Eternal Existence

Chapter 5038: One after another

Even if there had been a fight with the origin before, Chen Feng was really too aggressive in doing this.

Sanhun Jushi certainly saw that Chen Feng was going for the opponent's magic weapon. If it were him, he would not do this.

It was too risky and completely unnecessary.

But now Chen Feng had actually killed the opponent's lair, so he could only hope that Chen Feng could survive, or that he could accomplish what Chen Feng wanted.

"Fellow Taoists, attack together. We will attack from inside and outside, and we will definitely be able to severely damage the opponent." Sanhun Jushi said.

This is the best result. Sanhun Jushi and others also hope that Chen Feng can really cause some damage inside the opponent, so they burst out the mind river attack again.

Chen Feng was also under great pressure at this time.

Chen Feng found the magic weapon, but it was not an easy thing to snatch it from the opponent.

But now he has rushed to the opponent's lair, with an extremely powerful long sword in his hand, and there is a group of Hunyuan above behind him.

Although it is a bit risky, Chen Feng does not want to miss such a good opportunity.

The opponent's attacks continued to fall on Chen Feng, but Chen Feng ignored them, and his strong flesh didn't even have any wounds.

Instead, Chen Feng took the opportunity to severely injure an opponent.

The opponent saw Chen Feng's super defense, so he used soul attacks, which caused some damage to Chen Feng.

Seeing that this method was effective, the Hunyuan Above of the Ancient Soul Origin naturally used this attack method continuously.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng's sudden appearance also scared these Hunyuan Above. There have been many battles before, but they have never encountered such a brave opponent. He broke in alone. What else is this? Isn't it looking for death?

Of course, they also understand that this opponent is coming for the magic weapon, but it is not so easy to succeed if you break into the enemy camp alone. Many times, you just die.

These Hunyuan Above of the Ancient Soul Origin also took a fancy to the long sword in Chen Feng's hand. It is indeed an excellent weapon, even higher in quality than the magic weapon they took out to resist the power of the mind.

Don't you want to steal something?

Then I'll give you a chance, a chance to die here.

These above Hunyuan made up their minds in an instant. Even if the battle formation was broken by the opponent, they would keep Chen Feng and snatch the weapon from Chen Feng's hand.

For a while, the pressure on Chen Feng rose sharply.

Chen Feng never underestimated his opponent from the beginning. It was normal for Chen Feng to encounter such a degree of obstruction.

All this was within Chen Feng's cognition.

If he came here and easily took away the magic weapon and then retreated unscathed, that would be abnormal.

After all, they were all above Hunyuan, and there were so many of them gathered together. Chen Feng was not killed in the first place. First, he was strong, and second, there were so many above Hunyuan behind him.

Fortunately, Chen Feng did not bear this pressure for long. With the continuous attacks of Sanhun Jushi and others, most of the opponent's power was also restrained.

This gave Chen Feng the opportunity.

Chen Feng came directly to the magic weapon, burst out one after another, and the powerful power poured into the long sword.

Next, Chen Feng swung the long sword and severely injured a above Hunyuan.

Not only that, Chen Feng also stabbed a big hole in the magic weapon.

Chen Feng didn't care about the attacks around him, or Chen Feng used this method to snatch the magic weapon.

He knew that he would be injured.

Chen Feng didn't stop at all, and even used some of the origin fragments that had not been burned clean before.

The Sword of Cangsu burst out with an extremely powerful attack power.

In this case, even the origin can be cut into pieces.

Not to mention these ordinary Hunyuan.

Until now, Chen Feng has not seen how outstanding these Hunyuan are.

Chen Feng has seen many Hunyuan, and there are no top figures in front of him, and there are no special means.

This is also one of the important reasons why Chen Feng dared to break into the enemy alone.

The effect came out.

Chen Feng successfully snatched the treasure in his hand.

Regardless of whether there are any hidden dangers, and without understanding, Chen Feng directly threw the magic weapon into the volcanic origin.

As long as the treasure is in your hand, don't think about flying away again.

Without this magic weapon that can resist the mind technique, these ancient soul origin Hunyuan above people were a little panicked.

They began to lose the upper hand.

It was like a chain reaction. Someone was injured by Chen Feng before, and then was affected by the attack of the mind technique.

The balance between the two sides kept tilting, and they wanted to re-activate the battle formation.

This time they didn't want to keep Chen Feng, because they knew that ordinary means could not do anything to Chen Feng.

They thought about moving Chen Feng out.

"Under this situation, you want me to leave, but I won't leave." Chen Feng laughed.

He didn't care about the injuries on his body at all. Since the things were already in hand, Chen Feng was only happy now.

So Chen Feng swung his long sword to show his power, and soon split another Hunyuan above from the middle.

