Eternal Existence

Chapter 4839: Fellow Villager with a Purpose

This is a powerful source of vitality, which also contains the power of creation and origin.

So this covered origin area finally had some fluctuations.

Although the fluctuations are very weak, it also shows that this origin area is not completely dead and can still be revived.

But this is very troublesome and requires a lot of cost. Even this powerful origin-level existence needs to work together to do this.

And it is hard to say whether it will succeed.

At this time, the Sword of Nothingness is still relying on its own edge to cut the time and space of Guixu, just to expose this origin area more.

The power of time is also constantly washing, and there is a vigorous vitality.

"In this case, the greater the cost." Chen Feng thought, looking at the vitality that kept coming in, Chen Feng was also secretly surprised. So many good things, just use that origin area, if it doesn't work, it will be a big loss.

Then the fourth force appeared. Chen Feng was very familiar with this force. It was the power of the free space, that is, the power of the Gate of Origin.

Is this to make this place an invasion site? Isn't it a little farther away, so there is no fear of being directly invaded by Guixu?

After that, all the efforts were wasted.

In Chen Feng's opinion, it is understandable to open up an invasion area at the edge of Guixu, but if it is deep in Guixu, it is easy to be covered by Guixu again, which is really not worth the loss.

Of course, since there is a covered origin area here, if a part of it can be resurrected, it can compete with Guixu, which can also involve some of Guixu's power and reduce the pressure on other origins.

Chen Feng now understands more and more what the Sword of Nothingness is going to do, so Chen Feng is also more surprised that these powerful beings from different origin areas have united to calculate Guixu.

Of course, this must be because of too much pressure. Otherwise, if Guixu is allowed to invade, it will affect other major origins at that time.

Doing this in advance is indeed a good action strategy.

The power of the Yuanjie and the Void Illusion also appeared. As a result, the power of Guixu was dismantled faster and faster, and an origin area that did not belong to Guixu appeared.

There was no power from the Abyss Valley. Chen Feng knew that this was because the Abyss Valley itself was severely damaged and had no extra power to release.

"In fact, they chose to revive this origin area. I think this origin is also valuable enough." Chen Feng naturally believed in the vision of the Sword of Nothingness.

So Chen Feng did not think too much, but seized the opportunity to participate in the process of origin revival.

This opportunity was too rare, and many of the great ways that Chen Feng practiced involved this.

And there were so many powerful origin-level beings demonstrating various magical changes for him. If Chen Feng did not gain anything, it would be abnormal.

Finally, another origin-level being took action. The other party did not inject energy, but arranged vortices around. These vortices established a close connection with the origin area to be revived, and these vortices could also continuously plunder the surrounding Guixu power.

Not only a simple plunder, but also a kind of filtering, and then injected into the origin area, so that the other party can revive better.

"I said, it's too wasteful to rely on my own strength alone. Now it's the best choice to use means to refine the power of Guixu. This way, we can use local materials and consume some of Guixu's power." Chen Feng thought so, and some of the unreasonable places before were also filled.

"But this array looks really good. This is a top-level spirit gathering array." Chen Feng said with a smile.

This kind of spirit gathering array will be set up by the cultivators who just started practicing, but now it is set up by the supreme level.

The two are naturally incomparable, but the principle is the same.

Chen Feng's perception penetrated into the origin area and continued to explore deeper, wanting to learn more.

Then Chen Feng felt that the other party's revival was too shocking. Although it was only at the beginning, one person gave Chen Feng a feeling as if he saw the birth process of an origin area.

This made Chen Feng a little lost.

And in order to see more clearly and not to collapse his own will, Chen Feng had to constantly stimulate his will to the extreme.

In this way, Chen Feng completely forgot everything and felt assimilated with the other party.

Until the Sword of Nothingness woke Chen Feng up, Chen Feng didn't come back to his senses for a while.

Because this origin area has been revived successfully, Chen Feng's will has also been integrated into this origin area with the other party's revivification.

This is equivalent to assimilation with the Heavenly Dao, but this origin area is much more advanced than the Heavenly Dao.

"Quickly gather."

At this time, the power of the Long River of Time washed over and quickly enveloped the entire origin area.

