Eternal Existence

Chapter 5207: Continued Cooperation

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Chen Feng is still very satisfied with this cooperation.

Miejie was also relieved. It seemed that Chen Feng had no intention of taking action, which also showed that they were sincerely cooperating.

So Miexie had some thoughts again. Seeing Chen Feng and Niu Shen were about to leave, Miexie said: "Two fellow Taoists, don't be anxious. I also know that some places have origins. We can continue to cooperate."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Feng and Niwushen stopped immediately.

"It seems that they all have their own special means to explore the origin." Chen Feng asked.

"It's just that I've been here a little longer, and the origins of some places are not secret." Extinction said.

"In this case, of course we will not refuse." Chen Feng nodded.

Since someone can find the origin, it is better than spending time on both of you.

Besides, the addition of this master of the death clan also provides an additional boost. Although some things need to be divided up, after all, the origin is found by the other party, and it is better to take advantage of it.

So Extinction was still leading the way, this time the journey was longer, with stops and starts, and Extinction was constantly determining its position. In the process, he even met some adventurers from other places.

However, there was no interaction between the two parties.

Ordinary adventurers, whether they are the Extinction God, the God of Nothingness, or Chen Feng, don't look down on them at all.

Moreover, Chen Feng noticed that Miexie was holding back and not taking action.

"Those adventurers just now had better luck." Chen Feng thought in his heart, but then Chen Feng said: "The threat of Guixu is too great, it would be better to deal with more lives in Guixu. Those adventurers who enter It can also cause some trouble and add some burdens after returning to the ruins.”

"Not necessarily, when outside adventurers stay in the Ruins for too long, they will become the beings in the Ruins. Furthermore, for us, the Death Clan, no matter where these lives come from, they are It’s the same.” Extinction said.

"Maybe." Chen Feng didn't dwell on this topic. Anyway, it was the next step, as long as the origin could be found.

Sure enough, there really is an origin here, and this time even Chen Feng and Wushen can easily detect it.

Because there are also some other adventurers here.

This is the ruined origin of one party, and we don’t know when it was invaded by Guixu and then overturned.

It stands to reason that it should gradually dissolve into the ruins over time. As a result, this origin may have been stronger before, or it may not have been covered for a long time. At this time, it still retains many things, and even has some complete laws. .

Different from the previous origin, this is the origin that was pulled in by Guixu. There are still some lives in it, but it won't take long for these lives to completely disappear.

Moreover, this origin was targeted by some adventurers and local beings, and the two sides were also competing for it, which also led to the collapse of this origin faster.

"It's just the right time." Extinction said.

"According to the strength of fellow Taoist, we should be able to completely eliminate the life here. There is no need to join forces with us." Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It's not that simple. It's still a bit difficult to wipe out all the life here. Of course, it's not impossible to do it. The reason why I kept this opportunity to find two fellow Taoists to join forces is because I want the two fellow Taoists to be able to do it in the future. Do me a favor," said Extinction.

"Now that you are here, let's take action. The lives here come from all directions. In fact, according to my suggestion, it is best to drive them away, otherwise it may cause some trouble." Nihility God said.

This is certainly not in the interest of extinction, but some words still have to be said, so Nihility God and Chen Feng will not take action against these beings in the future.

"As usual, I just need to get some energy of various attributes." Chen Feng said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Extinction took action. The powerful power of death entered this origin and began to corrode everything.

Regardless of whether they were powerful beings or weak practitioners, they were all wiped out of their life mark by the erosion of the power of death.

In an instant, Chen Feng felt several tyrannical wills rising in the distance, as if eyes were looking at this place across time and space.

"Sure enough, there are stronger beings paying attention here." Chen Feng understood that the God of Nothingness had seen through this before.

It's not that the God of Nothingness is afraid of the opponent, but there are many opponents, so there is no need to make too much noise.

Better to make it quick like before.

But it's obvious that this time it's a bit unrealistic.

The practitioners in this origin are working hard, and the powerful wills in the distance also begin to attack.

As time went by, they naturally took action.

"It's just that some adventurers don't need to worry about it. The two fellow Taoists need to pay attention to it, which may attract part of Guixu's will." Mie Mie said at this time.

"If you have some will, you can bear it for a while." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng had already begun to use the Devouring Technique to plunder everything, but this time he somewhat underestimated the situation here.

There were actually some practitioners who got rid of the blockade of the Void Law and rushed directly to the front.

"I didn't want to take action at first, but you took the initiative to come to my door." Chen Feng said and quickly eliminated the opponent with one punch after another.

Those strongest wills finally appeared. Chen Feng sensed that the opponent was still above Hunyuan.

