Eternal Existence

Chapter 4883: Searching for the Mark

Chen Feng solved the opponent, but Wan Quan Daoist was still entangled with him. However, under the attack of Wan Quan Daoist, those formations were gradually collapsing.

It seemed that Wan Quan Daoist was still stronger than the assassin, but Chen Feng could see that Wan Quan Daoist could not solve the opponent in a short time because the assassin was too cunning.

Seeing Chen Feng coming over, the assassin who attacked Wan Quan Daoist disappeared instantly.

Chen Feng quickly took action, using the Divine Mountain to suppress the four directions, and at the same time used his fist to break the void around him, but he still failed to force the opponent out.

"It runs pretty fast." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Wan Quan Daoist made continuous attacks, and while those formations were broken, the Hunyuan Golden Immortals were also shattered.

These Hunyuan Golden Immortals ran a little slower, and Wan Quan Daoist was not as easy to talk to as Chen Feng.

So these Hunyuan Golden Immortals were unlucky.

However, some fierce people chose to self-destruct. Although they made some noise, they still had no effect on Wanquan Daoist.

"Daoyou are really soft-hearted. You actually let those above Hunyuan go. Maybe they can cause some trouble." Wanquan Daoist said.

"It's not that I want to let them go, but they ran too fast. There is no need to chase them. It's better to find another place." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"We are now being targeted. I'm afraid we will be unable to move." Wanquan Daoist said.

"Just let the other party target us, so that we can better determine the other party's instinct location." Chen Feng said so.

As the two were talking, they felt that the origin of Taisu began to turbulent violently. Chen Feng looked from afar and saw a long river constantly invading.

The momentum of this long river was very fierce. Wherever it passed, it should have opened a road. There was also strong energy on both sides of the road.

It was the Fallen Long River that joined the battle. Not only that, it also brought a lot of power from the free space.

It seems that the invasion momentum of the Gate of Origin gradually gained the upper hand, and it was getting more and more fierce. It seemed that the other side's momentum would completely occupy this origin area in one fell swoop.

However, Chen Feng also knew that things were definitely not that simple. When Guixu invaded the Abyss Valley, it did not cover it completely. Although the Abyss Valley received help from the existence of the origins of all parties, the origin area in front of it was complete and its strength was still at its peak.

However, since the Fallen River joined the battle and rushed over with such a big fanfare, it must have its own considerations.

"This is a good thing for us. We can take advantage of the fire." Wanquan Taoist said.

"It may not be a good thing. Maybe there are benefits that we can't get. But I feel that things should not be so easy. Let's see the situation first." Chen Feng had no good feelings for the Fallen River.

Chen Feng still held a grudge. Chen Feng was always worried that the other party would find out whether he would make any more trouble.

So Chen Feng looked at it and turned away.

Seeing Chen Feng suddenly leave, Wan Quan Daoist hurriedly followed him.

"In fact, we should wait a little longer, maybe we can pick up some benefits." Wan Quan Daoist said.

"Maybe, but I still want to find something more important." Chen Feng said.

On the one hand, Chen Feng didn't want to meet the Fallen River, and on the other hand, Chen Feng couldn't continue to suppress Hunyuan, which would affect his combat effectiveness.

Find something better.

However, while moving forward, Chen Feng was not idle, but kept absorbing the power of Hunyuan to integrate into his body.

Rapidly enhanced his mana cultivation.

Chen Feng was also a little anxious. According to the previous words, Chen Feng would definitely practice slowly, even if he used the Devouring Technique, he would only plunder a little bit.

Anyway, these Hunyuan were suppressed in the Origin, and they couldn't run away under normal circumstances.

Now Chen Feng needs the power of the Origin, and he also needs to replenish his own consumption.

In this way, Chen Feng thought that it should be no problem to refine a Hunyuan in a short time.

"After all, the consumption in the battle is also very large." Chen Feng said.

"So it's a pity that the power cannot be transmitted to the Savage Universe. With the situation in the Savage Universe, it can suppress one or two Hunyuan above. Although there are some risks, it is still okay to make some preparations in advance." Chen Feng also wanted to integrate Hunyuan above directly into the Savage Universe, so that the speed of change in the Savage Universe will be faster.

Because the Fallen River participated in the war, the Taisu Origin became more and more turbulent. Chen Feng and Wanquan Taoist took the opportunity to speed up the search for the core of this origin.

As a result, they were really captured by the two, but they had already felt how strong the obstacles ahead were.

Five sacred mountains were arranged in a large formation to guard the origin of the origin of this origin.

Chen Feng was very shocked, and at the same time he had some ambitions and expectations.

I didn't expect that there were five magic weapons above the origin level here, and I only had one sacred mountain in my hand.

