Eternal Existence

Chapter 4889: Continuously Going Deeper

It seems that only other methods can be used. After thinking of this, Chen Feng released more perception to understand the surrounding situation.

The entire battlefield was too chaotic. In Chen Feng's perception, there were fights and struggles everywhere, as well as collisions between the origins of both sides.

It can be seen that this origin has the upper hand. Finally, Chen Feng saw the powerful existence of the Demon Origin, but the other party was farther away, and some of Chen Feng's ideas were shattered.

Chen Feng thought that since this origin kept attacking him, he would join forces with the Demon Origin.

Now he can only think of other ways, after all, the Demon Origin is now at a disadvantage.

Just when Chen Feng was distracted, he was suppressed by a powerful force again. Chen Feng's heart moved, and he no longer used corrosive energy to crush the opponent's power like before.

Instead, he let the opponent suppress himself. Of course, there were still some struggles on the surface, but this time he did not struggle out.

This scene also surprised the opponent, but there was still more energy sweeping over to wrap Chen Feng tightly.

Then shuttle, everyone knew that this was to move himself to another place, so that he could suppress himself better.

Of course, Chen Feng would not let the other party go on like this. After all, this was different from the Taisu Origin. At the beginning, the Taisu Origin was at a disadvantage, but the Origin in front of him was in the upper hand.

So Chen Feng began to burst out violently halfway, not to mention, he was really rushed out by Chen Feng.

And the few Hunyuan Above who fought with Chen Feng did not catch up, so although Chen Feng was being tracked by the power of this Origin, he also got rid of those Hunyuan Above.

In Chen Feng's view, even if the power of this Origin was stronger, it was not as difficult as those Hunyuan Above.

After all, Hunyuan Above was a real life, with intelligence and means. Under the situation of equal strength, it was really hard to say who would win and who would lose.

However, although this simple power of origin looked relatively powerful, it still had loopholes.

So Chen Feng burst out with all his strength, used the power of the two Origins, broke the energy that suppressed himself, and quickly flew to the depths of this Origin.

Chen Feng did not choose to return by the same route, because everyone knew that if he did so, he would still be pursued by the other party, and there were so many powerful beings fighting on the scene, and if he went back, he would be involved.

Just now, he took the risk to do this in order to get out of the battlefield. Now Chen Feng's goal has been achieved. Even if there are still some troubles, he will only face the power attack of this origin.

Of course, if there are other powerful beings, it can only be considered Chen Feng's bad luck, at least not now.

Chen Feng was firmly locked, but no one from the Hunyuan rushed over, so Chen Feng kept moving forward in the origin area here at the fastest speed.

Because Chen Feng knew that the scale of this huge origin could be said to be boundless, just like the free space at the beginning, and even the Gate of Origin in the free space could not control everything. There were always some hidden and special places. After all, no matter how powerful this origin-level existence is, it is impossible to see everything clearly and see through all the territories, not to mention that it is still in the war.

Even if the strength of this origin is stronger and can suppress the Demon Origin, it is definitely not easy, and it may also go all out to a certain extent.

So Chen Feng believed that the other party might have been focusing on him. After all, at the beginning, it was only other powerful beings who attacked him in the battlefield.

In fact, Chen Feng's guess was correct. In the process of constantly changing directions, powerful forces kept appearing out of thin air, trying to do anything to Chen Feng.

But all of them were dodged or broken by Chen Feng.

The other party even called in a Hunyuan above to deal with Chen Feng, but was also beaten back by Chen Feng with all his strength. Chen Feng also left some corrosive energy on the other party, which was enough for the other party to spend time to resolve.

After spending some time, Chen Feng still got rid of the other party's lock. Although the shadow still shrouded him, Chen Feng had already gotten much better.

At least there was no fighting now, he could stop and rest, and he could also spend time to understand what kind of existence this origin area was.

In this way, Chen Feng kept walking forward, specifically looking for some life areas.

This is also one of the reasons why the power of this origin no longer chased Chen Feng. That is to avoid accidental injuries. After all, Chen Feng has been going to some large places of life. If this place continues to attack Chen Feng, I don’t know how many lives will be affected.

Just like in the free space, a powerful existence like Chen Feng can completely destroy a universe.

Think about how many lives there are in a universe.

Of course, this is just one of the reasons. Chen Feng believes that the other party is unlikely to be able to mobilize more power in a short time.

The consumption of war is still very large, and he has not caused any damage so far.

