Eternal Existence

Chapter 5208 Who is this person?

"So, the opponent's will is not unified, or the opponent is not sure to deal with us." Void God said so.

Just now, Void God and Guixu's will clashed, and he could naturally feel the opponent's strength, but it was only at the ordinary origin level, and he could completely resist it.

However, Void God also knew that Guixu did not use his full strength, and he was a little wary and afraid of Guixu's strength.

"Although we got rid of the opponent this time, we were stared at by the opponent. Maybe he has left a mark on us and will attack us at any time in the future." Chen Feng said so.

"So, fellow Daoist, have you fought with Guixu's will before?"

Seeing Chen Feng's question, Miejue did not hide it this time: "I did fight with Guixu, so I asked you two to work together. Just like you said before, if I could solve it alone, I would have done it long ago."

"That's right, so should we look for other origins next? Daoist friend doesn't only know these two places, right?" Chen Feng asked.

Sure enough, Miejue was a little embarrassed, and Chen Feng also confirmed that Miejue really only knew these two areas.

Chen Feng and Xu Shen were a little disappointed.

The two had originally had high expectations from Miejue, but thinking about it again, it was already good that the other party could lead them to find the origins of the two parties. If the two of them searched slowly, they might not find anything now.

"I have been here for a longer time and know more information. Maybe there is a hidden origin somewhere." Miejue said.

"Next, we need fellow Taoists to lead the way." Since Chen Feng and Xu Shen need to partner with each other, some words must be said more beautifully.

Besides, Chen Feng actually doesn't want to be an enemy of the Death Clan. If the other party doesn't know what's good for them, Chen Feng doesn't mind joining forces with Xu Shen to kill them.

Miejue also understands this, so he is still relatively low-key in front of Chen Feng and Xu Shen.

The most important thing is that Miejue has shown his value.

It's just that the next period of time was not as smooth as before, and the origin was not found. Although it also encountered some powerful lives and even communicated with them.

"Strange, according to my previous speculation, since this is a gathering place for life, there will most likely be origins, but it turns out to be just a large world of life. For two people, they can also make a move. The large world of life created by these adventurers is actually not inferior to some origins." Miejue said.

It was because it was not an origin that Chen Feng and Xuwushen did not choose to start, and Miejue was also a little disappointed.

Because there are many lives here, Miejue wanted to eat them all, but he couldn't do it alone.

In the end, he could only leave helplessly.

And Miejue also truly understood that the main reason why Chen Feng and Xuwushen entered Guixu was to find those covered origins.

"In fact, if you two have this idea, or we leave Guixu and directly attack some origins. Although it is more difficult, I can also summon a few helpers to explain the true origin of one party. Isn't it more fulfilling than looking for those cruel origins here?" Miejue suggested.

"What you said makes sense. Maybe we can do this in the future, but now we should still have a good time in Guixu, because ordinary origins are actually not very attractive to me." Chen Feng refused.

He and the God of Nothingness had participated in a series of origin battles before. They finally came to Guixu, but they hadn't gotten what they needed yet. How could they leave like this?

"We have only been here for a short time. There is a long time to come, so there is no need to rush. I am now somewhat accustomed to the environment in Guixu. It seems that I can practice in seclusion here." The God of Nothingness also had some insights and breakthroughs in practice, especially after obtaining some broken origins, which inspired him a lot, and he also wanted to find a place to open up his own origin.

Chen Feng also wanted to slow down a little to study the various attributes of the power he had obtained before, and stabilize some avenues that had just been opened up.

Since everyone had their own thoughts, the next action slowed down the pace. Anyway, the scale of Guixu was vast, and if they didn't look for it deliberately, they might encounter the covered origin.

Besides, even if they couldn't find the origin covered by Guixu, some of the power and various resources in Guang and Guixu were also a big gain.

From the beginning to now, as time went by and after experiencing some things, even a top existence like the God of Nothingness would have some changes in mentality.

Seeing that Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness were no longer in such a hurry to find the origin, Miejue was relieved.

Anyway, Miejue had seen that Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness would not attack him, so these were two very strong helpers.

Miejue did not intend to separate from the two in the short term.

So when Chen Feng sorted out one avenue, he was thinking about sorting out other avenues, but he still encountered some things.

Originally, a group of powerful lives united to hunt Miejue.

