Eternal Existence

Chapter 4925: The End of Taisu Origin

The Origin Heart chose to retreat, which made Chen Feng a little surprised.

However, judging from the previous battle, the Origin Heart should not be afraid of Guixu. Besides, even if it is not the opponent of Guixu, it should also gain greater benefits at this time. After all, it can now join hands with the Origin Gate to counter some of the power of Guixu.

"Then the reason for choosing to retreat should be that there are problems in other places, and then the reincarnation origin has come with a stronger force." Chen Feng thought so.

It seems that only this possibility can make the Origin Heart choose to withdraw its power.

Of course, the Origin Heart only retreated, and the area that spread out before did not retreat, and the things that were finally snatched had to be taken away even if they retreated.

"In this case, the pressure on the Origin Gate will be great. It needs to face Guixu and Taixu Origin. I don’t know what the Origin Gate will do?"

Just as Chen Feng was thinking, he received news from the Origin Gate. Sure enough, the Origin Gate asked Chen Feng to continue fighting.

And the powerful force wrapped Chen Feng and began to move, and soon collided with Taixu Origin.

This is much faster than Chen Feng’s own journey.

You should know that Chen Feng had been in the territory of the Gate of Origin before. Even when the origins collided, he did not leave. Even now, Chen Feng has not taken back his power.

This was led by the Gate of Origin to directly change the battlefield.

Chen Feng also felt a little funny. Maybe the Gate of Origin was unintentional, but he could not retreat now.

"It's good this way. As long as the Gate of Origin does not suffer, then I will not suffer. Can I watch the Gate of Origin being invaded?" Chen Feng is different from the Black Demon. Chen Feng is because he can't do this. After all, his relatives and friends are still in the free space.

Moreover, he is not above Hunyuan now, and the cause and effect with the Gate of Origin is very deep. If the Gate of Origin is really broken, he will also be greatly affected.

"How long will this war last?" The Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Sun Swordsman came to Chen Feng.

It is safer to stay with Chen Feng.

"Maybe it will never stop." Chen Feng said so. The power of the origin merged together to serve as Chen Feng's domain, and Chen Feng was in the territory of the Gate of Origin.

Under the multi-layer protection, the Seven Star Taoists naturally felt very safe.

Moreover, some Hunyuan Above, known or unknown, also gathered around Chen Feng. Soon, there were more than a dozen Hunyuan Above around Chen Feng.

Some Hunyuan Above were actually very strong, even stronger than Chen Feng, but they did not have the high-level power that Chen Feng possessed.

"That's good. The more power around me, the safer I will be." Chen Feng did not refuse.

Instead, he urged the domain to invade the Taisu Origin.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng came here to fight with the Taisu Origin at first, and even got the Sword of Shensu.

Now he has returned to the Taisu Origin and directly participated in the highest level of fighting. Chen Feng is not afraid. For this level of Origin, even if there is no Origin Gate as a backstage, Chen Kun is confident that he can fight forward and resist even if he is not an opponent.

However, Chen Feng thought more about the five sacred mountains if they could fall into his own hands.

These are five pieces of damage above the origin level, and they can also connect to a magic circle. This is a treasure used to suppress the origin of one side. Chen Feng had so many means at the beginning, but they were suppressed and could not come out.

If it weren't for the war, Chen Feng would not have been able to get out even if he used all his means.

But in this level of war, if the Taisu Origin was really destroyed, Chen Feng was not sure that he could grab those treasures.

Because there is still the Gate of Origin and the Fallen River, which are powerful existences.

But it is impossible for Chen to give up, and Chen Feng will not be willing.

So Chen Feng is also secretly preparing, and at the same time he is also using means to find those sacred mountains.

After all, he was trapped for a long time before, and Chen Feng also collected some power from those sacred mountains. There is also cause and effect between the two sides, and Chen Feng quickly found the five sacred mountains.

These five are still sitting in the Taisu Origin. In Chen Feng's opinion, if there are no such sacred mountains, the Taisu Origin will collapse faster.

That's right, now the Taisu Origin is constantly collapsing. Originally, this side could not resist the Gate of Origin. Even if Guixu did not intervene, it would not last long and would be swallowed up by the Gate of Origin sooner or later.

Now with the participation of Guixu, the Taisu Origin has begun to follow the footsteps of the Demon Origin.

It is unknown how long the Origin has existed, but it was destroyed.

Chen Feng was a little emotional. The higher the level of contact, the less concept Chen Feng had about time.

In the past, Chen Feng would still think about how long a universe could exist, but who knew that even the origin of the birth of the universe had been destroyed.

At that time in Guixu, it was even impossible to calculate when those destroyed origins occurred?

