Eternal Existence

Chapter 4895 New Power

But at this point, Chen Feng has no good solution.

Since the Gate of Origin has already started to calculate, then all his reactions must be under the control of the Gate of Origin.

Even if he devours the clone in front of him, then he will break with the Gate of Origin at that time.

"Okay, there is no problem with cooperation, but you have to remove my mark afterwards." Chen Feng is also bargaining with the Gate of Origin through the clone in front of him.

The Gate of Origin naturally agrees.

"Interesting." Chen Feng laughed, and then merged the clone in front of him into his body.

In this way, Chen Feng has established a connection with the Gate of Origin and can mobilize part of the power of the Gate of Origin. Even this clone actually has another world inside. Not only does it have a lot of energy accumulated by the Gate of Origin, but it also has some special means.

"I'm really not worried that I will change the entire clone." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After Chen Feng's analysis, this clone is much more valuable than a Hunyuan.

"The Gate of Origin is quite sinister. It actually has such a method. But when did the Gate of Origin use this method to follow me? Was it from the beginning or did it use its clone to break into the Heart of Origin later?"

"It's probably the former. If so, then the opponent may not have planned the Heart of Origin at the beginning. It may be the Taisu Origin or the Demon Origin. If so, it will be troublesome. After all, the Heart of Origin is more powerful." Chen Feng thought, but since the Gate of Origin knew these things and chose to follow him, it must have some ways to deal with it.

"But it can't make too much noise. Following me is at most an extra helper. Forget it. It's useless to think so much now. Let's take it one step at a time." Chen Feng said.

In fact, in the final analysis, Chen Feng and the Gate of Origin are not closely related. Otherwise, Chen Feng believes that they can cooperate at a deeper level. He can even hand over the suppressed Hunyuan to the Gate of Origin, so that he can burst out the strongest combat power to face the opponent.

But now, Chen Feng naturally wouldn't do that. Chen Feng had a general relationship with the Gate of Origin, and was worried that the Gate of Origin would swallow up his benefits. After all, he hadn't received the rewards in the field before.

For the next period of time, Chen Feng kept wandering in the Heart of Origin. Without the Black Demon following him, Chen Feng became more cautious, and Chen Feng didn't want to be so ostentatious. Even if he met Hunyuan Above, Chen Feng didn't want to conflict with the other party unless it was absolutely necessary.

Chen Feng needed to understand the situation of the Heart of Origin first, and as Chen Feng said before, his first opponent was not the Heart of Origin, and he came here to see the world.

Unless it was a particularly good resource, Chen Feng would choose to rob it.

For ordinary resources, even if Hunyuan Above had some help, Chen Feng would not risk it.

In the final analysis, this was still on the other party's territory.

The existence of a party that was as powerful as the Gate of Origin was enough to make Chen Feng cautious.

After all, Chen Feng has gained enough. As long as he calms down and cultivates with peace of mind, and refines and absorbs all the previous gains, Chen Feng will be several times stronger than he is now, and entering the realm above Hunyuan is just a matter of course.

But not long after, Chen Feng received a message from the Gate of Origin, telling him the path he would take next.

"It's really time to fight." Chen Feng had a hunch, and wanted to refuse but couldn't stop his curiosity. He thought about going to see it first, and if he was really dissatisfied, he would refuse.

If Chen Feng also understood that his mind was loose, he would probably do something next.

So Chen Feng came to a shadow area according to the guidance of the Gate of Origin. Chen Feng had also encountered such a place in the Gate of Origin.

It's just some special power areas. Even if the Gate of Origin doesn't guide him, as he continues to expand his range of wandering, he may find this place.

"What? Let me absorb this area." Chen Feng was a little surprised after hearing the suggestion of the Gate of Origin.

Although he had guessed it before, once the war with the Heart of Origin started, how much power could the Gate of Origin pass on?

In the end, Chen Feng still followed the advice of the Gate of Origin and collected this special shadow.

In fact, the scale of this shadow area is not small, and it also contains special energy, and there are many lives here.

Of course, the strongest ones are only some Hunyuan Jinxian. Although there are many, Chen Feng can deal with them.

And according to the idea of ​​the Gate of Origin, it wants to deal with these lives together, but Chen Feng still did not do so, just simply collected this area.

During this process, Chen Feng was also a little worried, fearing that he would attract the targeting of the Heart of Origin.

Fortunately, there was no imagined danger until the end.

