Eternal Existence

Chapter 4869: The Powerful Giant

For Chen Feng, this kind of thing was just a small episode.

Chen Feng had no intention of hunting the other party. After all, he was also a Hunyuan Above, and it was not so easy to kill him.

As long as the other party stopped bothering him, it would be fine.

As a result, Chen Feng met another existence not long after he left.

They were two Hunyuan Above from Guixu. The other party seemed to have destroyed a life area before and got some benefits. They had just divided it up and then met Chen Feng.

At first, they also thought that Chen Feng was from Guixu, but these two Hunyuan Above seemed to have their own cognitive methods and could see that Chen Feng did not belong to Guixu.

So there was no more talk and they directly attacked Chen Feng.

Of course, Chen Feng would not fight with the other party. After a brief fight, Chen Feng got rid of the two.

"I didn't expect this origin area to become more and more chaotic. Now the power of Guixu is still invading. It seems that this origin area will become history, just like the silent origin areas I encountered before." Chen Feng has seen the fate of this origin area.

Under the coverage of such a powerful force of Guixu, it is useless even if this origin is larger.

Although Chen Feng was advancing cautiously, he was also worried about whether he would be discovered by both sides.

At this time, Chen Feng had seen the momentum of Guixu's invasion from afar and knew that he could not continue.

So he chose to leave this origin area.

But when Chen Feng walked out of this origin area, he naturally encountered the mighty energy of Guixu.

There were also powerful lives on the Guixu side guarding here.

Chen Feng immediately felt that he was being targeted, but he could not return at this point, so Chen Feng broke a path and rushed into Guixu.

The will of Guixu appeared and locked Chen Feng firmly, and two powerful lives also targeted Chen Feng.

Not only that, Chen Feng also felt a stronger sense of crisis.

Only the existence above the origin in the complete state can reach this point.

Chen Feng wanted to enter the origin area to see the excitement and take the opportunity to get some benefits. As a result, Chen Feng did get some benefits, but Chen Feng was not very satisfied with the development of things.

If Chen Feng wanted to get more benefits, he had to think about entering other origin areas through that origin area.

Compared to taking risks in Guixu, Chen Feng wanted to see the new origin area.

"Could it be that I have to choose to go back this time? But I have to get rid of these troubles first." Chen Feng is already very familiar with escaping in Guixu.

Moreover, the scale of Guixu is large enough, Chen Feng can escape everywhere without any worries, provided that he does not get unlucky and encounter a stronger existence all of a sudden.

Guixu's will is not too strong, and the only role it can play is to lock Chen Feng's direction.

This is not difficult for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng found an opportunity to burst out the power of chaos, and took the opportunity to use the means of concealing the sky and the sea.

Next, he needs to get rid of Hunyuan.

For opponents of this level, Chen Feng is not too worried, but the strong sense of crisis still has not disappeared.

Chen Feng is still unable to determine what kind of existence the other party is.

Because Chen Feng did not detect any familiar breath, that is to say, he has never dealt with it before.

In this case, the other party is completely unfamiliar to Chen Feng, which is very disadvantageous to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't have a good solution now. He could only try his best to change his position in Guixu, thinking that it would be great if he could find a deserted origin area.

In this way, he could ignite the other party and cause great turmoil.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng was a little confused. After the previous adventure, Chen Feng also saw that the invasion momentum of Guixu was still very fierce.

Not only the power of Guixu itself, but also a large number of powerful lives.

Since the expansion is so rapid, why are there so many origin areas that have not been completely refined inside Guixu?

Or are those origin areas already silent and can't cause any impact at all.

Although Chen Feng couldn't figure it out, the power of Guixu was real.

The hidden powerful existence finally made a move, and it was ahead of Hunyuan.

At the moment when the other party made a move, Chen Feng felt the will of Guixu that reappeared.

Under the double lock, Chen Feng had nowhere to escape.

Chen Feng knew that he needed to break the situation in front of him, so he suddenly stopped.

This time, Chen Feng used the power of the origin of corrosive energy. The powerful force swept out directly, blocking the attack of the powerful existence, and at the same time launched an attack on the two Hunyuan Above.

Chen Feng suddenly stopped and launched an attack on all opponents. This scene shocked the two Hunyuan Above, especially when they saw Chen Feng using the origin of corrosive energy.

They thought Chen Feng was an existence beyond Hunyuan Above.

Who knew that Chen Feng just simply burst out, then put away his power and fled from here again.

But Chen Feng didn't run far, and the opponent continued to chase him.

In this way, Chen Feng lost his sense of direction again. Now he wanted to return to the Abyss Valley. I don't know how much effort it would take.

