Eternal Existence

Chapter 4924: Origin Destruction

"The Demon Origin is going to collapse completely." Chen Feng said so.

This Demon Origin is different from the covered origins that Chen Feng encountered in Guixu before. This time, the Demon Origin was divided by three families, and it had been in war before.

After being divided up this time, it was completely extinct, and there was no hope of reviving in the future.

When Chen Feng was walking in Guixu at that time, the dormant origins he encountered were only a part of all the invaded origins. Some origins with insufficient strength might have been completely refined in the original invasion.

The origins that can fall into a dormant state are related to some special circumstances in addition to their own strength.

Guixu also wants to erode and change them little by little. If they collapse directly at the beginning, it will affect some of the gains.

"But it is also an origin after all. Will it explode once before it dies? If so, it is still a bit dangerous." Chen Feng was also watching carefully, and if the situation is not good, he will retreat immediately!

How strong is the final explosion of the origin? Just think about Chen Feng's burning of the origin fragments before.

Anyway, Chen Feng's level of existence can't resist it, even some existences above the origin level can't resist it.

"Of course, they must have prepared for the Gate of Origin, and it may not necessarily explode." Chen Feng knew that the best outcome was possible, but it was uncertain.

In short, it is best to be careful.

In any case, Chen Feng still urged the Gate of Origin to expand forward. At the same time, huge vortices appeared around Chen Feng, constantly swallowing everything in the Origin of Demon Origin.

This is the benefit Chen Feng has taken for himself, and naturally stored it in the Origin first.

In addition to plundering faster, Chen Feng can also bring himself some insurance by doing this.

After all, this is the power of the Origin, which can serve as a defense for himself at critical moments.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng is indeed right to do this, after all, because the Origin of Demon Origin is also desperately resisting next.

Although there is no self-explosion, the powerful force that the Origin of Demon Origin erupted at this time is not much different from self-explosion.

Because in the crazy burning, there is time to generate extremely powerful power, beams of light are constantly shooting, and waves of powerful power are surging.

The invasion momentum of the Gate of Origin, the Heart of Origin, and Guixu were all affected.

Chen Feng's territory that suppressed the Gate of Origin was the first to be affected, and he saw the edge of the Gate of Origin constantly collapsing.

Before, at most, there were some cracks, and even the collapse was small-scale, but now the speed of collapse is very fast.

If it was just the collapse of the Gate of Origin, it would be fine, but Chen Feng and others were seriously affected here.

Chen Feng couldn't resist it even with the God Mountain sitting in the guard. The powerful force submerged the God Mountain. The God Mountain shook from the beginning to the end. As for the vortexes around Chen Feng, they had completely collapsed, but then as the vortex collapsed, the power of the vortex origin was released, forming a thick layer of barrier, cooperating with the God Mountain to block in front.

Chen Feng mobilized a stronger force to resist, but it was still not enough. The Demon Origin was getting more and more crazy, and the power was getting more and more violent. Even if Chen Feng mobilized some special means, he couldn't bear it.

Chen Feng was like this, let alone other Hunyuan.

One of the Hunyuan was caught up in it carelessly, and then was shattered to pieces in the beams of light.

Another Hunyuan was hit by a powerful force, his body was broken, and he was thrown far away, which was actually a good ending.

Another Hunyuan was covered by the violent power of Guixu, and the specific situation could not be seen for a while.

Not only Chen Feng, but some other powerful beings were also affected to some extent.

The Heart of Origin and Guixu were the same, but Chen Feng also understood that this was just the struggle of the Demon Origin before it was destroyed, and it could not change the situation at all.

Besides, under this situation, even if the three parties of the Gate of Origin chose to retreat, the Demon Origin that had burned itself could not return to its previous state.

In other words, the final result was already determined.

Chen Feng quickly pulled several Hunyuan around him, and then retreated step by step.

In fact, leaving this place quickly is the best way to avoid the force that is coming.

But Chen Feng also understood that if he retreated, the territory of the Gate of Origin would collapse faster.

Chen Feng noticed that the Fallen River and the Spear of All Evil were also desperately resisting the powerful force. The two burst out with much stronger power than before, but in the end they were still submerged by the violent energy of the Demon Origin.

Chen Feng simply took a look and stopped caring about it, because Chen Feng didn't have any extra thoughts to care about others at this time, and his current situation was not very good.

Chen Feng used the Divine Mountain, the Sword Formation, and two layers of the power of origin, but even so, he was still hit by some forces.

This is not just pure chaotic energy, but also some will from the Demon Origin, which is not easy for Chen Feng.

