Eternal Existence

Chapter 4840: Special Cultivation Method

"Sure enough, the plans are not as good as the changes. Things and developments are really unexpected. This is a good thing for me. It seems that this is one of the rewards of participating." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Something is not good." Just when Chen Feng was silent in this stable state, trouble came from the Tianyuan Saint.

You can imagine what level of power it is that can cause trouble to people. The previous Hunyuan people did not avoid being suppressed by the Tianyuan Saint.

This time, Tianyuan Saint was actually targeted by the will of Yuanjie.

This is also something that Chen Feng and Jiaolong have always found strange. That is that they encountered some beings and thunder tribulations from the origin area, but Tianyuan Saint has not encountered them, and they just stole the Yuanjie bit by bit. The power to expand itself.

It's as if there are no powerful beings in the Yuan Realm.

Originally, Chen Feng and Jiaolong thought that Tianyuan Saint was a powerful being from the original world, and they must have been prepared beforehand.

Only now do we know that it turns out that the Tianyuan Saint used a method to deceive the Yuanjie.

Now this method seems to have some loopholes.

"It is said that the Yuan Realm is at war on two sides. There should be no extra strength to participate in this matter." Chen Feng said.

Tianyuan Saint shook his head: "I have a bad premonition. As I said before, Yuanjie is more powerful than you think. Although there is a war on both sides, there is still no problem if some forces are mobilized to deal with me. of."

"Then what should we do next? Should we change places?" Chen Feng looked at the origin area opened by Tianyuan Saint, thinking that such a large area would not be so easy to take away.

"Actually, my reason tells me that it is the best choice to leave now and hide for a while before reappearing. It may avoid being discovered by Yuanjie, but I am really unwilling to leave like this. I have spent a lot of money here. Kung Fu, some people really won’t be willing to leave now,” said Saint Tianyuan.

Chen Feng naturally understood what Tianyuan Sage said. This was a powerful Hunyuan master, and he could not bear the temptation.

If it were him, he would definitely not want to leave.

Even now, with the constant plundering of the power from the illusion of nothingness, the area of ​​​​its origin has to expand in circles.

Chen Feng will have new insights every moment.

My own practice is progressing by leaps and bounds. Even if I know there is danger, I don't want to leave until I have to.

"Let's wait and see, and I also thought about this situation. Even if I leave, it's not a big deal." Tianyuan Saint comforted himself.

But soon, the next change of events occurred beyond Sage Tianyun's expectation.

A powerful Hunyuan Shang came over from the Yuan Realm.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng actually smiled.

The result of Tianyuan Saint's doing this is also to weaken the power of Yuanjie, and the invasion of the Gate of Time and Space will become more and more successful.

Of course Chen Feng would not say this.

It shouldn't be a big problem if someone above Hunyuan comes. For Tianyuan Saint, this is also a good thing, and he can completely solve the opponent.

You are already stealing the power of the Yuan Realm anyway, why are you still worried about killing another Hunyuan Superior?

The main thing is that it doesn't matter if you say you didn't see it, but you just took action to collect it when you just left the origin area.

Chen Feng naturally didn't believe it was a coincidence.

"It still has some effect on our practice, but Taoist friend has also been to that place just now. I still really don't know. This is a coincidence. If Taoist friend needs it, I will take out that life area. "This person above Hunyuan seems to be quite easy to talk to.

But Chen Feng waved his hand: "There is no need for this. Since it is a coincidence, forget it. I just feel a little curious."

"Then goodbye, we will see you later."

Chen Feng didn't want to communicate more with the other party, and then left the place quickly.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng himself felt a little strange. Everyone came from the Gate of Origin. Logically speaking, they should have a good exchange with each other. Maybe they would even get together and form a good alliance partner.

But Chen Feng had an inner rejection of this person.

Chen Feng knew it was definitely the reason, but he hadn't found it out yet.

"Otherwise, let the river of time suppress the other party and ask about it." Chen Feng had such an idea, but then he shook his head.

Next, Chen Feng had some ideas, so he found another life area.

The scale of this life area is not small, and there are some Hunyuan Golden Immortal level beings in it.

Chen Feng came here and stayed for a while.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to leave a clone here, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do so.

So Chen Feng left this strange area after a while.

When Chen Feng came back again, the origin area also disappeared, and there were still some power fluctuations around it.

Looking at the huge empty area in front of him, which was being submerged bit by bit by Guixu's power, Chen Feng fell silent, and Chen Feng felt increasingly weird in his heart.