At this time, Sanhun Jushi and others also saw Chen Feng's situation in the opponent's battle formation. Unexpectedly, Chen Feng was fine.

What was even more surprising was that Chen Feng was so fierce.

"Dear Taoist friends, our chance has come. Kill the opponent in one go." Sanhun Jushi shouted.

Without him saying anything more, everyone naturally went all out.

Finally, the war on the side of the Ancient Soul Origin collapsed, and the Three Souls Monk and others pushed the war forward and suppressed it.

The two sides just collided, and several opponents were knocked out.

Chen Feng seized the opportunity, one sword after another, and no opponent could stop him.

At this point, the outcome was determined, and the remaining opponents were just struggling.

"We lost this time, let us leave." A Hunyuan Above of the Ancient Soul Origin shouted.

"Are you kidding?" The Three Souls Monk and others certainly would not let the other party leave.

"If you don't let us go, we will fight you now and both sides will suffer." A Hunyuan Above burned with raging flames, and his breath became more and more vigorous.

"How to deal with this situation." Chen Feng looked at the Three Souls Monk and others.

To Chen Feng's surprise, the Three Souls Monk and others were very calm and did not appear panicked.

"They are quite courageous."

Chen Feng had some changes in his views on these people, but think about it, they don't know how many wars they have experienced, if they don't have courage, they won't be alive now.

Besides, we were not afraid of the two sides because they were equally powerful before. Now that we have the upper hand, there is no reason to be afraid.

So the Three Souls Monk and others continued to drive the battle formation forward.

The Hunyuan Above of the Ancient Soul Origin also knew that threats would not work, so they burned their origins and rammed into the space fiercely.

Since they were not opponents, they just had to escape from this isolated space.

"Can you run away?"

Chen Feng swung his sword and locked onto one person.

In fact, Chen Feng was also a little surprised. Could it be that the other side's origin just watched the Hunyuan Above of his side die here?

There were nearly 30 Hunyuan Above. If they all died here, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

And this was just one of the battle sites. If every place was so tragic.

How many Hunyuan Above would die in such a long war?

It should be said that no matter how many Hunyuan Above there were, they would not be enough to consume like this. I'm afraid only Guixu could afford it.

As soon as these thoughts appeared, beams of light penetrated the surrounding space, and those Hunyuan Above of the Ancient Soul Origin rushed out one after another.

Chen Feng also noticed that Sanhun Jushi and others did not chase after him, and seemed to understand that it was useless to chase after him.

"This battle is a great victory." The battle array dispersed, and Sanhun Jushi and others appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Not chasing anymore?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It should be the ancient soul origin that intervened. If we chase after him, we may lose our lives if we are not careful." Sanhun Jushi said so.

It was simple, but Chen Feng understood it immediately.

The ancient soul origin must be playing a game with the spiritual origin. If he and others rush forward, they will be involved in it, and it will be dangerous at that time.

Sanhun Jushi and others are not timid, this must be the experience in the past.

"Is that so!"

Chen Feng was a little eager to try, and really wanted to rush out and fight with the other party, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

"So what should we do next?" Chen Feng asked.

"Of course it's over, and we will wait for the next war." Sanhun Jushi said.

"Daoyou, don't be surprised. According to the past practice, our fight is over, and there is no need to help others." There is also a Hunyuan above who said.

As soon as the voice fell, beams of light fell down and landed on everyone's head.

Sanhun Jushi and others hurriedly collected them, and most of them refined and absorbed them on the spot.

Chen Feng knew that this was a reward from the Emperor of the Heart. This was the purest and most original power of origin, which could greatly improve the cultivation of the participants.

Chen Feng collected it and felt it a little, thinking that the Emperor of the Heart was not stingy.

However, in order to avoid any hidden dangers, Chen Feng did not refine and absorb these powers.

Besides, he did not lack these things.

However, Sanhun Jushi and others were very happy. Not only could they replenish the previous consumption, but they could also save a long period of practice.

Speaking of which, they all came from the origin of the heart, and the power of the origin was completely compatible, with a very high utilization rate. As for whether there were any hidden dangers, Chen Feng thought that Sanhun Jushi and others had no choice.

Not only did everyone get the reward from the Emperor of the Heart, but they also divided up the Hunyuan above that they had killed before. This was the biggest gain.

Sanhun Jushi and others were extremely happy. They never expected that they would have such a harvest this time. After they came to their senses, they began to brag about Chen Feng. They knew very well that if there was no Chen Feng, this fight would never be like this.

Just as everyone was talking and waiting, suddenly the power came and wrapped everyone up again.

"We are going back. This time it's quite early." Someone from Hunyuan said curiously.

Chen Feng frowned slightly, and intuitively thought that it was not the case.

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