"Even if you cultivate to the level of Hunyuan, you may fall at any time. At that time, I don't know how many kalpas of hard work will be in vain." Chen Feng was not in a good mood for a while, but he recovered quickly.

Chen Feng knew that he was more or less affected by the will of the Taisu Origin. The other party did not do it intentionally, but some of the aura emitted at the time of destruction affected him.

Although he knew this was the case, Chen Feng's momentum still slowed down a little. Even though the power of the Gate of Origin continued to impact him, Chen Feng remained very stable.

"Are we too slow?" Hunyuan Shangshi beside him couldn't help but say.

"In that case, you can speed up." Chen Feng said slowly.

Sure enough, Hunyuan Shangshi rushed into Taisu Origin on his own initiative because Chen Feng's speed was too slow.

It was normal for the other party to do this. On the one hand, he believed in his own strength, and on the other hand, he thought that Taisu Origin did not have the reaction power, so he thought that he would take advantage of this opportunity to grab some benefits. If he was too slow, the good things would be taken away by others.

Some people speeded up, and other Hunyuan Shangshi naturally couldn't help it, so several Hunyuan Shangshi flew up one after another.

Chen Feng was very calm about this scene. Chen Feng didn't care about ordinary benefits at all, and some powerful beings, even if these Hunyuan Shangshi rushed up, it would not be so easy to get them, and they might even encounter danger.

Qixing Taoist and Ziyang Swordsman were a little tempted, but they still followed Chen Feng honestly.

Although they have not known Chen Feng for a long time, Chen Feng has many methods, and he has a special relationship with the Gate of Origin. The Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Sun Swordsman are not stupid and will choose to follow Chen Feng.

However, although the two did not rush forward, it does not mean that they do not want to grab the benefits. They are also paying attention to the situation in front. Once there is something good, the two will not stop.

"Will it bring some changes if we must intervene this time?" The Seven Star Taoist couldn't help asking.

"Isn't it that there is a change now?" Chen Feng said.

"If the Taisu Origin is solved, will we have to confront the Gate of Origin?" The Purple Sun Swordsman also asked.

"It seems possible, but I think the Gate of Origin must have its own ideas. Besides, in this case, even if there are any ideas, it doesn't matter. Expanding your own strength first is the most correct approach." Chen Feng said.

Even if the Gate of Origin knows that the situation is not good, it still has to plunder the Taisu Origin, and it has to plunder faster.

Chen Feng noticed that the speed of the invasion of the Gate of Origin has accelerated, and more power has swept over from the free space, constantly impacting and covering forward.

It can be seen that the Gate of Origin is a little anxious. In addition to the existences above the Origin level that appeared before, there are two more. Chen Feng has never seen these two, but the aura they exude makes Chen Feng know that they should not be underestimated.

"How many such powerful existences are there in the Gate of Origin? There is no fear of not being able to control them." Chen Feng said.

This situation is also normal, including the Gate of Origin. Although existences like the Long River of Time are thinking about transcending the Gate of Origin, this is just some ideas, because as the Gate of Origin continues to grow and invade, the Long River of Time, existences like them will also become stronger.

Similarly, the continuous invasion and strengthening of the Long River of Time will also be fed back to the Gate of Origin.

The two sides are mutual, so it is still difficult for an existence like the Long River of Time to really get rid of the Gate of Origin.

However, the existence of the Gate of Space and Time, which is like a treasure, can leave better.

"I thought I could go back and practice for a long time in peace, but who knew that I would encounter various things. Now the war has started, and there will be no peace next time." Chen Feng sighed. This is not an ordinary war. It seems to be the origin of a road, involving Guixu.

It is almost impossible for both sides to exist completely. For ordinary life, it may take a long time for the origin to stop, but for the existence of the realm above restoration, even if the origin is destroyed, it is only a matter of time.


A long river suddenly appeared, crossing the area in front of Chen Feng, mighty and powerful, even if it was a certain distance away, it brought a strong pressure to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng hurriedly used his power to suppress it, but it was still a little too late. The few people above the Hunyuan who rushed out were swept into the long river, and they didn't know where they went for a while.

Chen Feng knew that this was not simply wrapped in it. Even if he cut off the long river, the few people above the Hunyuan didn't know where they were swept to.

"I told you to be careful and don't be so anxious, but you didn't listen. This is not the first time you have participated in a war of this level." Chen Feng shook his head.

However, although these people above the Hunyuan were washed away, it does not mean that they will perish. After all, they are powerful beings above the Hunyuan level. How can they be killed so easily? But there will definitely be some troubles and dangers.

Under such circumstances, Chen Feng would not stand idly by. Even if he was dissatisfied, he would choose to take action. Moreover, Chen Feng also believed that there was nothing wrong with those who chose to speed up before.

Under Chen Feng's leadership, a powerful force collided with the long river.

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