Eternal Existence

Chapter 4877: War is coming

"Understood, thank you fellow Taoist for reminding me, I hope we can meet again in the future." The phantom understood the hidden meaning of Chen Feng's words, then got into the energy again, and quickly disappeared into the illusory time and space.

After waiting for the other party to leave, Jiuji couldn't help but said: "Why don't you keep the other party? This is a powerful Hunyuan superior. If we kill him, if we have enough to eat, we will be better than you. The extraction power is much better.”

Chen Feng shook his head: "It's not that easy. The other party is not coming here. If we kill the other party's clone, we may attract the other party's true body. Isn't this causing trouble for us?"

"Besides, the most important thing for us right now is to wait for Saint Tianyuan to come back and not take action if we can. In this way, we will become stronger bit by bit. I feel good about it."

"Since you think so, I won't say anything more. Be careful that the other party reappears. When the time comes, it will be the main body and come directly to trouble us." Jiuji said.

"If this is the case, it's not too late to fight again." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Jiaolong secretly asked Chen Feng: "He is really the clone of the other party."

"I feel like this, and since the other party has the guts to come directly to our territory, he must have the means to leave. There is no need to enmity with such a powerful Hunyuan superior." Chen Feng said.

"That's true. It's the best way to practice like this now. There's no need to create extraneous problems." Jiaolong also said the same.

If we had really taken action just now, we might have been able to keep the other party, but the other party was also a Hunyuan master after all. Without the Tianyuan Saint sitting in charge, who knows what jokes would come out?

Chen Feng and Jiaolong have already opened up the origin area. If it is destroyed by the other party, then the gain will really outweigh the loss for the two of them.

The Tianyuan Saint is back, but Chen Feng knows from the look on his face that he probably won't succeed this time.


The Tianyuan Saint shook his head: "Have you found out who the other party is? But I didn't solve the other party."

"Then what to do next? Will the other party cause trouble?" This is what Chen Feng is most concerned about.

"I can't be sure about this at this time." Tianyuan Saint's mood was a little low.

I thought I could get rid of the opponent quickly, but who knew that it took so long and nothing was gained.

That's not to say there's nothing to gain, at least the other party won't take action again in a short time.

The Tianyuan Saint returned to the core area to take charge.

But he didn't stay long and came out again.

There was another riot in Yuanjie.

This time it was not a will or a powerful being appearing, but the area connected by the channel began to collapse.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I extracted too much power of origin, which resulted in this area of ​​the Yuan Realm no longer having the strength to support it." The Tianyuan Saint shook his head helplessly.

Although I had considered this before, I didn't expect it to appear so quickly.

This is also related to the fact that I have been continuously extracting a large amount of origin energy during this period.

So Tianyuan Saint increased his efforts, and these broken spaces were also taken into the origin area by Tianyuan Saint.

"There shouldn't be any problem, right? Why do I feel like something is wrong?" Jiaolong said.

"It's not our turn to worry about these things. All we have to do is expand the origin area a little bit." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Even if there is a problem, it is the Tianyuan Saint who is worried.

At first, Tianyuan Saint was able to collect some of the collapsed space, but later, because the scale of space collapse was too great.

The expansion speed of the origin area opened by Tianyuan Saint was too slow, so the passage had to be extended.

Originally this was nothing, but the collapsed Yuan Realm produced powerful destructive power, and the Tianyuan Saint was unable to perfectly suppress it.

As a result, some energy eroded into the origin area opened up by Tianyuan Saint.

Tianyuan Saint was a little depressed. He had previously thought of leaving this area and finding a new place if he had to, but now it seems that he has to move ahead of schedule.

Of course, there are other ways to do it.

So the Tianyuan Saint took back the passage, no longer plundering the origin power of the Yuan Realm, and then concentrated more power to plunder the power of the Void Illusion and the Valley of the Abyss.

"This is also a good choice." Chen Feng said.

Anyway, these three places are origin areas. There is no problem in choosing a place to plunder the power of origin. However, in this way, I am afraid that the same situation as the original will occur in the Ancient Abyss and the Illusion of Nothingness.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's guess was right.

Not long after, the area on the side of the Void Illusion was the first to collapse, and Chen Feng had no choice but to move his own area.

Then concentrate your efforts to plunder the Valley of Multiple Abyss.

The Valley of the Natural Abyss did not last long and began to collapse.

"It seems like we really have to change places." Jiaolong said.

