Eternal Existence

Chapter 4868: Taiyi Gate

Then the Divine Mountain and the Volcano Origin also devoured a Hunyuan Above, and so far, the only one left is the Hunyuan Above who had dealt with Chen Feng.

Things changed too quickly, and the situation changed drastically in a short period of time.

The six Hunyuan Above who had originally had the upper hand ended up in such a situation.

This is not an ordinary life, but a top existence among lives.

There is also Guixu as a backer behind.

As an invader, he rushed around in the origin area and joined forces to deal with an existence above the origin level.

And it was about to succeed.

From the beginning to now, these six Hunyuan Above paid a lot, but in the end they paid with their lives.


The Hunyuan Above who had dealt with Chen Feng still didn't believe the facts in front of him, but he still rushed towards Chen Feng at the first time.

But he thought that as long as he could take down Chen Feng, everything could be saved, although this hope was slim.

Sure enough, Lin Feng suddenly retreated, avoided the opponent's momentum, and punched out with a bang.

This punch was not only Chen Feng's own power, but also the power of his own origin, and the power began to increase linearly.

The two sides collided once, and the person who rushed up suddenly flew backwards.

He was not Chen Feng's opponent in a head-on collision.

Chen Feng chased him and continued to punch, and finally blew up the person who was above the Hunyuan.

Then Chen Feng mainly suppressed the opponent in the origin of corrosive energy.

The six Hunyuan disappeared without a trace in a short time.

Chen Feng stretched out his palm and grabbed the sacred mountain. The sacred mountain naturally wanted to resist, but Chen Feng used all the power of the origin to suppress the opponent.

It turned out that it was not that the sacred mountain and Chen Feng reached an agreement, but that Chen Feng did not encounter danger when he was pulled into the interior of the sacred mountain by the sacred mountain.

Or if there was danger, it was blocked by Chen Feng.

In this way, Chen Feng was also taking a risk at the beginning. If there was no threat from outside, Chen Feng would enter the interior of the sacred mountain and it would be more troublesome in the opponent's territory.

However, in order to deal with the six Hunyuan above outside, there was no extra force to deal with Chen Feng.

This gave Chen Feng an opportunity.

In the end, Shenshan and the six Hunyuan above fought to a situation where both sides were injured, and Chen Feng jumped out to take action.

This is not just taking advantage of the situation.

This is a mantis catching a cicada, while the oriole is behind.

Chen Feng seized the opportunity very well, and the most important thing is that his strength is sufficient. If there were no volcanic origin and other means, Chen Feng himself would not dare to participate.

Let alone such a powerful Shenshan, these Hunyuan above alone can tear Chen Feng into pieces.

Now Chen Feng has gained too much.

Not only the Shenshan that he got, but also the six Hunyuan above have become Chen Feng's resources.

So far, Chen Feng has not only the energy tower, a treasure that transcends the origin, but also a Shenshan.

Chen Feng began to think about whether to merge the Shenshan he controls with the newly obtained Shenshan this time.

The Shenshan in his hand is only at the origin level. Even if it is the peak of the origin level, there is a big gap compared with the Shenshan in front of him.

But now is not the time to think about those things. What Chen Feng has to do is whether to leave this place or not?

This is the first time that Chen Feng has encountered such a big harvest. Even if he followed the Time River before, they didn't have such a big hand.

Think about it, six mountains above Hunyuan and one mountain above Origin all fell into Chen Feng's hands.

It is enough to make up for Chen Feng's previous consumption, and even more.

In Chen Feng's opinion, this mountain alone is enough.


Just after Chen Feng received all the benefits, two forces came through time and space.

One side came from Guixu, and the other side came from this Origin area.

Both forces are very strong.

At first, Chen Feng thought that both sides launched an attack on him, but when the power approached, Chen Feng turned into a strange color.

It turned out that this was the power rewarded to him by both sides.

The Origin side thought that they had solved six invaders, and the Guixu side had solved a powerful mountain.

Both sides recognized Chen Feng as their own and gave Chen Feng a great reward.

This made Chen Feng very funny. As the power entered his body, Chen Feng's mana cultivation level rose steadily.

According to Chen Feng's calculation, he could easily increase his cultivation by two kalpas this time.

This is much better than practicing hard.

The most important thing is the benefits he got before.

"It's normal to say, after all, I also made great efforts, but this also shows that the will of both sides cannot really see through the slightest detail. In this way, no matter which side I kill, I will get benefits." Chen Feng laughed.

It turns out that not only do I have to rob resources in person, but there are also subsequent rewards after success.