Fortunately, Chen Feng resisted it.

Just as Chen Feng was drifting with the flow, a thick energy barrier enveloped Chen Feng and other Hunyuan.

This is the means of the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng shook his head speechlessly. This method should be used at the first time. Now that the first wave of impact of the Demon Origin has passed, the Gate of Origin has used defensive means.

If someone can't resist, then it's too late for the Gate of Origin to attack now.

However, Chen Feng believes that the Gate of Origin should have its own calculations, and since the Origin has taken action now, it is not a big deal for the next attack of the Demon Origin.

Because the Demon Origin cannot have only one wave of attacks, and then as the Demon Origin burns, the attacks continue to appear.

"In this case, it is impossible to perfectly collect everything from the Demon Origin. This short burning consumes a large amount of the origin of the Demon Origin. If these powers are placed in one person's hands, they can easily wipe out some existences above the origin level." Chen Feng guessed.

After all, Chen Feng is more familiar with the origin. Even if the Demon Origin is not as good as the Gate of Origin and the Heart of Origin, since it can become an origin, it will definitely not give Chen Feng the love that he met before.

Chen Feng still has some comparisons in his heart. After all, the Demon Origin has also found some powerful existences above the Hunyuan level and some above the origin level.

However, after the collapse of this origin, will these beings choose to retaliate against the Gate of Origin?

This is also what Chen Feng is worried about. Maybe in the future adventure process, he may be attacked by these powerful beings.

Since there is this possibility, then these causes and effects may occur, which is inevitable.

Next, the Demon Origin erupted several times, and Chen Feng noticed that the territory that the Gate of Origin had finally expanded was directly reduced by nearly half.

The same is true for the Heart of Origin. As for the situation on the Guixu side, Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Although the territory of Guixu was also impacted, it was better than the Gate of Origin and the Heart of Origin.

You must know that Guixu is the last force to come, but the territory occupied by the other party is more stable and more sticky.

"Is this a result brought about by different degrees of existence? Because Guixu is powerful, this situation occurs." Chen Feng can only come to this conclusion.

In addition to the collapse of a plate, some Hunyuan were seriously injured.

It is actually very difficult to fall at this level. If the Origin of Demon Origin specifically locks on it, it is possible to completely wipe out the Hunyuan Above, but this kind of large-scale indiscriminate attack after burning can only seriously injure the Hunyuan Above.

Even so, many of the Hunyuan Above of the three families could not escape. Chen Feng had the defense of the Gate of Origin and some defensive measures he used, but he still suffered some impact and his physical body collapsed a little, but for Chen Feng, this injury will recover quickly.

"The Origin of Demon Origin is over." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

Sure enough, when the power of the Origin of Demon Origin weakened, the three parties of the Gate of Origin began to invade with a stronger momentum.

This time, the Origin of Demon Origin could no longer resist, and it was soon divided up.

When the power of the three origins collided, it also truly represented the disappearance and destruction of the Origin of Moss.

Chen Feng has also been paying attention to the countless lives in the Origin of Demon Origin disappearing in this catastrophe.

The burning and collision before could not be endured even by the Hunyuan, and as for those Hunyuan Jinxian, not even a dregs were left, and all were integrated into the origins of all parties.

Those powerful beings who left early survived, and those who left late could only be considered unlucky. It cannot be said that they were unlucky, but that they did not know the time.

"Then will the Gate of Origin and the Heart of Origin join forces to fight against Guixu?" Chen Feng thought so.

To Chen Feng's surprise, before the two sides joined forces, the Guixu side retreated quickly, and soon gave this area to the Gate of Origin and the Heart of Origin.

However, the area covered by Guixu had long become empty and had no value at all.

Chen Feng soon got the news from the Gate of Origin while he was puzzled. It turned out that Guixu had invaded the Taisu Origin again.

Chen Feng believed that the Gate of Origin would be very depressed. You know, both of these Origins were targeted by the Gate of Origin. The war between the two sides lasted for an unknown period of time. The final result should have been eaten by the Gate of Origin, but who knew that something happened and a part of it fell into the mouth of the Heart of Origin. Of course, the Heart of Origin didn't eat much, and now Guixu is going to eat Taixu Origin.

"It can only be blamed on the Gate of Origin being too slow. If the two Origins were solved earlier, these things would not have happened." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng also wanted to see what the Gate of Origin and the Heart of Origin would do next. Maybe it would be the same as before.

What surprised Chen Feng was that the Heart of Origin also took back its power.

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