So Tianyuan Saint urged the origin area to start moving farther away.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong naturally followed closely, and at the same time they continued to control the origin area, hoping to make the origin area more stable without expansion.

"Can we find such a good place next time?" Chen Feng asked.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. It took me a long time to find this area, but it doesn't matter. Since the origin area will collapse, let's plunder it bit by bit." Tianyuan Saint said.

Then everyone did not run very far, and stopped again when they reached a place where there was no collapse, and then the Tianyuan Saint spent his means again to open a passage.

This also takes some time and cost.

But it's all worth it in order to continue to expand the origin area.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong were not idle either. Instead, they imitated the methods of the Tianyuan Saint, and similarly opened up two smaller passages.

During this process, I made a comparison and found that the origin areas opened up by myself and Jiaolong together were less than one ten thousandth of the origin area of ​​Tianyuan Saint.

This is only the scale seen on the surface. The inner core of Tianyuan Saint's origin area is stronger and more stable, which Chen Feng and Jiaolong cannot match.

This also shows that Tianyuan Saint has laid the foundation and made a lot of preparations before. Chen Feng and Jiaolong have just started, so it is not bad to achieve such an achievement.

Then everyone's luck seemed to run out.

Not long after the channel was formed, and before it had time to collect much power, a powerful will swept over.

This is the will from the illusion of nothingness.

Chen Feng and Jiao Long were the first to bear the brunt and were unable to withstand it, causing their control over the origin area to be affected.

Then Jiuji was also attacked. After all, he was still above Hunyuan, but he also retreated continuously under the impact of this powerful will.

Although the impact on Tianyuan Saint is not too great, it cannot continue to absorb the origin energy.

"Why is there such a strong will of origin here? Could it be that it is being targeted by the other party?" said the Tianyuan Saint.

This seems to be the only result.

After the opponent launched an attack, he did not appear again, but Tianyuan Saint understood that if he continued to take action and continued to collect the power of the origin of the void illusion, he would still be attacked by the opponent.

"You can only change the direction."

Saint Tianyuan had no choice but to cut off the passage, and then set his sights on the Valley of the Abyss.

This time, we were lucky. As the origin energy of the Valley of the Abyss was constantly being plundered, that situation did not occur.

Everything seems to be going relatively smoothly.

After absorbing the previous lessons, this time everyone collected power not very fast, and the Tianyuan Saint was also using the origin area to slowly integrate with the time and space of the Abyss Valley.

In this way, more origin energy can be collected without causing the opponent to collapse.

Constantly changing directions is also a huge drain on Tianyuan Sheng. Such constant running around also affects his own practice.

"I have an idea. We can slowly go deep into the Valley of the Abyss, just like your Gate of Origin invasion. It's just that we need to slow down a bit and do it more secretly. Of course, there will definitely be hidden dangers. , it may attract powerful existences," said the Tianyuan Saint.

"It's really an interesting thing. Originally I just wanted to secretly collect some origin energy to expand my territory, but now it has turned into a large-scale invasion. Of course, the result is the same." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The reason why Tianyuan Saint chose the Ancient Abyss is because the Valley of the Abyss comes from Guixu. The will here is relatively scattered and the threat is smaller than in the illusion of nothingness.

And this is just an attempt. If there is really no other way, use other methods.

"Invade an origin, or invade in this way? I really haven't thought about it. I thought this was what the origin existed to do, but now we are trying it in advance." Jiuji said with a smile.

At first, Jiuji joined this group out of desperation, and he had some thoughts later in the process. However, as he tasted the benefits, Jiuji's thoughts changed.

I thought that this might not be a bad choice.

What's more, the one who invaded the Yuan Realm this time is not the Yuan Realm, so there is no need to worry about being targeted when returning to the Yuan Realm in the future.

However, there are risks. Maybe a powerful existence like the River of Power will appear in the Valley of the Abyss, and everyone will need to work together to deal with it.

If the opponent is too powerful, it may directly crush Chen Feng and others, and even the origin area will be shattered.

So then Tianyuan Saint and others used various deception methods and invaded bit by bit carefully.

Constantly absorbing the origin energy of the Valley of the Abyss, once it has collected to a certain extent, it will continue to move, change places, and continue to collect.

This will not cause the space of the Valley of the Abyss to collapse. The premise is that constant movement is required. As more and more origin energy is absorbed, one has to keep going deeper into the Valley of the Abyss.

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