the copy law.

It was like Chen Feng had used the copy mirror before, and as time went on, the strength of the clones that appeared later actually increased.

In addition, Chen Feng mobilized some weapons and magic weapons, and the combat effectiveness of these clones also underwent some huge changes.

You should know that some of Chen Feng's current avenues are very powerful. The clones condensed by these avenues can reach the realm above Hunyuan. Now they are copied by the copy law, and with the blessing of the Gate of Origin, it can be said that the explosive power that can be generated is even surprising to Chen Feng himself.

The most important thing is that it is not just one or two clones. The battle formation went forward to fight against the Wanjie Emperor. Of course, they were not opponents at the beginning. Seeing that one of the battle formations was about to be broken, a dozen clones appeared and formed the same battle formation.

In the end, there were hundreds of clones, surrounding the Wanjie Emperor and attacking non-stop.

Wave after wave, continuous, and the power is constantly superimposed.

Although some clones were constantly injured or even directly defeated due to their weak strength, they would soon be replenished by Chen Feng.

For a time, they actually entangled the Wanjie Emperor.

I have to say that Chen Feng was very satisfied, and at the same time, he felt a little funny. The previous opponent used such means, but he didn't expect that he would not use such means this time.

And the effect is better.

Although it consumes a lot, with the Gate of Origin to supplement it, Chen Feng did not have the pressure he imagined.

Especially the River of Time also divided a part of their power to bless Chen Feng.

For example, the River of Time blesses the clone condensed by the power of time, and the power of creation blesses the clone of creation.

The Gate of Time blesses the clone of time and space, which can be regarded as relieving some pressure on Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng also knew that this situation could not last too long, and sure enough, a new opponent appeared.

As soon as the opponent appeared, Chen Feng felt a strong crisis.

There came two real emperors and the Moral Saint who was injured and escaped before.

"Is this the crisis that was calculated before?" Chen Feng secretly cried out in his heart.

The Moral Saint was easier to deal with, and the opponent was injured by himself and others one after another, and the previous injuries should not have fully recovered.

Moreover, even if the opponent's strength is restored and placed here, it does not make people feel dangerous, at most it is just a little pressure.

The most difficult one is of course the Real Emperor.

Even if it is still not the original body, these two clones are actually almost the same as the original body.

You should know that everyone joined forces to deal with the Real Emperor before, but now there are not only a few more opponents, but also one more Real Emperor.

The initial opponent has not been solved yet, who knows that more and more opponents have appeared, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Chen Feng is a little worried about whether the Gate of Origin can withstand it.

Just before preparation, but the power is real, and there is no way to cheat.

"The situation is a bit bad." The news came from the Void God.

Originally, because of the betrayal of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Emperor, the Void God had some pressure against the Karma Emperor. Now there are three more opponents, so we can only find a way to escape next.

And whether we can escape is still a question.

Although Chen Feng's use of means to fight against the Ten Thousand Tribulations Emperor surprised the Void God, it could not change the situation.

"What should I do? Can I resolve the crisis in front of me?" Chen Feng was also communicating with the Gate of Origin.

"I'm not sure, but I have to fight." The Gate of Origin said so.

Then the Gate of Origin stopped blessing Chen Feng, but turned to fight against the new opponent.

Seeing that the Gate of Origin did not retreat, Chen Feng had some hope, so he began to draw the power of Origin to bless the clone.

Chen Feng mastered some Origin and some Origin fragments, which were not a problem to use to evolve clones.

"Boy, you are looking for death."

Being surrounded and beaten by so many clones, Emperor Wanjie was also a little angry, and he used his means to rush out.

After all, Emperor Wanjie was powerful and mastered the power beyond Origin. Although Chen Feng created many clones, he still couldn't resist. Several times, he was almost rushed out by the opponent.

However, Chen Feng's means are becoming more and more mature, and he is constantly adding more power.

