Eternal Existence

Chapter 5214: Karmic Backlash

So then a more powerful force erupted.

One thing to note is that although these powers were released by Chen Feng, Chen Feng did not fully master them, which means that Chen Feng himself was also affected.

Chen Feng's body was a little damaged, but compared to his opponent Chen Feng, his condition was obviously much better.

This practitioner was not only affected by the energy explosion, but also by the backlash of the cause and effect technique.

Another point is that Chen Feng was not alone. The attack of the God of Nothingness came immediately, and the God of Nothingness directly submerged the practitioner. This time, the practitioner who practiced the cause and effect technique finally collapsed completely.

Originally, the God of Nothingness and Chen Feng wanted to kill each other in one go, but who knew that the Real Emperor came back to his senses.

In desperation, Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness could only suppress this practitioner in the origin.

In this short delay, the Real Emperor had already rushed out.

This time, the Real Emperor had already known how powerful it was, and he would no longer fight with Chen Feng and the others, and rushed out quickly.

Although Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness had arranged various means of blocking, they were still corroded by the power of reality to create a passage.

It disappeared in the blink of an eye, but the Gate of Origin followed with a fundamental existence.

Although Chen Feng was a little disappointed, he could only hope that the Gate of Origin could entangle the other party.

"Hurry up."

Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness did not stop, and followed closely behind.

But after a chase, they were about to catch up with each other, but who knew that the will of Guixu came, and the two sides fought for several rounds, causing the Real Emperor to disappear.

Under this circumstance, they could no longer lock on the other party's trace.

It was obvious that this was deliberately blocked by the will of Guixu, which made Chen Feng feel a little speechless.

I don't understand why Guixu intervened. After all, everyone is an outsider adventurer, and there are some influences and damages on Guixu. Under this circumstance, Guixu should let the outsiders fight each other, so that they can make a fisherman's power, and should not help any party.

But now this situation has happened.

"Could it be that Guixu felt too much pressure from us? That's why he chose to help the Real Emperor. But to be honest, the Real Emperor is actually stronger than us, but his real body didn't show up." Chen Feng said.

"It's useless to say this now. I only know that he has escaped. I'm afraid it will be difficult to encounter such a good opportunity next time." The God of Nothingness said.

"I left some marks on him. As long as he is still in Guixu, we can find him next time." The Gate of Origin said this at this time.

Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness had some hope again. Since the Gate of Origin said this, there should be some certainty.

"Then when can we find him?" This is what Chen Feng cares about.

"Now the secrets of heaven have been completely disrupted by Guixu. We still need to wait for a while. But since we can do this, the Real Emperor may also think of this. Maybe the Real Emperor will notify his real body before coming. This is also something we need to pay attention to." The Gate of Origin said this.

"In this case, we should find him earlier." Chen Feng said.

But whether they can find the other party depends on the treatment of the Gate of Origin. Even if Chen Feng and Void God are anxious, it is useless.

But then the two of them became happy again, and then entered the origin controlled by Chen Feng.

The practitioner who practiced cause and effect was still struggling, and was about to rush out of Chen Feng's origin.

But with the appearance of Chen Feng and Void God, the other party's fate was doomed.

In addition, the Gate of Origin took action and quickly suppressed the practitioner firmly. There were many seals on the other party. Even if the other party had the means to break these seals, it would take a long time.

During this time, Chen Feng and Void God could completely arrange more seals. In other words, this practitioner basically couldn't escape.

"You didn't expect to end up like this." The first to speak was Miejue.

It can be said that Miejue was the happiest, after all, this practitioner also came for Miejue, and now this big hidden danger has finally been controlled.

Miejue wanted to kill the other party immediately.

"It's not that easy to kill me." The practitioner is still stubborn until now.

"It doesn't matter. We have plenty of time. We can wear you down little by little and extract your power little by little. I have already cut off the connection with the outside world. I wonder how you can extract the power of cause and effect? ​​Oh, I forgot that you can also extract power from me. Now you can try to use this method." Chen Feng laughed.

After experiencing the backlash of cause and effect just now, this practitioner certainly did not dare to use this method on Chen Feng again, so as not to bring disaster to himself.

"Let's get rid of him immediately. This kind of existence is a hidden danger if it stays." Although the God of Nothingness knew that the other party could not escape, he was still a little worried, so he suggested that Chen Feng kill the other party immediately.

Everyone worked together and spent some effort, and they should be able to get rid of the other party.

