Eternal Existence

Chapter 4783: Fighting with Magical Weapons

Under this situation, there is no way to retreat, Chen Feng can only choose to trust his allies.

Although the opponent's magic weapon has become stronger this time, it has not reached the level of the energy tower.

It is just barely stronger, just surpassing the top origin-level magic weapon.

In other words, Chen Feng has never encountered a magic weapon of this level.

Either it is the origin level, or it is beyond the origin level, such as the energy tower level.

But what appeared in front of him happened to be between the two.

Chen Feng was also guessing at first, whether this was stimulated by the opponent?

Later, I thought again, no matter whether this magic weapon was originally so powerful, or it was strengthened by special means, the result was actually the same.

It can't change the nature of becoming an opponent.


Chen Feng's Chaos Avenue collapsed again, Chen Feng was a little helpless, his own Hunyuan Avenue was already very strong, but he still couldn't stop the opponent's attack.

The same is true for the dragon, even if a large number of origin spirit beads are used to cooperate with the attack, it can't resist.

Don't think about collecting the opponent at this time.

To be honest, the energy tower can still burst out with powerful attack power like before, and Chen Feng might take the risk to collect one and suppress it in the energy tower.

But now Chen Feng can't do this at all.

Chen Feng wanted to throw away the magic weapon suppressed in the energy tower, and then choose the more powerful one on the opposite side.

Of course, this is just a thought. Those magic weapons were suppressed with great difficulty and it is impossible to take them out.

"Enter the energy tower and recover your vitality first." Chen Feng urged the energy tower and emitted a force, which swept the dragon and the magic weapon into it.

Chen Feng did not go in, but wandered around the energy tower.

"Fortunately, the multi-attribute magic weapon is not here, otherwise it would be really troublesome." Chen Feng said so.

At this time, these two powerful magic weapons that have changed can fight against the energy tower.

In this way, Chen Feng could not move forward, and it was also entangled with the energy tower.

But Chen Feng thought, is it worth it for the other party to spend such a big price?

Before, in the long river, some lives at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian were released, and this time some magic weapons at the level of origin were taken out.

Chen Feng always felt that the other party was giving him a benefit.

But so far, he really couldn't eat it.

The energy tower was suppressing the magic weapon, and Chen Feng's avenue and other magic weapons were also restrained.

The situation of Jiaolong was the same as Chen Feng.

That is to say, the combat effectiveness of Chen Feng and Jiaolong was several times weaker than before, and they could no longer play any role in this war.

What we have to do now is to fight with the two treasures that surpassed the origin level, and we must also be on guard against whether the other party has other means.

"But it's okay, let's take the opportunity to digest it first, and it's best to refine the magic weapon we just got, so that we can free up strength." Chen Feng said.

Although I know that I may not be able to do this in a short time, there is only one way to go now.

"Even if I refine the treasures I collected, it won't change much in the next battle." Jiaolong said so, but he still tried his best to refine the treasures he collected before.

Compared with Chen Feng, Jiaolong didn't collect too many treasures.

What's more, Jiaolong's strength has reached the realm above Hunyuan, and he even thought about whether he should take this opportunity to break through.

Moreover, Jiaolong also had some intuition in his heart. Even if he didn't break through now, he might not be able to suppress himself in the process of refining magic weapons.

After all, Jiaolong's will had long been above the level of Chaos Origin.

Although Chen Feng stood outside the energy tower, he had been refining the suppressed magic weapons in secret.


A magic weapon rushed towards the energy tower, and Chen Feng suddenly stepped forward and punched it hard.

There was a violent collision with the magic weapon.

Then Chen Feng's fist and arm began to crack.

Chen Feng did this to buy some time for the energy tower. After all, once the magic weapon suppressed in the energy tower can be completely refined, it can break free from the combat power of the energy tower.

Then although Chen Feng was also suppressing the magic weapon, his own strength was not affected too much.

He could fight with his opponent.

Chen Feng used the Great Dao and other magic weapons to suppress it.

In other words, Chen Feng could use his own strength and could not rely on the power of magic weapons and the Great Dao as before.

Chen Feng also wanted to see how strong he was.

Although the arm was cracked, it healed quickly again.

The wings of the god behind Chen Feng suddenly spread out, and Chen Feng instantly arrived in front of the magic weapon and punched it again.

This punch Chen Feng integrated some destructive power and the special power he had obtained before.

It must be said that this power is indeed a bit strange. Even if it is a treasure that has surpassed the origin level, it will be affected by this power.

Chen Feng clearly felt that the power of this magic weapon was affected, some of it was corroded, and some small areas were a bit scattered.

Although it seems that it has no great effect on this magic weapon, Chen Feng knows that a little bit of accumulation can still play a huge role at the critical moment of the fight between the two sides.

With this thought, Chen Feng launched a violent storm-like attack, just locking a treasure.

