Eternal Existence

Chapter 5215 Do you want to go to Bang Bang Bai?


Miejue was very depressed. Originally, the three of them could have dealt with the Real Emperor, but because they were ambushed, the Real Emperor escaped. After being caught, the Moral Bible also escaped.

Although Miejue had also improved his strength during this period because he had collected the power of the Real and the power of the Moral Saint, he was at a disadvantage in the previous two battles. If it weren't for Chen Feng's help, he might not have been seriously injured.

Miejue was very proud. In the past, wherever he practiced, there was a lot of killing, and he rarely encountered a stronger existence than himself.

Even if some masters could help each other with their own death power, it was the first time that he suffered losses in such a short time.

Miejue even thought about asking other tribesmen for help, but this was in the vast Guixu. Even if the news was spread, he might not get a sufficient response.

Besides, if they wanted to help him get back, unless they were the top tribesmen, they would be troublesome if they were not as strong as himself.

"Fellow Daoist, don't think too much. It was just a sneak attack from the other party before, and the Saint of Morality escaped because of my carelessness. Although the other party escaped, he also left us some benefits, and I am getting more and more curious about him. It would be a pity to kill him easily." Chen Feng saw what Miejue was thinking, so he said this.

"That's right, the other party can escape from us twice, so he will definitely not escape the third time, and I dare say that the other party may not dare to appear in front of us." The God of Nothingness also said this.

Miejue thought that you two have means, and it was easy to say. Whether he met the real emperor or was attacked by Miejue, he couldn't resist it.

This is not a joke. If you are not careful, you may die.

However, Miejue didn't say much, thinking that he had indeed improved his strength a lot during this period. Perhaps after a long time, when he became stronger, he really didn't have to worry about Miejue's sneak attack.

"So where are we going next? Find a place to practice, or continue to look for the origin." Miejue thought for a while, and then asked.

"Just walk around in Guixu. We have gained a lot before. We need to digest it for a while. If we can find some more origins, it will be even better." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The God of Nothingness would naturally not refuse. Although he had obtained some origins before, the number was not much for him.

Moreover, the God of Nothingness was powerful, so he needed more origins.

However, the three of them did not walk far before they encountered some powerful lives one after another. The three of them understood that this was because of the noise caused by the previous battle.

However, there was no existence among these lives that the three of them were particularly interested in. To put it bluntly, it was because their strength was not strong enough.

Chen Feng noticed that when encountering these lives, whether they were local or foreign adventurers, Extinction was full of murderous intent and ready to move. He wanted to go forward and kill these lives. It was only because he and the God of Nothingness were by his side that he could barely suppress it.

"It is impossible for them to not be able to control their killing intent after practicing to this point. In this case, it may be because of the special nature of the Death Clan, or because they have practiced the power of death." Chen Feng guessed this way. After all, sometimes when he was practicing the Great Dao of Death, his blood would boil, and he would feel energetic and want to find someone to learn from.

"Daoyou, if you keep killing like this, even if it is good for your own practice, you may get into trouble one day, such as encountering an opponent like the Moral Saint." Chen Feng thought about it and suddenly said.

Chen Feng's original intention was to persuade Mingxue not to kill.

In fact, in the long years of practice, almost all practitioners have experienced this, but Mingxue, regardless of the strength of life, has all been killed by the power of death.

Think about the death clan that once exterminated the origin of one side, so how many lives exist in the origin of one side?

"No way, this is the fate of our death clan. Since I followed the two Taoist friends, I have been suppressing my killing intent. Fortunately, there are some powerful forces that allow me to comprehend, otherwise, my practice will be affected." Miejue said.

Chen Feng also knew that his persuasion could not change Miejue's way of practice. After all, killing is the way for the death clan to become stronger. It is simply unrealistic to want the other party to change the current practice method, just like someone does not allow oneself to practice so many great ways.

The next few people did not find the existence of the origin for a while, and Chen Feng continued to use the power of various great ways to explore, but nothing was found. This also made Chen Feng very disappointed. He thought that it would not be the same as he had guessed before. In the depths of Guixu, even if there was an origin, it had already been refined.

"If this is the case, then if you want to find the origin, you need to go to the edge of Guixu, or go to the battlefield where Guixu is invading the origin, but it will be very dangerous and will cause some trouble." Chen Feng also had his own thoughts in his heart.

Fortunately, they had gained something before, and had not yet completely refined and absorbed it. Neither the Gate of Origin nor the God of Nothingness were as anxious as they were at the beginning.

