Eternal Existence

Chapter 4882: Entering the Origin of Taisu

Even now the shadow and the huge life were in a bad situation. The crustacean rushed forward when he saw this scene.

So the pressure on Chen Feng and the other two was even greater.

The Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Sun Swordsman were even more embarrassed. The two of them joined forces to burst out swordsmanship, and their attack power was indestructible, but they couldn't do anything to the opponent in front of them.

"This is the first time I have encountered such a powerful existence." The Seven Star Taoist said so.

"Me too, the situation this time is really too bad, and I was thinking that I could quickly solve an opponent and complete the task. Now it seems that we thought things were too simple." The Purple Sun Swordsman also said so.

The two were more worried about whether Chen Feng would take the opportunity to leave. After all, Chen Feng had completed the task. If he chose to leave now, no one could say anything.

"It would be great if there were a few more helpers." This was Chen Feng's idea. Continuing to entangle here would not be good for his side.

Because Chen Feng was also worried that the opponent would still find helpers. If there was another such a powerful existence, he really had to find a way to escape.

During the battle, Chen Feng suddenly felt a strong breath, and looked up quickly. It turned out that the Origin Gate had another existence above the Origin level.

"It's the Wheel of Destruction." The Seven Star Taoist said with some surprise.

"This is the Wheel of Destruction!" Chen Feng nodded, thinking that there was indeed a reason why the Origin Gate had found these existences to sit in the camp.

Chen Feng even wondered if the Wheel of Destruction had anything to do with the destruction creatures that had appeared before?

"Even if there is an existence, what can it do? Could it be that the other party will launch an attack?" Chen Feng said with some disdain.

Then the Wheel of Destruction rushed straight to the Origin of the Demon Origin, and a huge road was opened wherever it passed.

The Sword of the End and the Spear of All Evil, who had been suppressing the four sides, also rushed up closely, leaving only the Fallen River to sit in the camp.

"So a big battle happened." Chen Feng was a little surprised, and then surprised.

Since there are no powerful existences watching, he can use stronger means.

In this way, the battlefield will become more and more dangerous, and the fate of the existences of higher levels will easily affect the Chaotic Source. Maybe there will be some powerful beings who will attack Hunyuan directly.

"It's hard to say whether it's good or bad." Chen Feng said so.

We still have to look at the situation first and see how the situation changes.

Chen Feng was a little curious about why the wheel of destruction changed after it came.

Was it the intention of the Gate of Origin, or the fighting method of these powerful beings?

No matter which one it was, at least Chen Feng did not receive any notification.

So Chen Feng immediately communicated with the Gate of Origin.

"I have completed the task and it's time to leave now." When Chen Feng said this, he suddenly used the magic of walking to rush out of the battlefield.

Seeing that Chen Feng was no longer fighting against the giant, the Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Yang Swordsman secretly cried out that it was not good. They understood what Chen Feng was going to do.

But they couldn't leave, so they could only do their best to resist this giant.

It was that this opponent was too powerful, and the Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Yang Swordsman could not resist it at all.

The Gate of Origin did not respond.

Chen Feng asked again, but after waiting for a while, there was still no answer.

"It's really a trap. You don't even have my previous reward? If you are like this, who will fight for you?" Chen Feng sneered.

However, seeing that the situation of the Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Sun Swordsman was not good, Chen Feng returned to the battlefield.

As soon as he came up, Chen Feng used the power of the origin of the volcano.

This time, it was not just a simple withdrawal of a part, but the full power of the origin of the volcano was used.

At this moment, the origin that Chen Feng turned into exploded after compression. Did the giant expect that Chen Feng would burst out with such a powerful attack power? He was beaten back again and again.

The dangerous situation of the Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Sun Swordsman was directly resolved.

Then Chen Feng continued to attack, still using the power of the origin of the volcano. After several collisions with the giant, Chen Feng suddenly sent a message to the other party, and passed the image of the giant he met in Guixu to the other party.

Sure enough, the giant was surprised and asked Chen Feng quickly.

After seeing the other party's response, Chen Feng had a bottom line in his heart. While talking to the other party, he continued to attack.

However, although both sides were still fierce, they no longer had the intention to kill.

Finally, Chen Feng was thrown out by the giant's punch. Then the giant did not take the opportunity to chase Chen Feng, nor did he attack the Seven Star Taoists, but went to other places on the battlefield.

"What's going on?"

The Seven Star Taoists and Zi Yang Swordsman did not understand what happened, but they still surrounded them in a hurry.

"The other party may have seen that we are not easy to mess with, so they went to other battlefields. This is a good thing. I don't know where the other party came from. It is so powerful that we can't take advantage even if we join forces." Chen Feng said so.

