Eternal Existence

Chapter 5110: Dividing the Pressure

As for Yuan Yi, he is already invincible with his spatial technique.

And Chen Feng doesn't believe that all the adventurers present will oppose him.

"Everyone is grabbing resources with their own abilities. If you unite to attack us, you have to consider the consequences. With my strength, I can leave whenever I want, but you can't stay together forever."

"And I just don't want some trouble, so I threatened you. Of course, I am also doing this for your own good. Otherwise, you can see this fellow Taoist in front of you. The other party is too lazy to say more. As long as you step forward, the result will be a dead end."

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he stopped talking and waited for everyone's reaction.

The Hunyuan who took the initiative to speak just now continued to provoke everyone's emotions, and some people were indeed provoked.

But Chen Feng was too lazy to say more, because Chen Feng also had a sense, and the second law appeared immediately.

Sure enough, there was no conflict between the two sides, and the second law appeared.

For a moment, some Hunyuan rushed to both ends of the law quickly.

It was obvious that these above the Primordial were learning from what Chen Feng and the Death Life had done before, but Chen Feng was not in a hurry about this. He did not slow down and chose a direction to go.

But the next moment, Chen Feng was stopped by a group of above the Primordial, including the leader.

On the contrary, no one went to stop the Death Life.

That is to say, although Chen Feng had dealt with some adventurers before, he did not scare everyone, which means that the means were still not as good as the refugee deaths, and the life looked more intense.

Chen Feng felt a little speechless. Could it be that he looked so easy to bully, and the means just now could not scare these people.

He had dealt with some opponents, or these guys were eyeing the treasure in his hand.

"You guys dared to rush up in this situation, and you also have your own means. You are not just thinking of entangled me for a while and let other adventurers succeed, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I think they want to cooperate with the Death Life, or the previous approach, I will stop them, and you go to refine the law." Yuan Yi said.

Chen Feng nodded, and disappeared from the spot the next moment.

During this process, someone wanted to stop Chen Feng, but was stopped by Yuan Yi using the space technique.

Chen Feng soon came to the end of this law, and saw that the Hunyuan Above who came here before was collapsing the surrounding time and space with all his strength.

It was a pity that although several Hunyuan Above joined forces, the effect was still not as good as Chen Feng's previous movement.

After Chen Feng arrived, he took a look and directly used the power of origin to beat a Hunyuan Above and threw him out.

Then Chen Feng released several avenues and entangled other Hunyuan Above.

"Are you going to leave by yourself, or let me deal with you first?" Chen Feng asked.

Although these Hunyuan Above were a little hesitant, they still fought against Chen Feng.

In fact, Chen Feng did not have much pressure to deal with these ordinary Hunyuan Above. Seeing that they still did not know how to retreat, Chen Feng had to change the power of origin one after another.

This time, Chen Feng did not take out the long sword, but simply performed boxing, but when it fell on the opponent, it would smash these Hunyuan Above into pieces. Some attacks could not cause much damage to Chen Feng after falling on him.

Soon, all those who rushed ahead of Chen Feng were repelled by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng released the avenue to form the eye of the formation around him, and the power of the domain began to be released.

As Chen Feng's power spread to the surroundings, time and space collapsed.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng was relatively relaxed this time, because those Hunyuan had already exerted some strength, and at the same time, there were some power fluctuations from the fight between the two sides.

So this time Chen Feng was quite relaxed, and soon entered the state of refining this law.

It can be regarded as having the previous experience, and in addition to competing with the dead life for control, Chen Feng used a stronger force this time.

The final result was that Chen Feng refined 40%, still not as good as this dead life, but better than before.

Another law was obtained, but Yuan Yi seemed to be injured. When he came to Chen Feng, the Hunyuan behind him did not dare to catch up.

"How is your situation? I think you should take action to deal with these adventurers first." Although Chen Feng obtained two laws, Chen Feng still felt that these adventurers present were a bit annoying.

They didn't have the ability to collect the laws before, but now they come to stop me, and they don't dare to provoke that death life, but they come to target me again.

"Two Taoist friends, you have collected two laws. I think it should be enough. Leave the others to us." Hunyuan said so.

