Eternal Existence

Chapter 5075: Opening up a channel

Chen Feng constantly urged the power in his body to fight against it, and dissolve the invasion of this power. Although it had some effect, it still couldn't stop the opponent's momentum.

Moreover, Chen Feng's overall combat power was also affected. The injured Hunyuan above, while reshaping their bodies, also launched attacks on the soul.

This made Chen Feng's situation even worse.

Fortunately, the source of good fortune appeared and stepped forward to block the door.

Chen Feng's locked breath was immediately cut off. Chen Feng took the opportunity to perform the art of walking, constantly changing his position, dealing with the attacks of those Hunyuan above, while recovering his own state.

At the same time, Chen Feng also used the long sword in his hand to create a sword energy storm around him, not expecting to really kill the enemy, but to disrupt his vision.

Of course, it would be even better if it could work.

The sword energy storm swept around with the sacred mountain. As for what effect it could cause, Chen Feng could not be sure for the time being.

However, Chen Feng was a little worried. The Gate of Time and Space and the Origin of Good Fortune had both come here. Would there be any changes in the battle between the Changhe of Time and the Origin of Chaos?

But even if Chen Feng was worried now, he had to solve the situation in front of him first.

In fact, Chen Feng could also feel the state of the origin of the corrosive energy, and he had a rough idea in his mind.

But there were more and more opponents in front of him, but the Gate of Time and Space had not succeeded.

Finally, the Gate of Time and Space could not bear it anymore and took Chen Feng and the Origin of Good Fortune away directly.

Even if the Gate of Time and Space could not beat the opponent, it was still no problem to leave. This was the power of his law.

When he appeared again, Chen Feng felt the rich power of good fortune.

Only then did he understand why the Gate of Time and Space was willing to choose to leave, and why the Origin of Good Fortune came to help the Gate of Time and Space. This was all discussed before.

That is, the previous broken space was not completely collected. Can the power of good fortune in front of him be collected?

And Chen Feng had some doubts. First, it was the power of all evil, and then it was the broken space needed by the Gate of Time and Space. Now he found the power of good fortune again.

This is too much of a coincidence.

This origin seems to have the attribute power that one side needs.

If it is really a coincidence, then it is fine, but what if it is not a coincidence?

But before Chen Feng could think more, the source of good fortune was already impatient to take action.

The power of good fortune in front of him was too tempting for the source of good fortune, and the gate of time and space helped to suppress the four directions.

And Chen Feng was naturally not idle. In addition to releasing the sacred mountain to suppress the four directions, Chen Feng also released the Great Dao of Good Fortune.

To put it bluntly, Chen Feng cultivated more avenues of different attributes, and almost all the attributes and powers he found could be refined and absorbed by Chen Feng.

He collected some broken space before, and now he collected some light-emitting power.

In fact, the latter is more difficult to find.

Moreover, Chen Feng's Great Dao of Good Fortune was not too strong. This time, he only collected a little power and it began to boil, and it broke through directly not long after.

The movement of the breakthrough also made the source of good fortune couldn't help but pay attention to Chen Feng, and it seemed that he didn't expect Chen Feng to break through so quickly.

However, the Origin of Good Fortune soon stopped paying attention to Chen Feng, because the Origin of Good Fortune also felt its own changes.

"If I can clean up all the power of good fortune in front of me, then I may be able to break through." The Origin of Good Fortune is actually different from other existences.

It is because the Origin of Good Fortune has cultivated its own life body, which can be said to be an existence that has separated from the Origin of Good Fortune.

The future development prospects will be greater.

Even if the Gate of Time and Space is powerful, it is still bound after all, while Good Fortune can leave the Gate of Origin as a life and venture freely.

When Chen Feng encountered danger, he was helped by Good Fortune. In fact, seeing Good Fortune so excited, Chen Feng naturally would not stand idly by, so he released another sacred mountain.

It can be said that Chen Feng has also reached a limit, but the appearance of these two sacred mountains is equivalent to Chen Feng, urging the power of the broken origin.

Even if there is any powerful existence intervening, it can resist.

What makes Chen Feng strange is that as he sees that the power of origin is absorbed more and more by his side, the attack of the Chaos Origin has not appeared.

"Or is it that the origin of chaos is also entangled." After Chen Feng had this thought, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Things shouldn't be so simple. Such a powerful origin can't be free.

Or is it that the area where he and others are now is quite special. Even if it is the cause of chaos, it will take a certain amount of time to mobilize the power.

With a flash of thought, Chen Feng's avenue of good fortune has accumulated to a limit again.

It's just that Chen Feng's own level of perception is limited and he can't break through in a short time.

This doesn't mean that he can break through if he has enough energy.

The source of good fortune glanced at Chen Feng, and then passed a stream of light to Chen Feng.

