Eternal Existence

Chapter 5119: Death Wins

"Forget it, this origin is indeed staring at us. I won't enter it again this time." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

"Yes, I also feel that the cause and effect with this origin has deepened. I have experienced too much during this period. I haven't had such a wonderful time in the previous kalpa." Yuan Yi said.

"So, fellow Daoist, do you think it is better to be wonderful or ordinary?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"This, sometimes it is really hard to compare. After a long period of ordinary practice, I still want to go out and walk around, but like now, I don't really want to encounter such a situation." Yuan Yi thought for a while and said.

"It's too dangerous. I have long lost the spirit of adventure when I was young. It's better to be more stable."

"It's indeed a bit dangerous, but I think fellow Daoist likes this kind of adventure process."


As Chen Feng was talking, suddenly an area not far away exploded, and a group of big sun rushed out.

"What is this?" Yuan Yi and Chen Feng looked at each other, and then became a little excited.

This is the big sun condensed from the core of the origin.

From this origin.

This big sun is very powerful, and it can even smash a dead life into pieces before.

But this time Chen Feng and Yuan Yi were only surprised.

The two of them attacked at the same time, trying to collect and suppress this group of sun.

Before they succeeded, the area not far away exploded again, and three groups of sun came out one after another.

Each group of sun was very powerful, but these suns just wanted to escape and had no intention of attacking Chen Feng and Yuan Yi.

"Something big happened." Chen Feng and Yuan Yi quickly suppressed this group of sun in the shortest time, and then chased the other suns separately.

But the three groups of sun disappeared in a jump.

The two wanted to continue chasing, but the situation just now had clearly changed dramatically, making people want to see what happened.

As a result, the outer area of ​​the origin collapsed one after another. In addition to the origin sun escaping, there were other existences.

For example, the cultivators, the strongest of these cultivators were above Hunyuan, but the larger number was Daluo Jinxian.

There was also a starlight flashing, flashing, and a large number of cultivators disappeared at the same time.

Although the opponent was very fast, he was still captured by Chen Feng.

The twinkling starlight just now was an origin-level magic weapon, and it took away many practitioners when it passed by.

"I just don't know if it has something to do with these practitioners, or just pure kindness." Chen Feng said.

"It seems that this origin has been defeated." Yuan Yi said.

Chen Feng nodded: "It seems so. If there were no origin cores, I would think that some practitioners simply fled this origin. Now it seems that this origin has really been defeated. Maybe those dead lives are slaughtering the lives inside."

Speaking of these two people, they remembered the scene they saw before.

Before, it was just a war. The dead lives attacked the top combat power of this origin, and they didn't have time to slaughter other lives.

But it was different after the victory. If it were other practitioners, even if they plundered resources, they would not slaughter other lives. Even if they killed some lives, they would only kill powerful lives. Those weak lives generally wouldn't care. Even some who like to kill would not kill them all like the dead lives.

Because they had seen the broken origin and the tragic scenes in it before, Chen Feng and Yuan Yi understood what the origin would encounter next.

So when they saw the power storm sweeping over, Chen Feng still took action to collect all the practitioners he could see, and even some of the drifting life lands.

Seeing Chen Feng take action, Yuan Yi also created a space barrier to block the power storm.

"It can only block for a while." Yuan Yi said.

The next moment, a ball of sun appeared and smashed the space barrier.

This time was different from the previous time. This ball of sun actually smashed towards Yuan Yi again.

This ball of sun exuded a breath of death.

"Something is wrong!"

Chen Feng muttered, watching the big Yuan Yi dodge repeatedly, and had to step forward and cut with a sword.

Then the big sun exploded like fireworks, but the power was very flexible, turning into a sky curtain to cover Chen Feng.

Chen Feng slashed with a sword and broke a long crack.

Seeing that the power of death began to change again, Chen Feng punched out, and the power imprint wrapped around Chen Feng's fist, and kept rotating rapidly around Chen Feng's fist.

With this punch, the power exploded, and the power of death exploded with it.

The power of death attacked by Chen Feng seemed to have its imprint erased, and became lifeless, no longer as flexible as before.

Chen Feng continued to punch, and after several punches, these power of death finally gathered into a ball and turned into a big sun again in Chen Feng's palm.

However, this ball of sun lost its spirituality, and only a part of the power of death remained. It was still a good thing for Chen Feng, so Chen Feng collected it.

"Why did the death party attack us?" Yuan Yi asked with some curiosity.

"Maybe they don't know our death life." Chen Feng said.