However, as an outsider adventurer, he was able to mobilize part of the power of Guixu, and he could also create greater turmoil. It was obvious that he wanted to cause greater fluctuations and bring pressure to Chen Feng and his companions.

Miejue had been killing continuously, and even when he met some practitioners, he only slowed down a little.

However, the invasion speed soon began to slow down. More than a dozen Hunyuan Above joined forces to block the erosion of the power of death, and more than a dozen Hunyuan Above joined forces to surround Miejue.

Another point is that this broken origin also has a certain power. The opponent also burst out the power of the origin to attack these invaders at the critical moment. Before, it targeted practitioners from all sides, and this time it mobilized its power to lock Chen Feng and his companions.

"No wonder Miejue has not taken action. The original one was also quite troublesome." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Seeing that some more Hunyuan Above surrounded him, Chen Feng was still not in a hurry.

From the beginning, he did not intend to go all out, after all, he was not the main force.

If you want to get more spoils, you need to pay enough. Chen Feng just wants to get some energy of different attributes. Of course, if Chen Feng uses stronger power, he will definitely divide up some of the origin fragments.

Also, it is not time for Chen Feng to use more power.

Although it was counterattacked from all sides, this origin still collapsed.

The origin fragments were divided by the God of Nothingness and the Gate of Origin. With the collapse of this origin, the power that can be generated is constantly weakened.

Even if there are stronger beings coming, they can no longer stop it.

In the end, this origin completely collapsed, and the God of Nothingness and the Gate of Origin gained enough benefits.

Chen Feng and Extinction did not get full success.

The power of death invaded as much as possible, but still did not sweep everything, which also led to Chen Feng not gaining too much attribute energy.

The two were a little dissatisfied.

Fortunately, the God of Nothingness took action at this time. Under the cover of the law of the void, the practitioners present were constantly entangled.

Chen Feng shook his head and planned to harvest part of it.

Who knew that several masters would appear, and the opponent could actually cut off the void law by swinging his weapon.

Another person rushed directly in front of Chen Feng, bringing some pressure to Chen Feng.

"Not bad."

Chen Feng took out his long sword to block the opponent's attack, and then cut off the opponent's weapon with just one sword.

Although the opponent's strength was strong, the weapon in his hand was not as good as Chen Feng's long sword, but this practitioner reacted quickly. After knowing that it was not good, he quickly dodged and got rid of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was about to go forward to look for it, but was blocked by two practitioners again, and the two sides fought again.

Chen Feng quickly beat the opponent back, and at the same time saw that Miejue was surrounded. Although the power of death was still overbearing, it was impossible to suppress everything.

Void God and Time River restrained some of their strength, and Chen Feng knew that they should have felt something.

"This place has been resolved, leave quickly, there is no need to entangle here." Chen Feng said to Miejue.

Miejue was a little unwilling, but he also understood that if Chen Feng and the others left, he would indeed have some troubles on his own.

Although somewhat helpless, Miejue still chose to leave. As a result, the strongest beings present joined forces to besiege Miejue, trying to keep Miejue.

After all, Miejue had been killing non-stop from the beginning to now, and these practitioners certainly did not want Miejue to leave alive.

Especially since some of the practitioners' friends and family had just died, the other party would naturally fight to the death.

Miejue's death power continued to sweep and erode, constantly causing serious injuries to the practitioners around him, but still could not make them give in.

If this goes on, Miejue will die here.

"Do you want to take action?" Void God looked at Chen Feng.

"We still need him." Chen Feng said.

Void God understood, and immediately created the Void Law to pull Miejue out.

As a result, the Void Law was attacked by the Guixu Will, so Void God was also restrained.

Although Void God could block the Guixu Will, he could not save Miejue now.

"The Void Will actually chose to attack at this time, but this is to kill Miejue. But it's normal to think about it. I don't know how many lives this guy has killed according to the rules, so he will definitely be targeted. Even if I didn't want to deal with the Death Clan before, because the other party is even more terrifying than destroying life, but now I still need the other party to lead the way." So Chen Feng used the power of the replication law, and the tentacles ignored everything and extended directly in front of Miejue.

The next moment Miejue got rid of the predicament and came in front of Chen Feng.

"Let's go."

The replication law unfolded, and Chen Feng, Miejue, and the God of Nothingness who was still fighting with the Will of Guixu disappeared on the spot.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in another area. The God of Nothingness was still fighting with the Will of Guixu. After a long time, the other party retreated.

"After all, we are in Guixu. If the other party is determined to deal with us, it will be useless no matter where we run." Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

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