Eternal Existence

Chapter 4894: The Calculation of the Gate of Origin

And Chen Feng just wanted to understand the situation here first, and didn't want to take the initiative to find trouble. After all, it was an accident for him to come to the Heart of Origin.

His opponent was not the Heart of Origin, but the Taisu Origin and the Demon Origin. If he really made a big mess here, it would be easy to provoke a stronger opponent. If it affected both sides of the Origin, it would be even worse.

Who knows whether the Gate of Origin is willing to fight against such a powerful Origin for him.

Fortunately, although this is the Heart of Origin, it is not so easy to find a Hunyuan Above.

Although some powerful lives have been found, the strongest is only Hunyuan Jinxian.

Chen Feng was a little emotional. When he first entered the Gate of Origin, he would encounter some dangers from time to time. I didn't expect that now he would not even take some Hunyuan Jinxian seriously.

Maybe after a while, Hunyuan Above will not be worth looking at.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking, the black demon suddenly accelerated, broke through layers of space, and entered a broken cave.

There is a residual breath of Hunyuan Above here.

Chen Feng followed him, and saw that Black Demon said disappointedly: "There is nothing here, or this was once the residence of a person above the Primordial."

"Very normal." Chen Feng nodded. This situation is indeed not rare. He had encountered this situation before in the Gate of Origin.

Just when the two were about to leave, this broken cave suddenly collapsed, and flames continued to burn from everywhere, and soon formed a blazing flame, wrapping the two in it.

Such a change surprised Chen Feng and the others. Then the two saw the shadow of a creature in the flame.

The creature opened its mouth and swallowed Chen Feng and Black Demon directly.

"These are some means left by the other party. Once a powerful life breaks into it, it will trigger the other party's arrangement and then eat the intruder. After all, it is a dignified person above the Primordial, but it actually uses this method." Chen Feng saw through it at a glance. What was going on? He couldn't help but feel a little contempt.

Black Demon was even more straightforward. He directly chopped the other party's shadow into pieces with a sword.

Not to mention the means left by the other party, even if the other party's body is here, it will be eliminated by Black Demon and Chen Feng.

Even Black Demon felt a little pity, and immediately used special means to find the other party's body.

As a result, Black Demon smiled and said: "This powerful life actually went to the front line to participate in the war. It's not that I haven't encountered it before."

"In this case, the other party may have left his life mark in the Heart of Origin. If it can be found and destroyed, it may affect the other party's body." Chen Feng said.

"It's really a good idea, but forget it. The scale here is so large, and I don't want to spend time looking for the other party's mark. After all, there is no benefit." Black Demon said.

"That's right. If you happen to meet it, maybe you can solve the other party. What suggestions do you have next?" Chen Feng said.

"What do you want to say?" Black Demon understood Chen Feng's meaning.

"It's better to act separately, so that the speed will be faster, because we don't know when this war will end." Chen Feng said.

"Then act separately, but if you meet someone above Hunyuan, you must notify me. This level of existence can only maximize the benefits by joining forces." Black Demon said.

"Of course." Chen Feng nodded.

Then the two of them separated and each chose a side, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Chen Feng moved forward quickly in the Heart of Origin, and soon stopped.

"Daoyou, come out!" Chen Feng said.

Everything around him was impermanent, and there was no response. Then Chen Feng's will began to ripple.

This time there was finally a change, and a group of phantoms emerged in the distance.

"How did you find me?" The other party asked curiously.

"You deliberately let me find it."

At this time, Chen Feng was constantly looking at the other party, with doubts in his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes emitted a dazzling light again, covering the group of phantoms.

And the group of phantoms suddenly disappeared, and appeared in front of Chen Feng the next moment, and then the phantom kept changing, and finally became Chen Feng's appearance.

It was exactly the same as Chen Feng, even the aura on his body was the same.

Chen Feng thought at first that there were some powerful beings hiding in the dark to calculate him, but after investigation, Chen Feng found that it was not the case.

This phantom came from the Gate of Origin. Since the aura was the same as his, it was probably related to the marks he left in the Gate of Origin.

When Chen Feng ventured into the Gate of Origin, he did leave some marks. The reason he said that at the time was that if he really encountered danger and fell, he would be resurrected one day with the marks left in the Gate of Origin.

This method was also learned from Qiansha and the others. It seemed that even if there were hidden dangers, it was worth it.