Under the influence of the Long River of Time, Chen Feng's will began to shrink rapidly, constantly shrinking from the entire origin area, and finally condensed together and pulled out of the origin area.

Chen Feng finally returned to normal, and then found that his will had changed a lot before, and he also learned a lot about the origin.

In short, this was a very strange experience.

If it weren't for the interference of the Long River of Time, Chen Feng could completely retract his will, but it would take a little longer.

Chen Feng was even a little bit short of assimilating with an origin area.

Even if it is an origin area that has been revived after extinction, it is still an origin area, which is not something Chen Feng can bear now.

At the same time, Chen Feng also has a lot of understanding of the origin area.

It can even be said that he has insight into many secrets.

Knowing to what extent this origin area has recovered, he also knows what the Sword of Nothingness has done here.

The reason why this origin area can be revived is of course because of the work of the Sword of Nothingness. It can be said that they have spent a lot of effort. Similarly, they have also paid a great price and consumed some resources.

Naturally, it is impossible to pay in vain. The other party has also arranged some means in it. In other words, although this origin area has been revived, it is under the control of the Sword of Nothingness.

This is also normal. Even if Chen Feng will not pay in vain, such a large origin area, Chen Feng will not work in vain if there is no benefit.

However, although this is an origin area, and it has also been revived, it has been absorbing the power of Guixu and becoming stronger in the next period of time.

But it is still very weak.

It can be said that it is not even one ten-thousandth of the period of complete victory.

If the Sword of Nothingness and the others had not come here, then after a period of time, the last bit of power in this origin area would be refined completely. Then, no matter how powerful the long river of time is, it is impossible to go back in time. At most, it can only understand some fragments of the past, and it is impossible to revive this origin area again.

"But even if it is one ten-thousandth, it is much stronger than the origin area opened up by the Tianyuan Saint. After all, the original foundation is still there, and the Sword of Nothingness and the others have arranged many means here." After Chen Feng made a comparison, he quickly came to some conclusions.

And if Guixu didn't notice it, this origin area would become stronger and stronger as time went by.

If the power of Guixu can be continuously swallowed, it will be restored to its original peak one day.

Chen Feng also thought more. Since there is an origin area here, it means that this place was not the location of Guixu before.

It is only because of the swallowing and covering, and the expansion of its own territory that this area has changed.

"So where is the real Guixu? Since there is an origin area here that has been swallowed, there must be origin areas covered in other places." Chen Feng said.

Although they paid for this origin area, the Sword of Nothingness and the others did not choose to leave.

They are helping this origin area to continue to plunder the power of the surrounding Guixu.

As the scale of this origin expands, the more power of Guixu is plundered. With the power of the Sword of Nothingness and the others, Chen Feng is even worried that there will be no reaction from such a big commotion here.

If some powerful beings are attracted by then, the Sword of Nothingness and the others may not be able to escape.

"How long will we stay here?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Stay for a while and see what happens. Otherwise, once we leave this Yin-Yang Origin, we may be swallowed up by Guixu directly." The Sword of Nothingness said.

That's right, this origin area is called the Yin-Yang Origin.

Because Chen Feng went deep into it and felt the process of the other party's efforts, he also knew the name of the origin, and also knew how big the origin was at the beginning.

According to Chen Feng's understanding, the Yin-Yang Origin is not as good as the Gate of Origin, and perhaps not even as good as the Metaverse. It is about the same as the Valley of the Abyss.

This is also one of the important reasons why the other party was invaded by Guixu. Because they were not strong enough, even the powerful lives living here did not have time to go to other origin areas for help.

Although this origin can be revived, the powerful lives that once lived here can never be revived again.

Moreover, the resurrection of powerful lives also requires enough energy and resources. Even if this Yin-Yang Origin can do this, it will not do so.

"Then wait here for a while." Anyway, Chen Feng is not worried or anxious. He just needs to follow these big guys to play soy sauce.

In fact, Chen Feng really didn't help at all this time, but took the opportunity to get some benefits.

Chen Feng didn't feel embarrassed. Who made his strength not as good as these big guys?

And if there is really trouble, Chen Feng will not be unwilling to take action.

"How about I leave a clone in this origin area?" Chen Feng had this idea.

Then this idea became more and more intense. This is indeed a good idea.

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