Things went smoothly beyond Chen Feng's expectations. As for the collected area, Chen Feng did not want it, but gave it directly to the Gate of Origin, or it was swallowed by his clone.

On the surface, Chen Feng could not see any changes, but Chen Feng knew that the area just now must have been stored inside the clone, and it might also be changed by the Gate of Origin with special means.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't believe that these powers would be transmitted to the Gate of Origin. Doing so would be too risky and meaningless. It would be better to keep them here and refine them into his own power so that he could burst out with even more powerful combat power at critical moments.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng immediately understood the intention of the Gate of Origin. It turned out that it was fighting to support the war, directly absorbing the power here bit by bit and transforming it into its own power.

And Chen Feng also had some ideas. It would be great if this was really his clone. With this idea, Chen Feng couldn't help but have some thoughts, thinking about whether to use some means. Once there is really a conflict between him and the Gate of Origin, he can also take the initiative to integrate this clone into his body.

Chen Feng wondered if the Gate of Origin was in a situation that he didn't know about? It also had some means on him, leaving some hidden dangers.

After all, this branded clone was created without his knowledge.

Of course, Chen Feng was just thinking about it. Even if he wanted to come up with some means, it would not be so easy.

In Chen Feng's complicated mind, Chen Feng continued to move forward according to the guidance of the Gate of Origin.

After a while, he came to a special area again.

Chen Feng was more and more convinced that there was indeed some special connection between the Gate of Origin and the Heart of Origin. The situations between the two sides were extremely similar. Otherwise, why could the Gate of Origin know so much about this place?

"Could it be that the Gate of Origin had been here before, or had long been planning to come here? Maybe both sides wanted to devour each other." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Seeing the area in front of him, Chen Feng also became interested. It was not that the energy quality here was so high that Chen Feng was moved, but also that the power attribute of this area made Chen Feng somewhat interested.

This was a power attribute that Chen Feng had not involved. If it was replaced by other lives, at most, this power would be directly refined and absorbed, but for Chen Feng, who had a chaotic body, it was different.

Chen Feng wanted to open up a new avenue. Even if he didn't want to spend this kind of time, he also wanted to use this unfamiliar attribute power to refine special laws and integrate them into similar avenues.

In short, it was of certain benefit to Chen Feng, so in the following process, Chen Feng stripped off some power and integrated it into his body.

Of course, the Gate of Origin had no objection to this. Chen Feng even knew that even if he absorbed all the power he got this time, the Gate of Origin would not say anything.

So Chen Feng also became interested. Chen Feng looked down on ordinary resources, but the power of different attributes, or the power that reached a certain level, was still a little helpful to Chen Feng.

Besides, he couldn't just come here to run errands, nor could he just travel and gain knowledge. Even if he absorbed some energy and increased his cultivation and mana, it would be good.

Anyway, he couldn't run in vain.

So in the following process, Chen Feng also extracted some power from time to time, or suppressed it first, or practiced absorption directly, or forcibly integrated it into the avenue.

In the process of wandering in the Heart of Origin, in addition to rushing on the road, Chen Feng was also constantly releasing some of the combat power of the origin as much as possible, constantly eroding the previously suppressed Hunyuan.

Chen Feng knew that even with the guidance of the Gate of Origin, making such a big noise would definitely cause some trouble.

But trouble still appeared. The opponent attacked strongly as soon as he made a move.

The Heart of Origin attacked directly, and the strong pressure made Chen Feng use the power of Origin in the first place.

Otherwise, Chen Feng thought that he could not resist it with his own strength, and even the Chaos Body would be torn apart by the opponent bit by bit.

The power of the Volcanic Origin and the Whirlpool Origin erupted alternately, helping Chen Feng to resolve waves of attacks, and the clones created by the Gate of Origin were to resist the attacks from the will of the Heart of Origin, while also absorbing some power.

Chen Feng felt a little speechless about this. He didn't expect that in such a violent confrontation, the Gate of Origin was still thinking about gaining benefits.

This method of devouring and plundering is more powerful than his own devouring technique.

Chen Feng could only express his admiration.

"There shouldn't be any problem, right?" Even in a state of crisis, Chen Feng still maintained some confidence in the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng didn't believe that the Gate of Origin would be so reckless. Since it did this, there must be a way to deal with it.

Of course, this is Chen Feng's best idea. There is also the worst one, which is to stay here or be killed by the Heart of Origin.

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