Eternal Existence

Chapter 4784: Strange Black Hole

Chen Feng and the long river were entangled, and there was no winner in a short time.

Chen Feng and the dragon also wanted to use the Devouring Technique to plunder the opponent's energy, but the long river didn't seem to care.

In fact, Chen Feng and the dragon could not collect more energy, especially the dragon, which was at a critical moment and could not even help Chen Feng.

In other words, Chen Feng was now fighting alone, and even the Devouring Technique was no longer as powerful as before.

However, Chen Feng knew that once the dragon attacked again, it would become more powerful than before.

Because the dragon was breaking through.

From the beginning of choosing to invade this origin area to being entangled by this long river, it didn't take much time.

But then Chen Feng didn't expect that it would take so long.

Just entangled with this long river, it took much more time than before.

The Gate of Time and Space was still advancing slowly, but it didn't have the initial momentum.

But overall, the Gate of Time and Space still had the upper hand. Even if the invasion speed was a little slower, if the opponent had no means to stop it for a long time, the scale that could be occupied should not be underestimated.

"So far, neither side has invested new forces. I don't know when something unexpected will happen next." Chen Feng was also observing the situation around him.

Did the Gate of Time and Space have any allies? For example, the Long River of Time and the Long River of Origin did not participate in the war.

Even if the Gate of Time and Space did not invite them, Chen Feng believed that the Long River of Time and the Long River of Origin would take action in the crisis.

Moreover, Chen Feng did not believe that there were only a few powerful beings in the invaded area.

There must be more, but they did not take action for some reasons.

The Long River did not become stronger or weaker than when it first entangled Chen Feng, and the opponent could also use the previous means to recover.

It seemed that he would never die in the opponent's territory.

Finally, the dragon rushed out of the energy tower.

At this moment, the dragon's breath changed dramatically.

The dragon finally truly became above the Hunyuan.

The strength naturally increased a lot, and it surpassed Chen Feng's combat effectiveness as soon as it took action.

Originally, the dragon's strength was similar to Chen Feng. This time it became above the Hunyuan, and the life level changed.

On the basis of being stronger than Chen Feng, the aura on his body is still rising.

As soon as it came up, it cut the long river in half, and then opened its mouth and continued to swallow.

The swallowing power that erupted at this moment was even greater than Chen Feng's swallowing technique.

Seeing the fierceness of the dragon, Chen Feng was even a little envious, otherwise he would also break through to the realm above Hunyuan.

But soon, Chen Feng dispelled this temptation.

It's not time to break through yet.

However, with the appearance of the dragon, the situation on Chen Feng's side has changed.

This long river can no longer entangle Chen Feng, and even if it doesn't change, it may be solved by Chen Feng and the dragon.

So this long river chose to escape, and after paying some price, half of the long river disappeared again in the vast time and space.

The same as before.

Although the long river was severely damaged, it still did not disappear.

Chen Feng believed that once the other party appeared again, it must have recovered some strength.

Under this situation, Chen Feng certainly would not chase after it. Who knows what dangers are waiting for him in the depths of the endless space?

Since there is no long river blocking them, Chen Feng will free up his own fighting power.

He can help the Gate of Time and Space to draw some power.

But where should he deal with next?

Chen Feng was also thinking.

"Why not deal with that ocean?" Jiaolong suggested.

In the eyes of the two, only the ocean seems to be easier to deal with among the opponents.

What's more, they have had experience fighting before, and now Jiaolong's strength has also become stronger, and he is thinking about showing his skills.

"Okay." Chen Feng didn't have a good choice.

But just as the two were about to act, a long river of power swept over.

This is the power emitted by the ocean.

Chuanzhuang and Jiaolong are paying attention to the battlefield, and the opponent can also have a general view of the overall situation.

Although Chen Feng and Jiaolong are at a low level of life, they can still play a role in this war.

So the ocean took the lead and released some power to block Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

After Chen Feng and Jiaolong broke up this long river of power, they saw a group of life composed of energy appear in front of them.

All of them are at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong were somewhat helpless, but there was no other way, so they had to quickly deal with these Hunyuan Jinxian.

After the two of them dealt with these opponents, the situation changed subtly.

One after another, huge black holes appeared in front of the two.

These black holes had no power to emit, but they blocked the two of them like a maze. Chen Feng and Jiaolong wanted to leave, so they could only break them all.

Or choose a black hole to enter.

"What's going on? It doesn't look like the means of that ocean." Chen Feng said in surprise.

Just now, I just fought with those Hunyuan Jinxians, and I really didn't notice who made these black holes.

