Eternal Existence

Chapter 5076: Impatient

The Gate of Time and Space also agreed, and the portal directly wrapped up Chen Feng and the source of fortune.

But this time the Gate of Time and Space did not succeed.

The space was suddenly frozen, and the Gate of Time and Space shook for a while, and it actually stayed in place.

This made Chen Feng secretly exclaim that it was not good, and he quickly infused his power into the Sword of Cangsu, and then fiercely pierced a hole in the space.

The Gate of Time and Space moved with this.

But it didn't go far before it was blocked by two palms, and at the same time, an energy storm swept over.

The breath contained in this energy storm made Chen Feng's eyes light up.

"Good stuff, I need this kind of energy." Chen Feng felt that his several avenues were ready to move, and he wanted to release the avenue to swallow up the energy storm in front of him.

But this energy storm was extremely powerful, and it was controlled by the origin of chaos. Wherever it passed, it would be affected on the Hunyuan. As for those Hunyuan Jinxian-level lives, they would be torn into pieces when they encountered it.

The Gate of Time and Space tried to move as much as possible, but it was a pity that it was locked after trying.

This time, the opponent's blocking force was too strong, and there was a feeling of freezing everything.

You should know that the laws involved in the Gate of Time and Space are extremely powerful, and even if you are not an opponent, you can just walk away.

This time, many attempts failed.

"I'm afraid we can't do it alone, so let's ask for help." Chen Feng is still constantly performing swordsmanship.

And in this process, the swordsmanship that Chen Feng burst out is formed by the burning origin fragments you.

The attack power is naturally extremely strong.

What Chen Feng has to do is to attack all the opponents around him at the same time, trying to give the Gate of Time and Space some opportunities.

"What a pity, my attack is actually very powerful, but the opponent is even more powerful." Chen Feng looked at the effect.

His sword energy is enough to chop his palm into pieces, but the opponent's recovery speed is also very fast.

There is also the energy storm that makes him excited. Although it is split into waves by the sword energy, it has the means to swallow everything.

The opponent can dissolve and swallow the sword energy that Chen Feng bursts out, which makes Chen Feng a little helpless.

Seeing that the opponent's suppression is constantly shrinking, the Gate of Time and Space still has not moved out.

The Source of Fortune was a little anxious, and actually took the initiative to merge into the Gate of Time and Space.

Then the Gate of Time and Space burst out with a super strong light, as if it was beyond everything and did not belong to all time and space.

Then the Gate of Time and Space took Chen Feng and the Source of Fortune and finally disappeared from this area.

"Rush out." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

But there was something wrong with the Gate of Time and Space and the Source of Fortune. After the two separated, their breath was a little weak.

Chen Feng knew that this should be the side effect of the big move that just broke out.

"Are you all right?" Chen Feng asked.

Although some benefits were grabbed before, if the body was damaged, it might be a bit of a loss.

"We need to wait for more power to be transmitted. Our condition is not very good now. If there is danger, you can only deal with it." The Gate of Time and Space said so.

"Can we communicate with the main body?" This is what Chen Feng is most concerned about.

"It should be no problem." The Gate of Time and Space said and began to use means to open up a channel.

The action of the Gate of Time and Space was relatively smooth, and it successfully attracted power when it came in.

The Gate of Time and Space began to recover.

Not only that, but it also attracted the power of the source of good fortune, as well as the strong power of space.

This is the power of the free space carried by Chen Feng.

This is also a good thing for Chen Feng, because he has stronger means and confidence.

It is also possible to attract stronger attacks from the origin of chaos.

Sure enough, as the power of the free space became stronger and stronger, it finally attracted the attention of the origin of chaos.

The opponent immediately descended on the means.

The two sides began to fight again.

Chen Feng mobilized his own power to fight while accumulating the power of the free space.

When it accumulated to a certain extent, Chen Feng used it to open up territory.

However, before this time, Chen Feng used the rest of his own power first, so that he could better control it.

In addition, Chen Feng was also communicating with the origin of corrosive energy.

During this period, the connection between Chen Feng and the origin of corrosive energy was affected. Chen Feng knew that it was because the clone he left behind was consumed a lot.

But the fight over there is still not over, and the origin of corrosive energy driven by Chen Feng is also extremely important.

If Chen Feng suddenly puts it away, it will also have a huge impact on the long river of time.

"I always feel that there is no hope in this war." Chen Feng suddenly had such a thought.

Although the Gate of Origin and the Dark Origin were involved, they only mobilized a part of their forces and did not really participate.

If both sides used their real bodies to come, it would naturally be another situation.

"But this time, such a big commotion was made. I think the Gate of Origin also has their own ideas. Even if they can't succeed, they have gained something. Just treat it as a collision in advance."