Of course, in Chen Feng's view, although these five sacred mountains are also at this level, they are definitely not as good as the sacred mountain in his hand when taken out separately.

It's just that these five sacred mountains have different attributes, but they can be well combined, and the power they exert exceeds that of the sacred mountain that he controls.

"It's troublesome. We can't get through. This is the core power of this origin. It looks like a big formation, but it is actually connected to the entire origin. Not to mention the two of us, even if a group of Hunyuan comes, they can't break the opponent's defense, and they may be directly suppressed by the opponent." Wanquan Taoist said.

"It's really troublesome." Chen Feng also felt a headache.

Knowing that if there is no change, the two of them may return empty-handed.

"In this case, let's wait for a while, or go to other places to look for the marks of those powerful beings." Chen Feng suggested.

"That's the only way. If we continue to move forward, I'm really worried that the other party will attack us." Wanquan Taoist said.

"It shouldn't attack us. After all, the other party's main task is to protect. Besides, we are still far away." Chen Feng said.

Although they said so, the two still left quickly. In fact, when they left, Chen Feng had already felt the pressure. The Shenshan he controlled actually had some reaction.

Chen Feng was also worried that the Shenshan would run out and then be suppressed by the other party. It would be too late for him to regret it at that time.

"If we just look for the mark, it shouldn't be that easy." said Wan Quan Taoist.

"I've dealt with the Sword of Cangsu before, and I still remember its blood and qi. This time I'm going to look for it." said Shen Feng.

"The Sword of Cangsu is not easy to deal with. The opponent's attack must be very strong." said Wan Quan Taoist.

"It's not the real body. We are just looking for its mark. Besides, if it is so easy to deal with, we don't have to go there." said Chen Feng.

"That's true."

Then Wan Quan Taoist followed Chen Feng and moved forward quickly.

There was a reason why Chen Feng chose the Sword of Cangsu. In addition to the reason he said before, it was because Chen Feng himself practiced the Great Dao of Sword.

Besides, Chen Feng needed this kind of weapon with strong attack power.

Although the Divine Mountain and the Energy Tower are very powerful, they are still a little short of killing.

If they go to the Origin of Demon, then Chen Feng will target the Sword of Flowing Light.

But Chen Feng was not the first to find it. It turned out that there were other people who had the same idea as Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng finally arrived at the place, he found that two above the Primordial had already rushed into the branding place of the Sword of Cangsu.

"I have never seen so many people rushing in before, and our speed is already very fast, but someone rushed in front of us." Chen Feng felt a little dissatisfied and hesitant.

Someone from his side came over, so should he go forward to snatch it now?

"It's just a branding. It will be easier for us to break the branding and divide some of the power." The Wanquan Taoist didn't think as much as Chen Feng thought, but thought it was a good opportunity.

Chen Feng had no choice but to rush in.

As a result, the two were attacked as soon as they entered.

"Four above the Primordial, even if the opponent's body is here, they can join forces to fight. If it's just a branding, it can't be stopped at all." Chen Feng didn't care much.

Chen Feng had experienced this situation before. Although the power of the branding here is still very strong, Chen Feng can completely resist it. Later, he even directly summoned the Great Dao of the Sword to suppress and refine the power here.

"No wonder you chose to come here. There is a reason." said Wan Quan Daoist.

"Not entirely. After all, this brand is easy to find. It is not so easy to change to other places." Chen Feng explained.

"Two Daoists, we came here first. You should go somewhere else." Who knew that the two Hun Yuan above in front chose to drive away Chen Feng and the others after they found them. This must have made Chen Feng and Wan Quan Daoist feel funny.

"We haven't said that anyone who sees it will have a share. Besides, if we two hadn't come in, you two might have died here, so you should thank us." Chen Feng said with a smile. He didn't take the two Hun Yuan above seriously.

Chen Feng had always thought that it would be best if the other party continued to provoke him, so that he would have a reason to snatch this branded land.

But the other party saw that Chen Feng was so tough, and he didn't say anything more, but continued to look for the real brand of the Cangsu Sword.

However, Chen Feng's speed was faster than theirs, because Chen Feng had experience, and Chen Feng also had this level of treasure in his hand, so he soon came to a long sword.

It was the Sword of Cangsu, but it was a little illusory.

This was not the real body, but a brand.

Although it was a brand, it was the foundation of the origin.

Once it was destroyed, the Sword of Cangsu participating in the battle on the battlefield would also be affected.

Even now, the opponent must have sensed the situation here, but was trapped in the battlefield and could not return.

"The things are mine, you two leave, after all, I was here first." Before Chen Feng had time to make a move, the two Hunyuan above also arrived.

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