Eternal Existence

Chapter 4878 Dangerous War

"What a spectacular scene, it makes my blood boil." said the Seven Star Taoist.

"I felt a strong pressure, the two warring parties were too powerful, it turned out that we were really at the bottom, and those who suppressed the four directions were completely beyond the Hunyuan." Ziyang Swordsman said.

"That is not life in the ordinary sense, but the top treasure evolved at the beginning of the birth of the origin, or the supreme existence evolved by the rules. If you really use the level to describe it, it is an existence beyond the origin level." Chen Feng said.

"I still know some of this kind of existence. I have encountered some before. I wonder if I can see it here." said the Seven Star Taoist.

"Oh, really." Chen Feng became interested, wondering which one the Seven Star Taoist met.

"It's the Wheel of Destruction." said the Seven Star Taoist.

Chen Feng nodded. He had never heard of it, but it was not here at all.

However, Chen Feng looked at the powerful people on the side of the Gate of Origin, and countless thoughts came to his mind.

The Sword of the End, the Spear of All Evil, and the Fallen River are all evil and dark attributes.

The existence of this kind of attribute is generally extremely powerful. It is not that Chen Feng has never encountered this kind of existence before, such as the Evil Swamp. At this time, Chen Feng was thinking about whether the Spear of Evil had anything to do with the Evil Swamp.

But most of the existences that Chen Feng encountered, such as the Long River of Time, the Gate of Time and Space, and the Source of Creation, were relatively normal.

Chen Feng thought that these should be some existences specially selected by the Gate of Origin, because they are more aggressive and are perfect for invading other origin areas.

"I don't know how many existences of this level there are in the Gate of Origin. It feels more than I thought. And this time, the war seems to be initiated by the Gate of Origin. The two origins are just passively resisting. In this way, the Gate of Origin is constantly getting stronger, not only because of the invasion of the Long River of Time, but also because this free space is so huge. There must be something I don't understand." Chen Feng thought so.

"Daoyou, I know you are powerful, but we still have to be careful next time. Don't separate in the war. If one person commits suicide alone, it is easy to die on the battlefield." The crustacean reminded Chen Feng.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on. I've experienced this kind of situation a lot." Chen Feng nodded.

Even if there was no existence beyond the origin level, Chen Feng would not rush up rashly. After all, Chen Feng's true strength was only equivalent to that of an ordinary Hunyuan.

Moreover, in the original invasion of Guixu, Chen Feng and others were actually on the defensive all the time, and they did not fight back against Guixu at all. Even if they kept advancing, they were advancing under the power of the long river of time.

Besides, without knowing the opponent, Chen Feng would not act rashly. After all, the level of this war was too high.

Chen Feng looked at it and saw that the Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Sun Swordsman seemed a little excited, and he couldn't help but feel funny in his heart.

These two were old seniors to him, but he didn't expect that they were just newcomers here.

"I hope everyone can survive." Chen Feng said so.

At the same time, Chen Feng was also watching the other forces on the side of the Gate of Origin. It was okay to join forces in a war of this level, but they could not be in groups like ordinary soldiers.

There were other gangs as well. Chen Feng also saw some battle formations in operation. Not only that, Chen Feng even saw a single Hunyuan holding a weapon and rushing forward.

"So brave."

Chen Feng could only admire this kind of person.

And Chen Feng also believed that the other party had enough strength. If he was not strong enough and was still so brave, then he would only be a fool, and the final result would be to become cannon fodder.




The conflict between the two sides became more and more intense, and it remained in a state of anxiety. Chen Feng could not see how much effort the two sides had put in for the time being. Chen Feng now focused on the powerful beings of the two sides in the battle.

I want to see if they will fight.

Who knows that after the collision on Hunyuan, these powerful beings are still suppressing the four directions, and have no intention of going forward to fight.

"Do you want to fight with small soldiers first, or do you want to feel the strength of the other party? After fighting many times, I think we should understand each other. Do you still use this method to test? We should go all out." Chen Feng said.

"There are at least hundreds of Hunyuan Above. Is this level of war so fierce?" said the Seven Star Taoist.

"I am also a little surprised. This should not be all. I underestimated the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng said so.

Having said that, Chen Feng quickly accepted it. Think about how many Hunyuan Above there were when he fought against Guixu, and think about how many Hunyuan Above he solved when he killed into the Origin of Fang.

When you reach a certain level, you will be exposed to more things, which you dare not think of before.

After all, when Chen Feng was weak, Hunyuan Golden Immortal was extremely rare and supreme.