Large areas collapsed, and you can see the situation inside without entering the origin.

It was indeed the scene I thought of before, the death life was slaughtering the life in the origin.

"Even the original existence has begun to escape. This is truly a crushing defeat." Chen Feng sighed.

Originally, I was thinking of leaving here, but who knew that this origin had a big change, and the collapsed area was right in front of the two of them.

The two of them were the first to bear the brunt.

Maybe it was a little dangerous, but since they had grabbed the origin core before, they decided to stop here and see what was going on.

Then an extremely powerful treasure appeared, with a collision, ripples, and superposition of power, it exploded like a volcanic eruption.

Chen Feng was actually pushed back by the impact, and Yuan Yi was also affected, and countless tiny spaces in front of him were exploding.

"You can run if you want, why do you still come to provoke us, is this considered a delivery?" Chen Feng sneered.

This treasure did not succeed once, and I knew that Chen Feng and Yuan Yi were powerful, so I didn't plan to continue, and changed direction and left.

However, Chen Feng unfolded the power of the origin to cover the other party.

"Come as you want, leave as you want, how can it be that simple." Chen Feng sneered, seeing that the other party was about to break the power of the origin, Chen Feng superimposed the power of the origin, and at the same time, a sword was pierced.

"I hope I can successfully suppress the other party."

Chen Feng had already made up his mind at this time. As long as he could suppress the other party, he would have to consume the power of the origin.

Anyway, most of the lives suppressed by the origin were moved to the furnace of this institute, so he had plenty of confidence.

But the development of things is often unexpected.

Just when Chen Feng was about to succeed, several groups of big suns appeared. One group of big suns broke up the origin, one group of big suns hit Chen Feng, one group stared at Yuan Yi, and another group wandered around, as if looking for a suitable opportunity.

It is the core of the origin of death.

Chen Feng was very depressed. These death lives had cooperated with him before, and their attitude towards him was actually very good. Who knew that now that they won, they started to attack him.

Speaking of which, these death lives have not yet slaughtered the lives of this origin.

Although depressed, Chen Feng had to admit that these big suns were difficult to deal with.

At least the treasure that Chen Feng got took the opportunity to escape, but it didn't run far before it was caught up by the big sun again, and the two sides collided at a distance.

At the same time, Chen Feng and the sun collided, and Yuan Yi was almost torn into pieces.

"Daoyou, let's leave." Yuan Yi became more determined to leave this place quickly.

If he had known this, he should have left earlier, and there would be no later things.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Although Chen Feng was hit by the sun, Chen Feng was not in a hurry, and he looked confident.

Just when Yuan Yi thought Chen Feng was going to show his power, Chen Feng suddenly released several origins and collected these groups of suns.

Then Chen Feng collected the origins and turned around and left.

Yuan Yi was a little slower and almost couldn't see the direction Chen Feng left.

Then Yuan Yi felt the terrifying breath of death rising from this origin, so Yuan Yi also hurriedly left this place.

Soon Yuan Yi caught up with Chen Feng and saw that Chen Feng was shining with golden light and had great energy. He didn't look relaxed.

But thinking about Chen Feng's collection of several groups of suns in one breath, it must not be so easy to suppress.

"Ahem, let's find a place to rest." Chen Feng said.

At this time, Chen Feng also felt a little emotional. If he could use the origin of corrosive energy, it would not be so laborious.

"Fortunately, the power of the origin is strong enough, and I can still bear it." Chen Feng said.

"Let's speed up. I'm worried that a powerful death life will catch up." Yuan Yi said.

"I'm worried too." Chen Feng nodded.

For real masters, even if they are separated by a side, the origin will be found by the other party.

Now the two have not left far enough.

Chen Feng has gained enough, especially the action just now has probably angered the death life.

Such a powerful existence, it is naturally comfortable to be an ally with them, but it is not good to become an enemy.

The two ran very fast, and they didn't know where they ran in one breath. They stopped when they felt far enough.

"Strange, I remember that there should be an origin in this area, but now it is empty. Did I remember it wrong?" Yuan Yi said with some curiosity.

"There is no trace of the origin here. It seems that you remembered it wrong." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But it is quite quiet here. We can practice here for a while." Yuan Yi suggested.

"Okay." After Chen Feng explored it, he nodded in agreement.

So the two of them skillfully arranged the cave and entered the state of cultivation.

But what they didn't know was that there was an origin not far away, looming, as if it didn't exist in this area. Just when Chen Feng felt something was wrong and wanted to explore it, he found nothing.

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