Eternal Existence

Chapter 5111: Stop the War

In other words, Chen Feng has not yet completely refined the rules of refining and copying, which would be a bit depressing.

This will inevitably make Chen Feng spend more time here.

"I didn't expect that after the Law of Copying came into my hands, it would not be as powerful as when I had no owner." Chen Feng understood that this was normal, and even secretly complained that the other party had become lazy, so that he could better control this law with his own efforts. The power of law.

However, this law has been in Chen Feng's hands for some time, and Chen Feng has more or less control over it.

In short, using the copying rules to copy and gather the rules in front of him is faster than Chen Feng's own understanding bit by bit.

And as time goes by, Chen Feng will become more and more proficient. Chen Feng even imagines that it would be great if more laws appeared.

As a result, apart from these thirteen laws, no new laws appeared. This made people feel relieved, but also a little disappointing.

No more pressure, but no more expectations.

Yuan Yi seems to have gained a lot and has been immersed in the state of cultivation.

Chen Feng noticed that the death creature seemed to be practicing, but in fact he was a little absent-minded.

It seems to be waiting for something.

"You're not going to summon other dead beings, are you? If this is the case, so many adventurers present may die, and the laws here will also fall into the hands of the other party." After having such thoughts in his mind, Chen Feng could no longer Fidgeting restlessly, he called Shang Yuanyi and quickly came to the dead being.

This dead being was not curious at all about Chen Feng's appearance, and seemed to understand Chen Feng's purpose.

"How about we break down the collection rules first." Chen Feng said straight to the point.

"Okay, let's share one point first." The death sick man did not refuse Chen Feng's request.

It is impossible to break the law, but it is relatively easy for two people to divide it.

The two parties discussed it for a while, and each of them obtained a complete law, except that Chen Feng had one less law than the other party.

If you have to say it, Chen Feng still took advantage, but this death seemed to be very generous and did not care about Chen Feng at all.

"If I hadn't cooperated with fellow Taoists, I wouldn't have been able to collect these laws on my own. What I have harvested now is the best." This dead being said.

Chen Feng's previous worries did not appear, so Chen Feng also took out a rule and gave it to Yuan Yi.

Yuan Yi did not refuse. Although he was not as helpful as Chen Feng, Yuan Yi did his best to participate.

And it takes a lot of risk. After all, it's not easy to entangle so many adventurers at the same time.

Chen Feng noticed this.

And although Chen Feng said that most of the laws fell into the hands of others, in the previous process of refining and collecting them, Chen Feng also gained some benefits, which was more or less beneficial to his own practice.

It can be said that both parties are happy.

"Are fellow Taoists planning to leave?" Yuan Yi asked Chen Feng curiously.

"I do have this plan, but there are some reasons why I want to divide these laws. I feel that something may happen next, but regardless of whether there is danger or not, I'd better implement the benefits first."

"Actually, to put it bluntly, if that death being is our good friend, then I don't need to worry. The laws are the same in anyone's hands. We can practice together and comprehend together in the future. But this death life gave me It feels a little weird. Although I didn't feel any malice from the other party, yes, that's why I felt something was wrong." Chen Feng said.

"Is it because the other party hid it well?" Yuan Yi said.

"Just because this kind of life is more dangerous, don't forget how terrifying the dead life we ​​saw and encountered in that area before is. I now have a bold idea. This person in front of me may be able to Comparable to the strongest death life we ​​know," Chen Feng said.

"It won't be so scary, right? I admit that the person in front of me is indeed very powerful. He will never reach that level again. If he is really so powerful, there is no need to find fellow Taoists to cooperate. He can completely take action himself and put these things together. The law collects everything cleanly," Yuan Yi said with some doubt.

"I just have this idea. It's hard to say what it is exactly." Chen Feng shook his head, and it was indeed untenable in theory.

These were just some speculations by the two of them, but Chen Feng believed in his intuition more, so he decided to leave after observing the surrounding situation.

"We can look for some more interesting areas. After all, we have already reaped the benefits here." Chen Feng said to Yuan Yi.

Although Yuan Yi didn't want to leave, he still didn't refuse after hearing what Chen Feng said.

After all, it is indeed safer to act with Chen Feng, and it is also quite interesting. More importantly, you can also get some benefits.

Besides, if Chen Feng leaves and is left here alone, he can only simply practice some practices and cannot collect these laws, and there may be some adventurers who are unfavorable to him.