This reminded Chen Feng of the situation when he was adventuring in the free space. At that time, as long as the destructive creatures appeared, they would be killed by most of the lives together.

Now the Death Clan naturally has such treatment. To say that at the beginning, Chen Feng would of course also think about solving the death life.

But now the two sides have had the experience of cooperation. Even if Miejue is extremely evil, Chen Feng will not take action. Even if Miejue encounters trouble, Chen Feng still needs to help.

"This is really interesting." After thinking about it, Chen Feng also felt a little emotional. Looking at the problem from a different angle, even his mentality has changed.

But think about it again. If there is a conflict with Miejue from the beginning, not only will the two sides not become companions, but Chen Feng will also find a way to kill the other party.

So everything is centered on oneself. If you want to do something, you must first consider whether it is in line with your own interests and some ideas.

So Chen Feng still chose to intervene.

This time the opponent came prepared. Although Miejue has a stronger combat power than before, without external intervention, I am afraid that even escaping will be a problem.

The number of opponents is not large, but each one is very powerful, and the opponent has jointly arranged a battle formation, which can burst out multiple combat power with this kind of fight.

It can attack and defend, and can also firmly lock Miejue.

Another point is that the opponent's attack includes Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness.

In their opinion, the accomplices with Miejue can also be killed, which is one of the reasons why Chen Feng chose Miejue without hesitation.

In fact, this kind of thing is also very normal. If Chen Feng wants to deal with an opponent, he certainly can't lock on the opponent alone and ignore the companions around him. This is unrealistic.

So the opponent's judgment was also wrong. He didn't expect that the two companions around Miejue were so powerful.

Although the battle array covered three people at the same time, most of the power was still on Miejue.

So Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness easily broke free.

"You provoked me first, so you must pay a price." Chen Feng took out the Sword of Cangsu and almost tore the opponent's battle array with just one sword.

"What!" These practitioners realized that this time they mentioned the iron plate. One of them took the initiative to communicate with Chen Feng, not letting Chen Feng participate, and even told the pros and cons of this matter, and seriously talked about the heinous crimes that Miejue had committed in the past.

As a result, they waited for Chen Feng's second sword. After they concentrated their strength to deal with Chen Feng's attack, they found that the law like a tentacle appeared around them.

It turned out that it was the Void God who took action and used his power to penetrate into the opponent's battle formation.

The battle formation that looked very powerful was completely riddled with holes in front of the Void God.

As long as the Void God wanted, he could instantly shatter the opponent's battle formation.

The opponent also understood this and was more and more shocked. He didn't expect that there would be someone who was stronger because of time.

This was no longer a surprise, but a shock.

It must be said that these practitioners were also very decisive. As soon as they saw that the situation was not good, they gathered their strength and fled immediately.

Even in the process of fleeing, they were still operating the battle formation, so that they could exert their strength to the maximum extent.

As a result, Chen Feng's third sword came again.

Chen Feng's sword was completely different from the previous one. Only countless sword energy followed the law of the void and directly entered the battle formation.

The two forces of the void power and the sword power broke out at the same time, and the opponent's battle formation was instantly disintegrated.

From the initial condensation to a piece of loose sand, Extinction took the opportunity to release the power of death to cover these practitioners.

"We should defeat them one by one." Chen Feng certainly knew that Miejue wanted to catch all these practitioners in one fell swoop, but it was obvious that it was difficult to do so.

In the end, some people rushed out, but they were blocked by the power of the void and the sword formation after they rushed out.

In Chen Feng's view, since he had taken action, he should kill them all and leave no trouble behind, which was more in line with Miejue's idea.

"You Taoist friends are too cruel."

At this moment, a sigh sounded, followed by energy rolling, time and space changing, and destiny deriving, bizarre and colorful.

Chen Feng's sword formation was actually disintegrated by the opponent in a special way, and even the cage-like void law released by the God of Nothingness had some loopholes.

The practitioners trapped in it escaped from these loopholes, and the power of death on their bodies was constantly dissipating, as if it was extracted by a special force.

"What a powerful method, finally a real master has appeared." Chen Feng waved his hand and the sword formation expanded, fiercely covering an area.

The God of Nothingness also showed interest and directly erupted the void storm.

Both of them used large-scale attack techniques in order to force the other party out from the darkness and see who the newcomer was.

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