For example, Chen Feng is also mobilizing the power beyond Origin to fight, which also brings some trouble to the opponent.

There are also some Origin fragments that Chen Feng burned directly after he was angry. These powers are continuously blessed on the clone, resulting in the combat power being fully pulled.

Seeing so many of Chen Feng's clones fighting so hard, the Wanjie Emperor fell deeper and deeper after several unsuccessful clashes.

It seems that the situation on Chen Feng's side has stabilized, but it is impossible for Chen Feng to kill the opponent.

It can be said that Chen Feng is very satisfied with this point. After all, there is a big gap between him and his opponent. The means he is using now are also tricky and consume a lot of energy.

But Chen Feng was not happy for long, and then he was spotted by the Real Emperor. Seeing that the opponent was about to rush over, the Origin Gate finally broke out.

The Time River and other origin beings, who were blessed by the Gate of Naming, all burst out with super strong power, just like the situation when they were fighting in the Real Origin.

"But if it's just like this, I'm afraid it can't stop these people." Although the Real Emperor was stopped, Chen Feng still had no idea.

Sure enough, although the Time River and them burst out with powerful power, they still fell behind under the siege of the Real Emperor and the Moral Saint.

A portal appeared. Chen Feng knew that it was the shadow of the Gate of Origin. There were hundreds of Hunyuan above sitting in it, transmitting power continuously.

These forces were divided into two, one part entangled with the Moral Saint, and the other part helped the Void God to fight against the Emperor of Karma.

The situation was slightly stable, but in Chen Feng's opinion it was still a little insufficient.

In this situation, the most worrying thing was that Guixu would intervene. After all, it was a long-range battle. If Guixu cut off the connection with the Gate of Origin, then things would be troublesome.

The means of the Gate of Origin were not limited to these. Soon, hundreds of Hunyuan above appeared in the shadow.

Chen Feng could see that this force did not belong to the Gate of Origin, but the power of several parties such as Yuanjie and Abyss Valley.

"So they found helpers." Chen Feng knew that the Gate of Origin did not find these helpers in vain. After participating in the battle, these Hunyuan above could also get some benefits.

"The number of Hunyuan above is enough, but it is probably difficult to change the situation." Chen Feng felt a little relieved.

Just when Chen Feng was worried, several powerful forces appeared. They did not directly participate in the battle, but reinforced the passage of the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng knew that this was the power of Yuanjie and other families. In this case, even if Guixu took action, it would not be able to destroy the passage for a while.

"That's about right." Chen Feng nodded.

With the blessing of long-range power, the God of Nothingness can be regarded as truly blocking the Emperor of Karma. The two real emperors and the Saint of Morality are still fierce.

The battle between the two sides was extremely volatile, and large areas were shattered, making Chen Feng feel as if he had returned to the real battle at the beginning.

Seeing that the battle outside was so fierce, Miejue could no longer bear it, and rushed out directly, besieging the Emperor of Wanjie with Chen Feng's clone.

"What a pity, what a pity, we should find a way to solve the Saint of Morality, it's all this guy who caused the trouble." Miejue said.

"And this Emperor Wanjie, what's his situation, he turned against me, it's really depressing."

"I'm afraid this is only one of the reasons why the Emperor Wanjie spied on my power, but since we have become opponents, we should find a way to solve the other party." Chen Feng said and shattered another piece of origin fragment.

You should know that the origin fragments that Chen Feng holds are not ordinary, but the core parts of the origin. After burning, they generate powerful power that continuously blesses the clones, and even Extinction has benefited.

With Chen Feng's support behind him, Extinction used all kinds of means to fight. Later, the secret suddenly used the power of death to make a passage. The next moment, the master of the death clan came and came directly to Extinction. The two were connected by the power of death and burst out stronger power together.

"It's really strong, but it's a pity that there is only one helper." Chen Feng's heart moved. He really didn't notice the other party before, and thought that the other party didn't come. Who knew that he was hidden so deeply.

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