Eternal Existence

Chapter 5039 None of this matters

Regardless of whether there were any hidden dangers, and without further investigation, Chen Feng threw the magic weapon directly into the origin of the volcano.

Once the treasure is in your hands, don't even think about flying away.

Without this magic weapon that could withstand the magic of the mind, these ancient soul-origin Hunyuan masters were a little panicked.

They started to fall behind.

This seemed to have started a chain reaction. Someone was injured by Chen Feng before, and then was also affected by the psychic attack.

The balance between the two sides keeps tilting, and they want to re-operate the battle formation.

This time they were unwilling to keep Chen Feng because they knew that ordinary methods could not do anything to Chen Feng.

I just wanted to move Chen Feng out.

"Under such circumstances, if you want me to leave, I won't." Chen Feng laughed.

He didn't care about the injuries on his body at all. Now that he had obtained the things, Chen Feng could only be happy.

So Chen Feng swung his long sword to show off his might, and soon split another Hunyuan Shang in the middle.

At this time, Sanhun Jushi and the others also saw Chen Feng's situation in the opponent's battle formation. Unexpectedly, Chen Feng was fine.

What's even more surprising is that Chen Feng is so fierce.

"Fellow Taoists, our opportunity has come. Let's kill our opponent in one go." Sanhun layman shouted.

He didn't need to say anything, everyone would naturally take action with all their strength.

Finally, the war on the side of the ancient soul collapsed. Sanhun layman and others promoted the war and stepped forward to suppress it.

Just a collision between the two sides sent several opponents flying.

Chen Feng seized the opportunity and struck with one sword after another. No opponent could stop him.

At this point, the outcome has been decided, and the remaining opponents are just struggling.

"This time we are defeated, let us leave." A Hunyuan superior from the Ancient Soul Origin shouted.

"Are you kidding me?" Three Souls layman and the others would certainly not let each other leave.

"If you don't let us go, we will fight with you now and we will lose both sides." A blazing flame burned on the body of a Hunyuan above, and his aura became more and more powerful.

"How to deal with this situation." Chen Feng looked at the Three Souls layman and the others.

To Chen Feng's expectation, Sanhun layman and others were calm and did not appear to be panicking.

"It's quite courageous."

Chen Feng had some changes in his view of these people, but it was right to think about it. They had gone through countless wars. If they had not had courage, they would not be alive now.

Besides, before both sides were equally powerful, they were not afraid. Now that our side has the upper hand, there is absolutely no reason to be afraid.

So Sanhun layman and others continued to urge the battle formation to rush forward.

The Hunyuan superiors at the origin of the ancient soul also knew that the threat was ineffective, so they burned the source and then slammed into the space.

Since he is no opponent, all he needs to do is escape from this alone space.

"Can you run away?"

Chen Feng waved his long sword and locked onto one person.

In fact, Chen Feng was also a little surprised. Could it be that the other party's origin just watched his side's Hunyuan Shang die here.

This is more than nearly thirty Hunyuan people. If they all died here, it wouldn't be a huge loss.

And this is just one of the fighting places, if every place is so tragic.

How many people above Hunyuan would die in such a long war.

It should be said that no matter how much Hunyuan there is, it is not enough to consume it like this. I am afraid that only Guixu can afford it.

As soon as these thoughts appeared, beams of light penetrated the surrounding space, and the Hunyuan where the ancient souls originated rushed out one after another.

Chen Feng also noticed that the Three Souls layman and others did not pursue him, and seemed to understand that it would be useless to pursue them.

"This battle is a complete victory." The battle formation dispersed, and the Three Souls layman and others appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"No more chasing?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"The Ancient Soul Origin must have intervened. If we catch up, we may lose our lives if we are not careful." The Three Souls layman said.

It was simple to say, but Chen Feng understood it immediately.

The origin of the ancient soul must be competing with the origin of the soul. If you and others rush forward, you will be involved, and it will be dangerous then.

The Three Souls layman and others were not timid, this must have been their previous experience.

"That's it!"

Chen Feng was a little eager to try, and really wanted to rush out and fight with the opponent, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. There would be plenty of opportunities in the future.

"Then what should we do next?" Chen Feng asked.

"Of course it's over. Let's wait for the next war." The Three Souls layman said.

"Fellow Taoist, don't be surprised. According to past practice, our fight is over, and there is no need to help others." Hunyuan Shang also said.

As soon as he finished speaking, beams of light fell down and landed on everyone's head.

Three Souls layman and others quickly collected it, and most of them refined and absorbed it on the spot.

Chen Feng knew that this was a reward from the Soul Emperor. This was the purest and most original power of origin, which could greatly improve the cultivation of those who participated in the battle.

