Eternal Existence

Chapter 5079: Super Strong Perception

No matter what the Gate of Origin thinks, Chen Feng can't refuse it. This is a huge benefit.

Even if he knows that the Gate of Origin has a plan, Chen Feng has to get the benefit first.

However, Chen Feng didn't have too much time to experience it. When Chen Feng received the power of the Gate of Origin, the space that was cut apart exploded one after another, and a name of Hunyuan appeared in Chen Feng's perception.

So many Hunyuans are enough to change the situation.

Feeling the powerful force, Chen Feng was not worried, but relieved.

This is the means and foundation that an origin should have.

"Then it will be a fierce battle next, which is more and more like a war at the origin level, but the Gate of Origin didn't call in the Hunyuan, or will it have such means later?" Chen Feng asked the Gate of Origin.

This time, the Gate of Origin finally responded to Chen Feng, and there really were helpers coming, but it would take some time.

Such a level of battle will change in a little bit of time. Chen Feng took the initiative to launch an attack the moment these Chen Feng appeared.

Of course, as an origin, he was also prepared for defense.

The Gate of Space and Time and the Source of Creation no longer walked out as before, but returned to the domain in the same way, each occupying an area.

While the power of the free space was rolling, there was actually a vast will brewing. Although it was not like other lives, it was more like the existence of a law.

The free space also belongs to the Gate of Origin. Chen Feng thought that this change might have occurred under the control of the origin.

In addition, the meaning of the free space interested Chen Feng, vast, heavy, wonton, and everything.

Just like Chen Feng's chaotic body, it can control everything, even the laws that are being nurtured, and the will is a bit chaotic.

After all, the attributes are different and it is impossible to achieve true unity in a short time.

"I didn't expect that the free space would have such changes. It seems that my idea is still a bit shallow. This is the best. Now we should be more stable when we sit in all directions." Chen Feng locked an opponent in the gap.

As for the attacks of other opponents, Chen Feng has used the domain to resist.

It's just that there are a lot of Hunyuan above this time, and Chen Feng can't bear it even if he uses his means to the best of his ability.

If the power of the Gate of Origin was not too strong, Chen Feng would have been forced to fight with the opponent in close combat.

Even now, he could not hold on for long.

These Hunyuan Above used their means to continuously tear apart the domain activated by Chen Feng, and the territory controlled by Chen Feng was also shaking violently.

Some of the power could even rush to Chen Feng.

"In this case, it is still not enough." Chen Feng knew that since the Gate of Origin said that Hunyuan Above would come to help, they would definitely come, but when they would come was another question.

Maybe after they arrived, he would not know what the situation would be.

Chen Feng's thoughts flashed, and several more avenues were released, and there was a beam of origin light in each avenue.

These origin lights were like indestructible sword energy, crisscrossing, and actually cut a Hunyuan Above into pieces.

Without waiting for the other party to repeat his body, Chen Feng swept one of the avenues directly, rolled the broken Hunyuan Above into the avenue, and then suppressed it.

But then the avenue shook, and countless cracks appeared, and it was unable to suppress the other party.

However, Chen Feng was well prepared, and two more avenues were superimposed on it.

The three avenues suppressed this Hunyuan above tightly.

Chen Feng wanted to use the same method to deal with other Chen Feng above, but the opponent was prepared and he never succeeded.

However, Chen Feng was not disappointed, and continued to promote the avenues of various attributes.

On the one hand, it was indeed to deal with the opponent, and on the other hand, it was also to hone himself.

Even if the avenue could not do anything to the opponent, even if the avenue was broken by the opponent, even if it was damaged, Chen Feng could repair it again.

Chen Feng believed that the repaired avenue would become stronger after being damaged.

However, when these Hunyuan above urged several particularly powerful magic weapons to suppress it, the domain controlled by Chen Feng began to collapse.

Even if the Gate of Time and Space and the Source of Creation went all out, they could not support it.

After all, they also had opponents of the same level.

Chen Feng was a little helpless, thinking that since it was broken, he would fight with his own means.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to burn these powers and use the magic of movement to fight his opponent, the space broke open and rolling energy swept in.

This is the energy in the free space, but it is different from what Chen Feng knows.

This is an energy storm.

Chen Feng has seen too many energy storms in the free space, but he has never seen one like this one.

The energy storm that appeared this time was too powerful, more than ten times more powerful than the energy storms Chen Feng had seen or released himself.

Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and he saw a lot of things from this energy storm. It seemed that the power of time was flowing, the laws of space were emerging, and there was a will to destroy everything, to end all the breath, the pure power of extremely high grade, and the power of fire that could burn everything.

All kinds of things seemed to cover all the attribute powers evolved from the Gate of Origin.

But Chen Feng came back to his senses and explored again, and found that this energy storm was ordinary. In addition to being powerful, it seemed that there was no other special attribute.

But no matter what, the power of this energy storm was witnessed by Chen Feng with his own eyes. He saw a Hunyuan master being involved in it, and it was quickly shattered into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, this energy storm seemed to be controlled by someone behind the scenes, constantly covering and sweeping the existence of the origin of the chaos.

No matter what magical powers are used on these Hunyuan to activate any magic weapons, once they are involved, those with strong physical bodies can still hold on for a while, but the cracks that continue to appear on their bodies can only mean that they can hold on for a while. Those whose bodies are not strong enough will It will quickly be shattered into pieces, and even the burning vitality will be quickly extinguished.

"What a powerful energy storm, even more powerful than what I encountered at the end of the place where ten thousand currents meet. This should be the energy storm purified by the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng took a breath, thinking about his own How long can the chaotic body persist in it?

As expected of the Gate of Origin, it actually possesses such a unique killing method.

Chen Feng began to consider whether he could release such a powerful energy storm.

But no matter what, the scene before him is a good thing for Chen Feng. Chen Feng also hopes that the Gate of Origin can become stronger and release more means, so that he will be relaxed.

It seemed to confirm Chen Feng's guess that another method appeared after the energy storm.

This time what appeared was an ocean.

Ocean of flames.

The energy storm can tear everything apart, but the sea of ​​flames that appeared this time has the power to burn everything.

Suddenly, another Hunyuan was wrapped in flames, and he screamed and quickly turned into ashes.

There were flames jumping in Chen Feng's eyes, and he could not wait to release his avenue of flames immediately to devour the sea of ​​flames in front of him.

However, Chen Feng knew that he could not do this. Once he released the avenue of flames, his avenue would collapse and he would have to start from scratch again.

"As expected of the Gate of Origin, it can exert its power to such a superb level. Since these two methods can be used, there must be other methods." Chen Feng flashed this thought, and sure enough, another black shadow appeared.

Before Chen Feng could see what the method was, beams of dazzling light shone out from the black shadow, and everything in their path was melting. The light was sweeping across the Hunyuan, and was cut off directly.

"This is the light of the source." Chen Feng confirmed it. This was more powerful than the personal light Chen Feng had seen before.

It is obvious that this is the source power that has been specially cultivated or purified by the Gate of Origin.

After three consecutive surprises, Chen Feng knew that the situation had changed, and he was no longer as surprised as he was at the beginning. Even if he had the means, it would still be within the scope of his knowledge.

After the Gate of Origin's successive methods, another group of Hunyuan came.

Moreover, Chen Feng did not know any of these Hunyuan masters. They formed a formation as soon as they arrived, and they were also receiving the power of the Gate of Origin.

Then another realm appeared.

Chen Feng was not far away, and the opponent's domain was expanding very quickly, and it didn't take long for him to match the domain controlled by Chen Feng.

This scene made Chen Feng frown, but then he laughed again. This situation was normal.

At least until now, he can still receive the power of the Gate of Origin.

It's just that these Hunyuan superiors ignore me, which is a bit interesting.

"It seems that they were trained by the Gate of Origin. Maybe the Origin War was carried out in other places, and they were temporarily transferred here now." Chen Feng guessed.

But they ignored me, so naturally I wouldn't go forward and say anything. Anyway, everyone belongs to the Gate of Origin, so they just use their own methods.

Moreover, Chen Feng also had the Gate of Space and Time on his side. Even if there were a large number of these clouds, it did bring some pressure to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng quickly returned to his normal state of mind.

"As long as you don't mess with me." Chen Feng looked at the other party's area. Although it was very close to him, it was indeed expanding in another direction. This was not bad, and it would also avoid some problems after the contact between the two. contradiction.

But seeing the other party with so many Hunyuan superiors gathered together, I felt a little lonely on my side.

It was Chen Feng's idea to live in peace and harmony. When Chen Feng felt some evil thoughts, he knew that there might be some trouble down the road.

"Forget it, if there is really trouble, I will take action to solve it." Even so, Chen Feng still paid attention to whether there were any masters among those above Hunyuan.

After all, it was cultivated by the Gate of Origin, so it is definitely not simple.

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