Eternal Existence

Chapter 4915: Still need to continue

Chen Feng finally understood why the Heart of Origin could hold on until now.

Chen Feng entered the Gate of Origin at the beginning, and now he came to the Heart of Origin. Of course, he understood that these two existences were the most core origins of the vast and powerful.

Even above the Hunyuan, sometimes it takes a long time to adventure, and even many places cannot be found.

But this time there are too many masters on both sides of the battle, and even existences beyond the level of Origin have appeared.

In addition, there is the support of the Origin behind, even if the Heart of Origin is extremely powerful. After such a long battle, it will be a little bit unable to bear it.

Even if it can bear it, it will definitely be broken. Now I finally understand that the Heart of Origin has a powerful repair function.

In fact, even ordinary life has a recovery function, not to mention the powerful life that has been cultivated. The Gate of Origin can also quickly repair itself.

But the repair speed is also fast and slow. It is obvious that the repair speed of the Heart of Origin is faster.

Because it repairs the damage caused by powerful existence.

"The Heart of Origin can completely move these opponents out, but the other party did not do so. It seems that there are reasons of their own. After all, they can exert greater power on the territory of the Heart of Origin."

"There are both good and bad sides to doing this. The premise is that the invaders can be successfully resolved, and these invaders also want to occupy the territory of the Heart of Origin. In this way, neither side wants to leave the Heart of Origin."

Chen Feng thought quickly, considering where to go next?

Although the Gate of Origin asked Chen Feng to continue to fight, how to deal with what kind of opponents, of course, Chen Feng has to make his own decisions.

In fact, Chen Feng is more thinking that the Gate of Origin can point out some good places for him, such as looking for the previous power ocean, or some important core locations in the Heart of Origin.

Even if there are dangers there, it is not a battle to stay there. Fighting here may not be beneficial. If you enter the power ocean, even if you pay some price, the final harvest is still considerable.

Chen Feng does not believe that the Gate of Origin does not know this.

"Or did the Gate of Origin also arrange other people?" Thinking of this, Chen Feng felt that this possibility was very likely.

After all, Chen Feng couldn't be sure how many masters there were in the Gate of Origin. Since the Gate of Origin could hide some powerful beings and open up a battlefield, there might be people in other places.

"Then I will deal with a few more above Hunyuan next." Chen Feng had an idea in his mind.

When he entered the battlefield, he fell into the trap of the Gate of Origin. According to the order of the Gate of Origin, he only needed to show one above Hunyuan.

But he had killed so many opponents so far, which had exceeded some of his previous budgets.

Although the Gate of Origin also helped, Chen Feng felt that he had paid too much.

Just when Chen Feng hesitated, the space collapsed and the Heart of Origin launched an attack on Chen Feng.

All of Chen Feng's previous actions were under the investigation of the Heart of Origin. Due to some special reasons, he could not use too much power to deal with Chen Feng, which led to the loss of the ocean of power.

This was also something that the Heart of Origin did not expect.

Of course, although the Heart of Origin knew that Chen Feng was powerful, it did not think that Chen Feng had achieved this step by his own strength.

In the eyes of the Heart of Origin, the reason why Chen Feng could reach this point and collect the ocean of power was all because of the support of the Gate of Origin.

However, Chen Feng had the support of the Gate of Origin, so this was a huge hidden danger, and now he could become an opponent.

Of course, if there was no Gate of Origin to support him, the Heart of Origin would not be safe, and would not take a life like Chen Feng seriously.

He was really an ant-like existence.

Soon Chen Feng rushed out of the chaotic space. This level of attack could not succeed. The Heart of Origin did this just to lock Chen Feng's position.

Because there were other means to follow.

Beams of light appeared from the four directions, and did not fall on Chen Feng as Chen Feng imagined, but blocked Chen Feng's four directions, similar to a sword formation.

Soon Chen Feng felt that the time and space around him became sticky, and his every move began to slow down.

Chen Feng understood the approach of the Heart of Origin, and still wanted to entangle himself first and solve those easy opponents.

"That's good."

Chen Feng preferred this situation, which was better than fighting to the death.

However, even though he thought so, Chen Feng did not take it lightly. It seemed that the Heart of Origin wanted to block him. Once he had a chance, the Heart of Origin would definitely use a powerful killer.

So Chen Feng was also bombarding the blockades around him, but this time the blockade method was a bit special. Although Chen Feng had made big holes in the space, the powerful force was constantly moving around.

Anyway, he was sure of this one, unless Chen Feng could get rid of these forces in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, Chen Feng would face the entanglement of this special force wherever he went.

Chen Feng had a mentality of giving up, but the Gate of Origin did not let Chen Feng do so. He only saw the shadow of the Gate of Origin emerge, a strange power wave rippled, and the special sticky texture emitted by the Gate of Origin was directly swept away.