Chen Feng put it away and felt it for a while, thinking that the Great Spiritual Emperor was not stingy.

However, there may be some hidden dangers. Chen Feng did not refine and absorb these powers.

Besides, I don’t lack these things either.

However, the Three Souls layman and others are quite happy, not only can they replenish their previous consumption, but they can also save long years of practice.

Speaking of which, they all originated from the spiritual origin, and their original power is completely compatible, with a very high utilization rate. As for whether there are any hidden dangers, Chen Feng thought that Sanhun Jushi and his people had no choice.

Not only did everyone get the reward from the Emperor of the Spirit, but they also divided up the Hunyuan Shangshang who had been killed before, which was the biggest gain.

Sanhun Jushi and others were extremely happy. They never expected that they would have such a gain this time. After coming to their senses, they began to brag about Chen Feng. They knew very well that if there was no Chen Feng, this fight would never be like this.

Just as everyone was talking and waiting, suddenly the power came and wrapped everyone up again.

"We are going back, this time it's quite early." Hunyuan Shangshang said curiously.

Chen Feng frowned slightly, and intuitively thought that it was not the case.

Sure enough, after moving to the place, everyone found that they did not return to the rest area where they were before, and it seemed that they had entered an independent space again.

It was obvious that they were asked to fight a second time.

"Have you ever encountered this situation before?" Chen Feng saw that the faces of others were not right, so he asked.

"This has happened before, but rarely. Generally speaking, we will only fight once. If we fight so many times, there will probably be chaos." said Sanhun Jushi.

"Since we are here, let's prepare for the fight. Since we won before, there will probably be no problem next time." Chen Feng said.

"I hope so. We still need to help fellow Taoists." A person above the Primordial said flatteringly.

Chen Feng nodded. Of course, needless to say, he would also help.

Everyone was curious about the opponent they would face next.

"If it is the same as before, then there will naturally be no problem." said Sanhun Jushi.

As he was talking, the space broke and a group of people above the Primordial fell in.

These people above the Primordial were not completely on the enemy side. There were also several people from the origin of the mind.

The two sides were fighting non-stop and came to the area where Chen Feng and others were from another independent space.

"Since that's the case, it's better to move us directly to the area where the other party is. Isn't this a waste of effort?" Chen Feng smiled.

"That's not clear. Maybe the Emperor of the Heart has his own arrangements." Someone said so.

"Stop talking nonsense and quickly set up the formation." said Sanhun Jushi.

Soon the formation appeared. This time Chen Feng still used the fortune formation diagram. After the two were combined, the formation naturally became more stable.

He rushed forward and immediately two opponents were knocked out.

Then the formation enveloped and pulled another Hunyuan Shangshi in.

The lone Hunyuan Shangshi knew that he was most likely dead this time, but he still struggled as much as possible.

Unfortunately, struggling was useless and he was killed in the blink of an eye.

Then everyone urged the battle formation to deal with other Hunyuan Shangshi, but this time they did not succeed.

One of the opponents holding a spear actually pierced a hole in the battle formation, and the strong murderous intent made everyone feel a chill in their hearts.

"What a strong opponent."

Chen Feng was a little surprised. When he came, he was clearly a top master among Hunyuan Shangshi.

You must know that the battle formation was arranged by everyone together. Even Chen Feng did not dare to resist it. Of course, Chen Feng could do this with a long sword in his hand.

This shows that in addition to being powerful, the opponent's spear is also not simple, and should be a weapon of the same level as the Sword of the Stars in his hand.

Seeing that the opponent was about to break in alone, Chen Feng had to hold the long sword to block the opponent.

The spear collided with the common, and the powerful force shot out in all directions, and cracks appeared in the battle formation controlled by everyone.

Chen Feng knew that if he continued, the battle formation would definitely be torn apart, and the opponent must have the same idea.

So Chen Feng kept attacking while notifying the Three Souls to use the power of displacement.

Finally, the two were moved to other locations.

However, even so, the battle formation arranged by everyone together had more holes. If it weren't for the fortune formation diagram left by Chen Feng, the consequences might be more serious.

"I didn't expect to meet a master." Chen Feng said with a smile, holding a long sword and fighting with the opponent. For a while, neither side could gain the upper hand.

"You are not from the origin of the mind, I have never seen you before, and you are not practicing the art of the mind." The Hunyuan holding a spear stared at Chen Feng tightly.

After a brief exchange of blows, the other party saw through Chen Feng's strengths and weaknesses.

"I am a friend of the Soul Emperor, so it is normal for me to come here to help." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"How shameless."

Although the Hun Yuan who held a spear admitted that Chen Feng was powerful, he also understood that the gap between Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor was too big.

How could they become friends if their strengths were not equal?

But since Chen Feng dared to say this, there must be some reasons and logic.

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