Moreover, Chen Feng also knew that the Gate of Origin actually wanted to devour the complete origins the most, so that it could speed up its growth.

"I didn't expect our luck to be so good." Just as Chen Feng and his friends were moving forward in Guixu, the Gate of Origin actually found some clues about the Saint of Morality.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?" Chen Feng, I didn't quite believe it. In fact, after the other party escaped, Chen Feng had no intention of finding him in a short time, even though the Gate of Origin had said so confidently before. After all, this was Guixu, not the territory of the Gate of Origin.

Besides, they didn't deliberately look for the Bible of Morality. Maybe the other party had already left Guixu.

Who knew that they would meet the other party again while walking casually.

"In this case, we can't let the other party run away again." Since the Gate of Origin said so, Chen Feng believed it should be true.

"But according to my speculation, if we go to look for the Bible of Morality, it may be dangerous." At this time, the Gate of Origin said again.

Chen Feng knew that the Gate of Origin involved many fields. It can be said that some of the origins in the Gate of Origin involved various aspects of cultivation methods, and naturally there were also very powerful calculation techniques.

Besides, when you reach the realm of the Gate of Origin, you can sense some things even without calculation.

Chen Feng was somewhat curious about why the Gate of Origin said that there was danger, not trouble.

You should know that Chen Feng's strength is still very strong. There is the God of Nothingness, who can fight with the Origin of One Side. The power that Chen Feng possesses can also block the attack of the Origin. The Gate of Origin is even more powerful. Recalling that there are many powerful Origins.

And the strength of Extinction is actually very strong. It is also the top one among the Hunyuan Above. On weekdays, it can easily kill a group of Hunyun Above.

Before, it even defeated the Real Emperor and the Bible of Morality. When it met the Origin of One Side, it could also join forces to divide it.

What kind of existence can make them feel dangerous.

"Could it be that Guixu caught a trap in front?" It seems that only Guixu can threaten everyone.

But this is originally in Guixu, and the other party will not wait until now if they want to make a move.

In this way, it may be other powerful existences, and it may not be the Real Emperor and the Saint of Morality who have joined together.

"Besides, even if the two of them join together, they can't pose a threat to us, so it may be that the real earth's body has appeared." Chen Feng analyzed.

At this time, Chen Feng was a little hesitant. He finally found the other party's trace. Logically, he should take action to deal with the other party to eliminate future troubles.

But there is danger ahead, so should he take action?

"What do you think?" Chen Feng couldn't make up his mind.

On the contrary, Miejue was very straightforward: "We came here to take risks, which is full of dangers. Since you have found the other party, the other party may have set up traps for us, but we can also find ways to calculate the other party."

"If we can have more helpers, it will be great." Void God said.

"It's too late to find help now. Besides, even if we can find some above Hunyuan, it may not change the situation." Although Chen Feng said this, he was still waiting for the response from the Gate of Origin.

After all, whether helpers can be found depends on the Gate of Origin. It is not realistic to let Chen Feng and Void God find helpers.

"I can mobilize some forces." The Gate of Origin said, and then Chen Feng felt that the Gate of Origin was communicating with the main body, and he began to prepare his own means.

Since the Gate of Origin has decided, it seems that there is still some certainty.

"It's mainly the high-end combat power. If one of the Void Beast Ancestor or the Soul Emperor comes, then the situation can be changed." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

"Then go and see it. I'm also curious about what dangers are ahead?" The God of Nothingness also made a decision. After all, the God of Nothingness also had some means that he had not used.

After all, fighting and fighting desperately on weekdays have different results.

While waiting, Miejue suddenly said: "One of my fellow tribesmen will arrive."

It turned out that when Miejue was in danger before, he had sent out a message for help, but Miejue did not hold out hope. After all, he had been wandering in Guixu for a while and did not find other tribesmen.

Unexpectedly, there was a response now.

"How strong is it?" This is what Chen Feng cares about.

"The strength is not inferior to mine." Miejue said.

Chen Feng nodded: "It seems that the situation is much better than we imagined."

In any case, one more helper may change the situation, but the master who came is a master of the Death Clan. Will it cause more trouble?

But now is not the time to think about these things. As long as we wait for the power of the Gate of Origin, we will start to move forward and fight with the opponent.

"Tell your companions not to show up for the time being, hide in the dark, and take action at the critical moment. It may achieve unexpected results." Chen Feng said.

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