Eternal Existence

Chapter 5118: Reinforcements

It's a pity that the long stick fell into the hands of the dead life.

This is also the most regrettable thing for Chen Feng. It's useless to regret it in his heart. Chen Feng doesn't want to fight with the dead life.

"Let's go, we can take a look in the outer area. I don't want to enter this origin now. Maybe this origin will drag me down before dying, and then I will be in big trouble." Chen Feng said.

This situation may really happen.

You know, from the beginning of entering this origin, Chen Feng has been constantly attacked by this origin.

"In fact, at first I thought about joining forces with this origin to kill the dead life, and I didn't know what this origin was thinking, but after taking the origin furnace, I understood that this origin has the same attitude towards all adventurers." Chen Feng said.

"It's a pity that the furnace fell into the hands of Daoyou, and it can no longer continue to provide power to this origin." Yuan Yi said with a smile.

"There may be other means, or treasures like the origin furnace, but apart from that stick, we have never encountered any weapons like the Chang Chang Sword. Of course, there may be, but we have not encountered it." Chen Feng said.

Next, Chen Feng and Yuan Yi kept walking around the periphery of this origin, wanting to see if there were other battlefields.

As a result, the two walked very far, and this origin was very calm compared to the place they came out before.

Except for some power fluctuations, it is not clear that this origin is suffering from an unprecedented crisis.

"It's a bit boring to go on like this. Let's walk forward. If there is really nothing interesting, we will leave this origin and go to other places." Chen Feng said.

"Well, after opening up the origin, I also plan to find a safe place to practice well." Yuan Yi agreed with Chen Feng's plan.

"It seems that we have to separate from each other." Chen Feng understood Yuan Yi's meaning.

In fact, this is normal. The two of them got together by fate, and they had a period of adventure experience, but for themselves, practice is the most important.

Both Chen Feng and Yuan Yi had gained a lot in the process of adventure. Even if they were full of energy for adventure, they still needed to stop and rest.

It was just that the two of them thought well, and the changes in things were dazzling.

Not long after the two of them moved forward, they encountered something again.

A group of people from the above of Hunyuan came and stopped not far from the two of them.

"Ahem, hundreds of people from the above of Hunyuan, I have never seen such a scale of adventurers." Yuan Yi was a little surprised.

"I have seen so many people from the above of Hunyuan, but they did not gather together for adventure. These adventurers in front of me clearly came for a purpose." Chen Feng said.

"Is it for this origin?" Yuan Yi said.

"Maybe, look, they have something to say."

Sure enough, after seeing Chen Feng and Yuan Yi, someone in the team came out.

"Hello, fellow Taoists, where are you from?" the man asked enthusiastically.

"It's an inconspicuous place, just walking around casually." Chen Feng responded with a smile.

"I wonder if the two fellow Taoists are interested in joining us." The man continued.

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"We are here for justice this time. Just ahead, there is a vibrant origin that has been invaded by evil life. If we don't get help, then this origin with a long history will perish. Two Taoist friends, for the sake of thousands of practitioners, join us and kill the evil invaders together." This person above the Primordial was very sincere in communicating with Chen Feng and the others.

Chen Feng and Yuan Yi's expressions did not change, but their hearts were greatly touched.

"What do you say, Taoist friend?" Yuan Yi secretly communicated with Chen Feng.

"If I had agreed to join their team before entering this origin, at least there are many people, and we can hunt dead life together, but forget it now, I don't want to follow them to die." Chen Feng said.

"Maybe there are masters among them, maybe the defeated are dead life." Yuan Yi gave another reason.

"Even if there are a few masters in front of us, it can't change the situation." Chen Feng quickly scanned and had a general understanding of the strength of these Primordial Above.

Unless they are masters who can rival the Great Emperor of the Soul, if they are ordinary above the Primordial, even if there are hundreds of them, it seems like a lot, but it is not enough for a powerful death life to kill.

Think about the scene you saw before.

These death lives have a certain advantage when they meet other lives.

The breath of death is too abnormal.

"Sorry, we are not interested." Chen Feng refused directly.

The above the Primordial was not disappointed, and continued to persuade Chen Feng, such as following in to see the situation first, seeing the evil deeds of those evil lives first, and not having to take action first, etc.

