Eternal Existence

Chapter 4916 Powerful Silk Thread

For Chen Feng, this was the result he wanted.

It was enough.

"Although it's a bit tricky to fight two against one, it's not impossible to deal with it." Chen Feng said and disappeared from the spot.

When Chen Feng appeared, he was already above the two Hunyuans. The Samsara Realm appeared again, cooperating with the sword formation to suppress the two Hunyuans.

This time, without the cooperation of the Hunyuans of the Gate of Origin, the power of the Samsara Realm was far less than before, but it barely trapped the two Hunyuans.

However, this was only for a short time. Under the struggle of the opponent, cracks soon appeared in the Samsara Realm.

It was about to collapse again.

Chen Feng had to integrate more power, but the two Hunyuans burst out powerful magical powers at the same time.

A magical power emitted such a light that Chen Feng became a little confused after seeing it, and even the Samsara Realm was a little slow.

The divine light that burst out from another Hunyuan directly caused the Samsara Realm to rot.

The two Hunyuans broke the soul realm, and then turned around and killed Chen Feng from the left and right.

It seems that both sides are evenly matched.

Moreover, the two above the Hunyuan have very sophisticated means. After seeing Chen Feng's strength, the two used targeted methods. One of them used the magical power to attack the will, and the other hid in the dark, wanting to launch a surprise attack on Chen Feng.

In fact, everyone knew that Chen Feng's strength was very strong before. Since these two above the Hunyuan chose to compete with Chen Feng, they still had some confidence in their strength.

Besides, in this situation, even if they knew that they were not Chen Feng's opponents, they could not choose to retreat. Being able to entangle Chen Feng was also a kind of gain.

Moreover, no one was inferior to the opponent because they could cultivate to this realm above the Hunyuan.

Chen Feng's side was fighting fiercely, and other battlefields were also very fierce, and some places were even more tragic.

The Black Demon and a group of beings from the origin of the devil had been fighting endlessly with the origin of the heart.

Although the Black Demon had been fighting before, he was also paying attention to the situation on Chen Feng's side.

When he saw Chen Feng and others disappear, he had some doubts in his heart.

Of course, Black Demon still believed in Chen Feng. After all, the two sides had fought together before, and Chen Feng had shown great strength and various powerful means.

Chen Feng had the Gate of Origin as a backer, so even if he encountered the targeting of the Heart of Origin, it should not be a problem.

But later, a large area of ​​space collapsed, and there were powerful power fluctuations emanating, which made Black Demon a little worried about Chen Feng.

That kind of powerful force that surpassed the origin could destroy some origins, so could Chen Feng still resist it?

Fortunately, Chen Feng appeared again in the end, and Black Demon was relieved.

During this period of time, two people above the Hunyuan fell on the side of the Demon Origin, and even Black Demon was seriously injured. If there was no powerful existence behind him to help in time, Black Demon believed that he would probably have to find a way to escape now.

Seeing Chen Feng fighting alone at this time, Black Demon couldn't help but sigh.

If there were no previous changes, they would still fight together.

With Chen Feng, although there would be some powerful threats. But in Black Demon's opinion, it is better than what is happening right now.

"Sure enough, the Gate of Origin is not united." Black Demon wanted to win over Chen Feng, but after thinking about it, he gave up. The situation on his side was not clear, and he could not really control the situation. It was better not to pull Chen Feng in. Maybe something unexpected would happen.

What would happen if it went on like this?

Black Demon was also worried about the next changes, or Black Demon was more worried about himself.

Because if this situation continued, both sides would suffer heavy losses.

In this case, which side would benefit? Only the Heart of Origin.

Although everything here was smashed to pieces, both sides would release a lot of power every time they fought and handed over. If there was a fall on the Hunyuan, it would be a huge tonic for the Origin after refining and absorbing it.

In other words, the final benefits would all be deposited in the Heart of Origin, and the useful ones would be cleaner than the heart of the person.

For the real origin of one side, all energy can be absorbed.

If the invader did not achieve great results, then this time it would definitely be a loss.

Black Demon thought of this, and other invaders naturally understood it, so they were also trying to devour some of the power of the Heart of Origin as much as possible to make up for themselves.

Just as the Black Demon was thinking, he suddenly felt a strong crisis, which was stronger than what he had encountered before.

Even the Black Demon thought that he was going to die next.

But the Black Demon mobilized the power of the Flowing Wind Sword, and the power of the Flowing Wind Sword was dispersed at once. A beam of light penetrated the Black Demon's body, and then this beam of light exploded into countless rays of light, densely binding the Black Demon.

And it was not just as simple as binding. As the silk thread continued to shrink, the covered Black Demon was about to be shattered.