This is the perception from the source of good fortune. In an instant, Chen Feng had more perception of the avenue of good fortune.

So the avenue broke through again.

More power of good fortune was plundered.

Chen Feng felt his own changes and was very surprised. Moreover, good fortune can also affect some other avenues, which also caused this avenue to change constantly.

For a while, Chen Feng also needed to disperse multiple thoughts to comprehend various avenues. Unknowingly, Chen Feng entered the state of cultivation.

Chen Feng only woke up after feeling the intense crisis, and saw a huge palm slapping the source of good fortune fiercely.

During this process, the field suppressed by the gate of time and space began to collapse continuously, and it could not stop the opponent's attack.

Fortunately, Chen Feng released two sacred mountains. Although they were shaking, they did not retreat.

The opponent's attack could not affect the source of good fortune for the time being.

But how long can this situation last?

Chen Feng felt that the source of good fortune began to get anxious, and feeling the increasing pressure, Chen Feng also began to get anxious.

However, while being anxious, Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. The opponent's means finally appeared, which made him clear the worry in his heart.

Since there are means, then find a way to deal with it.

So far, the battlefield has been divided into two places.

Chen Feng's side is a small battlefield, and they are all trying to grab some resources they need.

But at the same time, because of this, it also attracted the targeting of this side of the origin, and the means continued to descend. If the entanglement lasts too long, then a stronger movement will descend.

The huge palm failed once, and then launched multiple attacks.

Finally, Chen Feng's sacred mountain began to move. Although it was not knocked over, the powerful force had penetrated and affected Chen Feng's defense.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about mobilizing more power to resist, the appearance of the palm made Chen Feng give up this idea.

"I think we should change places again." Chen Feng said so.

The Gate of Time and Space also agreed, and the portal directly wrapped Chen Feng and the source of fortune.

But this time the Gate of Time and Space did not succeed.

The space was suddenly frozen, and the Gate of Time and Space shook a little, and it actually stayed in place.

This made Chen Feng secretly exclaim that it was not good, and he quickly infused power into the Sword of Cangsu, and then fiercely pierced a hole in the space.

The Gate of Time and Space moved with this.

But it didn't go far before it was blocked by two palms, and at the same time, a storm of energy swept over.

The breath contained in this energy storm made Chen Feng's eyes light up.

"Good stuff, I need this energy." Chen Feng felt that his several avenues were ready to move, and he wanted to release the avenues to swallow up the energy storm in front of him.

However, this energy storm was extremely powerful and was controlled by the origin of chaos. Wherever it passed, it would be affected. As for those lives at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, they would be torn into pieces.

The Gate of Time and Space tried to move as much as possible, but it was a pity that it was locked after trying.

This time, the opponent's blocking power was too strong, and there was a feeling of freezing everything.

You must know that the laws involved in the Gate of Time and Space are extremely powerful, and even if you are not an opponent, you can just walk away.

This time, many attempts failed.

"I'm afraid we can't do it alone, so let's ask someone for help." Chen Feng was still constantly performing swordsmanship.

And in this process, the swordsmanship that Chen Feng burst out was formed by the burning fragments of the origin.

The attack power is naturally extremely strong.

What Chen Feng has to do is to attack all the opponents around him at the same time, trying to give the Gate of Time and Space some opportunities.

"What a pity, my attack is actually very powerful, but the opponent is even more powerful." Chen Feng looked at the effect.

His sword energy was enough to break his palm, but the opponent's recovery speed was also very fast.

There was also the energy storm that moved his heart. Although it was split into waves by the sword energy, it had the means to devour everything.

The opponent could dissolve and devour the sword energy that Chen Feng had exploded, which made Chen Feng a little helpless.

Seeing that the opponent's suppression was constantly shrinking, the Gate of Time and Space still did not move out.

The Source of Fortune was a little anxious, and he took the initiative to merge into the Gate of Time and Space.

Then the Gate of Time and Space burst out with a super strong light, as if it transcended everything and did not belong to all time and space.

Then the Gate of Time and Space took Chen Feng and the Source of Fortune and finally disappeared from this area.

"Rush out." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

But there was something wrong with the Gate of Time and Space and the Source of Fortune. After the two separated, their breath was a little sluggish.

Chen Feng knew that this should be the side effect of the big move that had just exploded.

"Are you all right?" Chen Feng asked.

Although he had grabbed some benefits before, if he was injured, it would be a bit of a loss.

"We need to wait for more power to be transmitted. Our condition is not very good now. If there is danger, you can only deal with it." The Gate of Time and Space said.

"Can we communicate with the main body?" This is what Chen Feng is most concerned about.

"It should be no problem." The Gate of Time and Space said and began to use means to open a channel.

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