Finally, Chen Feng learned some news from some places of life.

"It turns out that this is the Heart of Origin. It's really interesting. It's a little different from some places of origin I encountered before. In terms of name, it's almost the same. No wonder it's such a powerful origin. I just don't know if it has anything to do with the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng had many thoughts in his mind.

Chen Feng also knew that there was a huge heart in a certain area. The Heart of Origin, like the Gate of Origin, was the core and source of the entire Origin.

Chen Feng even knew where the other party was. Chen Feng even wanted to go in and explore. After all, if he wanted to find benefits, he still had to enter the Heart of Origin.

But there would also be dangers, because Chen Feng didn't know what kind of situation he would encounter.

And at first, Chen Feng didn't plan to enter this Origin to plunder or destroy. In the end, he was forcibly moved here.

On the surface, the Heart of Origin and the Gate of Origin are also allies. After all, everyone is dealing with the same enemy.

Chen Feng hesitated for a while and decided to go to the Heart of Origin to take a look.

Anyway, he didn't plan to cause damage, and he didn't look down on ordinary resources.

The previous gains were enough, so it's better to enter the Heart of Origin to learn more.

With this thought, Chen Feng had a direction and kept speeding up.

Perhaps it was because Chen Feng didn't cause trouble. Although this side of Qiyuan had been paying attention to Chen Feng, it had never attacked Chengfeng again.

During this process, Chen Feng did notice some existences above Hunyuan. It seemed that the other party was also gaining insights quickly, and most of them were heading to the front line.

If the Heart of Origin wanted to deal with Chen Feng, it could also attack Chen Feng through those above Hunyuan.

The other party did not do so, and Chen Feng was relieved.

Of course, there are still some precautions, and Chen Feng must be prepared to attack at any time.

Once the Heart of Origin really wants to concentrate its strength to attack him, Chen Feng must make the other party look good even if he pays some price.

Even when Chen Feng arrived at the Heart of Origin, he should have seen some things on him and knew that he was not easy to mess with, so he was unwilling to continue to attack him.

But from another perspective, the other party may also be greedy, after all, there are too many good things on Chen Feng.

Even if the Star of Origin completely invaded the Origin of Demon Beginning, it is only one origin.

And Chen Feng has more than one origin in his hands. Even if the origin that has been annihilated does not have many resources, it is still very important for the existence of the Heart of Origin.

"If that's the case, it's still a bit risky for me to enter the Heart of Origin. Maybe the other party will attack me, so I also need to speed up a bit, and it's best to come out before the other party's war ends." Chen Feng planned like this.

Just when Chen Feng thought everything was going smoothly, some troubles still appeared.

Two Hunyuans who were on the road stared at Chen Feng. Chen Feng didn't care at first, and thought that the other party would choose to leave like before, but this time they stepped forward to stop Chen Feng.

It was obvious that the elements explored by these two Hunyuans did not belong to this origin, and from the breath emitted by the other party, Chen Feng could see that they were looking for trouble with him.

"What are your intentions, two Taoist friends? I'm just a pedestrian on the road. Even this origin didn't bother me. I think you two Taoist friends should not meddle in other people's business." Chen Feng said first.

"We are not meddling in other people's business, but just killing foreign invaders." One of the Hunyuans sneered.

A shadow appeared behind this Hunyuan, and there were two blood-red eyes in the shadow, emitting a special look and staring at Chen Feng.

This time, Chen Feng not only felt locked, but his every move, including his soul will, was affected.

He knew that this was a special action of the other party.

Sure enough, the next moment, another Hunyuan chose to attack, and the means were also very special. He turned into a huge beast and opened his mouth to bite Chen Feng.

"Don't worry about breaking your teeth and filling your stomach." Chen Feng sneered, and a strong breath burst out from his body. After breaking free from the restraints, Chen Feng first dodged.

Before he figured out the other party's means, Chen Feng didn't want to fight hard. As a result, Chen Feng seemed to move very fast, but he was still targeted by the other party. The sharp teeth of the beast were close to Chen Feng.

"Since you dare to use this method, I think there must be a reason." Chen Feng didn't think of trying it himself, but released some corrosive energy and threw it into the other party's mouth.

Chen Feng wanted to see how good Beifang's appetite was, but the other party swallowed the special corrosive energy released by Chen Feng in one breath.

"It may be a special independent cave." Chen Feng had some guesses.

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