Chen Feng's surroundings also became empty. In this way, Chen Feng was embarrassed to stay where he was. He swept his eyes and locked onto a Hunyuan.

Since the Gate of Origin has already taken action, killing an opponent can be regarded as giving an explanation to the Gate of Origin.

At the same time, Chen Feng also understood that since the Gate of Origin had taken action, the Heart of Origin would definitely not give up, and would definitely have its own means. It depends on whether the opponent simply competes with the Gate of Origin, or has enough power to deal with himself?

The strength of this person above Hunyuan that Chen Feng locked on to was also good. He kept shuttling alone in the chaos, and his speed was extremely fast. Sometimes when he was targeted by the opponent, he could also move quickly.

Chen Feng noticed that the opponent was not only fast, but also could use the power of his heart.

In this way, Chen Feng had some ideas, so he rushed towards this person above Hunyuan quickly with the Divine Movement Technique.

Seeing Chen Feng rushing over, this person above Hunyuan showed a look of vigilance in his eyes, but did not choose to escape, because he had a certain confidence in his strength, and he also got the blessing of the Heart of Origin. He even thought that he could trap Chen Feng and then let the Heart of Origin solve it.

At that time, he would be considered to have made a great contribution, and he would definitely get a huge reward from the Heart of Origin.

Thinking of this, this Hunyuan Above took the initiative to rush towards Chen Feng.

Then the two sides launched a fierce collision.

"The strength is average."

After several rounds of fighting, Hunyuan Above was relieved, so he began to use other means to trap Chen Feng.

The opponent's method was indeed good, and Chen Feng did feel that the surrounding space was becoming more and more viscous.

This was similar to the method of the Heart of Origin before, so Chen Feng allowed the opponent to continue to use this blocking method.

When the surrounding space was viscous to a certain extent, Chen Feng suddenly used a powerful destructive force.

Directly tear the surrounding space into pieces.

Chen Feng returned to normal, and then rushed to the front of this Hunyuan Above in an instant.

Just one punch, this Hunyuan Above was beaten back repeatedly.

Chen Feng suddenly broke out, and he also thought that he could quickly solve this opponent. Who knew that after repelling the opponent, before Chen Feng stepped forward, the opponent moved out again.

Then the sound of heartbeats sounded.

The strange power fluctuation swept over, and Chen Feng was affected, and everything seemed to be still in space.

This is the power of the Heart of Origin, and the existence of the Heart of Origin was not affected by this power.

So the time error appeared. This person above the Primordial appeared in front of Chen Feng in an instant, and Chen Feng had not yet recovered.

A beam of light shot at Chen Feng, almost piercing through his body.

And also because of the fluctuation of power, the surrounding space was broken, and Chen Feng returned to normal.

Seeing that the other party had tied himself up, Chen Feng said with some surprise: "This method of the Heart of Origin is really extraordinary, but this is normal. After all, this is the territory of the Heart of Origin. If there is no such method, it is really disappointing."

"And your attack is a little too weak. If your attack can be stronger, it is really possible to seriously injure me. Now this attack strength is just tickling me." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then released the Samsara Realm directly.

The distance between the two sides was very close, and this person above the Primordial did not escape, and was blocked by Chen Feng in the Samsara Realm.

The power of reincarnation continued to flow. At first, this person above the primordial element could still fight back, but soon he was at a disadvantage and felt like he was drifting with the tide in the field of reincarnation.

"Although I am in the territory of the Heart of Origin, you have now entered my territory." Chen Feng said as the sword formation appeared, directly blocking this person above the primordial element for the second time.

This time, this person above the primordial element did not rush out, and was directly suppressed by the sword formation and the field of reincarnation.

"Let you live for a while." Chen Feng received this person above the primordial element into the origin, and then looked at other places on the battlefield.

After this person above the primordial element was pulled into the field of reincarnation by Chen Feng, the Heart of Origin had a person above the primordial element coming to rescue him quickly, but they were a little slower, and before they arrived at the place, Chen Feng had already finished the battle.


Two people above the primordial element, one on the left and one on the right, attacked Chen Feng. At the same time, the power of heavenly might enveloped their heads, and Chen Feng's field of reincarnation reshaped huge pressure.

The Heart of Origin beat again, and Chen Feng's field of reincarnation collapsed directly, and there was a strong will directly targeting Chen Feng.

In this way, even if Chen Feng was prepared, he was still affected. The attacks of the two Hunyuan Above were about to fall on Chen Feng, but suddenly a vortex appeared and blocked the attacks of the two.

"I have encountered this method once, so of course I have to be on guard." Chen Feng said with a smile, and urged the vortex to devour the two Hunyuan Above.

This is the power of the origin. Generally speaking, it can completely devour the two Hunyuan Above. It's just that the broken origin cannot really suppress everything, but it is enough to affect the opponent.

Although the two Hunyuan Above successfully broke the vortex, Chen Feng has successfully escaped the threat from the Heart of Origin.

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