Even though the energy tower and himself no longer have much power to suppress it, Chen Feng still wants to collect the other party.

During this process, Chen Feng was also communicating with the Gate of Time and Space and others, thinking that he could borrow some power.

It’s still not enough on your own.

This magic weapon only has a single attribute of energy, and because it is pure, it has stronger attack power.

Every time Chen Feng's chaotic body collides with the opponent, there will be some damage.

But from another perspective, being able to fight such a powerful magic weapon with his physical body is enough to illustrate the incomparable power of Chen Feng's chaotic body.

However, it still cannot reach the point of suppressing the opponent.

It can be said that it is difficult for ordinary origin-level treasures to cause harm to Chen Feng, unless the user is a top master.

Then Chen Feng can completely suppress the origin level magic weapon by himself.

But no matter what, with Chen Feng entangled with an opponent, the energy tower can still have the upper hand even if it devotes a lot of power to refining the previous treasures.

It is unrealistic to just want to contain the other party in the tower.

"I hope it can be faster." Chen Feng had no good solution at this time. He could only hope that he and Jiaolong could be faster and free up their strength, so that it would be possible to change the situation.




Chen Feng continued to fight with the opponent, and suddenly seized the opportunity, stepped forward and reached out to grab the opponent.

This magic weapon released powerful power, leaving wounds on Chen Feng's body.

It also exuded powerful coercion, attacking Chen Feng's will.

It can be said that Chen Feng was not feeling well, but he was still holding on to the other party.

One hand continuously used the devouring technique to plunder the opponent's power, while the other hand released that special corrosive power to open a gap.

Under this situation, Chen Feng was still distracted, using different means to fight, trying to find out the opponent's true and false situation.

Chen Feng did not do this recklessly, but for a reason.

The energy tower and the dragon cannot free their hands for the time being, but the power of the name of time and space is here.

The phantom of the name of time and space suddenly appeared, directly sealed the magic weapon in it, and then moved time and space, transferring the opponent to the free space.

In fact, the Gate of Time and Space was unable to swallow the treasure because it was entangled with enough power during the war.

Being able to move the opponent into a free space is considered a good effort.

Even if the treasure is moved away, there is no way to deal with the opponent in the free space.

The only thing that can be done is to buy some time.

At least the pressure on Chen Feng was relieved.

Next, Chen Feng and the energy tower have to deal with only another magic weapon.

"It should be easier, but it is still difficult to suppress the opponent." Chen Feng estimated his situation and thought helplessly.

It doesn't mean that you can do it by exerting all your strength or working hard. Chen Feng is still self-aware of the strength of both sides.

"In this case, let the Gate of Time and Space move the opponent away, and then we will deal with the other opponents." Chen Feng made up his mind, regardless of the strong attack power emitted by the treasure, and rushed forward directly , still using the previous methods to pester the other party.

This treasure also knew Chen Feng's plan and tried to dodge, but was hit by the energy tower again.

So the Gate of Time and Space came again and moved this treasure into the free space.

The gate of time and space moved them an extremely far distance, and even if they wanted to come back, it would take some time.

There may also be some changes during these times.

Chen Feng sensed the situation of the energy tower, then realized his current state, and then took stock of the situation on the entire battlefield.

Finally decided to deal with the ocean.

Chen Feng wanted to collect the treasure, but whether it was the Yin-Yang Roulette, the multi-attribute magic weapon, or even the more powerful Shadow Sword, it was not easy to take advantage of it.

Since we have the experience of plundering the long river before, although this ocean is difficult to deal with, it should be easier in comparison.

Even if you can't take advantage, you still have to reduce some pressure on the Gate of Time and Space.

Thinking about storage like this, he drove the energy tower towards the ocean.

It's just that plans can never compare to changes. Chen Feng is analyzing and thinking, while his opponents are also changing and have countermeasures.

A long river crosses in front of Chen Feng.

It was Chang He who had escaped before, but unexpectedly reappeared and took the initiative to stop Chen Feng.

Although the other party had escaped partially before, it seemed to have been replenished when it reappeared. Although it was not as good as its previous heyday, it had reached a certain level.

At least he could entangle Chen Feng. If Lin Feng wasn't careful, he might run into some trouble.

However, Chen Feng still activated the energy tower and crashed directly into the long river in front of him.

Although the opponent has recovered some strength, in Chen Feng's opinion, the overall level seems to have declined somewhat.

Chen Feng himself used the Devouring Technique to plunder the opponent's energy.

Although Jiaolong did not come out to fight, he also secretly helped Chen Feng, allowing Chen Feng to maximize the power of his swallowing technique.

But in this way, Chen Feng's strength cannot really participate in other battles.

"It's a good thing. In any case, it can be regarded as fighting with the other party. The other party is restraining us, and we are also restraining the other party." Chen Feng could only say this.

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