Chen Feng had seen this scene from a distance and was a little surprised, but he was fighting with two opponents now, and there was no way to help the Black Demon. Moreover, Chen Feng was still a little curious. What kind of means was this? It was so weird. If it were changed to whether he could resist it, and there was such a dangerous situation, how could the Black Demon deal with it.

Seeing that the silk thread was still shrinking, blood began to flow from the black devil's body, and at the same time, sword energy was continuously released in order to cut the silk thread.

The power of the Sword of Flowing Wind can completely cut Hunyuan into pieces, but now it cannot cut off the thread immediately.

Although this is not the original body of the Liufeng Sword, it is enough to prove the tenacity of the silk thread.

"Good guy, even my Chaos Body may not be able to bear it." While Chen Feng was watching, two opponents took the opportunity to activate their magical powers.

Chen Feng had already prepared for this and could withstand it, but Chen Feng felt a strong crisis.

Then a beam of light shot out.

Chen Feng immediately knew that this was like the black devil being attacked.

Of course, Chen Feng did not let the opponent get close and immediately pushed the reincarnation field, but the next reincarnation field was shattered by the two opponents.

Then another layer of sword energy light shield appeared around Chen Feng. This was the sword energy field that was erupted by the origin-level long swords.

But he was still penetrated by this beam of light. Seeing that this beam of light was about to pierce his body, Chen Feng stretched out his hand to grab it, only to feel extremely heavy. Then the beam of light suddenly separated and wrapped around Chen Feng at a very fast speed. Feng's arms spread rapidly, trying to cover Chen Feng's entire body.

"It didn't consume much power." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

You must know that the sword energy light shield was deployed just now, which was somewhat blocking it. Now it can still be felt from the opponent's strength that the effect is not very good.

So Chen Feng used the power mark, and powerful power burst out from Chen Feng's arm, blocking the continued invasion of the silk thread, but not getting rid of the silk thread immediately.

Not only that, countless silk threads also changed their invasion method and began to penetrate Chen Feng's flesh quickly.

Although Chen Feng's skin was broken, the momentum of the invasion was still affected.

After all, Chen Feng's chaotic body is more powerful than the black devil's body, coupled with the power brand used by Chen Feng.

"What the hell is this?" Chen Feng quickly analyzed and finally came to a conclusion,

That is, these threads and power imprints are probably on the same level.

This is a bit tricky.

Although they are all at the same level of power, it is obvious that the other party is more flexible in controlling this kind of interest.

Chen Feng's use of the power mark was still very rough, and could not compare to his opponent's flexibility and changes.

At this time, Chen Feng had been thinking that if he could exert his power brand to such an extent, wouldn't he be able to easily defeat a famous Hunyuan Shang?

Under this situation, Chen Feng had no choice but to activate the power brand to wash away over and over again, trying to drive these threads away from his arms, but then Chen Feng used special corrosive energy to wrap around these sight lines.

Since the power brand cannot deal with the opponent well, the special corrosive energy may have some effect.

Sure enough, these threads melted little by little. Although the signs were very small, they worked at least.

Moreover, these flexible threads seemed to be full of wisdom. After sensing something was wrong, they even actively wanted to get rid of Chen Feng.

"It's not that easy." Chen Feng laughed when he saw the other party flinching. Of course he should stay and study such a good thing.

So after spending some effort, Chen Feng used the power brand and special corrosive energy to trap the opponent, and then put it away.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. This small amount of power actually cost him so much effort. Even if he was above Hunyuan, it was not worth using these two powers that transcended the origin.

On the other side, Chen Feng also saw that the broken body of the Black Demon was being reshaped rapidly. As for the thread that trapped the Black Demon before, he no longer knew where it had gone.

"I wonder how many such attack methods there are?" Chen Feng was thinking when beams of light appeared from all directions.

Target all intruders.

"This situation is serious." Chen Feng shook his head, but in this situation, he could only protect himself, and it was impossible to help others.

However, Chen Feng thought that there should be some means to reincarnate the origin of the devil. If those above Hunyuan could resist it, then those beings above the level could at least resist it.

"It should have exploded from the beginning. Now we have given everyone time to prepare." Chen Feng seemed to have made a mistake in the Heart of Origin's attack.

Sure enough, the existences above the origin level of these two invasions burst out with powerful power in order to block these threads.

Even the three powerful beings on the Gate of Origin side broke out.

"If the main body doesn't come, can we block it?" Chen Feng said. Suddenly, a huge whirlpool appeared around him. Chen Feng was in the center of the whirlpool. In this way, no matter what kind of attack, if he wanted to hit Chen Feng, he would have to withstand the whirlpool. strength.

This is the power of the whirlpool, coupled with Chen Feng's swallowing technique. Chen Feng even arranged some criss-crossing power imprints inside the whirlpool. Chen Feng believes that this time he can block the opponent's attack.

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