"There are naturally wins and losses in the battle between the origin levels. It is impossible to win every time. Besides, even if we fail this time, it is worth paying a little price, or it can be said that it is completely affordable."

Chen Feng looked at a group of opponents who suddenly appeared in front of him. Even if he felt strong pressure, he was no longer shocked.

This time, the one who came was still the pseudo-Hunyuan who was blessed by this origin.

This also made Chen Feng a little suspicious and speculative.

For example, if there was a conflict between the two sides, the Chaos Origin could completely mobilize the Hunyuan to intervene.

It’s not that there is no Hunyuan in this origin. Chen Feng encountered it when he first came to this origin.

But this Chaos Origin prefers to use Hunyuan Jinxian, and then spend his own means to bless it and enhance the strength of Hunyuan Jinxian.

However, since the other party did this, there must be a reason.

That is to say, the other party will have a better effect by doing this.

"Or more power to deal with Shi Guang Changhe and the others, just because it is easier for me to deal with it, so I use weaker means." Chen Feng said.

One after another, the magical powers overwhelmed Chen Feng.

These magical powers were cultivated by Hunyuan Jinxian, and they were actually very strong. Now they have been raised to the level of Hunyuan by the origin.

So many people joined forces to send it out, and I thought they could tear Chen Feng into pieces in one game.

Who knew that Chen Feng rushed out of the chaos, came directly in front of an opponent, raised his hand and slapped the opponent into a pulp.

Then he rushed forward, smashed some magical powers and smashed another opponent.

However, Chen Feng was still affected by some magical powers, and the whole person became a little dazed.

This is entering the illusion.

Then Chen Feng began to be pulled by the opponent in the illusion.

This is a multi-layer illusion.

The opponent also understood that Chen Feng was not easy to deal with, so he thought of using some means to entangle Chen Feng first, and then use more means to break it bit by bit.

As long as Chen Feng can be delayed for a while, then there is a chance of success.

It's just that the idea is good. Although Chen Feng is not above Hunyuan, the degree of difficulty to deal with is beyond many above Hunyuan.

Chen Feng shattered the illusion and was affected by other magical powers.

Chen Feng admitted that he underestimated these above Hunyuan. The magical powers they cultivated were indeed very strong, and some of them even interested Chen Feng himself.

The main reason is that there are too many opponents.

It seems that the opponent also understands how to deal with such an existence as himself.

Later, Chen Feng was a little irritable, perhaps because of the influence of the magic power, or perhaps Chen Feng really needed to fight back.

A vortex was released from Chen Feng's head, and everything was pulled and smashed.

Those who had been cultivating in the vortex origin came to the Hunyuan and also launched an attack together.

It only wiped out the consciousness of almost most of the opponents in one go.

These Hunyuan above can also launch a good attack when they join forces, but each time it takes some time to prepare, and it takes a certain amount of time to recover after the outbreak.

However, Chen Feng provided them with a place to recover their strength and prepared some resources for them.

So Chen Feng summoned them and they naturally had to pay attention, and of course they had to help Chen Feng as much as possible.

Only when Chen Feng's troubles were solved could they better help them recover their strength.

When Chen Feng was fighting with these opponents, the source of creation and the gate of time and space were also restrained.

After Chen Feng took his own origin as the basis and cooperated with the free space energy, the next way of action had changed.

As Chen Feng continued to kill his opponents, the surrounding area was also constantly devouring some resources left behind by these opponents after their death.

This will also allow for faster expansion of the area around him.

The Gate of Space and Time and the Origin of Creation naturally have opponents of the same level, and there is also the Chaos Origin behind them.

The two sides fought, and it seemed that Chen Feng had used more means, but soon it was still in a stalemate.

Chen Feng had a lot of ideas about the Chaos Origin.

It was somewhat different from the origins he had encountered before, and it could even be said to be unworthy of the name.

In Chen Feng's opinion, since he knew that the outsiders this time were powerful, he should mobilize enough powerful forces to suppress them with thunder.

Now, he only mobilized various means and forces little by little.

For example, if his side had more means, the Chaos Origin side would naturally have corresponding means.

Chen Feng thought in his heart that if he was honest and did not plunder the existence of things like the Evil Ocean, it was possible that this origin would not attack him at all.

"Is it restricted by the rules? Or has this origin already given birth to a life of its own and is treating everything in front of it as a game? If it's the former, there's no need to worry too much, as you can find some loopholes in the cold rules. But if it's the latter, then it's a bit troublesome. The other party is playing a game now, and once they get impatient, they can end everything at any time." Chen Feng was a little shocked by the thoughts that came to his mind.

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