Eternal Existence

Chapter 5078: The Great Way of Killing

All aspects show Chen Feng's cultivation method of absorbing everything.

So after thinking about opening up the origin, he instinctively came up with this approach.

Of course, if Chen Feng wants his own origin to grow stronger, he must also plunder and devour the power of other origins.

Some broken origins and some origin fragments in his hands will naturally be integrated into them at that time.

"But I can't break through at the moment. Now I am in a state of accumulation. Once I can't suppress myself at all, I will break through. In fact, in terms of physical body and energy, I have reached the level of breakthrough, but in terms of spiritual perception, I am still a little weak. To put it bluntly, my vacation time is still a little short." Chen Feng reviewed his cultivation process. Although he had experienced a lot, his cultivation time was not even comparable to that of Hunyuan Jinxian, let alone those who have existed for who knows how many years.

"If it weren't for my strong physical body, even with the help of the suppression of magic weapons, I couldn't hold on now." In fact, Chen Feng's current situation has been changing.

Or Chen Feng's strength has been constantly getting stronger. The breakthrough of Ba Dao is of a chain nature, not to mention that Chen Feng has made breakthroughs in the avenues one after another.

The most important thing is that Chen Feng's avenue of life has been broken through, which is the most important gain of Chen Feng recently.

The combination of the various avenues that Chen Feng has broken through recently is not as important as the avenue of life.

The huge changes in the life level will drive other aspects to follow.

Even so, Chen Feng will not be willing to miss the good opportunity, and he still wants to make all the avenues break through as much as possible.

Of course, don't look at Chen Feng's avenue breakthrough very quickly, but don't forget that Chen Feng has opened up a lot of avenues.

In fact, only a few have become stronger, and Chen Feng still has many avenues that are not too strong.

That is, the normal level that needs to continue, so it can't keep up with Chen Feng's further speed.

After all, even if Chen Feng multitasks, he still has to spend time and energy to participate in cultivation, which is also Chen Feng's shortcoming.

Chen Feng also understands this, but he has never given up this way of cultivation, and even Chen Feng tries to open up more new avenues as much as possible.

The more the better.

Even if you can't become stronger for the time being, there will always be a chance to break through in the future.

Just when everything was going well, the source of good fortune was suddenly beaten to pieces by the opponent.

This forced Chen Feng to come back to his senses, thinking that things would not change again.

As a result, Chen Feng saw that the source of good fortune that was beaten to pieces was in trouble.

You should know that the source of good fortune is not fighting alone. There is also the gate of time and space around it, as well as the power of free space, and it is even integrated with the gate of origin.

Just now, it was suddenly beaten to pieces by the opponent, which shows how powerful the opponent is.

In Chen Feng's opinion, even he could not withstand such an attack.

Chen Feng saw the opponent, who turned out to be above Hunyuan.

The opponent was a creature that looked like an inconspicuous beast, with a magic weapon similar to a seal floating in front of him.

It was this magic weapon that just broke up the source of good fortune and now rushed towards the gate of time and space.

Facing the attack of the seal, the gate of time and space kept flashing and dared not resist.

In fact, if you think about it, it is true. The Gate of Time and Space is not good at head-on confrontation. If it collides with the opponent, it may be smashed to pieces.

However, the Gate of Time and Space fell into a disadvantage after dodging. The whole situation has changed, and even affected the field that Chen Feng was urging.

"Sure enough, a powerful Hunyuan Above appeared, and it was so sharp as soon as it attacked. Even the Source of Fortune and the Gate of Time and Space could not resist it. Then will there be such a powerful existence next?" In fact, Chen Feng was not surprised by this situation.

What Chen Feng was curious about was that there was no such a powerful existence on the side of the Chaos Origin. Now this situation shows that this side of the Origin has finally taken real action.

Then can his side stop it? Does the Gate of Origin have other means?

"But since the Gate of Origin has joined the battle, it may also mobilize some Hunyuan Above to come here."

Chen Feng thought, but he was not idle. Instead, he mobilized part of his power to try to stop the Hunyuan Above, so as to buy some time for the Gate of Time and Space and the Source of Fortune.

This existence did not underestimate Chen Feng, and faced the means launched by Chen Feng and had to spare his hands to deal with it.

The Gate of Time and Space used the laws of time and space to stalemate with the opponent's seal, which gave Chen Feng an opportunity.

The power from the Gate of Origin was drawn by Chen Feng to the long sword in his hand, and turned into a sword light and shot towards this Hunyuan Above.