Seeing that the other party was still talking nonsense, Chen Feng couldn't stand it, so he said: "This Taoist friend, there is no need to say more. We just came out of this origin, and I know the situation inside better than you."

Hearing Chen Feng say this, all the above the Primordial present focused their attention on Chen Feng, and some well-hidden breaths were also captured by Chen Feng.

"There are indeed a few with good strength." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"Daoyou know the situation inside, can you tell us?" The above the Primordial asked.

"It's extremely dangerous. If you go in, you'll be dead or alive." Chen Feng said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion at the scene. Some people wanted to ask, but Chen Feng and Yuan Yi came quickly.

"What do you think?"

"Humph, alarmist."

"It may be true, but no matter what the situation is, we have to go in and take a look."

"Hey, those two walked quite fast, as if they disappeared out of thin air."

"They are quite capable."

These Hunyuan above finally entered this origin.

After they all entered, the space fluctuated, and Chen Feng and Yuan Yi appeared again.

"How many of them do you think will die?"

"It depends on their luck, but ordinary Hunyuan above have some luck, which is useless."

"Should we follow them and take a look."

This time, Chen Feng and Yuan Yi were a little hesitant and a little moved.

At this moment, the two could feel the power fluctuations coming from the front through the outer area of ​​the origin.

"Let's do it, let's go in and take a look."

This time, the two did not hesitate and entered this origin again.

However, the two were still very careful. If they felt something was wrong, they would immediately withdraw.

After entering the origin, they saw the hundreds of people fighting with the two death lives.

"Two death lives, they have good luck." Yuan Yi said.

"The luck is terrible." Chen Feng shook his head.

These Hunyuan Above came from different places, and they didn't think about cooperating at all. Some people even didn't understand the situation until now.

Some of them didn't fight desperately and were just paddling.

The two death lives were naturally fierce. From the moment the two sides fought, these Hunyuan Above suffered casualties.


The Death Sun appeared, and one Hunyuan Above was torn into pieces with one collision.

Seeing the massacre, these Hunyuan Above also quickly adjusted their status. Soon some people united, and those masters who had been hiding their strength also broke out.

Blocking the attack momentum of the two death lives, the two sides fought hard.

However, some people were a little pessimistic. They came with so many people with great fanfare, but in the end they only dealt with two opponents.

This is too sad.

Chen Feng caught something at this time. The energy emitted from the Hunyuan that was killed and injured by the dead life was being swallowed by this origin.

"Without the origin furnace, it was absorbed directly, but it is also normal. This origin is in great need of power now. These hundreds of Hunyuan are also a considerable force, which is still helpful to this origin." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Let's just watch the fun here."

"Yes, do you want to go up and help, who to help?"

"Forget it, if I get involved, wouldn't it be a death wish."

Chen Feng and Yuan Yi were chatting casually. When the two felt the will of the origin appear, they knew they couldn't watch the fun, so they turned around and left.

Who knew that this origin acted very quickly and actually moved the two directly to the center of the battle.

For a while, the two felt various attack forces from both sides of the battle.

"Trouble, what effect can moving us here have." Chen Feng actually didn't understand the operation of this origin.

The power imprint formed a field to block all the attacks around, and then Chen Feng's long sword swept back and forth, crushing some attacks.

Yuan Yi created countless overlapping spaces. After the power of both sides broke the space, Yuan Yi and Chen Feng had disappeared.

In order to prevent being calculated by this origin again, Chen Feng directly broke a road with a sword, and the two quickly left this origin.

Chen Feng was ready. If it didn't work, he would use the replication law.

Fortunately, this origin didn't make a move this time.

"There is no need to attack us at all." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, isn't it good to have extra power to deal with dead life?" Yuan Yi also said so.

"Those two are really masters."

Chen Feng and Yuan Yi suddenly appeared and left. This process was not long, but it made people see a lot of things.

Especially Chen Feng could actually block the power of the two warring parties. This kind of strength is simply terrifying.

Thinking about what Chen Feng said before, he was in danger of death, so many people on the scene retreated.

Chen Feng is so powerful that he shouldn't lie.

In addition, although Chen Feng and Yuan Yi appeared for a short time, the two dead lives still had time to attack, but they didn't do so.

This explains something again.

"Don't think too much, let's work together to deal with these two opponents first." At this time, someone emitted a strong wave of will.

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