It made Chen Feng very depressed, but he didn't regret it in his heart. Since he had made a choice before, he also thought of this situation.

Now that it has appeared, the worst thing is to return to the previous bad situation.

What's more, it is much better now than before. After all, Chen Feng still has some powerful existences in his hands.

If it really comes to the point where his life is in danger, the worst that can happen is that these origins will explode.

Chen Feng believes that even if the existence exceeds the origin level, it cannot stop these origins from exploding.

Just as Chen Feng and the other party were running away and chasing each other, a huge fist suddenly appeared.

With just one punch, a person above the Hunyuan level was smashed into pieces.

The fist appeared again, and another person above the Hunyuan level was also solved.

In Chen Feng's shocked eyes, the fist turned into a palm, first quickly fought with the magic weapon above the origin level, and then the palm grabbed fiercely, disrupting the heavenly secrets, and the will of Guixu that had been firmly locked on Chen Feng dissipated.

Although he didn't know who helped him, Chen Feng still seized the opportunity and left this place.

In Chen Feng's mind, the other party was so powerful that it should be easy to find him.

Sure enough, a giant appeared in front of Chen Feng not long after.

Chen Feng immediately knew that the other party had saved him, and hurried forward to express his gratitude. At the same time, Chen Feng was very shocked.

This should be the most powerful Hunyuan above he had encountered so far.

Because this is a life, but it can fight with magic weapons above the origin level.

To be honest, this life has reached a realm above the origin level.

Even the Tianyuan Saint is not as powerful as the other party, and even if the Tianyuan Saint uses his own origin, he may not be the opponent of the people around him.

Chen Feng is not sure whether the giant in front of him has opened up his own origin.

Of course, everyone has different ways of practice, and maybe the one in front of him is taking another path of practice.

"Are you from the Gate of Origin? I feel the breath of the Long River of Time from you." The giant said.

"Yes, but there is also time in other origin areas. Can you confirm that I am from the Gate of Origin by this point?" Chen Feng said with some curiosity.

If the other party felt the breath of the Gate of Origin on me, then I can still make sense, but the other party mentioned the Long River of Time.

"I have dealt with the Long River of Time before, and the time is different in different origin areas." The giant said.

"I don't know where you are from, you won't come from our Gate of Origin, right?" Chen Feng asked with a smile, and at the same time secretly guessed the true strength of the other party.

"Although I was not born in the Gate of Origin, I have some relationship with it. I once left some inheritance in the Gate of Origin, but that was a long time ago. In the recent few calamities, I have been wandering in Guixu. When I saw you being hunted by Guixu, I took action." The giant said.

"For Daoyou, it may be a very simple thing, but it is still quite troublesome for me. Those guys are chasing me. If I continue, I might be entangled by them." Chen Feng said.

"What are your plans next? Guixu is very chaotic recently. With your current strength, it is better not to run around. It is better to return to the Gate of Origin." The giant said.

"I also want to go back, but now I have lost my direction, and this place is extremely far from where I want to go back." Chen Feng said.

"If you want to go back, I can help you." The giant said.

"Then trouble Daoyou." Chen Feng wanted to communicate with the other party more, but seeing the other party's appearance, he seemed to want to leave in a hurry, so Chen Feng also seized the opportunity.

Then a scene that surprised Chen Feng appeared. The giant actually pulled out some time power from himself. As these time powers entered the depths of Guixu, another beam of time power emerged from the depths of Guixu soon.

The shadow of the long river of time slowly penetrated, and Chen Feng knew that he could directly return to the free space, or even to the depths of the Gate of Origin.

This shocked Chen Feng very much. What kind of method is this?

But he can leave now. When he thought about leaving Guixu, Chen Feng hesitated for a moment.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng has been in Guixu for a long time. Just practicing is a long time, so Chen Feng also wants to go back and take a look. It's just the right opportunity to return to the free space and the wild universe.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist, goodbye, fellow Daoist, we will meet again." Chen Feng expressed his feelings again, and then stepped into the shadow of the long river of time.

Chen Feng didn't worry about the other party calculating him at all, because there was no need. The other party was so powerful that if he really attacked him, he would not be his opponent at all. Besides, the long river of time in front of him was not fake. Chen Feng had established a connection with the long river of time.

So they soon arrived at the free space, very close to the Gate of Origin. Chen Feng could even feel the existence of the Gate of Origin.

As long as Chen Feng wanted to, he could enter the Gate of Origin. This made Chen Feng feel interesting. He didn't expect that the giant's method was so amazing.

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