Eternal Existence

Chapter 4888: Heart of Origin

The Taoist Wan Quan also felt Chen Feng's spying, and was a little surprised. He hurriedly communicated with Chen Feng.

However, there were also several above Hun Yuan around the Taoist Wan Quan, so he did not rush over to meet Chen Feng.

Chen Feng knew that this was the new partner of the Taoist Wan Quan.

After all, he had been trapped in the five sacred mountains for a long time, and there must have been many changes during this period.

Then Chen Feng found the Taoist Qi Xing again, but did not see the Zi Yang Swordsman.

Chen Feng hurriedly asked, and then he knew that the swordsman was seriously injured and did not participate this time.

"It seems that the injury is not light, but it is a good thing to be alive." Chen Feng continued to observe other situations.

There were also some above Hun Yuan around the Taoist Qi Xing, so Chen Feng did not invite him.

Besides, Chen Feng has not figured out how to arrange it next?

After spending some time, Chen Feng had a general understanding of the entire battlefield. The Gate of Origin did have the upper hand this time and was constantly invading the Tai Su Origin. The reason for this situation was that some changes had occurred on the side of the Demon Origin.

It turned out that the Demon Origin had found the invasion of another Origin, which led to the Taisu Origin being unable to resist the attack from the Origin Gate.

After all, the two sides had joined forces before, and now they would definitely not be able to resist one-on-one.

Chen Feng was a little curious about which force invaded the Demon Origin. Could it be Guixu?

Soon, Chen Feng shook his head.

Most likely it was not Guixu, otherwise there would be no war between the three, but they would join forces to fight against Guixu.

Then this shows that it was the other Origin that took action.

"Anyway, it's considered picking peaches, and the Origin Gate is definitely unwilling. After all, these two Origins were targeted by the Origin Gate. Now there is an Origin that intervenes. I think the Origin Gate is angry, but it's better than joining forces to fight against the Origin Gate." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Chen Feng tried to communicate with the Origin Gate, but there was still no response, which made Chen Feng more dissatisfied.

He had already completed the task of killing Hunyuan, not only that, but also rushed into the interior of the Taisu Origin and suppressed the Sword of Shenxu. It can be said that he had made great contributions. It is normal for him to leave now.

Although depressed, Chen Feng knew that he didn't want to leave. At least he could wait and figure out the current situation.

"It's a pity. If there were Shi Guang Changhe and the others to cooperate, it would be great. Not to mention killing some above Hunyuan, it would not be a problem to deal with some existences above the Origin level. We could even occupy one side of the Origin. Even if there was no Shi Guang Changhe and the others, it would be OK if some friends came. In this situation, I am still a little alone and some things cannot be done to perfection." Chen Feng said.

At this time, Chen Feng missed the process of fighting against Guixu. Although it was also very dangerous, so many partners were together and full of morale. Although there are many forces belonging to the Gate of Origin here, they are not familiar with them after all.

Even the Seven Star Taoist and Ziyang Swordsman who came here together did not have a close relationship with Chen Feng.

The friendship between the two parties is not only about the length of time they have known each other, but also depends on whether the two parties can talk and whether they have experienced life and death together.

"Daoyou, do you want to join forces!"

Just as Chen Feng was watching the battlefield, someone invited Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked around and saw that this was a small group on the side of the Gate of Origin, fighting with the Taisu Origin. The two sides were evenly matched, and the other side naturally wanted to win over Chen Feng when they saw Chen Feng.

As long as Chen Feng joined the battle, it might change the situation.

Chen Feng wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he waved his hand and slashed out a sword. This sword was simple at first, with only a sword energy, but this sword energy was fixed on a Hunyuan Above, and the opponent could not dodge even if he changed his position.

So this Hunyuan Above chose to resist, and the next moment the sword energy burst out, turning into a sword formation to cover this Hunyuan Above.

Although the final result was that this Hunyuan Above broke the sword formation, it also delayed some time, which was enough for the small group on the Gate of Origin.

A Hunyuan Above on the Taisu Origin side was seriously injured, and his combat effectiveness dropped. The small group on the Gate of Origin gained the upper hand.

And Chen Feng also chose to leave, which disappointed the Hunyuan Above on the Gate of Origin. If Chen Feng participated, he could have achieved greater results.

The temporary absence of an opponent also gave Chen Feng some free time. Chen Feng felt very interesting walking in the chaotic battlefield. Others were fighting, but he seemed so leisurely.

Soon Chen Feng approached the small battlefield where the Seven Star Taoist was.