A Hunyuan Above was beaten to pieces. This scene made the Seven Star Taoist and Ziyang Swordsman look at each other.

So brutal? This is just the beginning.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a small scene." Chen Feng said lightly.

"This is not a small scene." The Seven Star Taoist smiled bitterly.

"You go!"

The next moment, Chen Feng and his companions received the will wave from the Fallen River.

"What! Let us go forward and play as the vanguard." Even the Shell Monsters were a little shocked.

Participating in the war is one thing, but being the vanguard is another. Didn't you see that someone had been blown up just now?

Just as everyone was hesitating, a powerful force of displacement enveloped them.

The Fallen River directly took action, just like playing chess, and used Chen Feng and others as flags.

At this time, Chen Feng and his companions could completely break free, but no one did so.

In a war, this is a military order, and the consequences of disobeying military orders can be imagined.

So Chen Feng and his companions were directly moved to the front of the battlefield.

An unprecedented pressure came towards them, and the Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Sun Swordsman couldn't help but feel fear.

Then Chen Feng's domain was released, covering everyone.

Chen Feng used the various avenue powers coordinated by the reincarnation domain, which could normally withstand attacks above the Hunyuan.

But now it is shaky under the impact of a powerful force, and it seems that it will collapse at any time.

Chen Feng had always been very calm before, but in fact, after he really got involved, Chen Feng's heart was completely lifted.

Even if Chen Feng had some means, he might still fall here.

And Chen Feng understood that once he exposed more things, he might even attract stronger and more troubles.

So Chen Feng also planned not to move until it was absolutely necessary, and what means were there for the finale.

First rely on your own strength to fight.


Chen Feng shouted softly, and the Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Sun Swordsman came back to their senses. The three shadows who had experienced it before had already taken their positions. Under the cover of Chen Feng's domain, they formed a small battle formation, and the three of them joined forces to launch an attack.

The oncoming force in front was also directly torn apart, and an opponent who wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack in the mixed energy was exposed.


The Seven Star Taoist and the Purple Sun Swordsman sent out a sword at the same time, trying to strangle each other, but who knew that they were blocked by a thick barrier.

No matter at which level, as a swordsman, the attack power has always been top-notch.

Therefore, the fact that the attack did not work this time also surprised the Seven Star Taoist even more.

"Keep attacking."

Chen Feng commanded everyone, and he added a thick barrier to the field.

It seems that Chen Feng did not launch an attack, but he used defensive means, which actually consumed a lot of energy.

Chen Feng still didn't understand why he was targeted by the Fallen River at this time. Was it because of the strength he had shown before, or was it because he had to go through this experience as a newcomer.

In any case, he had already rushed to the most intense part of the battlefield, and Chen Feng knew that what he had to do was to find a way to survive.

Whether he could kill the opponent was actually not that important.

The three black shadows launched a wave of attacks together, breaking the thick barrier this time, and two beams of sword light took the opportunity to strangle him.

"Go all out, solve one first." Lin Feng finally launched an attack, and only saw Lin Feng stretched out his finger and a beam of extremely concentrated power shot out.

Where this beam of power passed, all obstacles in front quickly dissipated.

Lin Feng used a special corrosive power, which ordinary power could not resist at all.

Seeing that Lin Feng had opened a gap, the Seven Star Taoists and the others naturally joined forces to attack, firmly locking onto the two Hun Yuans.

This was a good opportunity. Everyone had an advantage in numbers, and they could completely kill the other party by joining forces.

However, the thick barrier appeared again. This was the third opponent. The opponent's defense method was very annoying. At least none of the Seven Star Taoists were sure to break the opponent.

They all placed their hopes on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng still pointed out with one finger, and this time he used the overlapping force.

Chen Feng also knew that a quick battle was the best choice, so he added some volcanic explosive power behind the special corrosive energy.


With a bang, the thick energy barrier broke directly, not only that, but also hurt the existence behind it.

The opportunity has come!

The Seven Star Taoists and the others joined forces to hit an opponent with one blow, and directly beat the opponent into pieces.

"Divided the opponent." The crustacean was excited.

Everyone was naturally happy to have made achievements at the beginning, and even thought that they were lucky to have met Chen Feng.

"Be careful, there are still people in the dark." Chen Feng punched out like lightning, and everything began to collapse and disappear wherever the fist passed.

A group of phantoms quickly shuttled through the chaos, and suddenly the speed suddenly increased, breaking through Chen Feng's defense in an instant, and rushed straight to Chen Feng's face.

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