This level of attack is generally difficult to dodge, and this Hunyuan Above did not choose to dodge, but actually opened his mouth and sprayed a beam of colorful light, colliding with Chen Feng's sword light.

The opponent disappeared in the brilliance, and then continued to close the distance between him and Chen Feng.

The opponent actually wanted to get close to Chen Feng to attack.

Chen Feng knew that the opponent's target was not only himself, but also the domain he controlled.

Only by breaking the fragment domain could the hidden danger be solved.

Chen Feng tried his best to mobilize means to stop the opponent, but this creature of unknown species suddenly became very irritable and rushed around, and Chen Feng's obstruction was constantly shattered.

Finally, this Hunyuan Above rushed in front of Chen Feng.

"Just in time."

Chen Feng smiled. He was just pretending before. When it comes to close combat, Chen Feng is very confident.

Even if this opponent is extraordinary, Chen Feng is confident that he can beat him back. If he can seize the opportunity to injure him, it will be even better.

Sure enough, the two sides collided, and this person above the primordial suffered a great loss, but he was no match for Chen Feng in his physical body, not to mention that Chen Feng also had the power of the Gate of Origin as his backstage.

After beating the opponent back, Chen Feng immediately used his domain to suppress this person above the primordial.

An opponent of this level can only be suppressed first, and then slowly resolved.

As a result, Chen Feng did not succeed. This person above the primordial still broke through the domain power released by Chen Feng.

However, this person above the primordial did not retreat, but continued to look for opportunities and still wanted to attack Chen Feng.

"Is it so easy? Why do I feel that things are not so simple?" Chen Feng carefully sensed the surroundings, and at that time he also noticed that the Gate of Time and Space had recovered.

"What other means are there?"

Chen Feng was a little confused, but soon Chen Feng understood.

The expansion of the territory slowed down instantly, and before Chen Feng could figure it out, it stopped completely.

The channel through which the Gate of Origin and the free space transmitted power was directly cut off, and Chen Feng also lost contact with the Gate of Origin.

In this case, the area controlled by Chen Feng could not expand unless Chen Feng filled it with his own energy.

"This is also a normal method. I think the Gate of Origin should have considered this point." Chen Feng was not in a hurry, at least on the surface it looked normal.

Besides, if the Gate of Origin really couldn't solve this little trouble, then it would have no strength at all, and it would really take advantage of this origin.

"This also shows that the Gate of Origin still has conflicts with this side of Hunyuan from other directions, and it also shows that this method can threaten this chaotic origin. Can this channel be cut off? However, even if it is cut off for a period of time, it can cause some impact." Without the support of the Gate of Origin, the combat effectiveness of Chen Feng and the Gate of Space and Time will be affected, and the opponent will also become stronger.

With the balance tilted, the situation will become more and more unfavorable.

"So what will happen next?" Chen Feng knew that he couldn't keep expecting the Gate of Origin to reconnect the road, although Chen Feng also knew that if the Gate of Origin could not successfully transmit the power, then his side would lose this war.

"And how much power did the Darkness use? I am really curious now, how did the Gate of Origin convince the Darkness Origin."

Chen Feng sat in the center, although he beat back the powerful Hunyuan, but he did not take the opportunity to chase.

Because Chen Feng had a hunch that if he chased after him, he might fall into a dangerous situation.

In other words, there was probably an ambush in the dark.

"I knew that everything was not that simple, but unfortunately I still lacked helpers. If I was prepared, I could transfer dozens or hundreds of Hunyuan, then I could change the situation. Although the Gate of Origin directly mobilized the power to participate in the war, I always felt that I was alone. To put it bluntly, it was different from the Gate of Time and Space and other lives." Chen Feng also had some feelings.

I did meet a few companions before, but they didn't fight side by side with me because we didn't have a good relationship.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't see the other party clearly.

To be honest, the choice of Hades and his friends was the right one. If it were me, I probably wouldn't fight to the end.

After all, this level of fighting is too dangerous.

Besides, although the three above Hunyuan are strong, they can't play a big role in this situation.

"In fact, Hades' strength is still good. After all, he is from the underworld. He didn't use all his strength before. It's just that the other party left so simply, which is within my expectations. In fact, in this way, we should participate more in such a level of fighting. This will have great benefits for our own practice. Although it is a bit dangerous, there will be huge gains." Chen Feng thought so.

Suddenly, Chen Feng released several avenues. These avenues are good at killing, and there are powerful magic weapons in them. They can cooperate and complement each other, and they can burst out stronger power when they blend.

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