Waves of powerful forces disrupted the battlefield, and the entire battlefield was turned upside down. The forces of the two origins were constantly colliding and dissipating, as if the deepest part of the chaos was constantly rolling, as if something was brewing.

This was a huge movement caused by the battle above the origin level.

Chen Feng looked carefully and found that all the powerful beings of the other side had participated in the battle, including those powerful beings sitting in the four directions.

"Since the Origin Gate party launched the attack first, I think they are prepared." Chen Feng also felt that the area of ​​​​the free space was constantly expanding, and a large amount of power was constantly increasing.

Chen Feng was too familiar with this situation.

Now the Origin Gate party began to gain the upper hand.

"You two, whether you can take the opportunity to kill the opponent depends on this opportunity, or whether you two Taoist friends want to do a big fight with me, let's rush directly into the opponent's origin place." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Will it be too dangerous?" The Seven Star Taoist asked hurriedly, and the Purple Sun Swordsman on the side was also a little worried.

"Where is it not dangerous? There are so many big guys fighting here. In my opinion, the same danger is better than breaking into the opponent's territory directly, and maybe there will be other gains." Chen Feng said.

"Of course, I just made a suggestion. If the two Taoist friends don't want to go, I will naturally not force it." Chen Feng said while sweeping his eyes, and then Chen Feng found that someone had the same idea as him. Several people above the Hunyuan were rushing forward in the chaos.

I don’t know whether it is for charging or taking the opportunity to kill into the opponent’s territory.

But no matter what the purpose is, the process and the result are actually similar.

Seeing that the Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Sun Swordsman were still hesitating, Chen Feng said no more, and disappeared from the spot with a flash of his body.

Chen Feng decided to take action himself. Even if he couldn't get any benefits, he had to see it.

Chen Feng chose the Taisu Origin. On the surface, Chen Feng kept charging and killing in the battlefield, which was not much different from others.

But some people saw Chen Feng's intention, and even a Hunyuan Above approached Chen Feng quickly.

"Daoyou, how about we join forces?" The Hunyuan Above who came over spoke to win over Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took a look at the other party and knew that this was a Hunyuan Above with good strength. He had used boxing to blow up an opponent in the previous war.

"Ten Thousand Fists Taoist!" Chen Feng knew the other party's name, and his strength was stronger than that of the Seven Star Taoist.

Although he didn't know whether the other party was reliable or not, Chen Feng didn't care so much, so he nodded and said: "Okay, then join forces."

"In fact, I still suggest that we go to the Demon Origin." The Wanquan Taoist said.

"Why?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Because the Origin of Demon Origin is easier to deal with. I have been to the Origin of Demon Origin before. In fact, at the beginning, the Origin Gate invaded the Origin of Demon Origin. Now we only see a part of the Origin of Demon Origin." Wan Quan Dao Ren said.

"I really didn't know that there was such a thing. It seems that going to Taisu Origin may not be a good choice." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although he said so, Chen Feng still did not change his route and went to Taisu Origin.

Not long after, the two finally rushed into Taisu Origin.

As soon as they came up, they were fiercely sniped. The other party had already figured out the doorway of the Origin Gate and had been prepared.

Chen Feng also knew that the other party was prepared. Since he chose to come here, he certainly understood this in his heart.

"Daoyou, let me see your strength. Are you qualified to join forces with me? If not, I will leave by myself." Chen Feng said so.

Wan Quan Dao Ren laughed and broke the formation in front of him with a punch. He came to a Hunyuan above in just a few steps.

The two sides began to fight fiercely.

Chen Feng was not idle either. He first used the power of the vortex origin to trap an opponent, and then the power of the volcano origin erupted, directly beating the opponent into pieces.

This scene shocked Wanquan Daoren. He didn't expect Chen Feng to solve an opponent so quickly.

This kind of fighting power is almost the same as the previous giant.

Then Wanquan Daoren was also ruthless in his heart, and he used his means repeatedly, and finally beat back the opponent.

At this time, Chen Feng severely injured another Hunyuan, but he didn't solve the opponent like before.

"Let's go, don't be surrounded by the opponent." Chen Feng said so.

In fact, the two of them made a lot of noise, and Chen Feng had already felt the lock from the origin will.

But since he came here, there is no reason to retreat.

At this time, the Gate of Origin has the upper hand, and this good opportunity must not be missed.

"Daoyou is so powerful, you really don't need to join forces with me, but I see that there is, it should be with the help of external forces." Wanquan Daoren said.

"I did use other forces, and my own strength alone is definitely not as good as Daoyou's." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Do you have any goals, fellow Daoist?" Taoist Wan Quan asked.

"I would like to collect this origin, but I can't do it at all, so let's go find other resources." Chen Feng said.

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