Chen Feng was also hesitating. The person in front of him did have a great hidden danger, but Chen Feng wanted to get the cause and effect method that the other party practiced.

It must be said that the method used by the other party was too powerful and weird. Not to mention Chen Feng, even Extinction and the God of Nothingness were very interested.

"It seems that you want to get my cultivation method. As long as you are willing to let me go, I can hand over the cultivation method." The cultivator naturally saw what Chen Feng was thinking, so he spoke.

"It is impossible to let you go, but I have plenty of ways to make you speak, so you should think a little bit and hand over the cultivation method." Chen Feng sneered.

"Then we have to see what means you have." The cultivator said.

Next, Chen Feng and Xuwushen immediately took action to refine the other party, and in the process they also learned the other party's name.

"Moral Saint, your name sounds good, but it's a pity that your style of doing things is too insidious and cruel, which is not in line with your name at all." Chen Feng sneered.

In addition to Chen Feng and Xuwushen, Miejue was also using the power of death to erode the other party.

Although the Moral Saint used various means to resist, and even took out some extremely powerful magic weapons to protect himself, he was still weakened little by little.

As time went on, the Moral Saint was also getting weaker and weaker. If this continued, the Moral Bible would be completely refined one day.

After a while, the Saint of Morality finally gave in and took the initiative to hand over the method of cultivation.

Chen Feng browsed this method and found that it was just as he had guessed before. It was not a pure method of cultivation of the art of cause and effect. It can even be said that the real core is not the cause and effect at all. The art of cause and effect only played a supporting role.

"It turns out that the core secret is the way of puppets. It is well hidden. I said that I felt something was wrong before. It seems that you can obtain the power of other practitioners or the origin. The most important thing is the stealing skills such as Li Dai Tao Jiang's concealment of the sky and the sea." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Void God and Extinction also got this method. Although they were a little surprised, they were also inspired. After each of them gained something, they actually started to practice.

The Saint of Morality himself consumed a lot and was suppressed in the origin. Everyone was not worried that the other party could run away.

Chen Feng opened up the Puppet Avenue and the Cause and Effect Avenue, so he could naturally benefit greatly from this method.

What's more, in addition to the ones mentioned just now, the opponent's method also involves some other avenues.

It can also be said that the other party's technique is a fusion of various avenues.

"I didn't expect that the fusion of various avenues could also produce strange changes." Chen Feng practiced many avenues, so this time it was not only a direct gain, but the most important thing was that the horizons he opened up gained a new way of thinking for cultivation, which was of great help to his future practice.

In this way, Chen Feng entered a state of closed-door practice, and he didn't even think about looking for other origins.

In this way, I don't know how long he practiced, Chen Feng suddenly felt that his power was lost again, and the speed of loss was very fast, so Chen Feng hurriedly mobilized the power beyond the origin to resolve it.

Although it quickly returned to normal, Chen Feng also knew that something had changed.

Before Chen Feng went to investigate, he received news from the God of Nothingness and Extinction.

It turned out that the two of them also had some abnormalities, and the situation was of course the same as Chen Feng. The power in the body suddenly lost uncontrollably during the practice.

The one who could come up with such a method was naturally the Moral Saint.

Chen Feng hurriedly entered the origin, and sure enough, he saw that the Moral Saint had disappeared, and the countless seals left on the other party before also lost their power and turned into pieces.

"This can even allow the enemy to escape." The Void God felt a little incredible, so he released countless void chains in all directions.

In the end, nothing was found.

"The opponent can even corrode my power of death, no, it should be said that it can absorb it." Miejue's face was not good.

"I still underestimated the opponent."

Chen Feng nodded. Since the Moral Saint can use the power of different practitioners to increase his own strength, it is obvious that the opponent can accommodate the power of various attributes.

In this respect, it is not inferior to his own chaotic body, and even a little better. After all, although he can absorb various powers, it takes time to refine.

The opponent can directly plunder the power of various attributes to instantly enhance his combat effectiveness.

"I should have solved the opponent first." Miejue felt a little very regretful.

Originally, this was a situation where the opponent was bound to die. If he could escape like this, then could he find the opponent again in the future?

The first time the opponent escaped, it could be said that he was careless. The second time, when the matter had already been decided, he could still let the opponent escape. Chen Feng and others looked gloomy.

"The other party's losses are actually quite large." After saying this, Chen Feng shook his head again. Since the other party has practiced that special method, even if the injury is serious, he can recover in a short time.

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