Seeing Chen Feng appear, the Seven Star Taoist was naturally surprised, and Chen Feng did make a move. He used a killing move right from the start, and hit a Hunyuan Above with one punch, and he couldn't resist and retreated repeatedly.

Another punch, the body of the Hunyuan Above swelled, and then half of his body exploded.

"The defense is quite strong." Chen Feng said with a smile, and came to the opponent and punched again, but it was a pity that this punch that was determined to win was blocked.

A powerful force blocked the Hunyuan Above. Although it was still broken by Chen Feng's fist, it quickly gathered again and swept away Chen Feng and the surrounding space together.

Originally, Chen Feng could break free, but after knowing who made the move, Chen Feng did not struggle, otherwise the other party would continue to participate, which would be disadvantageous to the Seven Star Taoist.

"The Sword of Cangsu has been suppressed by me, and you are here again. You don't want to recognize me as your master, do you? In fact, your choice is correct." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The surrounding power continued to grow stronger and squeezed Chen Feng. Did Chen Feng feel the other party's power of displacement? Chen Feng even suspected that the other party would not send him to the five sacred mountains again. If so, it would be interesting.

It was Taisu Origin that made the move, so Chen Feng had this guess, and the other party only used part of its power to move him, not using strong means to kill him, which also showed that it did not have enough power.


But soon Chen Feng knew something was wrong, and he entered another origin.

"It's the Demon Origin, why did you send me here? Does the Demon Origin still have power?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

Although Chen Feng also wanted to enter the Demon Origin to see the situation, he was not reassured in the passive situation.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about whether to break free, a new force was superimposed.

In this way, even if Chen Feng could break free, he would have to spend more power.

"You really want to trap me here, so why don't you stop? What's the purpose?" Chen Feng didn't plan to go with the flow, after all, he was not sure what would happen next.

You know, Chen Feng had already shown his strong fighting power before, so there must be a reason for the other party to do this.

Just when Chen Feng was about to struggle out, a strong force swept over. At this moment, Chen Feng seemed to have returned to the scene when he was suppressed by the five sacred mountains before, but this time all the shots were from Hunyuan.

Helplessly, Chen Feng had to defend himself. In order to avoid any problems, Chen Feng had to use the power of origin.

Since he couldn't rush out, self-protection was the most correct choice.

Not long after that, Chen Feng felt a new breath again.

"What is this?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, but then he understood what was going on.

Then the power that wrapped around him was directly dispersed, and a strong energy swept over.

At this time, Chen Feng didn't have time to think about it, but used all his means to protect himself.

For a moment, Chen Feng fell into a passive state of being besieged. Fortunately, he used the power of origin, otherwise Lin Feng could not resist it with his own strength, and even the chaotic body would be shattered.

"It turned out that I was teleported to a new origin. This origin is just out to pick peaches. To put it nicely, it is in the same group as the Gate of Origin. This is not good. If you dare to take benefits from the Gate of Origin, then you must be very powerful. Can I resist it?" Chen Feng was a little worried.

"Everyone, don't attack. I am your ally." Chen Feng exuded a strong will wave, hoping that the other party would stop.

It was just useless. The attack continued. Not only that, there were several strong auras emerging. Although a little disappointed, it was also within Chen Feng's expectations.

If it were me, if an outsider broke into my territory, especially in war, I would also take action.



Chen Feng no longer simply defended, but began to counterattack. Chen Feng wanted to make a passage and leave here first.

Chen Feng used the power of the volcanic origin and the vortex origin. This is also the strongest means that Chen Feng can use now. If he wants to be stronger, he can only pay some price.

Whether it is the energy tower, the sacred mountain, or the corrosive energy origin, they are all suppressing things.

"Don't explode rashly without understanding the situation. Let's see what happens first." Chen Feng also had this series of preparations in his mind, so although he rushed into an unknown and powerful place, Chen Feng was still very calm.

Seeing Chen Feng constantly split a road and the pressure around him was constantly weakening, a person above the mixed origin blocked the gap and killed in front of Chen Feng.

The person above the mixed origin was still within the range that Chen Feng could bear, but Chen Feng still said: "Daoyou, please do it for now. I am not an enemy of you."


The person above the mixed origin did not mean to say more to Chen Feng, and immediately launched an attack.

"I am really not an enemy." Chen Feng sighed and let the opponent's attack drown him.

The power of the vortex origin enveloped Chen Feng, and with Chen Feng's reincarnation power, it easily resolved the opponent's attack.

Chen Feng stepped forward and punched, and the volcanic origin erupted, and the man above the Hunyuan was knocked away by Chen Feng.

"I am sparing your life, so take care of yourself and don't come again." Chen Feng said.

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