"I'm going to say hello to the other party." Chen Feng said and came to the dead being.

Hearing that Chen Feng was leaving this death life was a little disappointing: "There are still many laws here. There is no need for fellow Taoists to leave in such a hurry. If we cooperate next time, we will definitely be able to collect some more laws."

"I have made up my mind. We will meet again." Chen Feng said and turned away with Yuan Yi.

However, the two did not walk far and stopped again. Looking at the spreading sea of ​​death in front of them, they were calm on the surface, but they felt a lump in their hearts.

"Trouble has finally come."

"Daoyou, is this the danger you intuitively felt? In this case, we should have walked faster just now."

"It's useless. Looking at the current situation, the other party has already arranged it. Oh, in this case, all the adventurers present will perish. When these dead lives have begun to use conspiracy and tricks, it will become more dangerous." Chen Feng said so.

In fact, although Chen Feng had some bad intuitions before, he did not think about it in this way.

Now that the danger has appeared, Chen Feng's heart is not only not relaxed at all, but also raised in the dark.

The dead life encountered this time must be different from the previous ones, and it is most likely related to the previous dead life called Zhi Ge.

Maybe it was summoned by the other party.

"Zhi Ge, this name is really interesting." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.

"Now is not the time to sigh, let's think about whether we can rush out." Yuan Yi also looked calm.

After all, the two of them have seen big scenes. In such a situation, the more panicked, the more dangerous it is.

So Chen Feng and Yuan Yi went to other directions at the fastest speed.

According to their understanding, none of the dead life is easy to mess with, so Chen Feng and Yuan Yi don't want to fight with each other at all.

What's more, the other party is well prepared.

Chen Feng's magic of movement and Yuan Yi's space method are both extremely good at shuttle escape, but this time the opponent has been prepared, and the sea of ​​death has covered a large area.

The two changed directions continuously, but none of them succeeded.

"Should we fight hard?" Yuan Yi said.

"It is impossible to determine how strong the blocker in front is. If we take the lead now, we will definitely face the strongest dead life." Chen Feng said.

"I see that you and Zhi Ge have a good chat, why not communicate with each other." Yuan Yi suggested with a smile.

"Okay, your suggestion is good." Chen Feng smiled and really communicated with Zhi Ge.

Then a passage appeared in the sea of ​​fire in front of the two.

Unexpected, unexpected.

Chen Feng and Yuan Yi looked at each other.

The other party opened the way for the two of them, so what should they do?

Is there a passage or a trap ahead?

The pressure is on the two of them.

"What should we do?" Yuan Yi asked with a smile.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment and said with a smile: "Let's go."

Chen Feng thought that even if there was a trap ahead, it didn't matter, because both sides would have to face it anyway.

If they left the passage, it would be even better.

Yuan Yi followed him: "I'm really scared."

"Be prepared to take action at any time, none of these dead lives can be trusted." Chen Feng said.

"That's right, the previous Zhi Ge looked so gentle, and he solved so many adventurers with one move. It was too cruel, and he didn't take some lives seriously." Yuan Yi nodded and agreed with Chen Feng's statement.

Although the two were prepared for an ambush, they came to their senses after they got outside.

They actually came out, and there was no trap.

"That death life named Zhi Ge is really particular. You two had a good chat before, and you have become friends. Otherwise, why would you let us go?" Yuan Yi said.

Chen Feng nodded, and his eyes swept back and forth. There were two strong auras on both sides of the road.

It was a death life.

"I sensed six death auras." Chen Feng said.

"That means there are six death lives, plus Zhi Ge, a total of seven. Those adventurers are dead, and none of them can escape." Yuan Yi sighed, a little reluctant.

To be able to cultivate to this level of life, you have to go through so many disasters, long years of hard training, and the cover of opportunities, and fight your way out of countless practitioners.

I thought I could enjoy a long and endless life, but who knew I would die here, and everything turned to ashes.

It happened that this was not just one, but many Hunyuan.

When he thought of this, Yuan Yi felt a sense of sadness, and his emotions were brought into it. If he also ended up like this, wouldn’t it be even more miserable?

"Don't think too much." Chen Feng saw Yuan Yi's emotions. In fact, Chen Feng was the same. When encountering such a situation, some emotions would be triggered and such feelings would be expressed. This was inevitable.

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