Now it seemed that there were some problems with the marks he left, but he didn't know it yet.

Chen Feng thought and analyzed quickly. Maybe many masters could do this, but the Gate of Origin was the most likely.

After all, no matter how secretive the marks he left were, they could not be hidden from the Gate of Origin.

The following events also confirmed Chen Feng's guess. Chen Feng got some information from the clone in front of him, which was exactly the same as himself, and it was also the information that the Gate of Origin left for him.

So Chen Feng also understood everything and couldn't help but sneer: "Although this method is good and has some benefits for me, it is really inappropriate for the Gate of Origin to do this."

But now, Chen Feng has no better way.

Since the Gate of Origin has already started to calculate, then all his reactions must be under the control of the Gate of Origin.

Even if the clone in front of him is devoured, then at that time, it will be considered as a break with the Gate of Origin.

"Okay, there is no problem with cooperation, but you have to remove my mark afterwards." Chen Feng was also bargaining with the Gate of Origin through the clone in front of him.

The Gate of Origin naturally agreed.

"Interesting." Chen Feng laughed, and then merged the clone in front of him into his body.

In this way, Chen Feng has established a connection with the Gate of Origin and can mobilize part of the power of the Gate of Origin. Even this clone actually has another world inside. Not only does it have a lot of energy accumulated by the Gate of Origin, but it also has some special means.

"I'm really not worried that I will change the entire clone." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After Chen Feng's analysis, this clone is much more valuable than a Hunyuan.

"In this way, the Gate of Origin is also insidious enough to have such a method. But when did the Gate of Origin use this method to follow me? Was it from the beginning or did it use the clone to break into the Heart of Origin later?"

"Mostly the former, if so, then the other party may not have calculated the Heart of Origin at the beginning, it may be the Taisu Origin or the Demon Origin. If so, it will be troublesome, after all, the Heart of Origin is more powerful." Chen Feng thought, but since the Gate of Origin knew these things and chose to follow him, there must be some ways to deal with it.

"But it won't make much noise. Following me is just an extra helper. Forget it. It's useless to think so much now. Let's take it one step at a time." Chen Feng said.

In fact, the relationship between Chen Feng and the Gate of Origin is not close. Otherwise, Chen Feng believes that they can have a deeper cooperation. He can even hand over the suppressed Hunyuan to the Gate of Origin, so that he can burst out the strongest combat power to face the opponent.

But now, Chen Feng will naturally not do this. Chen Feng has a general relationship with the Gate of Origin, and he is also worried that the Gate of Origin will swallow up his benefits. After all, the rewards in the field have not been received yet.

For a period of time, Chen Feng has been wandering in the Heart of Origin. Without the Black Demon following him, Chen Feng has become more cautious, and Chen Feng does not want to be so ostentatious. Even if he encounters Hunyuan, Chen Feng does not want to conflict with the other party unless it is absolutely necessary.

Chen Feng needs to understand the situation of the Heart of Origin first, and as Chen Feng said before, his first opponent is not the Heart of Origin, and he comes here to see the world.

Unless he encountered a particularly good resource, Chen Feng would choose to rob it.

For ordinary resources, even if there was some help from Hunyuan Above, Chen Feng would not take the risk.

After all, this was still on the other party's territory.

An existence as powerful as the Gate of Origin was enough to make Chen Feng cautious.

After all, Chen Feng had gained enough. As long as he calmed down and practiced with peace of mind, and refined and absorbed all the previous gains, it would be enough for Chen Feng to be several times stronger than he is now, and entering the realm of Hunyuan Above would only be a matter of course.

But not long after, Chen Feng received a message from the Gate of Origin, informing him of the path he would take next.

"It's really going to start a fight." Chen Feng had a hunch, and wanted to refuse but couldn't stop his curiosity. He thought about going to see it first, and if he was really not satisfied, he would refuse.

If Chen Feng also understood that his mind was loose, he would probably do something next.

So Chen Feng came to a shadow area according to the instructions of the Gate of Origin. This kind of place Chen Feng had also encountered in the Gate of Origin.

It's just some special power areas. Even if the Gate of Origin doesn't guide me, I may find this place as I continue to expand my range.

"What? Let me absorb this area." Chen Feng was a little surprised after hearing the Gate of Origin's suggestion.

Although I had guessed it before, once the war with the Heart of Origin started, how much power could the Gate of Origin pass on?

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