Chen Feng was too lazy to communicate with the other party, and as for the death life, it seemed that he couldn't hear it.

Seeing the attitude of Chen Feng and the death life, Hunyuan was angry and speechless.

If they continue, if there are more laws, they will fall into their hands.

"Fellow Taoists, I think we really have to cooperate sincerely. Only if we join forces can we deal with them, otherwise we won't get any benefits at all."

"That's right, I was thinking of waiting and watching before, but now I regret it. I agree to join forces. No matter how strong the opponent is, it is impossible to withstand the attacks of all of us."

"Two fists cannot defeat four hands. We have so many practitioners here, and there are many powerful magical powers. As long as they burst out, they can be completely chopped into pieces."

"In addition to the importance of the law, these two must have treasures on them. Killing them is another huge gain. I think it is enough for those of us present to share. It is much better than watching the benefits being snatched away by them."

"If someone is unwilling to take action, leave here as soon as possible. If they don't leave, then they are our own people. If they really don't take action next, we will attack them together."

"I am willing to take action."

"I am willing to take action together."

The above Hunyuan responded one after another and quickly contacted each other secretly.

Chen Feng seemed to have caught these things, thinking that this was normal. At this point, since these above Hunyuan were still gathered together, they must be trying to deal with their own people.

"If I say that, I will have to bear a lot of pressure again. It's really troublesome. I even thought about releasing the dead life I suppressed and then killing everyone." Chen Feng said speechlessly.

Just when both sides were preparing to fight, two laws suddenly appeared at once.

The atmosphere of the scene changed again.

Chen Feng and Death Life still chose one law, but there was another law left. Everyone had already contacted each other to fight against Chen Feng and Death Life together.

But now some of the Hunyuan Above were shaken, and some people even took action and chose that law.

In this way, another part of the Hunyuan Above left.

So the alliance was disintegrated, and chaos soon appeared.

It was obviously unwise to snatch the law from Chen Feng and others, but it was easier to deal with other Hunyuan Above.

Chen Feng came to the end of the law and saw several fights at the same time, and couldn't help laughing.

I didn't have any good ideas before, but I didn't expect to solve it now.

"I don't know if they can take that law. After all, this space-time is not so easy to collapse. Even if the space-time collapses, it is not so easy to strip this law out." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I hope they can succeed, so that they won't come to cause trouble if they have hope. Otherwise, they may join forces again." Yuan Yi said, still on guard around Chen Feng.

Next, Chen Feng and the death life will naturally refine this law together.

This time the process was relatively smooth, and Chen Feng still had 40% control over this law.

At this time, the other law had not been extracted.

Chen Feng communicated with the death life from a distance. According to the death life's idea, all the lives present were killed to save trouble.

Chen Feng naturally refused.

According to Chen Feng's suggestion, it was waiting for new laws to appear.

"Hehe, I was just talking before. In fact, I don't love blood at all. Since Daoyou said so, let's wait. I have a hunch that the next law that appears is not a law." The death life said.

"There are quite a lot of laws here, and we don't need to collect them all in our hands. We should also give other adventurers some opportunities. After all, they came here early. I am also a latecomer." Chen Feng said so.

On the surface, this death life seemed to respect Chen Feng's choice, but if you think about it carefully, the other party actually did not take the initiative to attack the life present from the beginning. Based on this alone, Chen Feng felt that he could still trust the other party.

To put it bluntly, this death life also took action passively. If the Hunyuan on the scene did not cause trouble for him, he would not have ended up like this.

In the final analysis, it was just that this death life was more ruthless, but wasn't it the same for me?

As the death life guessed, three laws appeared in a row.

In fact, it is easier to collect when one law appears.

The more laws there are, the more connections and changes they have with each other, which makes it more difficult to collect them.

Chen Feng and the death life chose one of the laws again. When the Hunyuan on the original fighting saw the new target appear, they stopped fighting like before, but formed a gang and rushed to the other two laws.

In this way, it seemed like there was a distribution.

"It is indeed more difficult than before, but so many adventurers took action together, which can be regarded as sharing some pressure." Chen Feng said so.

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