In this way, it is simply killing two birds with one stone.

"I thought I was going to run away, but now it seems that there is no need to run away." Chen Feng suddenly disappeared from the spot. When he appeared again, he was not far away. He punched hard, the space exploded, and a powerful Hunyuan rolled out in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

It turned out that there were still people watching the excitement in secret, but the other party did not seize the good opportunity. Now that he was discovered by Chen Feng, this Hunyuan of course did not dare to stay, turned around and ran, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head. In fact, his current state is not as good as before. Whether it is the newly acquired Shenshan or the six Hunyuan Above, he needs to spend a lot of power to suppress it.

In other words, the strength he can burst out now is difficult to really kill a Hunyuan Above. If the opponent stays and continues to entangle, it is hard to say who will win or lose.

It’s just that the scene of Chen Feng’s previous solution to Shenshan and the six Hunyuan Above was too terrifying. This Hunyuan Above naturally didn’t dare to take risks. He even thought that Chen Feng was a powerful existence hidden so deeply. If he met him in the future, he would quickly hide far away.

The opponent not only saw Chen Feng’s strength, but also saw Chen Feng’s insidious means.

Such people are the most difficult to deal with.

After repelling the Hunyuan Above, Chen Feng did not leave immediately, but wandered around again, and at the same time performed the insight technique to observe the four directions and saw the situation of the two warring parties.

In fact, the entire origin area is extremely chaotic now. Chen Feng doesn’t even need to watch carefully to feel the powerful forces from both sides constantly raging.

There are also many Hunyuan from Guixu who are invading this origin area.

Of course, there are also some Hunyuan in this origin area, and there are several powerful beings above the origin.

But Chen Feng has always been curious. This time, there is no existence above the origin level on the Guixu side.

Where did all the powerful beings above the Hunyuan go?

But this is also a good thing. For Chen Feng, if Guixu uses too much power, it may soon destroy this origin, and maybe he will not get any benefits.

In this way, the two sides are evenly matched, which is the best situation for an existence like himself who wants to fish in troubled waters.

"But I still have to be careful. Now I haven't found me. On the one hand, I am on guard, and on the other hand, I can't draw more power. If both sides have extra manpower, they will definitely come to deal with me." After thinking of this, Chen Feng suddenly disappeared from the spot.

This time, Chen Feng used means to open up a small cave, which may not be hidden from the investigation of those who are interested, but Chen Feng wants to buy himself some time. Once someone comes to find it, he can also detect it in advance.

"I got too many benefits before, and it will take a long time to completely refine them. In this way, I can't use all my strength to fight against the next trouble. In fact, choosing to leave now is the best way." Chen Feng thought.

However, Chen Feng was not idle. On the one hand, he refined the previous gains, and on the other hand, he released some clones to explore the situation of this origin.

However, clones need to be careful. Some places can only be seen from a distance. If you get too close, you will be crushed to pieces.

Moreover, the scale of this origin area is large enough. Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng's clones may not be able to walk through it even if they spend their entire lives.

Now under Chen Feng's command, they only need to go to some places where wars have taken place.

As for those ordinary life areas, even if there are some resources, Chen Feng doesn't look down on them.

Chen Feng's vision has become higher, and only those above Hunyuan can barely let him take action.

In Guixu, Chen Feng directly plundered the origin area, which led to some differences in Chen Feng's vision and strength.

Chen Feng also understood this, but he did not change it. Of course, if there were some good resources, Chen Feng would also collect them and bring them back to the Savage Universe for his people to use.

For Chen Feng, collecting these ordinary resources was too simple.

When one of Chen Feng's clones was broken, Chen Feng did not take it to heart, but when the second and third clones disappeared out of thin air, Chen Feng had to pay more attention.

Chen Feng knew that he was being targeted by someone after a simple calculation.

According to Chen Feng's speculation, the other party only attacked his clones, but did not come to find his original body. There must be a reason.

Since the other party can find these clones one by one, it is possible to find the original body by spending some means.

"Could it be that they deliberately led me out and ambushed me?" Chen Feng tried to use the causal technique, but he did not find the other party. What is it?

But Chen Feng was sure that someone was targeting him.

"I'm afraid the other party doesn't know me, so he uses this method to test me, or is it really a coincidence?" Chen Feng shook his head. He would not believe in coincidence.

After all, two clones just died.

If it were the same as before, Chen Feng would definitely be angry. These clones are equivalent to himself, and he spent a lot of effort to differentiate them. If they were destroyed by the other party, they would need to cultivate back little by little.

More importantly, the other party was clearly provoking him by doing this.

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