"I didn't notice it either. Were we under an illusion?" There was a flame burning in Jiaolong's eyes.

This is the fire of will, which can see through all illusions.

"It shouldn't be an illusion." Chen Feng shook his head. This was clearly a powerful existence, a magical power created by force.

"This doesn't look like the magic weapons before. Could it be that there is a new force involved?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

But before breaking these black holes, Chen Feng and Jiaolong couldn't determine what kind of force caused it.

Moreover, these black holes only surrounded Chen Feng and Jiaolong, and did not take the initiative to attack, which was also strange.

Since the other party was not proactive, Chen Feng and Jiaolong took the initiative to attack.

Chen Feng punched a black hole.

According to Chen Feng's idea, he could completely break the black hole in a group.

But he didn't do it.

The black hole rippled, and it seemed that the black hole was in another time and space.

But it could swallow Chen Feng's fist.

The power of Chen Feng's explosion was swallowed up by the black hole, and the result was that the time and space in front of him fluctuated.

Chen Feng launched several more attacks, all with the same result.

At this moment, Chen Feng had to doubt whether he was really in an illusion, but his and Jiaolong's levels were not high enough to see through the opponent's illusion.

If this was the case, it would be a bit troublesome.

Even if it was not an illusion, the opponent's method seemed difficult to break.

Chen Feng released a beam of original sword light. This attack force was more concentrated and had stronger destructive power than Chen Feng's forward attack.

A crack was torn in the space, but then the crack healed quickly.

The black hole shook for a while and still returned to its previous state.

The original sword light was also swallowed up.

Chen Feng only sent out the original sword light once and stopped, because Chen Feng knew that continuing to do so would only be a waste of effort.

Jiaolong was also thinking of a way and launched several attacks, but the result was the same as Chen Feng.

"If this goes on, even if we die of exhaustion, it will probably be useless." Jiaolong said.

"It feels like this, but it also shows that our attack power is not strong enough. In this case, let's try to integrate some other forces." Chen Feng said and punched out again. This time, Chen Feng integrated special corrosive energy into it.

Sure enough, there was a change this time.

Space and time were corroded by power, and Chen Feng's fist rushed into one of the black holes.

As before, the space was rippling, and the black hole was rippling, but this time Chen Feng's power was more powerful, and the level of power he exerted was also more advanced, especially containing special corrosive effects.

The black hole was shaking more and more violently.

Seeing this scene, Jiaolong took the opportunity to attack, and a torrent of power tore the black hole into pieces.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong took the opportunity to rush over, but they were blocked by the black hole again after walking through the adapted channel for a while.

Although the two could destroy the black hole, the other party could create more black holes to block it.

In this way, they fell into a state of being surrounded again.

"Continue." Chen Feng did not stop, but chose to continue to attack.

The two cooperated and used the previous means to smash the black hole in front of them again. This time, Chen Feng and Jiaolong did not take the opportunity to rush over, and seemed to choose to continue attacking black holes in other directions.

Not only that, Chen Feng and Jiaolong also used the swallowing technique to plunder.

Sure enough, these black holes also have special energy composition, which is directly absorbed by Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Since the other party uses this method to block, then the power of the other party to form a black hole is completely absorbed, so that it can also make up for its own losses.

It can also see if things will change.

In this way, Chen Feng and Jiaolong smashed hundreds of black holes in one breath. After the last layer of space was smashed, no black holes appeared in front of the two.

No, there is another black hole, but that black hole is fighting with the Gate of Time and Space in the distance.

Looking from a distance, Chen Feng and Jiaolong felt a sense of suffocation.

The black hole in the distance is larger and more powerful. So many black holes that were smashed before are not as good as the other party when combined.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong knew that the previous situation was caused by the other party.

"It turns out that the other side has a new force involved. I just don't know what it is. It doesn't look like a magic weapon, nor does it look like any other origin." Jiaolong said curiously.

"It's really weird, but it's very powerful. We didn't have any defense at all. We fell into the opponent's tricks without even seeing the opponent. Fortunately, most of the opponent's power was entangled by the Gate of Time and Space. Otherwise, the opponent would have used all his strength to deal with us, and we might have entered the black hole and never come out again." Chen Feng said.

"What should we do next?" Although Jiaolong became above Hunyuan, he looked at the huge black hole in the distance and felt unsure.

"Let's see what happens first." Chen Feng's eyes swept back and forth. The opponent had an extra helper, and the speed of the Gate of Time and Space slowed down again.

"This fight has consumed a lot of energy for both sides. Is it worth it?" Chen Feng thought strangely.

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