"What on earth is going on?"

Then Chen Feng used the art of cause and effect and easily found a faint line of cause and effect.

This line of cause and effect is related to that person above Hunyuan.

"Sure enough, there is still a problem. I just don't know where the problem lies. What is the purpose of the other party's doing this? If it is really bad for me, just take action. A dignified Hunyuan, do you have so little confidence in yourself? ?" Chen Feng said curiously.

But this time Chen Feng didn't want to speculate anymore, nor did he want to pretend that he didn't know anything.

So Chen Feng quickly found the Hunyuan over there, and without saying a word, he punched it down hard.

Even if this punch was above Hunyuan, it would be impossible to directly withstand it.

Sure enough, this Hunyuan Shang chose to avoid.

Chen Feng's fist force exploded with a bang, but it did not dissipate in all directions. Instead, it relied on the place of explosion to condense back into one point and continued to lock on this Hunyuan Shang.

"Fellow Taoist, why is this happening?" The Hunyuan Shang said softly, while reaching out to block Chen Feng's attack.

"Senior has great strength. I would like to ask for some advice. I hope senior can give me some advice." Chen Feng said as he stepped in front of the opponent and still punched hard.

"It's easy to say, since fellow Taoist has this idea, then I also want to see what fellow Taoist can do." This Hunyuan master said with a smile. With a squeeze of his palm, Chen Feng can crush the fist power of a land of life. In this way, it was resolved by the other party.

In the following confrontation, Chen Feng saw how powerful the opponent was.

As expected, he was above Hunyuan walking around in the ruins.

The opponent came from the Gate of Origin, and might have been above Hunyuan before entering Guixu. Who knows how long he has been wandering in Guixu.

To be able to survive is definitely not an ordinary person.

Since the opponent did not use all his methods, Chen Feng knew that he was no match for the opponent with his own strength alone.

Of course, Chen Feng also has some judgments about this person's strength above Hunyuan.

It is not as good as the Tianyuan Saint, but it is not at the lowest level among Hunyuan and is stronger than Jiuji.

Of course, this is just Chen Feng's rough judgment, and it is possible that the other party is hiding something.

But Chen Feng is not afraid, and he is not without means.

What Chen Feng wants to understand is what is the other party's intention? If it's really not good for you, just take action earlier.

Why do some weird things happen?

From the causal line between the two, Chen Feng was able to determine that the other party was indeed planning something. He did not deliberately stir up trouble when he took action against the other party this morning.

"It turns out that my little friend is really the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. I have rarely seen such a powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortal in my long years of practice." The Hunyuan Master said with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist's strength is also extraordinary. If you can enter the realm above Hunyuan, you are considered to be the top existence no matter where you originate. What I am more curious about now is what is the purpose of fellow Taoist? Why don't you just say it directly and let me Listen." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It's not impossible to say it, either fellow Taoist will fall into my hands, or I will fall into fellow daoist's hands." The Hunyuan Shang said.

"It seems that the fight between us is inevitable. I think we haven't had any festivals before." Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Where do you have so many festivals in practice? It's just to make yourself stronger. Don't fellow Taoists understand such things as robbery?" said the Hunyuan Shang.

"I don't care what the purpose of the fellow conduit is. I'm afraid I'll be disappointed this time. And you hit the iron plate this time. It seems that you are not proficient in calculation. Otherwise, I will know how much trouble you have caused this time." The trouble may cost you several calamities of hard work.”

As he spoke, Chen Feng instantly came to the front of the Hunyuan Shang. As he punched out, avenues of avenues extended from his body, turning into huge pillars and intertwined into a net, shrouding the Hunyuan Shang in it.

Chen Feng used all his strength this time, just to see how powerful he could be.

Chen Feng's sudden outburst shocked the Hunyuan Master, and his previously calm expression became a little solemn.

"Sure enough, I didn't misjudge you. My previous perception was correct. If I take you down, I can better perfect my path." The eyes of this Hunyuan Shang burst out with surprise again.

"Although I don't know what method you used, you have listed me as your target. If you only eat a little, you will be dead." Chen Feng said with a smile.


Da Dao burst out with powerful power, and under Chen Feng's guidance, he firmly locked onto the opponent.

After all, this is not one avenue. Each avenue has been cultivated to a very high level by Chen Feng. At this time, they all broke out. Chen Feng thought that even those above Hunyuan would be difficult to catch up.

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